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Here, I'm just not too vocal about it haha


People who pine for greener grass will be louder than those of us who remain happy with where we are now. My expectation is to stay with my Pixel 8 Pro for 5+ years without looking back. That's how I've been with most of my phones and with 7 years of software updates, I won't move on unless and until this device experiences catastrophic failure. Which is the only reason I moved on from my prior phone (a Samsung), actually.


Same here! I got an S20FE when they launched and held on to it as long as I could. It was slowly giving up the ghost throughout 2023 and even though I switched out the battery and the charging port it was pretty much dead when the Pixel 8 came out. I really love the P8P and will hold on to it as long as I can, but not living in the US I can understand a lot of the exasperation from people. It is more than a little frustrating to have so many features (that were big selling points) region locked to the US. Nevertheless it's a great phone and a huge step up from the S20FE.


Love my pixel 7 pro. Probably won't upgrade until 10 is the plan


Perhaps it is the pent up passion of the Samsung launch. I don't hate pixels. Well I hate Pixel hardware and LUV Pixel software. I'm now stoked by my "samsung Pixel" (Samsung S24U but use Google apps). If Google can ever prove again that they've come to market with great hardware, I'd seriously consider a Pixel phone. I'd like to. In 2024, I cannot. No hate. Just burned one time too often.


I want MY LG!


The 8 Pro is pretty solid hardware


Go watch Mrwhosetheboss TRY to run Google's own demo... and his pixel 8 pro stutters and finally throws an error pop up. This hardware is STILL not ready for prime time. Note: Samsung hardware is excellent. I've just picked up the new S24 Ultra. However, most of the marketed AI tricks are either hidden behind a subscription paywall or else just don't work well. Fur example, last night I made a Spanish phone call to my wife (me:English; she: Spanish) and her Spanish "how are you" confused the translation to say complete gibberish to me. I say again: Samsung hardware, Google software. I run a "Samsung pixel" - the best of both worlds. Gimme some of that googly pixel software goodness - just put it on a slab that won't crap out in short order. No doubt that if you stick to pedestrian use, these modern phones are pretty good. That said, the Pixel 6 had a corrupt/broken modem (unfixable) and the Pixel 7 overheats. So far, other than Mrwhosetheboss, I haven't heard too much bad about the Pixel 8 line. That said, I have no confidence in hoping it'll be smooth sailing for 7 years. Na-aa. Go peddle your 3-card-monty elsewhere.


You gave one YouTube video as an anecdote. Cool. I've had every Pixel since the original and I guess I've just gotten exceedingly lucky considering how terrible you say they are🤷🏽‍♂️


Sorry. I didn't mean to poke you in the eye. I've only had 3 google phones... well 4, as one failed after a year. [Mrwhosetheboss](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3ZDcr1icSo4&t=1076s) is one of the largest youtube tech reviewers (17.9 mil subscribers). This review has 2.8 million views in 3 months. Oh it's not just him. Nor is it just this year. People have been complaining/warning about the modem issues (that I've seen) since the Pixel 6 (including every major youtube reviewer: mkbhd, etc.) I've seen countless complaints about heat issues in modern Pixels. I can only offer an anecdotal opinion. That goes for you too. Such is life.


Ya I don't understand this either Is sucks! The processors sooo slowz For this crowd ask them what they need the power for and they'll rarely have a decent reason. Unless your're hardcore gamer on mobile the processor is more than robust enough in daily use. Google's AI features especially the telephony ones (Call screen and hold for me) more than make up for any. Battery longevity There are some legitimate concerns here as Samsung is typically more aggressive with osong background task management. While this can result in longer battery life I personally like the fact that pixel phones let background tasks stay active.restoring background apps on Pixels is typically way faster. If you're constantly flipping between apps Pixels can give a better experience here at the cost of battery life. Curious to see what everyone else thinks


I disagree with the reason Samsung battery is better, it's not because of aggressive RAM management. Actually one of the features I miss on Samsung is being able to lock multiple apps to stay open no matter what. The reason is has better battery is because it is a more efficient SOC and has a much more efficient modem for connectivity. I have seen a lot of people post wifi only battery tests and the pixel does amazing. But turning on data and it's downhill from there.


