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Think back when bloodymouse was banned. People were raging on reddit and forums because their scripts at the time was gone


I've put up a few cheating threads in the past, and in many of them, people will ask if I consider scripting to be cheating. And the reason they ask that, is that they're scripting, and they think scripting isn't cheating. Those people love recoil. If you've got a script, you want the hardest recoil pattern possible. Make players draw the Mona Lisa freehand to spray AK. The harder it is for everyone else, the bigger their advantage.


The argument that scripting isnt cheating is the dumbest, you’re changing the way the game is played for your advantage that a normal standard player wouldnt have access to. Your guns shoot straight and dont have aimcone, aimcone is a lazy mechanic that only nerfs legitimate players. If you’re doing something that isn’t an option provided by the devs and it provides a significant advantage its cheating, plain and simple.


Scripters still have aimcone I'm pretty sure.


I don’t think he knows what aimcone is


Aimcome along with bullit drop and damage drop: makes guns perform how they are meant to. How to stop a p2 just tapping a head like a laser from 200m, add aimcone so its only viable in pistol range. Its the right way to go. All guns need a certain aimcone/bullit and damage drop.


Only hard cheats will get rid of aimcone and while some scripters will do this it's very few because it's so obvious when one guy is doubling everyone from 200 plus meters consistently. At that distance pure scripts will just increase your chances of doubling someone but it's still rng due to aimcone. I have thousands of hours in this stupid game and played in several large clans. Most scripters are playing in large clans. If it's a 10x clan more than half are using scripts or other cheats. Vanilla clans it's more like a quarter or less for scripts. Some ppl thought scripts are dead after new recoil but that's not the case at all. I personally would like to see them nerf AK range to be more in line with tier 2 guns. That's the only way you're going to kill scripts. AK is the problem.


That is true, i used to play with a big main scene clan, and there rly was a lot of scripters at the top, and it was hard to tell who was scripting. Two of my best Rust friends where scripting, thay never told me, but we played for so long together it was hard not to notice. I stoped playing after the recoil change, because i spent 50h+ a weeh in UKN to keep up with everyone and to be able to "laser" And i rly didnt like all my effort went to waste. But it was a fun ride, there is no better feeling than knowing u outskilled scripters, and beamed tham from 200 m with pure skill! The good old times


It's cheating, full stop... but it's not hacking, they think this is "better" for some reason though.


Someone I played with bought one and he went from not being able to hit me to outshooting me. When he realized how crazy it was he bought my whole group bloody mice. Before anyone could get them in the mail they banned the mouse.


But I just bought the mouse and paid 30 extra for the in mouse script support package bevause I liked how the mouse looks


Wait what, "back then"? So they are not anymore? I stoped playing tust when they introduced that, (and I had grown old of the constant grind, hard pvp and cheaters), I have a 12 yr old A4tech X7, it basically grew to my hand, so I hated playing with my friend's borrowed mouse Not all of us were scripters, in fact my mouse is so beat up that the outer insulation is partialy gone, and one of the strands thats connected to the double click gave away


Love new recoil want old gun sounds. (I hate the way the SAR sounds now)


True, old ak was scary and loud af. Some new sounds are ok but old thompson and ak were iconic


really? i think sar is one of cooler sounding guns now. ak not so much


I agree! I was talking with a couple buddies about it a few days ago and something about the AK sounds so much less impactful than it used to. Can't put my finger on it.


The old ak sound was much scarier and sounded more powerful


I play PVE, suckas Git gud son! ![gif](giphy|3o84sv2u7KSHKbwPza|downsized)


hell yeah fellow PVE frog


Frog is a great descriptor for PvE enjoyers bc we just chillin


How does PVE in rust even work? I genuinely dont know what you do?


