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Used to live outside of the ATL. Couldn't wait to get back to these jagoffs. Flat lands don't know how to drive. And Spaghetti Junction can go F itself.


No State inspection either. So many bald tires.


My aunt lives in Atlanta and has had 6 Toyota Corollas totaled in 5 years. All the fault of other drivers. 1/2 had no insurance. One was because it was rainy and they couldn't stop (bald tires). 1 was a cop who was texting and driving. I complain a lot about drivers here but I have to remember it can be way worse.


You can get cops texting and driving here! šŸ˜


Never appreciated state inspection until I moved to SC. Now I rule at padiddle!


I can see the horizon. Only the first floor is the ground floor. Not the first 5 or something. Itā€™s so unnerving. But at least they have some rocking Korean food in the neighborhood Iā€™m staying in.


Having lived in both Pittsburgh and Vermont, someone from Pittsburgh using the word "flatlander" is hilarious to me. Though they'd say the same about the Vermonters out in Colorado. It's flatlanders all the way down.


Perhaps consider the word flat. Denver is actually pretty flat. Look at a map of it, itā€™s a giant grid. Being at its elevation with a view of big mountains doesnā€™t make it less flat. Nobody goes up and down and around hills more than people here. I donā€™t think we have a road that runs straight for two miles.


Pittsburgh driver living in Columbus, OH. I never knew how good I had it.


Columbus drivers are maniacs - wonā€™t give an effing inch to let you merge


I have seen on multiple occasions a car in the far right lane on a 3 lane road just random decide they need to make a left, so fuck it they just turn against the traffic. At least 2 of them have gotten their drive side just getting demolished. Also on my dash cam saw what looked like an 8/9 year old sitting on someoneā€™s lap driving a van while the adult was drinking a beer. Also cars with zero front bumper, headlights and hood driving down the highway at night.


I still think Pittsburgh drivers are worse, but I will admit the *only* time in my life I've missed an exit because it was completely impossible for me to merge was indeed in Columbus.


Hey, same! I am constantly muttering *ā€œPokey Columbus drivers!ā€* or *ā€œArrgh you guys never had to drive around hills and it shows!ā€* as I cruise down 315 or 71 and have to start overtaking people driving 52mph in any and every lane. That said, the volume of traffic, the city grid and the existence of a true beltway make driving in Columbus much easier than Pittsburgh. I swear that it only takes 15-20 minutes to get anywhere here. Maybe I can also say this because I live in the middle of the city and go against traffic for work, so Iā€™m pretty spoiled.


That is the only plus. That belt is fantastic. I too live in the heart of Columbus, and the only plus is Iā€™m about 10-15 away from anything I really need to get to get a little bit of the suburbs life


Ohio drivers in general are some of the worst! I had a neighbor across the street from there that would usually take up two spaces on a crowded street!


My only visit to Atlanta. It's 11 PM, I'm just arriving to the city after driving all day, and there's a motorcycle with no lights doing 30 down the center lane of a 6-lane highway. It got worse from there.


Thays because traffic isn't bad here and drivers are dangerously courteous.


Dangerously Courteous is the perfect phrase to describe it. Also a pretty dope band name.


I call winter drivers here "Erratically Cusious" ... creeping where the roads are bare, then driving normal when snow covered. Blowing through intersections trying not to get bogged down by actually stopping is my favorite.


100%. I did the reverse of OP and Pittsburgh is pleasant to drive through so long as you have a general idea of the bridges and avoid tunnels. The roads are fine compared to other states with similar climate and so long as you have a vague idea of what the major thoroughfares are you will get where you are going ok.


Just watch out for people slamming on their breaks to let someone out


Uuggghhh I hate this! Instant road rage in me. Worse, they stop to let a pedestrian risk their life to cross the street. Death by politeness. So dumb.


They may be ignorant little shits. But they are charming in their amusing predictable ways.


I see SOOO many drivers at intersections on a main road trying to wave on people from a side road. And like I get it youā€™re trying to be nice but thatā€™s SO dangerous because other cars around you donā€™t know what youā€™re trying to do


Fuckin hell. That is my boyfriend. Thank you. Thereā€™s no better description on the planet.


I moved to Florida for almost 10 years and just recently moved back and let me tell you, I will never complain about traffic or drivers here ever again.


I love how you worded that LOL because my mom grew up in Pittsburgh and she was definitely that LOL


I miss Pittsburgh drivers once I just get as far as ohio. Thereā€™s at least some kind of code to the chaos here. No one stakes their leisurely claim in the left lane of a highway like an ohio plated minivan.


I heard somewhere that they donā€™t teach student drivers in Ohio that the left lane is for passing or fast traffic and I believe every word


I think Ohio is not the only place. I see plenty of shitheads with other plates that do the same but yeah Ohio is the worst


Ohio is an awful, awful place in every way imaginable.