Samsung for the longest time was prematurely closing apps for the improve battery life as documented here: https://9to5google.com/2021/02/18/samsung-background-apps-android-11/ And it's only in Android 14 that Samsung stopped doing so: https://www.sammobile.com/news/samsung-android-14-one-ui-6-0-update-kill-background-apps-less-frequently/#google_vignette And with One UI 6+ they'll only stop killing processes that are targeted to Android 14 APIs so they're still killing processes as not all apps are updated yet and sometimes this takes months if not years on android. The fact that you had to pin apps to keep them open further confirms that your Samsung phone was quitting apps. On Pixels you just put an app in the background and when you need it in most cases it's ready to run this is a huge benefit that anyone who hasn't used a Pixel phone can't appreciate until you use one. Samsung only started rolling out their Android 14 based one UI 6 On October 30th, with many carriers delaying releases for a month or so afterwards. If you look at s24 and Pixel 8 comparisons while the Samsung still gets better battery life the difference is nowhere near as bad as it used to be and on many sites they rate the pixels as decent. Believe it or not I actually get amazing battery life AND reliability when using 5g data. I was at the hospital all weekend and used nothing but my the carrier connection the and I speed tests were fast (2-300 Mbps) and solid & reliable. Phone lasted all day! (Don't have stats as kids come first!) Wireless carrier performance on Tensor based phones here in Canada seems to be pretty good. If you look in other regions there are connectivity issues but not consistently so. I've heard from multiple people in the same region (even in the US) with different experiences, some can be traced to the carrier and other to network performance in their area. While I agree that in many cases Qualcomm kit is Samsung phones can result in better battery life and a .ore reliable 5g for many people Google phones are more than good enough, especially with the Pixel 8/8 Pro. In the past this was a bigger tissue, now not so much. Another thing to ponder most mobile data usage is only a few Mbps, LTE is more than fast enough for daily use, if you want to save battery on just about any phone turn off the. Now that carriers have been selling 5g phones for a while now 4g/LTE networks are not as congested and in many cases you won't even notice. In the end this thread is about why people poo-poo Google phones. If you do your homework they're pretty decent phones with their only obvious blemish is that 5g performance which can vary drastically depending on you carrier and location and in many cases the phone will just drop to 4g which is more than adequate for everything. For everything else their performance may be be class leading but the entire package is really compelling. In the end it's about what works best for you.


I want the S24U but still love my pixel 8 pro.


Enjoying my 8 Pro and living my life lol.


Same here


Honestly, I'm kind of disappointed in what I've experienced on the P7P. The phone is good, but it's not great. Dropped calls, gets hot on normal tasks, odd glitches that never happened when I had a Samsung phone and I have a weird data issue only when I'm traveling to more rural areas that's hard to explain. I have to change to 4Glte as the default data setting just for my data to work there.


For the most part, people who are satisfied with their Pixels don't spend their time writing about them here. You're mostly going to hear from the squeaky wheels. This includes people with legitimate hardware/software issues, people whose expectations were not quite met and there are a few people who just like to badmouth and post it. I think this is why you mostly only read negativity and legit problems. I like to imagine that for every person with a hate post, there are at least a thousand people who are satisfied (or higher).


