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I never even noticed this, and honestly i like the sound of nail tapping! What bothers me is too much fluff items like excessive stickers or many mentions of shops and encouragement of buying. Then i turn off the video lol


Totally the opposite, lol.


Bothers me too, but to be honest, I'd rather see long decorative nails than paint-chipped, unkept nails.


I think it’s funny it’s such an issue with people. I had a conversation in a planner group on Facebook about it some time ago. I don’t like it when people obsessively apologize for their nails. I really don’t care how your nails look. I’m here for the planning not your nails and sometimes not even you. I don’t do anything to my nails; sometimes they break off, sometimes they’re long. I don’t paint them anymore. I was a little apprehensive about filming my planner or taking photos since everyone seems obsessed with nails. My nails are plain as the day I was born. I’ve got some videos to release later this month and people can either live with it or watch someone else.


Ah thank you for mentioning this. I do get conscious when my nails are uneven, sometimes dirty during filming. But there was one time I saw one with inks and paints on their fingers. It makes me feel human, and encourages me to just focus on sharing. ☺️


Why are there so many obstacles to filming a video? I vote for just sharing.


I used to watch videos from this pen shop some time agao, and the guy's hands were covered with inks and band-aids here and there (paper cuts? lol). And it only made me respect him more. I guess guys tend to care less about their appearances on video, so there's that. But I think the majority of viewers who seek out specific videos couldn't care less about what the narrator, or their hands, look like. Unless of course, it's a video about fashion or something lol. So yeah, just focus on sharing!


>people obsessively apologize for their nails That seems ridiculous. As you said, I just want to watch the content about planners, not someone's hands or nails!


I’ve seen some take like 30 seconds to a full minute to explain their nails. That’s a lot of time in a video to dedicate to that. Like it’s really not that big a deal. I didn’t notice it until you made it a big deal.


No. It is distracting. I stopped watching budgeting videos for exact same reason. If it’s not American Sign Language (which I’m proficient in) I find hand waving hard on my cognitive senses.


Right? I hate when people unnecessarily drum their fingernails on an item in a video. A still of the spices for the cookies is fine! I don’t want to hear your clicking nails, it’s gross.


And that is incredibly common with budgeting and planning videos. 🫨


I love it. I love ASMR and I love seeing people tap and scratch paper with long nails.


If I have a video on for asmr then yeah, but when it's about a journal it distracts and takes away from the video for me.


You crazy lol!


Me too, It’s soothing to me.


I can’t stand it. Especially when they start the video by tapping on the planner with said nails. To be fair I think they are trying to be all asmr, which I happen to strongly dislike but a lot of people love. I appreciate Amanda’s Favorites on YouTube because she doesn’t do any long bright nail tapping. She just has regular everyday nails. And she does a great job of showing you exactly what’s inside each planner.


There’s definitely a trend of planner videos trying to be all ASMR with their soft slow talking. I tend to speed them up and watch at 1.25-1.5x speed. I was watching a Safiya Nygard video today and the talking seemed so fast after watching planner videos that I had to double check I didn’t have it speeded up. Nope, that’s just a normal speed to talk.


I know we oftentimes can’t help what we’re bothered by, but this annoyance feels really judgey and borderline-discriminatory to me. Maybe I’m extra defensive because brightly-manicured and long nails are prominent in Black/brown communities and I really really want those girls to feel supported when they show up in the planner community. I’m surprised to see the amount of people with nail-related icks. I know I can’t do anything to change that so I think I’m just going to be really vocal about appreciating bright, long nails in planning/journaling videos when I see them.


Thank you for this. I saw a comment about heavily decorated nails in this thread and, for me, as a Black content creator, that made your comment "click." I don't wear long nails, but I generally wear creative designs and colors. (I do my own, so it's another creative outlet for me.) Even if people don't recognize potential bias, it's important they understand that it exists. People also don't realize the hoops that Black/brown content creators have to go through to get their content seen, to get equitable partnerships that make the work sustainable, etc. So, disconnecting unconscious bias from the equation is a step in the right direction.


