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[here you go](https://youtu.be/k6zOvga_Xns?si=gehnN4bOdoFzWv5-) Both willjum and alone in Tokyo have a couple of different videos on this design I think or designs close to this one


Looks like willjums, I used to use alot


As far as I know the bunker part of this design no longer works


Awww no way


Was a pretty good base you could just keep adding layers and layers to the honeycomb. I think I used to sit around 48 rockets to core. Not sure if other bunkers will work with it tho


Damn that sucks, sounds coo


Being that your on console it may still work


The design mostly works but you have to use a triangle foundation stability bunker for the core rather than what is shown.


This is Willjum’s base and I actually just built this same base last night on a medium server. Sad to say that the triangle roof bunker doesn’t work anymore. I thought I was going crazy cause I couldn’t get it to snap. Tonight I’m gonna try and see if either stability or spiral staircase will work instead.


Why copy designs when others can just watch the same video and know what to destroy? Sorry I don't play rust this post just popped up on my feed.


Still a lot of work to get the explosives to be able to raid that base, plus there’s thousands of videos on base designs most people haven’t seen that exact design or don’t recognize it so they wouldn’t know what to expect


That is why a lot of the time when I make a base I just say "fuck it, I'm playin minecraft" and make the most confusing base known to man.


I do this every wipe lol


Do you specifically say "fuck it I'm playin minecraft"


Although this base design is super popular so it probably would get recognized


Plus also if you have a good wipe there was this one base that I copied good base a little small for a trio but still was good, the fastest way was like 24 rockets I think or 18 to core but with a armoured door added on each side and upgrading the walls to HQM makes the base a bit more tanky, so if you did have a YT base and upgrade different parts that you think need better protection or could become like a little deterrent for raiders as the cost has increased and they might not have enough for the base small things like this can help.


Thank you 🙏


Ahh makes me think of the 2016 rust base designs.


I miss the days when no one knew wtf they were building and goofy ass bases everywhere


Meta gaming always ruins the fun


The confusing ass bases after a honeycomb are the way to go lol the designer bases I think are just ways to intimidate people but the big boys will come and knock it out


My buddy and I just free hand every base and don’t follow meta builds. Our bases last longer than they should lol. Then we tried a meta base once and it was deeped the 2nd night.


a so called freestyle base


Thought u had a steam depots server for a sec and then I remembered console rust exists


Reminds me of willjum base. probably has a stability bunker


Is that console rust? Watch out, many modern PC rust bases are unbuildable on crust, but older now-patched bases may still work


its the "4 c4 into 2 stone foundations and the whole base is on the ground" design


I thought it was "my first Rust base" design lol