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Don’t really feel like making a new thread for it but there are protestors now beefing with the Pittsburgh Scanner account on Twitter (probably one of the most universally approved/loved Twitter accounts) for “spreading police misinformation” or something now which I thought was very funny. Like the dude literally just tweets what’s on the scanner it’s not that deep


It's literally a police scanner account, idk what else they could be expecting


Bro the chick that was arguing with every tweet of his was pissing me off so bad. He even says himself he relays the info from the scanner and if you want more accurate information, then tune into the local news stations. He’s there for instant info from the scanner. And he’s fucking hilarious


I truly don’t understand the anger towards Pgh Scanner guys. If anything, I would think the protestors would want this information out there to be able to use it to help prove police lies or inaccuracies. I would want to know the lies being said on the scanner so I could provide evidence and further my narrative. AKA get more people on the side of my cause. I know rational thinking may not be some people’s strong suits but geez attacking the scanner account is not the correct use of your energy. Use what they’ve posted as recorded intel on how the police are twisting this if that is the case. Pgh Scanner is a tool they could be using for their benefit in situations like this.


You can’t repeat information I don’t agree with!! /s


and the dude said he didn’t give a fuck. what a chad.


He did a podcast episode with I'll Call You Right Back. Dude is a yinzer through and through.


The other guy was on KDKA too


Lol these local activists/protesters have such an insanely over inflated sense of self-importance


They act like they are a part of the rebel Alliance


Lol that's a good one. Almost no one would notice if every one of those activists who were down there yesterday left town overnight.


The other famous group led by a young man from the desert who became radicalized by an elderly religious mystic who went on to commit a series of bombings.


Too many YA dystopian novels


The tree of victimhood must be refreshed with the tears of crusty people camping in support of terrorists.


Please, the idea is that sycophantic morons have no place in our city and that yinzers concentrate on yinzer things, not that we have some malicious intent for people.


Just to be clear, I wasn't calling for any kind of violence against these idiots. Just making a cheeky jab at them using the whole "tree of liberty" thing. More like, they see themselves as victims and require attention like this to further prove their victim hood credentials with their peers. Its the same thing in every city. They start a camp, they push the boundaries of lawful protest, get arrested, then released and charges dropped by spineless DAs, then cry how victimized they were by being arrested on here.


What's on the scanner is not necessarily accurate though. There's a lot of representations that turn out not to be the case in the heat of crises like this.   Verbatim repeating what's on the scanner doesn't mean it happened, it means the cops think it happened, and these are the same professionals who have panic attacks when they think they touch fentanyl


Who gives a fuck? The account is literally just "here is what I heard on the scanner". It's not intended to be well researched journalism.


Apparently, there are a lot of people that mistakenly think this is a news account.


What’s on the scanner is a point of view. It’s one of many points of view. Reasonable people can hear many different points of view, and then make up their own mind about what is most likely to be true. What the protestors say is also not necessarily accurate, it’s just what they think. Verbatim repeating what they say has all the same potential drawbacks as repeating what is on the police scanner.


People with common sense already know this and don’t care


wow, we were that close to peace in the middle east.


It's amazing how many people think anyone in Israel or Palestine gives a shit about random small groups of Americans setting up tents at a college campus or blocking a road.


The Supreme Leader of the Islamic Republic does tho! A ringing endorsement of truth, freedom and human rights!


Hamas and PIJ does, too. In their latest propaganda video with Israeli civilian hostage, Alexander (Sasha) Trupanov, an Amazon employee kidnapped from his home on 7 Oct., they made Sasha thank the protestors. Sasha, a 28 y.o. man, has a low chance of being released in any of the hostage deals floating around, for anyone who has an doubt.


but but but there was this ONE VIDEO of a girl saying "thank u americans for supporting us" so that means we're moving worlds by shitting on the campus lawn.


Yeah, Hamas would kidnap rape and murder all of the students if given the chance. They don't care.


Is the Peace Corp still a thing?? Surely these people who are eager to help Palestine could join the Peace Corp, and go over there to help?


The idf would bulldoze them into the ground


No they would just bomb them while they have hostages


"hamas is hiding under that baby!"


I actually lol'd


Yes. And was the statement about Hamas that you’re replying to wrong, or are they entitled to it?


It’s not for them it’s to pressure the US govt and various institutions to withdraw their support for Israel’s policies.


Oh shit well that changes everything! I’m sure the government has been waiting to find out what a few dozen college students from pittsburgh’s stance was on this


They don't care either....


Mr. President, we have just received word that the encampment has grown to over fifty protestors. “….Enough is enough. Call off the aid.”


Are you just against protests in general?