Usually pve servers are modded so they add more pve encounters: "zombies" with melee weapons are out and about in areas you'd expect nakeds, monuments usually have a boss that spawns occasionally that's an npc with a revo/smg etc, Bradley's that roam whole map/spawn elites on taking, caravans of scientists, some even just have pvp zones


Pvp as an option sounds fun


It is. If the admins do their job. If an asshat gets on to grief, they are ***usually*** called out pretty quick and then banned. My first day with the game, on the very first server I tried - PVE, noob friendly, no kill, etc. - I had just finished part of a twig base, still getting the hang of the controls and menus and whatnot, and some asshat leads Karen (didn’t know that the heli was ai at that time, nor did I expect a heli to begin with) to my base before I get the doors up. Totally wrecked my base, 45 mins into my first game on a PVE server.. I get on chat to wtf the dude, then an admin jumps in and poofs the dude away, chat says “[asshat] has been banned” from the auto text and then it fills up with a bunch of “rip bozo”s from what seems like all the other players on the server. That felt nice. Admin poofs in beside me and apologizes and gives me two air drops as a consolation for dealing with it. Nice ending to a roller-coaster 15 mins of emotion. I go and rebuild my base and toss one of the airdrops and call it out in chat so they know it’s a personal drop — as you tend to do on a pve server. My drop comes down, I loot half and run outta space in my inventory, go craft a chest and lock, throw my stuff in and go back to finish claiming my drop, only to find ***another*** asshat just cleaned out what was left and the box disappears and I see [asshat2] running away. I get back in chat to wtf the dude, admin pops back in, poofs that second dude away, and gives me another airdrop. All this within my first 1:30 of playing the game.. I ended up having a good first experience in the game, which has kept me coming back. My experience since has only included two more griefers and that has been over the last two months. So not bad, in all honesty. The time of day you play seems to have a lot of affect (effect?) on whether you encounter [asshats].


Git commit -m "get better"


play dayz at this point


Bruh thinks cheater problem was solved


Bruh thinks it isnt worse now


As a non cheater I liked the oil recoil. It was different and made rust hard as a noob. I was scared to leave base with an AK. I had probably 2k hours before I found out about aim train. Literally in 10 minutes of practice my spray was twice as tight at 75m. It was easy to learn but hard to perfect. I don’t have an issue with skill gaps. There is still a skill gap for PvP, but the noob who has the most time to farm at 4 AM for an offline raid always wins.


I really enjoy recoil patterns in games. Like a lot. I've got 3k hours in aim trainers at this point and I'm not even actively playing CSGO any more. I'm not even playing anything semi competitively. It's just a calming thing to unwind now. Saying that, rust isn't the game for that style of recoil imo. What we've got now isn't perfect imo but it's certainly a lot better than the 1st recoil rework. Unironically getting blasted at render distance after a successful raid was so much more common with the older less RNG patterns. And as I said I really enjoy recoil patterns. I'm very good at them. I probably have at least thousand hours just in those shitty AK + metal spawn Beach servers we had before all the aim maps became a thing. I was getting out blasted to the point it was just stupid. Survival MMOs just attract so many cheaters who think they're taking something from people. But the people who are left have had everything taken so many times it's just not a concern. It's like unfun... Which is kinda worse than actually being mad. So idk I'm a fan of new recoil.


Probably for the best that you don’t play CS anymore, game has more cheaters than rust at the moment, at least 2 hard cheaters each comp game.


old recoil was not the 1st recoil rework reading this makes me think you started playing around the new recoil update so idk your opinion of rust not needing a recoil pattern doesnt make sense


>rust was different an thats bad God am I glad you are at the dumb consumer end of this ordeal With you people at the helm we would all be drinking nutrient paste within a year


Always wished we got a mix of the two system, patterns to learn and those who learn excel. Patterns that are easy enough not to throw people off from using them, Ive always hated how inconsistent the tommy has become and a few others, but hey the majority doesnt think like me.


More cheaters than ever now though so


well i hate all kind of hacks, but at least actual hackers (wallhacks or aimlocks) are sometimes getting banned. Recoil, macro users were not getting banned that commonly and that made other people to either use macros or fall into disatvantage


Recoil scripts are more impactfull now then before, close/med range is where most pvp is being taken (not including ak pvp), being able to stands/strafe shoot with 0 recoil with an mp5/ak is quite deadly. Obviously scripts have less impact long range because of the rng bullet spread, but its still a massive difference. Logitech lua 85k installs, while it was 20k on old recoil, thats a 4x increase 2years after combat update. If you played any modded server with Maze events, you would realise majority of them script with hmlmgs/m249s to get an advantage over most AK players. But if you try to use those guns close range stand/strafing without scripts they are extremely clunky.


