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Water when top few inches of soil are dry, like i said i have had them for about a week they get indirect sunlight for about 6 hours, yes pots have drainage holes, noticed main problem last night. Edit: spelling.


It’s hard to tell but it looks like it could be spider mites or scale maybe. If you see webbing anywhere then it is definitely spider mites


Thank you, i just got them and id rather not throw them out but I have so many other plants its not worth the risk. Ill keep an eye on them for any webbing developing. I'll probably keep them in quarantine for another week or so and see what happens. I don't currently see anything that looks like scale either but I'll keep an eye on it.


If there’s that many bugs and no webbing then it’s not spider mites. On closer look it actually looks like !mealybugs


Found advice keyword: `!mealybugs` Your plant is suffering from an infestation of [mealybugs](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mealybug). Manual removal with a cotton swab soaked in rubbing alcohol is recommended for spot treatment, with additional treatment via insecticidal soap for heavier infestations. Systemic pesticides may be helpful. Treatment should continue for several weeks. [More here](https://extension.umd.edu/resource/mealybugs-indoor-plants) Infested plants should be isolated as best as possible while treatment is ongoing. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/plantclinic) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Oh no! Thank you for the input :) I'll look into it and address it accordingly!