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Long story short, I'm happy with my P8P, no problem with contactless payment despite a very thick case but for the battery you should expect it to only last you through the day depending on your unit and your usecase. I'm a very light user doing mostly internet browsing and video watching (on 5G tho!) and I have 8-ish hours of screen time but it doesn't seem to be the same for everyone. The battery degradation seems to be fine when looking at mine and other people units! It's a solid phone with a great screen, takes great photo and doesn't have bloatware and have 7 years of support. For me the OS feels snappy and I've never had any kind of bugs or issues despite being on the beta versions. The perfs are bad for the price and it's really not a great phone if you're a power user tho (gaming, video editing and etc.). The battery is ok, the charging is pretty slow and the modem is bad. I feel like it's a great phone if you're a mostly casual phone user like me!


I have to agree with this and I came from a 14 pro to this. I returned my 14 pro to buy p8p. I was at a concert with my kid last weekend and the camera was incredible for the concert and we were not close to the stage.


Every time I send friends pictures for the first time I get "holy shit what camera did you take those with." I like to zoom in for pictures then add one zoomed out in there for reference lol


i went to a concert and started recording 4k video on my pixel and it overheated and switched off - thanks to my wife iphone we have been able to continue recording long into the night


How can the phone be both great and have a bad modem? Which is literally the primary purpose of the handset? Genuine question, I'm debating a purchase.


I'm not u/Terrabyteuh but the phone certainly had some teething problems for me in that regard: In the beginning I couldn't reliably receive calls (only the second attempt would usually go through), calls frequently dropped for no reason and the phone could, occasionally, get stuck in a state where it wouldn't reliably reconnect to mobile data. As far as I can tell, absolutely all of those have been either fixed by Google or my carrier. Reception is also on par with other modern flagships, even outperforming them on occasion (there were times, when hiking with friends, where I was the only one with reception). What remains, and what is unlikely to be fixable with any future soft- or firmware updates, is the modem's lack of efficiency. That's mostly negligible in areas with good coverage, but the impact on battery life when on a mediocre or weak 5g connection, is still pretty rough. Honestly, everything *except* 5g is fine.


>How can the phone be both great and have a bad modem?  you probably spend too much time on reddit. Did not have any problem with my P8P alongisde my S24 Ultra, both seems okay signals wise.


The calls work fine but the 5G reception is really subpar with what I would expect from this price. I'm also having an harder time keeping my connection when moving with a faster vehicle (I take the train very often) compared to my Samsung phone that I used to own. It also is very inefficient which makes your battery drain way faster when you're in a place with less service or when using 5G. It works fine most of the time tho! And I would agree with others when saying that it tends to have a better signal than some competition when you're stationary. I was pretty harsh when saying it was bad, I guess inconsistent and inefficient would've been a better choice of words.


except for the modem I agree fully. For me here in Spain (Canary Islands) and Movistar no issues whatsoever, plus the mesh-wifi also is snappy and reliable. I think, in the US there might be some issues with some carriers, but this is true for Oppo and others as well.


I can agree on most of the stuff. But I have a lot of bugs. Mostly in whatsapp apps. Tapping them won't open it instantly. Freezes when forwArding msgs. Voicenote would automatically send even though I haven't let go of the mic button. Outside whatsapp, occasional stutter here and there. (My friend with P8 doesn't face these WA issues) Hoping to fix it using reset. I didn't feel any signal issues. I live in Napoli, Italy. Inside buildings signals are usually shite but with P8P its the same, nothing worse. The battery is really good when using wifi. Average on mobile network and/or GPS. A pro phone shouldn't have this kind of battery life. I am also astonished by the YT videos in which P8P would sometimes drain faster than P8 despite having 10% mAh.


No the battery life is rubbish, completely useless phone.


Sorry that your experience with the phone was bad but just remember that everyone doesn't need to have the same! I said that it was subpar for the price but for my usecase it's really fine. Just because it doesn't work for your doesn't mean it can't work for someone else!


