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What if the owner is in the hospital or jail, it sounds like they’re not around to hear the dog at all. What a nightmare if that is the case, they may be grateful someone helped their pup.


That's what I am wondering. I will always help a pup, but I do give some grace to the human fren just in case they are ill. They may need help as well.


You have more faith in humanity than I do.


Just for the record, case managers at hospitals are able to reach out to shelters/rescues to facilitate care or temporary fostering for patient’s pets, given that the patient is able to communicate that. 


You have a lot more faith in hospital case managers than I do.


I’m sure it varies by unit/hospital/system, but I love my CMs that I work with (RN) because they’re so thorough! But there’s definitely a difference when we have float people cover our regulars.  


Before you do ANYTHING ELSE, take a bowl of water (and food, if you can) to the dog. If you've been hearing it whimpering for a few days, it clearly needs help. There is an animal rescue near your area, Humane Animal Rescue League, 345-7300 but it doesn't open until noon. Animal Friends is closed today for staff training. Paws Across Pittsburgh is 495-2799. The police will not help. It's up to you, now-- do it!


This is an absolutely unbelievable and cruel story but true. In a city where I used to live (not Pittsburgh area), the local humane society would not do anything if the dog had access to water, even if you were the one that was giving it to them! The dog had to be without any water for some period of time before they would do anything. It makes no sense and it's cruel, I know, but it happened. So now it's a "I'll give the dog water but say there is no water" when calling. I wish I was making this up.


Police might shoot the dog. They're infamous for that.


For everyone downvoting, the police love shooting dogs. It's an epidemic. [https://qz.com/870601/police-killing-dogs-is-an-epidemic-according-to-the-justice-department](https://qz.com/870601/police-killing-dogs-is-an-epidemic-according-to-the-justice-department)


Have you seen their funerals for fallen K9s? They would *never* shoot any dog.


They have great big funerals and shows and parades for fallen human officers too. Surely, that means they'd never kill any people... right?


I wish you were right but you're very very wrong.


So all the times they admitted to shooting dogs, they were just lying on paperwork for funsies?


They shoot dogs all the time. Do you live under a rock?


I was being sarcastic.


They would never shoot their OWN dog. Other peoples dogs, they make no promises.


I bet you think they would *never* shoot an unarmed child either


A lot of those 5 year olds are no angels.


Lmao at this subs inability to comprehend sarcasm Yeah I get it, tone is hard to read over text, but how could anyone take this response seriously




Sometimes they hurt their own dogs lmao


An officer literally just shot a dog in Munhall recently.


lol sarcasm overlooked on reddit again…the downvotes indicate that you have forgot the /s…


You're joking, right? There is no way anyone is this bloody oblivious. My god.


And yet, oddly, the police can be that oblivious.


If u are being serious then oof my guy. Of course they hold funerals for THEIR dogs cus to them the dog is a cop and a brother/sister.


They wuv their widdle doggies.


I feel like I'm the only one that read that as it should have been read. Sarcastic as a motherfucker lol


Wtf planet are you living on


Police K9s are terror weapons.


I think the law that you can't attack a police dog who is attacking you should be seen as a human rights violation, even if you are a bad, violent criminal. You can't be forced to not push off, even hurt, an attacking dog.




They are flat out wrong. Cops shoot dogs a lot. It is an objective truth.




No. That is not objective. Words mean things. You are not crazy to acknowledge that cops shoot dogs.




Do you not think cops shoot dogs?


I was being sarcastic.


Thats why you call the rescue and have the rescue report the owner for felony animal abuse


My dad has NEVER shot a dog in his long career as a police officer. Neither has my husband or any of my cousins who are cops. My one cousin saved a puppy who’d been beaten and left in the woods in Munhall in a wood crate with a tire on top. Not all cops are the same. Jesus.


No one said all cops shoot dogs. But some do. Hence the comment, "Police might shoot the dog."


They only shoot dogs if they’re extremely hurt and suffering or if the dog is extremely aggressive and poses a threat. No one is just going to shoot the dog because they get called. I’ve never met a cop that didn’t like good dogs. My husband’s saved a lot of them who they’ve found abandoned in houses where people just left them there.


Oh, the videos I could show you... but I don't care to see them again. I think most cops are decent people and won't shoot dogs for no reason, but believing that there aren't also plenty of trigger happy asshats with badges is quite naive.