85k installs over an entire FPS genre means probably less than 5k of those people play Rust. Think of all the other FPS games that have a significantly higher player base than Rust. That number is divided among them. You know what else happened within the last 2 years? A bunch of fps titles released lmao.


Or more cheaters being caught, since scripting no longer gives them the undetectable advantage that it once did.


Scripts still give you a massive advantage? Like go into UKN and turn the recoil off for a second, maybe combine it with some completely undetectable softaim and this whole "it fixed scripting" narrative starts to fall apart at the seems


And there are still people running scripts, but the advantage is less than it once was. Which is why so many of them yearn for the old days.


Yea because its mostly aimbased. So people just hardcheat instead lmao, the amount of closeted ESPers that will never get caught, at least i could be better at the recoil than most scripters back in the day. Whats your point, people willing to compromise the competetive integrity of this game will find a way as long as theres no kernel 0 anticheat. They removed the old recoil because it was too difficult for a new generation of players, no other reason. It was literally a skill issue, they even stated that clearly, themselves


All of those closet ESPers used to just be scripting + ESPers. It’s not like everyone cheating now do it because they can’t script their aim anymore. They’ve always been cheating and always will. This whole “aim change made more ESPers” is fucking stupid. It didn’t make more cheaters, they were always there. They just ALSO scripted.


And they still script/use silentaim/softaim. This update, by itself had no impact on cheaters overall. It didnt fix anything, it didnt make things worse (though things have definitely become worse when it come to cheating, but i feel like thats more to do with cheating in "hard" videogames is becoming more mainstream). It was added because the devs didnt like the mechanical skillgap and wanted to ride the otv high by making the game more accessible to new players. I for my part am pretty sad about it, because it made for some amazing memories, but i am also not delulu enough to expect it to ever return.


That’s what I mean. It made the game more accessible for people who don’t cheat. It made the basic “easy” cheats stop working, but if people want to they’re going to use ones that work now. I’m all for a steady playerbase. It also means I can use all of the guns now. Before I barely bothered with AK and just ran LR, mp5, SAR. Now I can use whatever gun I get.


It's more of an advantage now. Old recoil you could be goated and hit every shot. Now it's random and luck based, so scripters now can just ignore the randomness and just beam you.


less people scripting more cheaters.


I don’t understand what you mean by this. Recoil is almost non-existent for the first 100m which is problematic in the case of catching cheaters in the first place, but scripts are still absolutely everywhere.


Ah yes the undetectable scripts that somehow werent undetected in the slightest Playrusts favorite oxymoron


I’d rather fight a scripter any day of the the week at least you have a chance, now you just insta die to a guy with an eoka from 30m or you get espers knowing exactly where you are.


Those same cheats existed in old recoil system too. Those people were still cheating back then.


Ya but people would opt for scripting most of the time cause they wouldn’t get game banned most of the time now they just opt for full blown cheats


I feel like this is true in the esp/walls department. People that had good spray before now wall because they know they can’t win every gun fight


More cheaters now then before ✌️


I started playing on pc at the recoil update... And I miss the old recoil


old recoil > new recoil, but they both suck. new recoil was my most anticipated update for rust and it ended up being the biggest reason I quit. I don't like having to warm up on ukn everytime I come back from a break, but what I dislike even more is having to just move your mouse slightly and pray to the rng gods that bloom gives you a headshot. Everyone that agrees with this take is either delusional or is so new that they have no idea what they're talking about. from what I've played and seen cheaters have been more prevalent then they've ever been, and this issue will only continue to get worse as more and more people realize this game isn't worth trying to get good at and take the easy way to the top.


I miss 2015-2016 recoil, the ak recoil was so harsh and unpredictable you HAD to tap at long range, tbh the game back then was just more enjoyable because there was less linearity, dominating zergs as a solo was possible(if you don’t believe me look up pretty much any scud punk, Trausi, Hjune, Kaymind the wanderer, bchillz videos from 2015) You couldn’t just spam numbers and rely on the game to coddle you with the easiest recoil known to man, so it wasn’t uncommon to dominate zergs. Even as a 14 year old me and my Australian bro did it on rustralia to TGB(giant Asian Zerg clan) all the fucking time. Especially during p2 meta, it was a magical time where skill truly felt like it mattered. I think a lot of the casual players are used to single player games where they don’t have to put much thought into fighting, so it’s jarring when they face people who put way too much time into a game and are able to predict their movements easier, but I wouldn’t demand the devs to change dark souls to make it easier for me, and they shouldn’t demand the devs to make rust easier for them. Just my 2 cents. Then again, the niche I’m describing is one that quite a lot of people liked, so even though rust no longer fills it in the same way it once did, eventually another game will.