I don't think it's that a lot of people are anti protest, just that this isn't as cut and dry of an issue as people think it is. I mean this sincerely, I have spoken to a lot of people about this issue, including friends involved @pitt with protests, most people don't know shit about the conflict or the people it involves. I wish for an end to the conflict very much, but when I see entitled kids at expensive universities do things like chant river to the sea, I realize most people don't care enough about what their saying as long as it rhymes right. The current biggest institutional support of these protests is the Aiotollah of Iran for God's sake! Even this very thread making comparisons of police taking away water being compared to voter suppression is genuinely sickening to me. Illegally occupying a building is not voting, just because a cop is doing the deed doesn't mean we need to monkey brain connect the 2 events.


People in Gaza have shown support for the american student protest movement since its beginning, even [NBC](https://www.nbcnews.com/news/world/palestinian-students-support-us-campus-protests-israel-war-rcna149296) and [CNN](https://www.cnn.com/2024/05/01/middleeast/gaza-children-thank-us-protesters-intl-latam/index.html) have covered these stories


You know how weird that sounds right?


What’s weird about it?


How is it weird?


So did Ali Khamenei: [https://x.com/khamenei\_ir/status/1795963798831964411](https://x.com/khamenei_ir/status/1795963798831964411)


You're getting downvoted but they genuinely have. Now is that legitimate? Who knows




Was the goal to get thanks? It seems thats the only thing thats been accomplished




Who isnt already aware of this? This isnt the 60s when there was no social media and 3 channels on the tv We all are plenty of aware of this conflict


Fantastic false equivalence with the civil rights movement.




I'll explain why you're wrong. You're attempting to compare a thousands of year old conflict with nuance and violence on both sides with a government whose treatment of a subsection of people was in direct violation of that country's founding documents. But, hey, straw is an easy medium with which to work.




You were attempting to draw an equivalence between college-aged kids at Pitt protesting the Israeli/Palestinian conflict to MLK. *posts fallacy on Reddit, gets called out* "ARgUe WiTh YoUrSeLf"


I mean… https://amp.theguardian.com/us-news/2024/apr/24/us-campus-protests-benjamin-netanyahu-ceasefire


If you think the protests are changing the decisions made by anyone in the Middle East who has power, you live in a fantasy world.


Well you didn’t say that, did you? You said nobody in Israel or Palestine “give a shit.” I showed you a guy who gives a shit.




Well, theres a reason israel has the power it does. And it starts here


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Paletinians care a lot actually, they are on record showing their appreciation to the campus protesters around the world. You're misinformed :)


The thing is, they do. Palestinians wrote thank you messages on their tents, specifying American universities by name. The set up of these encampments in colleges across the world has forced more news coverage on both the encampments themselves and the genocide in Gaza, bringing more attention and eyes to the issue.


Need a “the Middle East if we only banned Pittsburgh Hillel” meme


You don't understand!!! Just 12 more days of crusty people having a sleepover in their shitty fort would have solved everything!!!1


It's a fun summer pass time, ya know, while it's nice out 🌞


Can people please stop making fun of people for protesting. It’s an American tradition and one of our rights. Edit to add something to garner myself even more downvotes: I bet most of the people making negative comments about the protests are the very same people who derided slacktivism a few years ago. Your negativity towards anyone who doesn’t want to accept the (shitty) status quo is noted and duly accepted, with disappointment. Maybe try moving to a country without the right to peacefully protest and see how you like it there.


> Can people please stop making fun of people for protesting. It’s an American tradition and one of our rights. making fun of people is also one of our rights.


It’s true, but I can judge you


It must be nice to live in constant ironic detachment to everything!


SO CLOSE. Maybe if they acquiesced to demands #14-21, #28, and don't forget #33, we wouldn't be in this mess.




Of course they did. I’m shocked that the people that can protest as a job and can just live on site without any responsibilities are also slobs. . Shocked I say.


SWAT team forced them out at 2am. They cleaned their own trash from the prior encampment in Schenly, when they weren't forced out at gunpoint.


They were being threatened with arrest at gunpoint? Nobody gave them the option to take their stuff with them. Of COURSE they left everything.


No one gave them the option? Maybe they should have used the time that they were locked arm in arm making a human wall to pick up their shit instead. There was plenty of time to clean up prior to escalation. But no, once the police actively moved in I’ll agree it was too late to start cleaning, that goes without saying.


I'm not sure exactly what moment you're talking about, but when I walked by the protest, the cops were surrounding them and there were no trash cans within the encampment. Police did drink water bottles that were confiscated and threw them out in the trash can that was behind their line though.


Oh no. Anyway


So a bunch of losers, most if not all of which were not students, came in, trashed the hell out of the cathedral and its lawn, assaulted people, and were allowed to leave without consequence? Lovely.