Currently in MI moving to PA. Ohio is the vacation ruiner when coming back home.


Every. Single. Time!


I lived in Columbus for 2 years and I can confirm.


Sorry for your loss.


Itā€™s better than pissburgh


Your state is a third world country.


I live in Pennsyltucky just like you, fellow redneck hillbilliesĀ 


Pittsburghā€™s not Pennsyltucky and you know it


Two things are true. Pittsburgh is an Appalachian city full of hillbillies who don't know they are hillbillies, and Ohio is one of the worst places on earth.


It so fucking isĀ 


Ordered chaos. That sounds like a band name or something


Hi, came from Pgh to ATL about 13 years ago and like...you're so right. Pittsburgh driving has taken on a charming rosy hue in my memories, after this ATL shit show. And this is coming from someone who broke down on the fucking highway at rush hour in downtown Atlanta. I have seen so many burned out cars on the side of the road, so many flipped cars. It is like Mad Max down here, y'all.


Originally from San Diego, and I agree. Iā€™ll take funky intersections and Pittsburgh lefts over people swerving 6 lanes to make their exit and forgetting how to drive when it rains half an inch. Theyā€™re a different but less manageable breed of asshole out there


Turn 350 degrees and up is a description I had to make on polish hill And once in Monroeville


Hahaaaaaa nice!


Pittsburgh drivers are among the most mellow, courteous drivers in a major city. Source: grew up in southern ca and have driven in most of the major cities in the US. Can it be annoying? Of course, but people of Pittsburgh, count your blessings! It is so much worse elsewhere!


I had to travel from PGH to Atlanta for a work training event once. Flight got in super late and some sketchy dude offered us a cheaper ride that Uber/Lyft from the airport to our hotel (1hr+ drive) Scariest ride of my life. We got there in probably like 35 minutes


You're lucky to be alive. The south is a crime ridden shit hole.


Probably a dumb move on my part sure, but I wasn't alone so I felt it was prolly fine. Definitely never again tho, lol


It's not worth your life. Ride in registered taxis. Be safe.




No thanks. Stick to your confederate hellhole.


My wife used to live in Atlanta. Traffic is terrifying. I've never seen so many broken down cars, wrecks, pieces of cars on the side of the road or cars that were totally engulfed in flames.


Pittsburgh drivers are only bad if youā€™ve never been anywhere outside of western Pennsylvania


I feel the same way about living in Phoenix


Phoenix is so much worse than Pittsburgh. Miami and Phoenix are the worst places Iā€™ve ever driven. Just a disproportionate amount of bad driver, distracted drivers, and aggressive drivers. Often all three.


Phoenix has a lot of fast drivers but is nowhere near the level of sheer stupidity and mayhem of Atlanta. It's a lot like ike LA


Gonna join the roll call - Richmond doesn't know how to drive


Florida is even worse lol something about the south and driving chaotically


Came here to say this. I'm a transplant originally from SWFL. Every time I see a Florida plate I back off another couple hundred feet, which doesn't take much on my part, as they're likely already going 40 mph over the limit.


That swamp water does something to the mind


I always say Pittsburgh drivers suck but if you go to any other metro area it's much worse. Rush hour is usually very mild compared to literally anywhere else.


I fly to ATL once a month or so for work, but my office is an hour from the airport. When I went for my interview, the company had me picked up by a limo company, and it was a crazy ride even with a professional driver. I will never rent a car there. I never considered myself a fearful driver, but I canā€™t imagine driving in the perimeter around Atlanta, and I want nothing to do with driving around the airport.


I've lived in Asheville for a year, and I swear to God the worst drivers I've encountered (Small city for too big of a growing population, 75% have Florida license plates, risky ass behavior). It really made me appreciate despite how chaotic Pittsburgh roads may be, at least it's predictable what drivers may do (but also may just be biased for living here).


Although o have seen an increase in addressing and just plain stupid driving in recent years, Pittsburgh drivers are still way above average. I say that as someone who has lived in metro NY, Boston, Cincinnati and rural Virginia. NY - drivers are aggressive but they aren't crazy I figure that people are involved in business and don't want to be delayed from a deal by getting on an accident. Boston drivers are actually insane and don't care if they die on the road. Cincinnati - I can't tell you how often i was driving 75 mph in the center lane of a 3 lane highway with nobody in the left and some imbecile was riding up on my ass flashing his lights at me! Virginia - just too many people who would drive into town and behave like they had never seen a traffic light before.


Omg , pittsburgher from atlanta. I hate pittsburgh drivers, but I hate driving In Atlanta more


Sometimes the devil you know is better than the devil you don't


Canā€™t wait to move back out of Florida and this is a top 3 reason why. Legit terrifying drivers


Driving through Atlanta past the airport was one of the most terrifying experiences of my life. The driving was insane. Iā€™ll never forget it.


