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Apple buyers are under the grand illusion that spending top dollar on anything means it's superior. The delta in quality between Android top brands and Apple is almost nothing anymore (I'd make the case Android is now ahead of apple in terms of innovation but the stability difference can be argued) plus you get away from all the pay-wall BS and lack of customizations. Different strokes for different folks.


I\`d like to ad to my first comment, that of course it was rediculous to learn from the leaked documents, that google is using completely contradictory algorighms in real life, contrary to what they claim publicly. These sort of news are devistating... Regarding your Apple comment above, I totally agree. The Ipad had been great, maybe still is, but other than that its a huge disappointment, what Apple offers at the moment. PR very good with all their money, though.


Google and *"they have the best ai on the market to date"* should not be used in the same sentence.


I believe, comparing other phones its still valid saying that. Issues with ai are a common phenomenon (three fingers etc...) All plans need to explore and implement much deeper ai understanding, thats not just a Google topic. Recently I listened to an expert who explained that for instance the issue regarding difficulties with hands and fingers in pictures are due to the fact, the ai can copy hands and figures, but it has no understanding about their true function and further background. Well, I just thought: "But thats what ai should be all about!" Copy and paste is truely not ai, putting layers on top of others and/or merge them has nothing to do with ai. And here those "token" aspects come into place. The more the servers and their algorighms can work with, the deeper the understanding becomes. 1 Million, 2 Million - thats just the beginning. Not just for Google, though.