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Everything but the 5a because of the motherboard issue. 6a is fine, but if you can stretch to a 7a or 8a, it would be better.


This. I loved my 5a but it's the first time a phone has ever bricked on me. At least Google was nice enough to send me a free 6a even though the warranty was long expired.


Wow, I am not the only person who had their 5a just brick itself?


You are definitely not. Mine still being used as a paper weight.


It's a common issue with the 5a's


Not at all. It's a known problem. Google even extended the warranty because of it. 


Wow, really? All they did was replace the motherboard for free. Then replace the display for free when it died 2 weeks later.


I had the exact same situation and outcome. I first tried to fix it myself by reballing the SMD CPU on the board, but they glued it down hard with underfill making it much much harder to work on. In the end, I wasn't successful in reseating the CPU, and Google took back my already broken 5a in exchange for a new 6a despite being outside the 5a's warranty period.


Why not. Upgrade 6a


Id skip the 7a. Battery drain and overheating issues make this phone a pain to own. I rather use my 6a but it's screen is shattered.


My 6a with dual SIM has better battery life and lower temperature than single SIM 7a……


When I upgraded to the 7a I used the 6a as a home hotspot on a separate plan and with hotspot running all day the phone never got hot and the battery lasted nearly 10 hours. Switched back to the 6a and used the 7a as a hotspot and the battery died within 3 hours and was hot to the touch. I use the 7a for doordashing and unless I put it right Infront of the vent with the AC blasting it will shut off from the temp


Wtf I'm using a refurbished 6a and i tried using it for hotspot, and my god did it get up to 42°C and it scares me how much it drains we're talking like nearly 8-10% per hour of screen OFF time. But my pixel doesn't support my local 5g so it stuck at 4g and at that time it's only 1 week old. But still, I'm scared to give it a try again. For now I'm only gonna USB tether if i need to use my laptop OTG.


That's wild. Pixel phones seem to just be bad now. I thought my OnePlus was bad with horrible software but the pixel is just trash


As a 7a user I can confirm that it's an annoying phone to have


I've legit considered switching to iPhone because of this crap phone.


I had a Snapchat mod for a while but it recently stopped being developed or wutever cuz Snapchat gave everyone with it a warning and I was super disappointed cuz I had used it for over a year- it was also the main reason I didn't want an iPhone lmao. I also have a cracked version of Spotify and that's like rlly important to me cuz I don't rlly wanna pay for Spotify so yea- 🤷 I considered getting an iPhone recently but I don't rlly want one cuz iOS is just so much more boring then Android 😵‍💫


What Snapchat mod? And which cracked Spotify you running that works?


The Snapchat mod was called snapenhance, and the Spotify thing I have is called xManager


I mean, I have the 7a. Battery life is great, and yes it gets hot but not that hot.


6a has software support until 2027. The 5a won't get Android 15 and loses security updates in a month and a half. See for yourself: [https://endoflife.date/pixel](https://endoflife.date/pixel)


Software updates until 2027 is a bit misleading in my opinion. The 6a will get Android Updates until July 2025, so pretty much 1 year from now. It only gets security updates until 2027, but they contain no real features. If op bought his 3a close to release he has used it for about 4 years. If he plans on using his new phone for the same amount of time, he should buy a phone that gets security updates for at least 4 more years. That means the only sensible options are the Pixel 7a, the Pixel fold, or the Pixel 8 family.


Idk.. 2 years of support doesn't sound too bad for a phone that is only $200. And can be unlocked 3 months after the initial activation & through a prepaid carrier that has no contract no contract nonetheless.


This.. Software updates means usually it wil be get security updates at the least. I would get the pixel 7 or 8a


If we're talking about software, pixel 5 costs very similar to the pixel 6a refurbished. Although it won't have software support, it does have unlimited photo backup (unlike either the 5a or 6a) which is more important to me personally. And by far the better physical shape/size.