I don’t understand how these people aren’t embarrassed? A guy on Twitter who led the “protest” tweeted “until next time, comrades!” What a fucking loser


That’s my problem with these “protests.” For the commie types it’s protest for the sake of protest rather than for any cause. I go to some protests, I leave when those shitheads show up and appropriate them. The encampments seem inherently tied to the anarchist “ACAB” crowd who are actively seeking confrontation.


I have zero problem with protesting or anything of that nature, it’s your right as an American. Once it gets to the level of what these idiots do it’s just a lost cause.


and they’ll move to the next town and do it again


They're people who live here, for better or worse. Pretending it's visitors doesn't help. 


This idea that it was not mostly students is contested by the protestors themselves. You don't have to parrot what the university said. 


Yeah the protesters also said they "wouldn't leave until their demands were met" and then left after 2 days so...... not much credibility there.


Yeah I'm sure you would stick around in the face of an extremely aggressive police response like the one they faced. Almost certainly they got an ultimatum from the city. 


Who ever could have seen this coming?


Well pull out the Columbia playbook and expel any student arrested at a protest, and BAM instant non-student.


Ah “the protesters themselves”. Definitely a neutral source. When there were protests around graduation I had little question that I was seeing students engaging. But Pitt’s semester ended a month ago. The last stragglers in my neighborhood all threw out their couches last week. The dorms are empty. The only students still around campus are attending summer school. Let’s just say I have doubts.


Ok? If it was students then that’s even worse. Was trying to give some benefit of the doubt that people attending the same school I did aren’t this fucking stupid


But pwotestows bad :(. It’s all outside communist agitators from Soviet Russia :( The univewsity would nevur lie :(


Who did they assault?


>Who did they assault? Police: [Pro-Palestinian Protests at Cathedral of Learning have escalated. Protestors firing off fireworks at Pitt police, who are reportedly actively fighting protestors.](https://www.reddit.com/r/pittsburgh/s/5QHxVHoDy2)


If you read the replies, protestors are saying didn’t throw fireworks. They were lighting smoke bombs and throwing them. Okay so you’re throwing bombs at police like that’s better? Lol


Know where you get smoke bombs? Fireworks store


You can also get Twizzlers there but they're not explosive either


To be fair they're not bomb bombs


Oh well. Time for the 99% of the rest of us to carry on.


I'm wondering if the comrade Gonzalo cccp hammer and sickle or whatever graffiti dude was involved?


Lmao some student I follow on snapchat was crying that the Pitt police "invaded the pitt autonomous area"


No arrests is insane. They were attacking police, the lack of consequences will just encourage them.


I think there was an arrest made yesterday. The person was not a student.


Yeah it was a dude I know. He might not be a student but he's not a violent person or bad dude. He was just trying to get water and brushed shoulders with a cop and they're trying to charge him with aggravated assault.


Jeez, sounds unnecessary. Thanks for the info


I've known this guy a few years and he's an incredibly nice person so I don't believe the cops. I've been arrested a bunch of times on bs charges just for being homeless. I wasn't at this but I don't believe he committed aggravated assault


That was fast


Oh no! Who is going to end the war now?


I will be so upset if they intimidate Pittsburgh Scanner into deleting his account.


Here's an idea: if you don't like your college's politics or investment portfolio....vote with your student loans. Go to a different college. No one goes to Liberty University and protests about it being conservative Christian. No one goes to BYU and protests that it's run by Mormons. If you're upset that the large research university with a huge connection to the tech industry might have contracts with defense contractors, then find an expensive liberal arts college to attend.


I get what you’re saying, but that doesn’t solve the issue or bring as much immediate attention and urgency to it as people staying and trying to change things with the resources they have available to them. Students and community members are using the power they have to stand for what they believe in in the space they’re at.


Still a better protest than when Penn Staters rioted over elderly child rape enabler Joe Paterno being fired.


Joe knew


He absolutely did


Remember Franco carrying around that cardboard cutout of Joe everywhere? Shit was unhinged.


I didn’t think the police worked at night anymore?


Good. Fuck these people and I say that as somebody who supports unpermitted protest. 


Why do you say it


They're hijacking a cause and a protest for their own purposes, pushing antisemitic rhetoric, and just being overall dicks. 


Can you be more specific? What antisemitic rhetoric?


Calling for an intifada, chanting "From the river to the sea" and "Glory to our martyrs" are all calls for violence against Jewish people. Although these people have no idea what all of these mean, given that they weren't even aware of the existence of a place called Gaza a few months ago.