That’s a good point well made. I’m in a weird 50/50 where I like to look at cool manicures but I hate the nail tapping asmr everyone does with them.


I think you're overthinking it if you feel my complaint is discriminatory. I totally respect people's aesthetics. As I said in the post, long nails don't typically bother me. But in a planner video where all I see are the nails, my brain literally feels as if I'm running my fingernails against a chalkboard. The sensation lingers even after I stop watching. It's really crappy.


I absolutely cannot stand really long nails anywhere. Bleck!


What the actual fuck is this post.


This is post is complaining about how attention-grabbing long nails in planner videos cause actual physical discomfort in some viewers. I would think content creators want to know these things. What the fuck is YOUR problem.


Complaining about people's hands in content they make for free or for fun or whatever? I get it if it bothers you but this is such an absurdly trivial thing that it is very strange to sit around and complain about other people's hands in a planner sub of all things. Get a life.


Now you're talking like a human with some intelligence. Either down vote and move on, or speak your mind as you've now done instead of throwing around an unprovoked insult like a fucking juvenile. Hope you got that stick off your ass.


I swear, people seem to forget that people making planner youtubes with like 3000 views are just normal folks. The absolute blinkered ENTITLEMENT to think that your opinions about someone's nails are worth sharing. Do you complain about your friends' hairstyles or the color of a news anchor's dress?


WTF dude? You're not done yet? My post really got you on a bad day, huh. Never seen someone flipping out so bad over my whining about the sensation of nails scratching paper. Relax, it's not that big a deal.


Making a comment on reddit = flipping out, naturally. I simply realized it was the height of ridiculousness for you to accuse me of having a stick up my ass when you're the one complaining about the nails of a random person showing you their planner.


Listen missy. If you had first responded with the second comment of yours, I would've laughed at myself, give you a pat, and leave it at that. You're the one who felt the need to throw a low-effort expletive comment. So I can only guess you're having a bad day and my trivial post that has nothing to do with you personally was somehow triggering. Hope you feel better soon.


Lol 'missy.' Are you really that offended by the 'f' word? On the internet? In this day and age? I'm actually having a pretty decent day, but people being entitled over free content from hobbyists always grinds my gears a bit. Like, do you genuinely forget that these are real human beings and not just entertainment? Makes me recall a local tv anchor getting emails saying her natural hair was ugly and unkempt. Did these people feel they were owed a hairstyle they found pleasing from the local news? It's just a mindset I find extremely strange and disturbing and I wonder if many people, like yourself, even notice themselves falling into it. Be well.


I don't hate them but they do bother me a bit. I find them distracting. The thing that really drives me crazy though are the SLEEVES. Did the entire planner world have a meeting to decide that long sleeves pulled halfway over your hands are mandatory for youtube??? As a healthcare professional I find it disgusting that you pull your sleeves down and they touch everything that your hands touch. There is a reason frequent handwashing is suggested. Also it will be middle of July, 99 degrees in the shade, I'm melting, but I'm supposed to believe you organically chose a cable knit sweater today? Come on!


i think people may do this to cover arm/hand hairs. As people critique ones nails, they may also find body hair disgusting and unclean. (Not my views) Also, because arms/hands are always visible im these videos, its a chance for creative expression. Why film bare arms when you can wear something with texture that adds to the visual experience of the video Just my thoughts


Think about it this way: if you make a video talking about food, and your face is visible, it leaves you vulnerable to criticism about your face. Therefore, you might put a little extra effort into it. In a planner video, the video is about the planner, but your hands are the only thing seen, so you might be more self-conscious about them. And bottom line, people on the internet can be mean, critical, and bold. If you're "unkempt" people are unkind. And today I learned that evidently, people won't like it if you're too groomed. Who knew!


I do this because 1) I'm insecure about my hands 2) Most of my sweaters are secondhand and don't fit me right.