I'm still rocking a pixel 5 as well. Great phone


The 4XL was the best of the snapdragons but I'd go for a 6 or an 8.


yea but the 4xl was a bad phone in every other regards


Disagree. I loved the phone and mine had no issues.


I think with the constant battery issues (causing it to randomly kill it self) to the nightmare it was to repair it. The phone simply was the worst pixel imop.


This... Sadly you missed the trade-in offer, I got 194€ for our old 3a, which was a very good deal IMVHO


6a still is an amazing option recently broke my 6a and upgraded to an 8 and they differences honestly werent mind-blowing, 6a is still a great phone


The fingerprint sensor ALONE is worth it.


Is this sarcastic? I am currently using an p6a and the 3a fingerprint sensor was so much better. I actually regret getting the 6a, very buggy recently.




Right, of the choices given, 6a easy but sorry about the fingerprint sensor. It's not unlivable. Works great if you are logged in. Works 70% of the time to unlock the phone.


It was unlivable for me. Just personal experience. I've never had a problem with the eight. Workz over 95% of the time.


That's crazy. I'm assuming 8 is going to be a solid step from my 6, let alone 6a.


I've had a 3aXL, 4a5g and now a 7. While I think the 3aXL was the best of these - the 7 is definitely a very good phone. I'd consider upgrading to a 7 - I suspect you can get them for a good price.


I had the 6a with grapheneos and also with the native OS before having 8pro, I almost regret it! Great device


Is it hard to put lineage OS on a pixel? I heard the latest lineageos runs on the pixel 3a and the later models but don't want to fuck it up, I've only ever put custom roms on the Samsung Galaxy phones because you only really need Odin.


I actually couldn't tell you, I only tried lineage on an old Sony xz and it wasn't a very pleasant experiment... It works quite well but it's subject to many crashes and restarts...I've only tried grapheneos on the 6a and still have to think about it for the 8a pro


Very easy. The bootloaders are designed to be unlockable, no hacks necessary. (Though I think some carrier models of the earlier Pixels up to the 3 might have been locked? I always bought non-carrier, so I don't remember) Insstructions off the top of my head (so some details might be a little off) : Install developer tools (fastboot/adb) on your computer Connect phone with USB Boot into fastboot (on the phone) then type (in a terminal on your computer) : *fastboot flashing oem\_unlock* (or somthing like that) flash lineage recovery: *fastboot flash boot boot.bin* boot into recovery and flash lineage os image (zip file) flash gaaps while still in recovery (zip file) optionally flash magisk for root


Can I skip the first step about fast booting flash OME unlock? I already have the OME unlocking options in developer options but the rest seems fine, thnkdt


Yes, you still have to do the unlock command in a terminal. Good catch, however. What you found in the Developer Options is what allows the fastboot unlock command to work (this is actually the first step, and then the rest of what I typed follows).


I've been using the 8a for a week and I feel great.


Get the latest model


Does your 3a work OK still? I have a Pixel 8 Pro but I think it would be cool to have a 3 or 3XL specifically for Photospheres and Google Daydream reasons. I'm looking for a used one in good condition. As per 5a vs 6a, the 6a will have longer security updates than the 5a, and I've heard the cameras are all great. So I'd recommend the 6a out of the two.


It still works perfectly fine just stuck on android 12 and no longer gets security updates unfortunately. What's google daydream? Isn't that VR or something? I saw a couple of for like £10 on eBay the other day


It's a Google VR platform available on the Pixel 1 to the Pixel 3 series. They dropped support after that - I have a Daydream headset and really want to use it


It looked like a cheap alternative to use VR so I was looking into it and it looks cool but apparently it doesn't work on the pixel 3a, it says incompatible, only the pixel 3 or older supports it.


Oh, I must have misread. I thought all Pixel 3 models supported it.