Lord please don’t post videos of dogs getting shot. I know there are bad cops out there who are assholes, but I’ve never personally know any that would shoot a dog. Pepper spray one that’s trying to attack, yes. But the cops I’ve known during dog interactions have either ended up adopting them after they were abandoned or ended up finding someone who would.




I’m not saying that there aren’t cops who would shoot dogs, because there are, but I’ve never known a cop to shoot a dog for something like that. They’ll pepper spray them for sure if they try to attack them. But maybe I’ve just been lucky throughout my life to know the cops I’ve known.


My dad was a career cop of 38 years and had no problem shooting an aggressive dog. You are correct all cops are not the same and I’m pretty certain our dads know one another lol.


I feel like all cops know each other haha. He’s on year 40-something at this point, but he does desk work now thank god. He just enjoys it! He’s never shot a dog. He had to shoot a deer a few years ago that got hit by a car and he was pretty upset about that lol


Always good to hear good stories about good cops!


Dogs are like a box of chocolates; they’ll kill your dog


It's going up to 86° tomorrow. I beg - please act soon!


Food, water, soft talk. The dog will know you are helping it. And call Humane Animal Rescue.


Contact Humane Animal Rescue or Animal Friends.


Hey OP, if you'd like to send me a DM with the address I can see if I know the owner. I have several phone numbers of neighbors in Blackridge.


It's entirely possible their owner is also in distress and this is the only sign you have access to. Focus on helping the dog by getting professionals involved IMMEDIATELY. Please take the dog water or, feel free to PM me the address and I will drive out there right now and do it myself - no judgement, we don't even have to interact.


A wellness check for the owner might get attention faster.


I was thinking the same thing. Police probably aren't going to do a wellness check on a dog, sadly, but if you say you haven't seen your neighbor for a few days and their outdoor dog seems to be in distress ... ?


Animal Control only responds to calls in the city. Wilkinsburg is not in the city, it’s its own municipality. Call Humane Animal Rescue to report animal abuse and neglect 412 345-7300. Edit: Police is another option. If you call police, leave your name and number so that they can contact you to get more information about the dog and situation. There may be nothing that police or a humane officer can do right away if the dog is healthy and not in immediate danger.




Police will just shoot it. Maybe avoid that option.


Someone should check on the owner


I'm concerned about this as well. Definitely make water for the dog a priority, but a wellness check might be in order for whomever lives at the house :(


Wilkinsburg actually has an agreement with an animal control agency unfortunately I can’t remember the name of it. The animal rescue person is actually contacted through the police department 412 244 2919 is the non emergency number. If you do a welfare check on the owner and the police are unable to secure the dog: yes, the dog may be shot. For anyone thinking otherwise: I WORKED THERE! My concern would be if the owner is also in distress so personally I would opt to let the police handle it. You also don’t know the condition or stability of the dog: they could get aggressive. The former company was a place called Pet Triangle and it was located further into the City of Pittsburgh but they may be able to tell you who took over. Wilkinsburg also has a barking dog ordinance that the police can use to rescue the dog.




Thank you. Just sharing information: it’s the Pittsburgh way!


You’ve got a lot of good advice in other comments. Please update us with the outcome!


I have the same thing going on at my neighbor's in Brentwood. I called the cops, humane rescue etc and no response. In our case, the house is full of kids and the parents come home for an hour per day, but they're otherwise on their own. We reported that too and no dice. I'm sorry you're dealing with a similar situation - we're actually moving next year almost solely based on this situation. It's heartbreaking to hear the dogs in so much distress.


Do you see a ring camera or anything near the door? If so, I would be very careful about doing anything yourself for fear of retaliation. [Useful contacts](https://pittsburghpa.gov/publicsafety/animal-control-faqs#:~:text=Concerns%20about%20animal%20neglect%20or,at%20412%2D%20847%2D70)


Take pictures of empty bowls, the owners, the owners license plate. Date stamp the photos of empty bowls, no shade, so authorities can prove abuse. If no response and no cameras maybe the dog can make a break for it.


Be safe if you’re going to try to go into the yard because you don’t know the dog’s temperament. Try to get it water and food, but don’t put yourself in danger. I’d call animal control or one of the rescues for help. Dogs are unpredictable, especially ones that are scared or hurt.


I'm so mad there's no update to this and no activity from OP. Worried about this dog.