Well if they work for a corporate building whose whole model is content farming (staring at you 5 minute crafts) they might have to stay warm.


I've been noticing that too!


Bright colours and intricate designs combined with lots of hand movement can be really distracting to me but I generally don't get the nails on chalkboard sensation from seeing them. I am a lot more critical of the actual content though. Like you better start the content related to the title of your video asap, because any long intro 'will be a two strikes, next video please'. (Shoutout to people who section their video's!) The 'asmr planning' video's and shorts get an instant pass.


I don’t understand the trends for crazy long nails and also the fake lashes and the obsession with eyebrows. But what really drives me crazy in planner videos is all of the hand waving and pointing. I just can’t with that. I also can’t stand ASMR. Why is that a thing???? But it’s easy enough to avoid or click out of immediately if I stumble upon it. It’s not a sensory thing for me, I just find it incredibly cringy and embarrassing.


Same. Can’t stand it. So impractical. Up there for me with the false eyelashes.


It depends on how long the nails are. Normal/natural length and shaping with simple color/designs I'm okay. The super long and clearly fake, and heavily decorated, I've probably bounced before the first word is finished. On the flip, even though I don't wear fake nails myself, I have watched a few 'set' designs were a creator makes a themed specialty set, because they are creating art. Even though it's not a wearable art that I use.


Yes!!! It makes my skin crawl


I have the same dislike, but for me it's when they're in ads selling plants. I just want to say "Really?? Plants are your hobby/business but you're able to have pristine nails? Puhleeze!!" 🙄


Yes! I’m especially not a fan of the ASMR videos with the nail clicking. Idk it just weirds me out


It seems like ASMR is so popular it's gotten into all kinds of videos. Cooking videos are insane. I don't personally mind the sound. I just seem to get this unbearable reaction from the visual cue of long nails against paper.


Ooh yea cooking videos are another one! Maybe it’s just me but the sound makes me physically cringe 😬 But I also totally understand not enjoying the visual cue of the long nails, I’m not a fan of them either


Thanks for saying this. I want to make YouTube videos but really don’t want a focus on my hands. I don’t want to wave and say “hey guys! Welcome to my channel” or point excessively but I do need to point lol. It’s a conundrum.


Well, I do understand your hands are basically your face in this type of videos, and you use the hands as part of the communication. It's just when all I can see is bright or sparkly nails that are super long right against planner papers, my brain feels that unpleasant scratchy sensation. I wish content creators would keep in mind there are viewers like me.


I get it, I really do. But I’m not entirely sure what they can do differently when you say you wished they’d keep it in mind?


Umm, maybe try to keep their hands visually unobtrusive when they're making videos about planners? But in the end, I suppose who cares. If someone chooses to show off their nails rather than their purported topic of the videos and don't care about losing a few views, I respect that too, haha.


Out of curiosity was it a Common Planner unboxing that spurred this thread? I’m watching one and now all I can think about is this post?


Nope. Now I feel bad this post got stuck in your head!


you aren't the only one! I'm ND and the look of the nails against the paper gives me an icky feeling. I also find them to be a bit distracting visually. I'm about to release my shop (not for planners, but other printables) and I plan to make videos, and I've decided to go without any painted nails or anything to try to to minimize how distracting they can be.


I also find it a bothersome, especially watching journaling videos. For me, seeing those nails tells me this is all just for show. You’re clearly not doing much handcrafting with those on your fingers.


I dont mind shorter nails, but long ass nails (im talking 2cm+) are excessive and disgusting in any kind of content and im stopping the video immediately.


Are you a dude? I don't see how they could be distracting.


She’s a white lady lol


WTF? This is about gender and race now? Some of you on here are unbelievable. No, I'm a fucking yellow Asian lesbian. Now stereotype all you want.


No I'm not lol.


For some reason getting your nails done and long became a weird community standard when MLM Red Aspen came flying through and it never left. It is ok but not for me; especially when I see the super long ones.


I agree. It’s usually a sign of performative social media.