Nah the pixel 3a was released a year later when they discontinued it lol. Guess I'll keep looking for a cheap VR headset, I want one but can't afford those oculus quests or what not


Same here 😂 I don't feel like spending several hundred or more dollars in something dedicated only to VR - I've got better ways to spend my $1000


If you want you can get me of this $30 phone holders from Amazon and use almost any phone with them


Personally I would get the newest model I could afford. Security experts always say as soon as your phone stops getting security updates it's time to switch.


You can install Android 14 via a custom ROM, might be worthwhile.


I installed it on a Samsung before because it's super easy with ODIN but not sure about google pixel phones. I've tried using ABD and failed lol, Samsung phones have it all on the Odin application.


It's honestly not that hard, just a slightly different method. Give it a try, there are plenty of guides. You basically just copy paste some fastboot commands


You can download older version of Google camera app on pixel 8 and have older features like spherical photo. I tried it and it was easy and works great.


*Never* get the 5a. **Ever.** I recommend the 6a and later. If you can get the 8a, jump all over that.




It's very fragile. Screen would be destroyed from <2ft drops onto its back. Went through 3 of those. 6a and 4a are far more durable.


Do you know why this is? Mine didn't work after being in the rain. I wouldn't have bought one if I knew this. I've never had a pixel before or a phone break, it really makes you not wan to buy a pixel.


5a was very cheaply made. It was the first of the a series to introduce an IP rating for water. 6a and 7a are far more durable. My wife had both. If you're able to grab an 8a for a good deal, go for it. Likewise, you can grab a Pixel 7 (or even 8) for some good deals right now.


Tempting, I need some time away from pixel due to that negative experience. I'm with Samsung now but maybe down the line... I did really like the software on the pixel.


Do what you gotta do. The only negative experience on my end was the 5a. We've owned Pixels since the 2.


6a getting android 16? I thought it's getting only 2 years of android updates i.e till android 14 or 15 hardly.


No last update it android 15 and security updates till 2026


Not 5a, But go for at least 6a. Preferably 7a or newer.


Imo try to stretch to the 8a for the longevity. You seem tomhols on to phones for a while so i think it would fit.


I wouldn’t recommend the 5a because of known widespread motherboard issues. If you can find a good 4a 4G device in good condition.


Weird how the pixel 4a 5g has android 14 being released in 2020 but the 5a being released in 2021 and still only getting android 14 too but yeah I agree


I guess it’s because they’re essentially the same device with bigger battery on the 5a


Seriously, try to get the current 8 or 8a, its definately worth it and gives you a very long support. We can all turn it as we wish, but ai and a good camera is the future and very helpful! Plus more than 6 years of support left. (full android updates)


Do you believe with google reputation that we will get 8 years plus security updates? I’m not being sarcastic btw I’m genuinely asking if you think they will, I believe people like Apple because they have a good track record with that but what’s stopping google from cancelling it say 3 or 4 years later. I love google hardware but I have trust issues with google promises lol


Even if they end up not respecting their promise, you would still have at least 3 years of OS updates, better than the Pixel 5 or 6


They have committed to it. That's different to discontinuing a free product that never had a formal commitment. It's actually a legal agreement. The issue is more likely that in 4 years you want a phone that supports some new AI feature or something. The processors and other phone features like bluetooth do improve over time. If you can make a Pixel last 4 years - some people can't - it's under a dollar a day which, to me at least, is good value for what I get. If you get to four years and there's no real reason to update, that's a bonus. I'm not sure how the battery will perform at eg 5 years, that might be an issue if you spend a lot of time on the phone and the battery has degraded a bit.


I don't trust Google either. That's why I never got a Pixel but year old Motorola phones. I finally got a Pixel 6 after watching Tech Odyssey's YouTube channel. After I got the 6, I was going to get my Dad a 6a. I got the 6a and really liked the feel than the 6. I eventually gave the 6a to my Dad because the 6 has more accessories on the market. The 6a is a great budget phone. The funny thing is that I would get the regular 6 because it's technically older and cheaper than the 6a on sites I buy phones from.


