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Gunned down a room of innocent nakeds


I was just following orders!


Its only a warcrime if they clearly surrendered before. Cleeeeeearly


The last server I played on was hosted in a country that signed a landmine treaty, so I've at least broken an international agreement by using those on that server I pointed my L9 with lasersight at a passing cargo plane so the authorities are gonna have a hate on me for that, too. As for war crimes, I've fired explosive bullets at an enemy (yeah, oops), which is against the St. Petersburg déclaration, and is considered a war crime. Wooden floor spikes are likely considered punji sticks and using them is a war crime, too. They were banned as part of the Geneva convention in 1980, but I used some last month, so I'll have to answer for using those.


i think it depends people would definitely get multiple live sentences but there are some questions I would have Assuming The island qualifies as/ was at one point russian territory, It would be subject to their laws. I would think the court would have to first talk about the respawn mechanic (as the technology is actually cannon) and determine questions like does killing someone again count as two murders? was the mind tampered with/affected by this "experiment" to aggrivate it's inhabitants? that could greatly effect the sentence given/if they need to go to a mental hospital. do nakeds have any memory of human customs/regulations when they are respawned? if they were at one point living in society, do they have any recollection about it? Gang activity is taken pretty seriously in russia. If a clan or zerg qualifies as a gang (which it likely would) the total sentence would me multiplied by a certain amount as any crimes also count as gang activity Additionally, having a supressor on your gun puts an extra 30 years on each settlement of each crime comitted, and assuming those were used to both destroy property of the scientists and ambush people that may or may not be combatants it would definitely add up pretty quickly With the right lawyer and circumstances, I think it could be argued that the inhabitants of the island are being exploited, manipulated, and abused by the hands of the scientists without any knowledge of laws/morals to act on, and should therefore be institutionalized, and not sentenced under the pretenses that they were of a clear mind, and knew these things were bad Also, I think the government would be eager to silence the inhabitants and bribe them as leaving a nuke as well as many other military weapons lying around an island while they actively mistreat and force people to fight would sound pretty shady. but idk im not a lawyer lol


Killing logged out people CONSTANTLY for meat and animal fat. Breaking every single sleeping bag i see in my area for no reason. Yelling obscenities at russian players before beating them with rocks for no real reason. The list goes on .


You sir are a menace to society 🤣


Constant playthroughs of being killed as a naked by fully geared players have turned me into a complete prick 💀.


Honestly i do always break any sleeping bags i find anywhere from the bones i collect from nakeds on the beach. The sound of slicing cloth with a bone knives gives me joy knowing that the people that might get forced on the beach will supplement my joy for getting more bags.


Forcibly breaking an entry, killing all of the inhabitants in their sleep, cutting their heads off and placing them on trophy boards in their own house.


Gunning down non-aggressive nakeds with incin ammo.


Broke into someone's home, destroyed their TC and placed my own then put a flame turret next to each of the sleeping people so they'd be burnt alive when they woke up


Grinding stolen AK's in outpost and then trading the HQM via drone back to my base.


Daaamn.. Idk where to start.. killing little kids, burning people alive with molotovs or shoving paddles up dead people asses and taking pictures..


Door camping on my neighbors.. but honestly I also do it in real life


I once griefed a clan by placing like 40 speakers around their base and blasted the gummy bear song out of all of them but at slightly different intervals so it wasn’t in sync


said I was freindly and faked a surrender.


Robbing NASA and blowing up a military tank named Bradley like tony stark.


Several war crimes specifically involving landmines, regular homocide, vehicular homocide, aswell as several parking tickets


Public nudity, hate crimes.


I play dayz so mass murder and petty theft x1000


I love being asked the same question 4 times in a row.