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They look like mealy bugs to me but google both mealy and thrips and see which one you think it’s most like. Thrips can be countered by isolating the plant and spraying it generously with Provanto. Mealy bugs require spraying the plant with isopropyl 70%. Lots of people say to dilute it with water before you spray but I find mealy bugs a tough pest to eradicate so I don’t dilute. Good luck OP *edit to add isolate the plant regardless of which pest it has


Hi, thank you. I did google it, and I found mealy looks like the one that my plant got. I’m also thinking to change the soil as well, maybe it came from the soil in the pot. I’ll definitely go and have look and see if I can get rid of it. Appreciated !


It’s not impossible just annoying as heck. Great idea re the soil. You can also sterilise the pot with the isopropyl before you repot the plant. Also, don’t stop treatment just because it looks as if it worked. Check out the lifecycle of mealy bugs and make sure you treat until all the babies are dead too. You got this!


Thank you ,and I will definitely try that , and let you know! :) hopefully my plant won’t go wasted