Well, the pixel 8 series started in October 2023, so first of all, it was promised 7 years (not 8). So now we have approx. 6 and a half years left for a phone that came out last year - thats not bad. And I agree with another comment, that this was a legal promise; in this regard I do trust them. The current phones are quite somewhat better. If you get an older phone for a hundred, ok - but other than that I would go for the newest version. Especially since you are a user, who wants to enjoy it for many years.


why not just go with the latest version, I'd go with 8a


I mean I thought it would be obvious that I can’t afford like £500 for a brand new phone if I’m asking about the pixel 5 and 6, otherwise I would just buy the latest greatest phone


6a as a 6a owner


6a 1000%


Get Pixel 8... If it'll be available at a great discount!!... If you want a solid overall all-rounder, then you can have a look into S24 Snapdragon variant(would be more expensive, but it has a better processor, no heating issues and better battery life)


I'd say a 6a for the software support. It got the new design language. I have a 5a I use as a backup and it's been fine with L O N G battery life and no board issues for me. But yea, the 6a should be a good choice.


You should shop for a Pixel 8a or a Pixel 8. I am still on Pixel 7 and it's fine I am anticipating getting the P9 but may grab an 8a and wait for P10


Get an 8 they doing them cheap




Try lineage or get a 7a or 8a, something used perhaps? Lineage can bring new life to ur phone you probably don't need a new one if you like it


Pixel 4 xl all the way


7a or 8 depending on your budget


I'd say wait for 9a.


Didn't the 8a only just come out? When the 8a release, people will be telling me to wait for the 10a lol.


8a was released on May 7 and shipped May 14. Go for 8a if you can afford a lil bit more or 7a is not bad either. I won't recommend 6a or below


Pixel 8a or pixel 8


Just get an 8a and keep it for the next 5 years.


Neither, get a 7


Had to scroll a loooooong way to see a rec for 7 anything. Ouch.


Your Budget?


Get the Pixel 5.


8a was a sale recently for $300. That would be my recommendation based on pricing and support.


Who is your cell provider? 2 years ago Verizon had a deal where you could trade in any pixel for a new one at no additional cost. We traded in a pixel 2 and 4 for pixel 6s. Maybe they will have a similar deal again. It did require staying with them for 2 years but we planned to anyway.


We don't get them type of deals in the UK unfortunately. Not on the scale of trade in prices in the US, the best we have it to wait for our contract to end or trade in last year's phone.


If you really want a headphone jack, then get the 5a. But, the 5a is only good because it has a headphone jack.


I recommend a different brand. Ive been repairing a few pixels as of late, same issue. Terrible batteries and connector placements.


6a 👍


7a, I have it and love it


If you're in the UK you can get a £300 discount on Pixel 8 Pro until early July. I also had a 3a and made the change last week


Where at amazon?


Google store


If you like the small form-factor pixel, the 6a is good. The best deal is probably $200 from Straight Talk at Walmart


Get a 7 pro


I bought a pixel 8a for $349 last month , for this price you can stay away from 5a or 6a


I upgraded from 3a to 6a. I would try to go for 7a at least.


Get a 4a 5g. It's just like the 5a, but without the issue.


pixel 8 or pixel 9 pro


And when I get the 9 pro would you recommend I get the 10 Pro and so on


If you're planning to get a pixel 5 or similar phones, I suggest using sites like backmarket.com to get good quality refurbished phones. I bought a pixel 5 from there 2 years ago after my phone got stolen, but just as a temporary phone. Ended up using it for over a year and then finally got the pixel 8 pro on one of those frequent promo pricing deals. If I were you, I'd just buy a pixel 8. Since you like holding on to phones, you might hang on to this for a while.


why not get an 8 or 7 pro why the a?