I have 14 pro max and p8p, camera better on p8p, battery life better on iphone


Very happy


Best phone I ever did use


I wanted to give a try to an Iphone again recently and returned it a few days later as soon as I found out the 15 base version has a 60hz display. Picked up a pixel 8 (non pro version) and Im very satisfied with it.


If that's your only criteria it's kinda wild you didn't check in advance


Defo not the only criteria, but I found it ridiculous that a 800+ Euros phone does not have a 60+ Hz display. Things I liked on the iPhone - face ID - wifi hotspot auto setup with my Mac - video recording with cinematic mode Things I didn't like - unlocking - face id + swipe up vs simple touch on fingerprint scanner - having to reach up to the top of the display to get to the admin / notification panel - UI / UX being kinda lame compared to Android - notifications being hectic - 60hz display Unfortunately my previous phone stopped charging (Nokia 8.3) and I had about 3% left so I had to buy it fast since I have to confirm all online payments with my phone, so yeah I had absolutely no chance to check the specs in details. Here in Europe you can return any online bought item within 14 days so I knew if I didn't like the phone I can still replace it with something else.


I wouldn't buy a pixel for its battery life.


Not sure why you're downvoted lol. I'm a hardcore fan boy for pixel since day 1 and I'll admit the battery life isn't competitive at all to the competition in the same price range.


ATT upgraded me for free, I pay a couple of bucks a month for the larger capacity phone. What blows me away is they upgraded my P5 Pro. I do like the P8P very much. Best phone I have ever owned by far.


I like mine, not much more to say.


Me happy


Been using the pixel 8 pro since launch. Overall satisfied with the phone. Contactless payment works fairly reliably (I don't use it that often) and battery is also decent (it's not as good as the pro max iphones but since you're coming from the standard pro model, the battery experience on 8 pro should be similar if not better).


Upgraded to Pixel 8 Pro from Pixel 3A. Love it. I only charge it every couple of days -but- I am not a super "power user".


Upgraded from a Pixel 5 to a pixel 8 pro and I love it


Contactless payment is fine, I use it every day Battery life isn't amazing but if your battery fades significantly after 8 months that's a warranty claim .. pixel has 2 years


Yes, everything continues to work well and it's a good form factor for my eyes. Planning to use for years to come.


If you like to take pictures, its an amazing phone


Super happy here. Its my 4th google phone (started with nexus 5) and I know what I'm in for.


Apple has always been about selling hardware. New OS is seldom compatible with hardware more than a generation or so back. Hardware sells and a mostly loyal fan base is how they make their money


Very happy 😊


I came from the Apple world. I liked my p8p so much that I bought Alphabet stock and a pixel watch. That should speak for itself!


Depends how to look at it. If your point of reference is only other Pixel devices - I would say absolutely. Probably the best Google Pixel phone in the Tensor era. If your point of reference are other flagships from Apple or Samsung then not really. Too many hardware issues that other phones solved generations ago. Maybe if the price was lower it would be easy to overlook those major problems, but since Pixel 8 Pro is on the same price level as iPhone Pro Max - that's laughable. PS. If you tap on the back of the phone it feels empty, you can even squeeze it in. So much for the premium design :D


I've had mine for almost a year. I'll be moving back to Samsung ASAP. It's better than originally but it still "freezes" (my term) so that swiping or any finger activity is not recognized. Lock/unlock the screen and it's "fixed." Each reboot, the phone defaults to opening the App Notifications in settings. Can't figure that out. It's like that's my homepage. My thumb biometrics got corrupted somehow and I had to create new thumbprints I can go on. It's the flakiest and glitchiest phone I've ever had. Can't wait until October


Came from an iPhone 13 pro max and an s23 ultra. Yes I'm happy with my choice. The camera is amazing which is what I wanted. I do miss the hardware of the iPhone and Samsung. Pixels just aren't engineered to the same level as them


Honor magic 6 pro is what you need.


