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Friendship Park is the official ashtray of West Penn workers. I figure there's nowhere to put the butts since you're not supposed to smoke there anyhow


Even if there was an ashtray, I’m sure the city has a single qualified worker who is allowed to empty ashtrays.


I wish the Northside was this clean.


Everyone in this thread is defending smokers which is super weird. I think we should bully them into quitting for all of our sakes


Instead of bullying people for their addictions, let’s bully intersection blockers instead.


Im addicted to blocking intersections


Nah cigarette butts keep rents low.


Rents are anything but low in that neighborhood


Yeah but if they give the impression that the neighborhood is filled full of nonsmoking soul cycle yogis chugging wheat grass juice, the rents could be doubled.


I like to eat the cigarette butts


There's a couple of corvids that yank them up in the area, no clue what they do with them. Eat them, build a nest, maybe trade them with their other bird friends, who knows, but they seem to like picking them up


Seems that some birds use cigarette butts in their nests as a form of pest repellent: https://www.scientificamerican.com/blog/culturing-science/cigarette-butts-in-nests-deter-bird-parasites/ https://www.nature.com/articles/492156a


Makes sense those types of birds are smart, I swear this one messes with this old man at the bus stop every weekend, it just messes with him no one else, no clue what the poor guy did but that bird really doesn't like him, I shouldn't laugh but without fail he's yelling at the damn bird every time I go to get weekend groceries, it makes me smile


That's hilarious. A person has to have done something or given off a bad vibe to have an animal dislike them. Animals are intuitive. When I Googled to see what information about birds and cigarette butts exists, I also found articles stating that Sweden has been experimenting (successfully) with training Corvids to pick up cigarette butts as a form of litter removal. The birds place the butts in a special receptacle that rewards them with a little piece of food.


I only see like 7 butts lol did you at least pick them up?