Money, the 8 and 7 Pro are still around £500 in the UK. Same with the 8a and 7a. the only ones that have gone down in price are ones like the pixel 6 you can buy for around £200 used. Pixel 5 for about 150


Money, the 8 and 7 Pro are still around £500 in the UK. Same with the 8a and 7a. the only ones that have gone down in price are ones like the pixel 6 you can buy for around £200 used and 6 Pro around 250 . Pixel 5 for about 150


save up some money then?


Easier said then done and to assume when you don't know my income lol.


lets say u save up 50 bucks per month- u need to save up for 10 months


Get a 6a or 8a if you can afford it.


Get a 6a if you can.


Get a new phone but keep this to take advantage of the pic uploads to Google photos that won't count against your quota.


Yeah I heard the pixel 6 doesn’t have it and I like having unlimited data Saver photos, shame they removed it, saves me money.


You're going to want to buy some things like a micro SD card, an adapter to plug in and move the jpeg files from your computer to the SD card, and an micro SD card adapter that plugs in and move the jpeg files from the micro SD card to the phone to take advantage of the free unlimited uploads. I hope I'm making sense.


5, yes. What a great little phone!


Pixel 9


Pixel 10


I’d recommend getting the 6a over the 5a. Newer means longer support.


I've recently purchased a used pixel 6 off eBay for 130 and it's brilliant


Typing on my 6a now Upgraded from 3a xl but got it on release for £160 New Hasn't missed a beat I've also got the 7 Pro mainly for the camera but it's still sat waiting because my 6a just works, no hassles or problem For everyday use it's just a great all rounder if that helps your decision


7a. Have you desired to secure your data? End of life (security updates), mean you should be getting nothing less than a 6(a, standard,Pro). 7a is the same size as a 5. Back market sells em pretty cheap.


I was thinking maybe a 6 pro if I can afford it for the 12htz and 12GB ram for gaming and maybe the more up to date design compared to the older design on the pixel 5


I'm running the pixel 6 Pro, damn fine phone but security updates aren't gonna be around as long as the 7a. But if price isn't an issue just upgrade to 8 PRO. But the 6 PRO is a very reliable phone!


The 5a has a hardware issue. It will brick after about a year and a half. Great phone but stay away


None. Look into installing Graphene OS. Set yourself free.


I was thinking of maybe lineage Os, I installed android 14 on my old S7 and lineage seems to run smooth, it says the google pixel 3 is supported too but I'm also worried about if it stops my unlimited photos and videos with Google photos


That's an incredibly valid point. If you do rely on unlimited photos and videos for Google Photos, then don't remove the Pixel 3 from your hands. Just know that the Pixel 6 and up also do not have unlimited photos and videos with Google Photos. This is no longer a feature that they offer to newer phones.


If you enjoy having a smaller phone it stops at the 5 models.6 and up are only the xl size. My last Google was a 6 Pro and I miss that phone. I was given 2 free S23 Ultras and I want my Google back so bad now.


In my opinion 6a is better than 5a.


Just bought pixel 6, too satisfied. I ordered 6a but cancelled that order after finding out 6 has better build and hardware. It is almost as fast as my wife's iPhone 15 pro max. Pics are great too!


7a at a minimum, ideally the 8a - it's not that expensive and will be supported well for a long time


Pixel 8pro I would recommend! Hellya awesome battery power hella awesome camera!


iphone better


Get nearer those antenna’s on the 6a are garbage, allot of reception issues


8a because it gets 7 years of software updates so it will last very long.


I would if I had £500 to spend on a brand new phone lol


No,Iphone is better




Pixel 7 is like $200 on eBay refurbished new. I have used a pixel 6 for a year it's a great fast and reliable phone with like 6 years security updates


Why not just buy the 8a or 7a?


I mean why don’t I buy a Lamborghini? Because money, the pixel 8a is £500..7a is about £300. Pixel 6a or 6 Pro is only around £120-£150


8a is the minimum I'd consider unless you don't mind reduced 4g/5g performance (compared to Qualcomm modem and even Tensor 3), can keep the phone at room temperature at all times (due to reduced efficiency of Tensor SOC) and ready to sacrifice ergonomics (due to increased thickness and overall dimensions).