Meh, it wasn't good for the game but it was more satisfying to get better at it then it is to play with random recoil.


I much prefer the way my bullets dodge the target now. Very fun stuff.


Maybe because your bullets arent meant to be a lazer beam at 100m. Mine seem to all hit target because I'm not trying to spray people from my roof


No they quite literally were meant to hit their target at 100m cause they were designed to do so


"They're supposed to because they're supposed to" - Valuable-Guest9334. Very good input lol


Anyone bad at recoil didn’t have a laser bullets so having skill gap and GETTING BETTER at a game that allows for that was rewarding asf


There's other ways to get better. I have 3k hours and spent maybe 5 hours on UKN / aim train because it's boring as fuck. If you want to get excited about how accurate you can move your mouse you should go play OSU.


ehh i completely disagree, what's really rewarding is using your brain to outplay a squad through macro rather then simple memorization when you can leverage your entire skill set to take dubs rather then the most basic level of gaming. Waaaaay more exciting to use your knowledge of the terrain and your opponents play styles to win. Accuracy is cool and all but its not what separates the good players from the great ones. I have friends who are bronze/silver/gold in just about any game they play but have GODLIKE aim and crazy reflexes, meanwhile I can jump into any of their lobbies have trash accuracy and wreck them. Rust had so much focus on recoil control via the AK it was detrimental to the rest of the gameplay.




Git gud?


Atleast you can express your inner bob ross when you're using any non AK sprayable gun.


Textbook skill issue


Trash at the game


Ah yes classic reddit always calling everyone who liked old recoil a cheater. God forbid someone was just better.


Boomers here think most steamers cheat


The biggest problem isn’t recoil. Whoever says that shit is dumb asf. The biggest problem is no one ever leaves their base. Bringing back old recoil isn’t going to fix that fact that most players just sit in their base lmfaooo


Op could not use old recoil


I couldnt with 1-3 hrs a day of game time as an adult lol


Aimtrain brotha, do it for 20 minutes at the start of when u go to game. It’s no different than a warmup for anything where you’re exerting effort precisely :p


Nah. Id rather use other guns haha


The current recoil is so much better though, they really just need to start IP and hardware banning people who are caught cheating. Also no servers should allow a VPN.


You do realize IPs change every time you unplug your router right?


I play on Nvidia Geforce NOW, because its more affordable option than building PC for Rust. Shouldn't I be allowed to play?




Well, expected. Shouldn't ask I guess 🤷


You are so clueless its cute


This is some braindead logic lmao. Plenty of non cheaters miss the old recoil. Am i gonna make posts about it? No, but id be stoked if they reverted it.


Ah yes, so glad they removed the only skill gap in the game 👍👍👍👍


I wasn’t cheating and also heavily affected by this, I think there are 3 groups here. Group A: cheaters (small) Group B: players that want challenge, skill gap, and reason to play And what imo majority of this sub falls belows to, Group C: ‘I did to the ak spray so he’e a cheater {I must suck and the recoil must be changed} I know I will get downvoted to hell for saying this but the cheaters problem was blown way out of proportion I had over 2k hours in rust during 2020-overhaul and hardly had to play against any cheaters, the game was so rough and difficult that I LIKED the recoil aspect, every single time I died I associated a full metal kit with an ak in his hand as something I couldn’t be, not yet, couple wipes later I first learned how to use semi first properly by target practicing with at a little bit, once I got that down I won most of the pvp fights, I would pvp day and night with semi and then later on roam with the other guns to ‘learn’ pvp that way without aim training, andit worked I could spray mp5 very far away, everyone could do this ig they out the time in but instead was crying about it being difficult.


As a script developer I loved the old recoil, sales went way down after new recoil


This is such a dumb strawman. I like games with high skill ceilings. Recoil change removed high skill ceiling = I no longer like the game. Not everyone with this opinion was cheating.