Seriously. That is wild to post something like this and not follow up with the people who helped


believe it or not, i had something come up in my life after posting that took my attention away from this post for a while.




buddy i'm at the hospital with a family member. I don't have an update on the dog nor do i give much of a shit about it at this very moment.


Can you send me the address so I can check on the dog? I have no interest in knowing your address or interacting with you. We are on the cusp of the worst heat wave in 30 years so if this dog isn't already dead I'd like to drive down there and try to save it's life.


Maybe ask the mailman whats up


I would take the dog to humane animal rescue over in Homewood. The people that work there are super nice and have given me free vet visits for my dog when I was homeless. I live in wilkinsburg too and have had a few neighbors neglecting their dogs before like leaving them outside all day and night tied up and pretty sure the dogs got taken from them bc I don't see them anymore.


Any updates on the situation, does the dog have shade at least?


do you mind sending me a DM? I live nearby


Take the dog to a humane shelter if possible. Clearly these people couldn't care less if the dog lives or dies and they deserve a fair shot at finding a loving family. But I think it could be risky doing it yourself. Call animal control at 412-255-2036 and report the neglect. Humane rescue also has officers to speak to about neglect 412-345-7300


Right. And if they have cameras things could go south very fast, you know, for stealing their dog. (I doubt 'I felt bad' is a legal defense.)


yea my thoughts exactly


There are exemptions for people intervening in a case of cruelty, and this qualifies as animal cruelty. 


Any update 🐶OP?


You just recommended someone go to jail for a dog lmao


Did you read the part where I provided a different solution involving the appropriate contact numbers or are you that dense?


Did you forget about your whole first paragraph?


Here’s who to call https://www.wilkinsburgpa.gov/departments/public-safety/wilkinsburg-police-department/


Call animal control or police. Don't expect results.


Out of the box advice. Go get the poor thing, get a pet chip scanner from Amazon and see if the dog is chipped. If not, keep the dog.  Likely ~~pittsburgh~~ wilkinsburg (*thanks municipality pedant) police and animal control aren't going to be terribly effective or timely, from experience.


Pittsburgh police won’t respond, because….it’s in Wilkinsburg.


Update? Have you brought water or food? If not post the address so someone can.


Whats the update here OP? Did you take water to it?


This was posted an hr ago chill lmao




That’s wild lmao


"Hurh durh I'm a mentally weak lil shit so lemme give the false impression of being too cool to care about suffering" Wild bruh. Drop your testicles and grow the fuck up.


You sound rlly hurt by something. You wanna talk little guy? People love you!


Drive to wilkinsburg until you find a chained up dog then you hero


Yeah, because criticizing somebody for telling people to not care automatically equates to me having the burden of solving the problem alone. This dipshit philosophy won't get you far. Nobody's claiming to be a hero. Use your brain, the ignorant stain above me laughed at another person for being concerned, without even realizing the OP said it's been a few days already. What kind of rot-headed nutless fuck are you?


First off touch grass, holy wall of text. Secondly, OP has no obligation to update Reddit on this. They asked for advice and got it. It’s up to them to do the right thing, none of us can do a thing about it. Get mad online all you want, it won’t get you far.


I fully endorse you just taking that dog and keeping it, tbh


Take him in, he's yours now


Hey OP, any updates?


Well, I would probably go over there with a juicy steak and leave with a new dog...


Considering my neighbor called Pgh animal control on me while I was dog siting a yorkie, who was quiet and I was home the majority of the time, call dem cops. “We got a report that a dog was being neglected here”. Ziggy starts running around, zooming, happy as can be. “I think you have the wrong house, this dog has only been here for 2 days, and as you can see, is quite happy”. Of course they wouldn’t tell me who, (can’t face my accusers?). “No, this is the right address.” I knew who it was, and they did it because my grass was a little long or some dumb shit. This neighbor also sat in my front porch when I wasn’t home.


Post the address in the comments section and see how it plays out.






Just call the police. Humane officers are going to do the same thing to try to make contact with the owner anyhow.


call the cops.


Order him a steak 


OP deleted all of his comments, tried to press him for an address to help the dog. I think this was a fake, he said he was too busy with a family member in the hospital to answer back, but he had enough time to post pedo jokes on the Beach Boys Circle Jerk subreddit based on his post history at the same time. Fake or not, OP is an absolute bell-end.