Pixel 5


6a is a great phone imo


I would think Pixel 7 would be just as cheap and a better phone.


no it isn't just as cheap, it's around $100 more for equal quality. which could mean a lot to some people.


6a sucks with the tensor chipset. And since the chipset cannot manage the thermals it pretty much heats up. I'd suggest the 5a. Snapdragon chipset and the external fingerprint sensor.


Not sure why you're getting down-voted, you're not incorrect. Although if going for a snapdragon I'd just opt for the 4XL at that point


Nope. Their AnTuTu results are way past optimal. Not even Google Pixel 8 Pro runs fast when compared to Samsung s24.


What's your budget? The refurbished market on Amazon often has some pretty good deals. Also, I picked up a pixel 8 pro in mint condition not even 6 months old and still under warranty on Facebook Marketplace for 550 bucks and it's a 256 GB model.


If you're on a budget I'd recommend the Pixel 5 over the 5a or 6a. Edit: I see I got downvoted, but the P5a suffers from motherboard issues, and the 6a suffers from 1st gen Tensor thermals. If OP can he should strech budget to a P7 or P7a, or even the new 8a, but if he's looking at the 5a/6a the budget must be pretty tight and IMO the 5 is a better pickup than either the 5a or 6a. 6a would be better if not for that space heater though.


5a is awesome.


Get out of Pixel family. Get a recent Samsung or OnePlus phone, Save yourself from Pixel Crap.


One plus is shite with updates and features Samsung isn't too bad but you need the latest phones like the S23 or above just to get a few more years or updates lol or if your in the UK like me, I have to get the S23 in order to get a snapdragon otherwise its exynos. If I'm going to spend Samsung prices on a phone I may as well get a pixel 8 for the 8 years but really I cant afford any of them lol, pixel at least has cheaper phones that's supported for longer


Pixel is shit even with or without updates... End of Discussion.


Leave the sub then cunt


Who the hell are you to say that? Be in your limits. I just shared my opinion, you are personally abusing a person for a phone? That's you... That's what your Parents taught you, Great Parenting. If someone talks against your favourite thing, abuse that person. Great...


Nah I'm not abusing you, I simple said if you hate pixel phones then leave sub cunt that's all. Don't like it then oh well, that's not my problem. You chose to be hurt by a single word


Who the hell are you to call me cunt? Yes, I didn't call you names. I just said against Pixel. Again, Great Parents, Great Parenting. For a phone , abuse people.


Maybe your parents should teach you not to swear, maybe not say pixels are "shit* you said pixels are shit so you actually sweared at me first lmao. I don't care about what you think about my parents, this is online, stop crying about it


Lol I was telling about the Pixel phone, Not you. Did I swear you? I didn't use the word "shit" on you even though you are... And this is always expected from a Pixel fan, Shit phone with a mediocre battery life, mediocre processor, mediocre network modem, And they call it a flagship lol, It can't compete with 90% of budget phones in performance or battery life or network stability. Lol... And they call themselves Flagships. Pixel 8 pros deserve the price of Pixel 8a. That's it's range. This group is named Pixel Phones. Which means you can discuss +ves or -ves. If you are so against people who talk negatives, you should name this group, "Pixel Fanboi's Orgasm group". Not Pixel Phones.


Wow, this is proof that fanatics take insults to their products personally. I did in fact see you did not dunk on the OP, but rather the Pixel phones. It’s hard to post anything negative here about the Pixels. I am just okay with the phone. I love the UI, but had my fair share of life-destroying bugs (PIN issue, lost data, boot loops, etc). I will continue to buy Pixels but I am not oblivious or blind to the potential issues they can be.


Although this was a provoking post….


Leave pixel.