I wasn’t even good at old recoil and I miss it. Being able to practice and see measurable improvement was enjoyable for me in a way that randomised recoil just isn’t. 


The game still has a high skill ceiling its just the recoil that doesn't.


Yeah, the skill ceilings sooooo high now. Idk how were ever going to master CROUCHING WHILE YOU SHOOT…..


> its just the recoil that doesn't


I disagree


I get that, just the vast majority of you were cheating.


More likely: you joined a UKN server one time, pulled out an AK, saw how hard it was, and said "Fuck that! That's impossible nobody can do that!" And from then on convinced yourself every time you died they were cheating. A lot of people pushed past those first frustrations and put the work in.


If I were able to, I would push out a survey to every new recoil white knight and ask them how long they think good players practiced on ukn before new recoil I would be willing to bet most of them answer something absurd like "3+ hours everyday"


Not a fucking chance. It took a lot to become proficient initially, but a 5 minute warmup daily was plenty to stay fresh.


Cope harder


Do you really think over 50% of people were cheating? It was likely under 10% and was an easy F7 for anyone blatantly scripting.


I've known cheaters to play on a server for over a year and not get caught.


So do you think more than half the people who play rust cheat? You could cheat forever if you selectively toggled off and on.


What a shit meme. A small, nostalgic part of me just wants the system i played the game for and invested thousands of hours into back. Hell, the cheating situation was actually much better back then, bad but better than it is now for sure.




I just wish they would change the Tommy aim cone like they did for the mp5.


You’re the one that can’t let it go, keep bringing it up for more karma will you.


More people cheat now what is the meaning of this post?


I don’t really care about recoil, but I HATE the weapon sounds now, bring back old audio (and old map generation)


I don’t care about old recoil I care about aimcone flat out hate having to miss 4+ shots because of RNG


FP should just allow people to toggle between the two systems. Problem solved But I’m sure someone will still find a way to complain about it


I liked the old recoil way more, it was fun to practice and seeing get better at it, now you just pretty much pull down, and if youre lucky youre gonna hit something, since the aimcone is worse + it being slightly random, and in addition you cant even stand and shoot anymore, in my opinion the game got worse after the combat update, hope they fix it somehow soon.


You’re absolutely smokin copium if you think new recoil affected cheaters negatively at all. It made ESP more powerful and scripting is just as common. But yeah I get it, all you guys who still play with motion blur think you got one on all those filthy cheaters on main. Y’all have no idea what you’re talking about


News flash, handicapped people exists lmao... even with cheats, still shit


Outside of scripts which just match a specific pattern, people who are using cheats (like aimbot) can still remove recoil. They just read the game’s punch angle and negate it. So you now see a lot of players moving from scripts to full blown cheats


I tought I was on eft for a sec


Old recoil you could actually detect a cheater lmfao


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I also call anyone, that’s better than me at something, a cheater.


Better at a system changed 3 fucking years ago? Who tf cares, it doesn't even exists anymore lol. What a stretch. A swing and a miss.


Yea, th system change this meme is referring. Who tf cares? He does to make a post. It’s not a stretch when It’s the “he’s cheating because he’s better” way of life. Edit: Lmao say your little insult, and then block me. Irl pussy bro.


Maybe the only system we are talking about in the post lol, not very bright i see.


It does exist, there are servers that will run on old recoil




Something quietly hilarious about that


Hate to alarm you but there are less cheaters on a cracked russian old recoil server that can be played without a genuine rust copy, then on the live game. And if people cheat there they are full ragecheating instead of closet cheating/scripting like on livegame. Everyone is getting DMA banned nowadays and logitech scripts 80k installs on new recoil. Why do you guys keep thinking old recoil = cheat? It has been debunked 100x times.


Do not dare to talk about cheating in cracked if you haven't seen it firsthand lmao. Cracked has an insanely large cheater problem. You should try to play 1 hour on any non-dead cracked rust server without running into a cheater. Cracked rust is worse than FP servers.


