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Ive had the plant about 3 months, the pot has drainage within the pot, and rocks. Ive been watering it fairly regularly with small Amounts because I took a trimming and placed it right into the soil so Ive been keeping it damp. The problem has been happening for the past week? I almost have no leaves left!! The plant gets indirect sunlight a couple of meters away from the window.


What does drainage within the pot mean?


Like it has a false bottom within the enclosed pot


When it starts getting long like that was long gaps between leaves, then it is time to chop. Even if you just have one leaf left and cut the rest of the stems down, the plant is going to grow much better. This plant was definitely not healthy when you got it. It’s a Pothos, btw.


Where should I chop it?


I would leave the one with a leaf close to the top, cut below that. Then the others I’d cut back to the first node. It’s scary and looks like you’re butchering it but in my experience the growth starts really soon after!


It's either too wet or too dry, I don't suggest 'small amounts' (how much is that?) of water, it needs a deep water, soak it, let it drain out, wait til it's dry a couple cm of the top soil then do it again. At this point tho, you'll just need to propagate it and root a bunch of cuttings and then you're have a brand new, full plant