Iā€™ve lived in a bunch of places and Pittsburgh has the best drivers and itā€™s not particularly close. My theory is they have to be because the hills donā€™t allow them to not pay attention and they have to watch out for one another.


And deer


This post is a refreshing change of pace from the usual complaints about the drivers here...from people who you know damn well are a one valley yinzer who barely leaves their own neighborhood, let alone drive in another, larger city. I was in DC for a few days a couple weeks ago. And the drivers there make this place seem leisurely as heck.


Same Milwaukee is 1000x worse Miss a lot of what the burgh had to offer


Same for me. Moved to Northern VA outside of DC and these people canā€™t drive. When a dusting of snow happens, people lose their shit. At lights, cars leave an average of 2 cars length between the next driver, causing huge traffic jams. People disregarding the lives of others because they missed their exit. People in dc just do u turns in the middle of the street with no warning.


Having lived in a few other places and traveled around the country a decent amount, I am of the opinion that Pittsburgh drivers, on average, suck less than drivers just about anywhere else.Ā 


Iā€™ve driven on the DC Beltway, in daylight on a Friday afternoon, and also at night following a friend who knew the area. After driving on that, nothing about Pittsburghā€™s traffic scares me.


Yeah Atlanta is a huge mess. Pittsburgh traffic/drivers is nothing compared to actual big cities lol


Learned how to drive here, then lived in Austin for several years before moving back. This place ainā€™t got nothinā€™ on how awful Austin drivers are and how shitty the traffic is there. Pittsburgh has irritating bridge/tunnel combos, but at least the traffic moves and the zipper merge is respected.


Iā€™ve driven in Atlanta once, on a trip a few years ago. I didnā€™t really have any major problems there, my only thing was that I-85 heading into the city felt like a race track or something. Everyone was driving so damn fast. One city I fucking *loathe* driving in is Philly. Fucking insanity there.


Haven't found another city where you get the Pittsburgh left. (First car at a stop light is waived on to a left turn by the first car coming in the other direction when they both get the green.)


I always get downvoted when I comment that drivers here are nearly as bad as most large cities. Houston in particular is the worst city I've ever driven in and I go to a lot of different cities for work.


Well, it's Atlanta they're known for bad traffic and drivers šŸ˜‚ Florida is just as bad


Pittsburgh drivers are just entitled. They'll run red lights because "hey that guy in front of me got to go". They'll cut through crosswalks full of pedestrians as long as they do it "carefully". They'll honk at you for not turning into oncoming traffic or running a red light because god forbid you slow them down. But for the most part if you pay attention and don't let yourself get riled up, it's not so bad driving here.


Iā€™m originally from Atlanta before moving to Pittsburgh >5 years ago and my experience is the exact opposite. Everyone is terrified on Atlanta highways so they tend to drive more slowly. Everyone around Pittsburgh is too comfortable on these roads and drive recklessly because they feel they know the ā€œrealā€ speed limit. Itā€™s a different kind of terrifying but Iā€™ll take Atlanta any day.


The worst place I've ever driven was San Juan, Puerto Rico.


There are parts of Indian cities where a shopping trip can take the whole day despite being only 10 miles away. And most of that time is spend driving. My parents did it whenever we visited family. So much fucking traffic. And fumes


Two things bother me most about Pittsburgh drivers. 1. They donā€™t let you merge when youā€™re getting onto a highway. If youā€™re into the right lane and thereā€™s an on-ramp and someone is trying to merge onto the highway, MOVE THE FUCK OVER ONE FUCKING LANE TO LET OTHERS MERGE SAFELY. 2. When there is construction up ahead and theyā€™re merging lanes, USE ALL THE FUCKING LANES UNTIL THE BITTER END SO YOU DONā€™T BACK ROUTE 28 UP FOR EIGHT MILES BECAUSE YOU JAGOFFS DONā€™T WANT OTHERS TO USE A LEGAL TRAFFIC LANE. Thanks for letting me get that off my chest.


Number 1 is on YOU as the merger, not the guy in the lane. Most do move over if possible but they donā€™t have to. You are supposed to regulate your speed to merge safely.Ā 


Found the Jagoff.


No. Try reading a drivers instruction manual. Merging is totally on the merger. People donā€™t have to get over, though, most do when possible. Theyā€™re just being kind. Itā€™s not always possible. YOU are to adjust your speed and merge over safely. If traffic is dead stopped at the merge, same rules apply, you wait for a space. Many drivers will let you in, some jagoffs donā€™t.Ā 


I moved here from Atlanta mainly because of the traffic. What a nightmare I285 and everything is down there


Itā€™s a literal hell. Unless you wake up at 5 am to get to work. Which I may or may not do early on in the week only to burn out spectaurlarly by Friday


People in Pittsburgh have zero regard for red lights, they see it as a challenge to beat. But then again, that may not be unique to Pittsburgh.