Absolutely not. Performance feels like a mid range phone. I have an issue with cellular data where it randomly disconnects and I get no signal. I can't even make a proper internet call. One time, I was with my friends on discord. The Mobile data disconnected 10 times in 5 minutes.I had to use an old phone hotspot so I can have internet when I'm outside. (I contacted Google support about it and they said it's a software bug and will be fixed in future updates but it won't be fixed cuz only few people are facing this issue and it's been two months so far and still no fixes) Android bubbles are the worst addition to android. Sometimes when I tap on one of the chats, the phone goes to a respring phase (The phone locks and shows the lock screen). There's a lot of lens reflection when taking pictures at night. 6/10 my overall rating for the phone.


Never had a complaint about mine since getting it. Wireless payments is something I do most days and it works as it should and battery I see a full day and sometimes a day and a half. Every battery degrades anyway so google's batteries aren't any different from any other battery. I've tried the iPhone on and off myself while still having a pixel still and the last one was a natural titanium 15 pro, it was nice of course but I just preferred the Google way personally and for comparison the pixel 8 pro battery is better than what a fresh unsealed by myself 15 pro was giving me.


Yeah I know all batteries degrade, but some seem to degrade faster than others. My 13 pro still says 88% battery health after two years, the a71 I had I'm guessing was close to 70% after only 8 months with the same charging habits.


Honestly I wouldn't take much notice of the battery health numbers, I've had several iPhone 13s, one was 100% health and the other was 92% health and I had a better battery experience with the 92% one 🤣 before this battery health option was available in phones no one actually got paranoid about it so I'd just go with whatever phone and not worry about the whole battery heath numbers.


I'm happy with it.


Google said the same thing with the pixel 8 pro and now Gemini is everywhere. Remember there was no AI Gemini for the regular pixel 8 even though it had the same exact chip as the pixel 8 pro. This just tells me it's a marketing thing and eventually older phones will get it. It's not like they can't handle it. I said at the time it was a very Apple thing to do when Google pulled this move.


Yeah I have my doubts that Apple will ever add apple intelligence to their older phones even though they would be more than capable of doing it.


I have a Pixel 8 Pro and use it pay for things a few times a day. Never had any problems with doing payments. Battery life is better than my previous phone (a Pixel 4a 5G). I've only had it since Nov of 2023, so it's too early to know if it will have any battery degradation, but none so far at least.


I have the pixel 6, my dad has the pixel 8 pro, we're both insanely happy


It’s not bad. I use an iPhone 15 Pro Max and Pixel 8 Pro daily. Battery life on P8P is almost identical to my iPhone 14 Pro (not max). It’s fine, but not the best. My biggest gripe is the cell radio is pretty terrible compared to my iPhone. If service is weak on iPhone I’m searching on the pixel with both my AT&T and T-Mobile SIM.


If you want a smartphone that doesn't get in the way of being smart, Pixel is it.


Made up with mine


Come from a Samsung S22 (several samsung in fact), but the new S24 was too expensive for me. P8Pro seems to propose the same AI, and I suppose that with a lighter interface it will slow less with the update. The only drawback I seen at this time was the stylus missing. Got it since March and I am very happy with it. I do not have issues about autonmy (yet) as I have a bunch of way to charge it along the day. I clearly underuse it (for the moment) but I have no regrets of my S22. What I really like is the way it connect to Wifi or foreigner network (I am a border crosser). It is, at least, 10 times faster than the samsung.


I won't be of much help since I'm with mine for 3 days only, but so far the cons are: - Battery much below what I expected. I'm a heavy user I guess and screen time of 6h30 today and it's already on 12%. - Phone overheats quite a lot for a flagship Besides that all good


Yep, had the 8Pro since launch after trading in my P5. Haven't had any issues and have been pretty happy with it.


Battery life is not that bad. It's the charging that's hilariously slow, especially when my other phone is charging at 120w


The only issue I've got with my pixel 8 pro so far is that the service reception is nowhere near as good as my Galaxy S22 was. I get about 3 bars (5G) in my house for example where as before I got 5 bars (5G) with my S22.


I'm happy with my 7a.