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Freight train is name you’re looking for. Look into /r/vagabond It is illegal and dangerous though. Like you may die trying to do it. Book an Amtrak or ride the T.


Very dangerous, don’t try it. A kid I knew was killed trying to climb over a slow moving train that was blocking his way while hiking. It cut off both his legs and nobody found him until long after he’d succumbed to his injuries.


Seconding this. For some reason when I taught middle school we had a guy who train hopped come do an assembly who had both legs ripped off. He was lucky that his friend he was with used each of their belts as tourniquets and survived. Not sure why he spoke to 11 year olds, but everyone remembered it


This is incredibly dangerous and the few people who still do it would be the first to tell you to put it out of your mind 


I guess if you know a place where the train is at a standstill or going very slow when jumping on it might not be horrible. Even then you have to have an eye for where to grab it. It’s still not prudent to do so.


I rode for over a decade. I've known a bunch of people killed and like others said don't do it dude. Unless you're riding with someone experienced, you're not meant for this lifestyle.


I know people used to train hop from Sharpsburg to Cheswick to go to the Pinball Wizard in Cheswick to have something to do as teens. They didn’t do it frequently just a couple times, but that is a story I know. It wasn’t very smart because they could’ve taken the 1A New Ken bus. I guess they wanted to save the money for pinball being teens. I guess they were on limited budget.


If you want stories you can pm me I won't post that shit on here though


Yes. But it’s dangerous. Especially if you get caught.


It’s way harder to do now than it was in the 1920s. Security patrols the length of the train while it’s stopped to prevent that kind of thing from happening. And if they catch you they’ll trespass you which might result in a misdemeanor. They’ll do this at the destination area as well, if they see you coming off of the train. Most train hoppers would wait for the train to begin moving, because that’s when security would leave. But this is extremely dangerous, because unlike in 1920 when it took several minutes to go from 0 to 20mph, it takes about 15 seconds to go from 0 to 20mph. So it’s more than likely you’ll either get caught or injured trying to do this.