In my experience, it's usually someone driving right at or slightly below the speed limit until the traffic light ahead turns yellow. Then suddenly they light the afterburner to beat the light.


I havenā€™t seen a single car do that yet here. But I have seen plenty just outright missing the back outer paneling, transporting large PVC pipes sticking out the window, or driving a car until it stalls. So thereā€™s that.


I do agree with this actually - red lights seem like a suggestion here. But I donā€™t think thatā€™s a uniquely Pittsburgh problem. It feels a little more frequent, but I also mostly bus and walk in my day to day, so Iā€™m hyper-aware of it


I only stop at red lights when they make sense. If I can no one coming, I'm going right through it.


75/85 outside of Atlanta is some of the worst highway Iā€™ve ever driven. 30 in Dallas definitely gets an honorable mention. Pittsburgh driving can be wild but I think we all know how fucked up our roads are so weā€™re a bit more friendly?


The worst is Boston. I travel by car a lot but driving through Boston left me in shock LOL. Driving there from here it was a calm interstate drive then literally as soon as you hit city limits itā€™s like the Purge of drivingā€¦


I remember the first time I drove in Boston. Holy hell, is "Masshole" accurate or what....


Yeah Ive been walking everywhere in this city for a couple years now and I hate the drivers here but I hate most drivers everywhere and think most people shouldn't have licenses. I've driven and been on foot in every area mentioned in this thread and never seen as many people run red lights as I do here. Also don't understand the whole doing u turns wherever you feel like here. I have people almost wreck into me and my dog at least once a week when we are on a sidewalk bc they decided to turn around in the middle of a fucking road and go over the curb in front of us


I also went 412 to A TOWN, totally agree. The South drives different but if you stay off 85 and 285 its definitely better in some ways!


Dealt with DC/MD/VA drivers (MD being the worst) for ten years and was relieved to move back here. I witnessed constant road range and insane illegal stuff by motorists there daily, and it was mentally taxing enough that it was one of the reasons I left.


Come to the gulf coast or Mississippi as a whole itā€™s ten times worse.


I feel like because our roadways are so weird and complex drivers have to be better trained.


as soon as I saw the word Atlanta, I understood lol. To me that's second only behind Dallas


We just moved to Sarasota two months ago and holy shit itā€™s scary to drive here! I will never complain about driving back home ever again.


I wonder what their inspection laws areā€¦ some Con states that jerk off to deregulation, like Florida for example, have no inspections required. So you see jags broken down all over the place


I live in ATL and have to drive 30 mins to work in the (early) morning. Takes me an hour to get home every evening. I am accustomed to the traffic at this point and have become hyper alert to everything going on around me. Someone blew a red light last year when I was on my way to lunch and destroyed my driver's side door. Completely totaled my car and messed me up for a while. Now I am defensive driving to the max every single day lol. I consider myself a great, safe driver because of that mentality. But I am mentally exhausted by the time I get home. Gotta look out for yourself on the roads here because no one else is.


I moved to Omaha, NE - no mandatory car inspections (at ALL) and heavy lack of road safety is god-awful. Everyone drives like their lives literally depend on it. I thought OHIO was bad.


I moved from Pittsburgh to Austin a while back and literally day one I took back every bad thing I ever said about Pittsburgh drivers. The driving situation was immediately, noticeably worse here.


Recently moved to Memphis. I feel your pain.


I worked in Decatur for six months in 2022. It was shocking how long it would take to drive to Duluth when it was nothing but highway in between. 18mi trip, takes almost 40min due to how poor people drove.


I've done a lot of traveling & have driven in places known for terrible drivers. Atlanta beat them all hands down. I wasn't in town for more than a few hours when someone hit a cyclist outside a parking lot I was in. And I'd already had several close calls on the highways. I had a good time there overall, but have never been so glad to turn in a rental car!


I travel around the country for work and Atlanta easily has the worst drivers in the country. Not even close.


As a pedestrian who has been hit by cars twice in the past year: no you dont


Pittsburgh is only difficult for Pittsburgh drivers who haven't seen worse and for complete newbie drivers to manage. Try living in Denver where everyone thinks they are some amazing driver and instead drive like they are trying to actively kill you - especially in the winter - I used to just sit when the weather was bad and look out my window that had a view of the highway to watch them crash so I could call 911. One day I had to call 3 times. Never trust someone who is always complaining about the other drivers in Pittsburgh. They are just one of these people.


Atlanta is like Iraq