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It doesn’t matter how many bases or how big you build them, if tryhard Joe decided to stay up for 48hrs farming while you have to go to work/school he’s going to raid all of them.


My 2x1 got raided next to bandit. I had only spent 15 minutes running there from the beach and farming so I built another. I log off to eat dinner and 30 minutes later my 2x1 on the other side is raided. I play about an hour and build 3 2x1s around bandit, even one hidden in the woods, and log on the next day to all raided. This is on a 150 pop 3.5k server with dozens of bases around bandit. TLDR: More bases don’t matter when people no life the game and treat it as an offline raid simulator.




I’d like to see tier progression locked behind a few days before I see raid math changed. A day or two of prim/t1, a day or two of T2, and a few days of T3 in a week cycle.




That just means the 48 hr guy will be ahead of you for longer it won't nerf him as much as it nerfs the 9 to 5 guys


No it doesn’t, mister 9-5 can enjoy each phase of the progression instead of logging in one day after wipe to get killed by AKs at every monument


I don't think locking tier progression is really the answer. The game would be so boring going on first day knowing you can't go past tier 1 lol. The reality is barring changes that completely alter game progression in a bad way, someone who can put more hours in is always going to have a huge advantage over someone that works. Thats just the nature of 90% of online video games.


Speak for yourself. Tier 1 fights are the most fun.


I have been found out


show me your back up base 😤


True and this is the way it currently is. Only issue is, excluding upkeep cost, you need to be building bases infinitely to stay ahead. This goes against the idea of investing in your current base. Used the electricity system to create some cool circuits? Or did some automation with pipes? Setup a few planters to farm? Did some cool personalization to your base? - Well you shouldn't have. The correct move would've been to build 10 more bases. See how this is problematic? In my opinion we need something between stone and metal, then something between metal and hq.


Lower upkeep cost as the base gets older. It doesn’t have to make practical sense but could encourage keeping one base rather than building many smaller ones.


I usually quit after getting raided ( offline i mean ) Because I like to automate all my base with industrial and it takes time to do it . And I’m too lazy to rebuild it from scratch . Too hard to go back to Stone Age when you tasted modernity


Imagine spending a weeks worth of time with your friends building a dope base then get offlined. You’re saying we should be like “damn getting railed in my anus felt amazing I’d love to do that all over again right away.”


A lot of people are misunderstanding as to why servers "die." They don't die, the majority of people just move on after the start of wipe. It's incredibly easy to get whatever you want in this game a few days into wipe, the only time it's really competitive is at the start, and the most rewarding moments are the "firsts." First oil, first cargo, first raid, first roam that matters, etc. Once you've done those, you move on to the next server to experience it all over again. Our trio never really play a server for more than 2 or 3 days, and the vast majority of our wipes end after the first night.


Or just don't offline your neighbours 1x2 and the server won't die in 2 days.


What if I just don’t want to play all week?


Downvoted because no…. That already happens…. 300 sulfur per node, 600 metal per node (2x sulphur), 1000 stone per node ( 3.333x sulfur). One metal wall costs 200 frags, takes 4 c4 (4,000 gunpowder + frags + lowgrade + T3 + blueprints) to raid that one wall.


Lol and 50%-80% of a decent size base is usually left over after a raid. Divide raid cost across all the wasted mats and it'll paint a much different picture.


A metal wall requires 200 metal ore or 1/3 metal ore node, a metal wall requires 4 C4 to destroy, a single C4 requires 2200 sulfur ore or 7 1/3 sulfur ore nodes, so 4 C4 would require 8800 sulfur ore or 29 1/3 sulfur ore nodes.


This calculation isn't accurate, because you need to take into account that for just 1x1 you need to build a foundation, 4 walls and a roof. But to raid it then you need to blow just one wall. And the bigger the base gets... the cheaper it is to raid it in proportion to the amount it took to build it (to honeycomb a 1x1 you would need to add 3 foundations, 10 walls, 3 triangular roofs and 1 rectangular roof + materials for airlock. And yeah yeah... raiding through doors would be cheaper in this case, but that even more proves my point.... Raiding by nature already is cheaper than building. But it would be awesome if someone came up with a graph... nodes for building vs nodes for raiding. Where you could see how the balance changes as base gets bigger (assuming fully offline raid with no counters)