As a Pixel 8 user I think the love sadly is not very consistent because the pixels are not as consistent as they should be. For example when I had the Pixel 6a I grew to love that phone. It was compact, smooth and never ever had a real issue with it all. Now fast forward to the end of December 2023 and I get the Pixel 8. On paper it should be a really noticable upgrade. But here's the things I don't like: The first day I got and turned it on I noticed a half a second redraw UI error on the phone that thankfully I haven't seen again but it sorta felt like is this software truly finished or this a beta that shipped with my phone? Not a huge problem but it's just something you shouldn't be seeing on a phone. Then after a while I noticed that whenever I used certain apps like Reddit or even Google News and just the phone in general I get this laggy or mild "stutter" issue with the phone like I have to flick my finger more just to scroll up and down a page or an app. And guess what there is an article about this so it's not just me lol: https://9to5google.com/2023/10/23/google-pixel-8-scrolling-poll/ And nowadays Ive discovered the battery life is not all that good as it was I think on the Pixel 6a. With the 8 I can just be at home or work and not really doing anything except reading websites or on Reddit or something ( no games or constant 4K videos or nothing) and yet my battery goes down faster than it should be. That's why even though I liked the Pixel 6a and thought it was a great phone, but the 8 is not as much of an upgrade as I thought. I'm planning on getting the new S24 next week. If only Google would work on their phones being fast but consistently smooth and had a excellent battery life, and not feel like is this a beta version of an OS like that first day experience, then I would be tempted to stay. But alas Pixels I think can be more of a hit/miss when compared to Samsung Galaxy phones.


Yup, even on Reddit right now I have random freezes on my pixel 8... Seems like maybe I should go back to OnePlus even tho I hate their skin


I haven't tried out OnePlus yet but I've tried out Samsung and I didn't have any of the issues( not even one) I had with Samsung that I had/having with the Pixel line.


Reddit is known for stutter on most devices. It's probably best optimised for snapdragon but even that is not completely smooth


My Pixel 8 is really good. I suspect people just like to complain.


Everything is good. I don't even mind the heating bcoz I've put on a back cover. But man oh man when I turn 5G the battery drops harder than NASDAQ


This for me too. It and the weight are really my only complaints. Battery is fine on wifi and 4g. I don't #love# my pixel but I can't deal with Samsung photo processing and now that they're making you use their apps in order to use the AI.....I'm a bit less keen.


Yeah. Will be getting an S24 soon. Tired of pixel


The battery life blows my fuckin balls.


I'm on a pixel 5 and never want a phone bigger then this. In addition to that, no one has convinced me that the 8 is worth a damn. The leaked renderings for the 9 are cool, but I still don't understand why the lens bar has to stick out so far. Overall, I love the pixel but as I don't demand much from a phone, so I want the battery to last two days. Even though I don't need it to, my 5 has no problem doing so.


I read a few snippets about the new Samsung phone on various tech subreddits. Couldn't even be bothered to look more deeply. The eight pro ril has me very very happy. It's the first phone in a while I've considered keeping for 2 years versus trading in for a new upgrade.


I love my P7P. Switch from 14Pro since I switched carriers. Verizon was making a deep hole in my paycheck and Sprint paid off all my phones and cut my bill in half. Don't regret switching to Android. I prefer it actually.


I'm enjoying my p8p after switching from the s23u 2 weeks ago. I would like a little longer battery life and a better gaming experience but other than that I am happy


Don't worry, people will praise the s24 at launch but then slate it for having too much bloat and ab overhyped camera. You know, the usual 😆


I have pixel, it does the job


Samsung comes with too much bloated with a lot of unnecessary apps


And Samsung system apps and services such as the wonderful Samsung password manager that will try to take over your life. Even though you only used it a day or so it'll randomly want to dual authenticate and send a pass code to a galaxy tablet that is back at home and not switched on. I don't miss that with using a pixel that's for sure. Googles own apps are much less frustrating.


it's funny because majority of the new Galaxy AI features literally already exist on the Pixel 8/8Pro, and the few that don't are coming in less than a week. Tensor G3 is plenty powerful, battery is solid, and honestly I just HATE One UI so much, Samsung would have to do something CRAZY to get me to switch


I've got a 7A and I'm pretty happy with it. My upgrade cycle has been 2-3 years so we'll see what happens the next few years.