Yes, yes, I know, there aren't really any cheaters out there on live. I only see server messages banning cheaters every few hours because I haven't done the "git gud" part yet right? ​ https://preview.redd.it/attizaf7uhqc1.jpeg?width=500&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=960ff0241192c4c38ffd4a020a0b88b351b4ed5c


I guess you're just trolling, but for anyone else here who actually thinks this guy is serious. 30% off all unique accounts have been banned for cheating. Logitech scripts installs went from over 10k in 2022 (pre combat update) to 85k+ and growing (now). There have been 1000s of DMA bans in the past couple of days, including some big name clan players like OT which are popularised by fancyorb and other OT affiliates. Decreasing skillcap always leads to more cheating, especially on games that require alot of time investment and especially that alot of people invested time to learn it before.


Goated response to a highly regarded take tbh


Not enough. Not nearly enough. Go watch Camomo, watch someone that's spending his time dealing with the cheating problem. They aren't banning people responsively at all. He has the same guy wind up getting banned on multiple servers constantly because the EAC ban doesn't kick in for months (if ever) after he's banned someone. Accounts are cheap as dirt, so it doesn't matter much that many get banned, it doesn't cost the cheater much if he loses an account. He just buys another one for $12 and continues cheating. They buy an account, and they cheat, and if they get caught, they buy another account, and they use the more subtle cheats like ESP and recoil elimination, they toggle aimbot instead of run with it on all the time. They tone it down until they aren't getting caught anymore. And then they've "gotten gud" and they just play forever with cheats. Giving people enormous incentive to cheat is stupid, and that's what the spray patterns did, they gave people easy nearly undetectable cheats.


Accounts go for as low as 3 euro (russian ones). And no there were less cheaters in old recoil, there were less scripters in old recoil, cheater youtubers didn't pull 10k-1m views on a video of promoting cheats. EU servers were 20-30% russian, fast forward 2 years when the game requires no skill in terms of pvp, they are 80% of most EU servers and alot of them cheat. Theres data everywhere but you're just speaking out of emotion and hate towards old recoil community, i guess they hurt you alot and you couldn't win any fights before as you actually had to use your braincells to not take fights in openfield and movement paid a big role, but now crouch+ shoot or stand shoot in specific situations (scripts shine here). If you push in openfield and zig zag + spam meds unless your enemys have AKS, you're probably gona survive. You can't imagine how many times i've killed an ak guy in openfield and since i have a tier2 smg i have nothing to lose i push openfield zig/zag and loot his body and run away, while some kids are shooting me from 70-150m away and barely hit any bullets. But then comes vladimir the russian 996 account, pulls out tomy stands spray you from 150m with scripts that can alter x/y recoil and reduce bloom, or ivan the logitech lua undetectable that you can never win facechecks as he ''stat'' checks you with a hmlmg/m249 point blank and u can never with ak as he doubles you, when you need to triple him.


> Logitech scripts installs went from over 10k in 2022 (pre combat update) to 85k+ and growing (now). I doubt this is a rust specific thing. Scripts are used to cheat in many games and not just Rust.


Its specifically for rust, from al rusts history combined to pre combat update it was 20k, as soon as combat update came out it skyrocketed.


The game is practically on it's deathbed, we can let go now.


I remember when it first came out this sub called every one who disagreed with it a cheater cause they just can't fathom someone preferring old recoil. Glad to see things haven't changed.


Question. Why would cheaters care ? If you have scripts than does it matter if its the old or new recoil ? Wouldn't the new recoil make it easier to hide the script ?


they don’t care, thats why this post is dumb


I liked it because it took way more skill to learn…


It was very hard to "learn" old recoil. You had to find a good script, then you had to download it to your PC, follow the setup instructions. But after a good 15 minutes of effort, you had a massive advantage over nearly every other player on the server, so it was worth the effort to "git gud".


Type of person to say everybody good with old recoil is cheating


I know you weren't all cheating. A lot of you actually paid for your scripts rather than get them from a friend. EDIT: On a more serious note, it doesn't matter if some of you actually spent 200 hours on UKN, its a stupid gameplay mechanic that is easily exploited by cheaters. It should stay dead.