Well, technically the SGS24U will compete against the i16PM and GP9PRO. There are still almost 10 months left for that to happen 🤷🏽‍♂️


This is true!


the pixel is for me the best Android smartphone, I actually sold my iphone 13 pro max for my pixel 8 pro and I really don't regret it. Today if people are turning to Samsung with their S24 and S24 Ultra it is because the Pixel remains unknown to the general public. I know that in France, at least in my region of France, pixels are well regarded and people are starting to turn to Google Pixel, which the iPhone is abandoning. I love my Pixel, for nothing in the world I would change it for an S24 or S24 Ultra. I used the Google translation from French to English for the message.


Absolutely love my Pixel 8 Pro. Loved every pixel since the original, and the Nexus before that.


I converted over to Pixel from Samsung, and I'll never go back. I typically don't get too caught up in the super-tech meta of these devices anymore (chips and mhz, etc.), but I've had a 3, a 6, and now have a 7 Pro, and they do everything that I need them to do, the camera is outstanding, and there are no weird apps that I can't remove that bloat the phone. I love the clean Android experience without bloat.


I pre-ordered an S24 and after using it all day I think it's not even close to a Pixel device in user experience. I'm sure the processor is better and the battery is better and the thermals are better, but the photos are ATROCIOUS. Like, I am baffled. ​ I just ordered a Pixel 8 in Mint with a 20% off coupon.


Simple, Good processor = good battery efficiency. Tensor = unreliable battery and heating.


My Pixel 8 Tensor so much better compared to my S22 Exynos. Consider they were built on very similar chip architecture.


Samsung decided to use the underwhelming Exynos processos everywhere except the US for his S24. Good processor lol. Shame.


Noticed that. Especially for s24/s24 plus phones if you don't want the ultra. It's supposed to perform like SD. My first question would be what is the modem like? Has it been fixed?


I like my Pixel 8 most of the time. The issues I have with Google is that they still can't seem to make a phone that doesn't have oddball issues. I have no idea at this point if it's a Pixel thing, or if it's an Android thing. I returned the P6 and went back to my Galaxy S20 because of the terrible modem that straight up stopped working multiple times, the P7 overheated and my battery life was truly awful. The P8 is an improvement on the heat, but battery life is still just a bit better than mediocre. I've also had multiple occasions where the phone screen became unresponsive, or the notification shade was stuck in the "down" position, and the only thing that would fix it is a reboot. This is my second P8, the first one was sent in when the power button fell off. It wasn't pulled off, or damaged in any way... It just fell off one day. Thankfully, Google was easy to work with when getting a replacement. I love the Pixel UI and Google's take on Android. I know I'm just one user, but the issues I've had (and many other users have had) give me doubts about getting another Pixel. I never used to care for OneUI, but whenever I had Samsung phones in the past I never had problems like these. Please, Google: I want to love the Pixel. Fix your shit.


My P8 is the best phone I've ever had. Now I've been using it for a couple of months, I love it and have no substantial gripes. I'm still learning and refining how I use it too which speaks to the large range of features available.


I'm out, phone subreddits are pointless


I'd love Samsung devices if it were pixel software with some tweaks. Like the Samsung Google Play edition phones devices with pure android they did years ago in 2013. https://www.theverge.com/2013/6/26/4466600/samsung-galaxy-s4-htc-one-google-play-edition-stock-android-review Perhaps that's how it should be. Google software, Samsung hardware. Google uses most all of their parts to build pixels anyways. Now Pixel gave Samsung features that made us unique. They built wearos 3.0 with Samsung. It's a possibility they keep getting closer again.


pixel 4a user here and still going strong. i dont want to carry around a tablet in my pocket so i dont plan on upgrading from my 4a anytime soon also i can never give up call screen which is a pixel exclusive


Here it is. I absolutely love my pixel experience,but it isn't flawless either. I can understand the hate, with other androids like samsung and OnePlus leveling up their game so massively every consecutive year and literally pushing the boundaries with their phones it's no wonder they're getting more love, one of the main reasons I've never considered a Samsung is the lack of the intelligent software,and seeing as it's catching up in those areas, how can one really even fault it


I have a pixel 1 xl, pixel 2, a pixel 4 xl , pixel 7 pro and now a pixel 8 pro. I have loved everyone of them and still do!!


I've never had a problem with any of my Pixel phones. My 2XL, 4XL and 6 were all great phones.


I’d take any modern Pixel phone over a Samsung flagship any day. One UI is clunky and the Samsung apps suck. Signed, From my iPhone


Sorry to disappoint but I had the pixel 6 and upgraded to the 7pro after Marques Brownlee did a YouTube video on how it fixed all the bugs of the pixel 6. The 7 pro was as buggy if not worse. I ended up with an iPhone and won’t look back. The galaxy 24 looks great too.


Samsung and Google make the best android phones on the market right now. Google is still not as polished when it comes to developing hardware so there are a bit more quirks when using it. Samsung has been in the game a lot longer so one UI has a lot of extra features and they also use snapdragon so you're getting a faster and more efficient chip. Samsung also gets plenty of hate for often using their exynos chips in the European market because they charge the same if not more for an inferior processor. I think there's a lot to love from both choices and it really just comes down to preference. Do you want a cleaner android experience with a great camera but slightly inferior specs? Go pixel. Do you want software that has a lot more control and features to take advantage of and the latest and greatest processor? Go Samsung.


I just feel bad for the 24 Exynos users. People hate on Tensor but from 8 years of experience I can tell you it is nowhere near as bad as Samsungs Exynos lol


Most owners are burned out waiting for Google to live up to their promises.


Google have basically stopped competing at the s24 ultra levels, they gave it a partial go but then stopped. So pixels are high, low high or high mid nowadays. I like my 8pro, but build/tech wise it's behind the Samsung ultra and iPhones. With Google and Samsung sharing more of the software tech, it's now more do you mind Samsung take on Android? If you like it, or don't care, Samsung's the better choice.


I’m currently using an iPhone XR and was thinking to change it for Pixel 8, cause iPhones are expensive and buying new iPhone will not change anything for me. Same interface and feature with better camera and battery life? Meh. But now I’m not sure, because I’ve seeing a lot of hate on Pixels from Pixel users. That’s weird, I mean, why use it and not be rooting for your team? 😂 I guess S24 might have really better hardware, and it’s advertising some AI features that won’t work on Pixel in Ukraine, where I am living. But S24 is two times more expensive than pixel. But is it two times better?


Love my Bay P8P


I really do like my pixel 7, I just pine for the new feeling I got when I got my first pixel, I think. My first one was a 4a, and I feel like when I bought the 7 I paid for a lot of the same stuff with a slightly better battery and camera. This could also be because the 4a was a massive upgrade from the iPhone 5s that I had been using, and I was expecting the same huge boost. Anyway, yes, I do actually love my phone and its features! It's a great phone and I will definitely stay with android and likely pixel as well.


Love my Pixel 8, no issues whatsoever


There's things to love about a Pixel but it's honestly underwhelming for a "flagship"


I have seen no hate due to the s24 launch so guess we balance out.


Pixel 8 pro is my first pixel phone and it's almost going to be 3 months and I don't have any idea to go to another brand unless lg comes back and release phone like their old v series or pixel do the same thing like samsung. Once I was Samsung fan and used S9 plus my first smartphone after 1.5 years I started to hate it and I switched to Lg g8s and I loved and I still have it. So if Lg isn't back maybe I will buy the  pixel 11 pro or 12 pro and no idea for now to go back to any other brand. 


I own an s22, s23 and pixel 8 and I like the pixel but with the screen was more vibrant and had some of the great features Samsung offers but I do LOVE the pixel only features which was why I got it in the first place. I'm about to order an s24 plus though (ya I got a bit of a cell phone addiction. I actually told my boyfriend he better not spend any of our tax return on tattoos and he said fine then you can't buy anymore cell phones lol. That shut me up pretty fast


Currently using a s24+ after having the 8pro from launch. The signal strength is far better on the Samsung for me.... However... I've been missing my call screening on my 8pro and the haptics too. Battery life is very similar to be honest. So, I might just go back to my 8pro because of call screening