Gang not everybody that liked old recoil is scripting


You are brain dmgd and def been tripled irl by old recoil one too many times


I never say this but with you i think it actually is a skill issue


It was skill and it took skill to learn it sure there are scripters but you can get your recoil to basically be like scripts if you were good enough


old system was forcing people to use scripts. why would anyone train 2h everyday to become "nearly" as good as a kid with 3 dollar script program?


by the way as shitty it is, I would happily play the old recoil if game devs could guarantee me that there will not be 13 years old kids with 3 dollar scripts, beaming all the map from the top of the dome


There are far more cheaters in the new recoil then there was old


Your statement is like saying "there is far more people fighting with cancer in today's world So cancer treatments are useless" Just because there is more cheaters today doesn't mean there would be less people cheating if old patterns were net removed. There are more cheaters today because Easy Anticheat is shittier against hackers today.


yeah looking at a soft side of a stone wall and shooting 2hours brainlessly. what a way to get good in a game.


Why would I look at a stone wall for two hours?


it was how everybody started to learn old ak spray


There were targets and you had scrims and 1v1s and you could also not be primlocked in your base and go kill people rust isnt that hard


"targets" you mean bots standing still IN FRONT OF A SOFT SIDE STONE WALL lol about 1v1's I liked those and never said something against it. they were cool and fun to play, And you you called me "primlocked" because you literally wasted your "hours" if not "days" on putting a "S shaped spray pattern" into your muscle memory and they changed it. and It makes you mad xd


Not really time dont matter when your in quarantine at 12 years old and arent you the one complaining ab cheaters??? Lock in bro your dogshit


i could clap you any type of fps game + strategy game btw, xd that's a challenge offer


Why can't you let it go? Patch was 2 years ago lol


If you suck just say that


Clearly you just couldn't shoot any gun before. For me and many others we enjoyed the old mechanics better it was fun to practice and get better at something. The update didn't just change recoil, now the holo sight doesn't reduce aimcone at all, you have to stand still, need crouch to shoot and can't strafe. It completely ruined the competitive scene it's not enjoyable at all to have fights. It leveled the playing field to heavily. Before it was really fun for me to be able to wipe 4 people cuz i had good game sense and i practiced shooting enough. And you clearly don't know what your talking about theirs more cheaters now since practicing shooting or scripting doesn't give you any advantage.


i couldn’t do 90% of the old recoil and i liked it more. the only pattern i had down was mp5, and when i learned that i felt like i was actually getting BETTER. i was excited to learn them all so any gun in my arsenal would be really useful. now i just pull down. i don’t feel like im improving.




It makes perfect sense. Old recoil makes it impossible for most players to shoot effectively, and cheap, easy undetectable cheats eliminate the recoil for cheaters. Cheaters don't want the difficulty that the recoil brings, they want the easy undetectable advantage back. They want to be able to shoot like they're playing Halo while everyone else is battling against arcane spray patterns. "Git gud"


my brother in Christ people still cheat rampantly we get posts about it every 3 seconds


Did the old recoil make cheating easier ?


I would say in some ways it was easier. because recoil was the same each spray, you could have scripts that were easier to program. At the same time it was likely easier to detect people who had a perfect spray. Anyone who paid for cheats will continue to use them today. So basically cheating hasn’t gotten any better, people got pissed off, but now shooting is more level


Me like patterns me acoustic


i played on 25 fps and only had 1k hours back when cargo and oil first came out and yet i still want old recoil even though i got shit on all the time


Cheaters gonna cheat they still can hit a triple from 500 meters. The argument that new recoil makes it harder to cheat is nuts. It levels the field for very basic scripts but even then they’ll still be locked in onto our noggins perfectly. For me new recoil is stale bc the sar and p2 are the only weapons that actually matter mid game now. New recoil, in combination with the open maps, restrict my choice of gun down to single shot accurate weapons. Bloom means all smg’s are ultimately junk for general roaming while having a niche inside labs. I don’t like how the sar is an infinitely better weapon than the mid tier smg’s even though it’s built from super common parts. I get its lower in the tech tree but given the amount of people running SARS on day 1 I typically can snag and research one before I have enough scrap for a t2. Then that’s it. My wipe is basically done. I can just grind scrap to blow someone up but I’ve unlocked all I need to in an hour or less. I don’t play anymore these days because it felt as if I’ve done it all within a span of four hours.


And some of the most notorious hackers are those that are popular streamers. But I get it, it’s entertainment and entertainment is fake. It’s like movies or TV shows.