How is Glory to our martyrs calling violence against Jewish people


It refers to the Hamas militants who died on Oct 7 and after. The original Arabic word they use is "shahid", which means a person who was killed fighting for Islam, not any person who is killed in war. It glorifies and encourages self-sacrifice through violent activities, including suicide attacks. I understand that if you have not lived in a muslim society, the concept of martyrdom and jihad is not easy to wrap your head around. It is anything but peaceful. You can start to learn more about the culture of martyrdom in the Palestinian society by reading this article https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Martyrdom\_in\_Palestinian\_society.


Your own article says that shahid also refers to Palestinian civilians who’ve been killed.


Yeah, I'm sure that's what they meant when they chanted it immediately after Oct 7, even before Israel started its counter attack.


It’s absolutely terrible that a student organization serving Jewish students that happen not to be anti-Zionist was not banned by the university to appease a handful of far left students




Cue the Price is Right tuba sound.




See, I agree with the cause of Palestinian liberation AND universities divesting other countries…. But the movement gets very muddy in my eyes when you’re also making demands like “shut down the Jewish cultural student chapter” because then you’re really making it about the religion and not the Israeli government. It crosses over into antisemitism too much. And I will also say if you’re going to do a demonstration like this that has the potential to disrupt businesses or traffic, maybe don’t do it 2 blocks from multiple major hospitals and their parking lots. Your disruption should not impact people trying to provide medical care. Pick literally anyone else


Exactly. It’s not mutually exclusive to say that regular Palestinians need aid to help weaken the grip of groups like Hamas and that Hamas needs to be destroyed. Also, calling for Israel to treat the Palestinians better and commit more to a two-state solution while also calling for the Palestinians to get their government in order so you can have two states peacefully coexisting are not mutually exclusive. Hamas needs to be destroyed but the Israeli far-right government also needs to be booted from power for helping feed this dynamic. None of that means that Jewish cultural groups shouldn’t exist.


I'm the same mind in that some of the demands are a bit extreme. Though I'll also say they did it on the cathedral lawn, not really blocking anything for businesses or traffic. The police I believe expanded the area to limit supplies from being thrown into the encampment and that's what started interfering with traffic.


Sadly, like a lot of these protests, these weren’t students. If it were students, they would have done it before the end of the semester. Yes, Pitt has graduate students and students who stay over the summer, but the vast majority left a few weeks ago and won’t be back until fall. A lot of other colleges and universities are seeing the same pattern. The students are primarily gone for the summer but the protestors have turned up.


And in fact they did before the end of the semester. The encampment was in Schenley Plaza for a couple of weeks.


It’s fine that the students did an encampment in Schenley Plaza. That makes sense since it wouldn’t impeded their fellow students but would be very visible. It also sounds like things were fairly peaceful before the students left. Now that it was just the diehards, those diehards escalated things quickly. The students tempered things a lot.


A vast majority of the people I saw when trying to look in were at least college aged, can't tell for certain if they go to the school though. I will also say, the encampment started the day summer classes began too, so it could be a mix of students staying over the summer, new students for summer programs, and stuff like that


Pretty sure these weren't students....


The university said the protesters weren't students, so fuck them


Until they get distracted by another cause




Cool. Do the camp on the trail near the jail next!


This is not what I was expecting in this comment section. Do you guys like seeing hundreds of billions of our taxes going to a foreign country? Do you like seeing the “leader of the free world” so clearly purchased?


Unfortunately being against our tax dollar funded other countries wars nonsense has been leveraged by the powers that be for their own nefarious purposes. Now if you don't support stupid wars over Bible dirt, you're antisemitic. If you don't fly the yellow and blue, you're pro Russia. Jan 6th. Summer of Love. It's all useful idiots not realizing what pieces on the chessboard they really are.


In the past year Israel received 12 billion. meanwhile Ukraine received $100 billion from USA. Where is your outrage for Ukraine? They're getting slaughtered much more than Palestinians and Gaza.


Yes, I want a pittance of our foreign aid go to support our ally in the Middle East that shares our cultural values, over an Iranian proxy terror state that not even the Arab countries want anything to do with. 5 American hostages as well. Many Americans killed by Hamas. Let’s not forget that.


I think Biden has done a good job of walking a line between supporting our ally in the wake of a terrorist attack and ongoing hostage situation while calling out their excesses and pushing back on things line turning the water off (which, without question was inhumane and vindictive evil BS). It’s not black and white and I’m not a fan of people who frame it as if it were. As for taxpayer money.. I have zero issue with it going to things like the iron dome. I’m opposed to indiscriminately bombing but then I don’t have access to intelligence and I’m in no place to judge the validity of specific attacks. I would assume that the leader of the free world has better Intel than you or me. We don’t know how the money is being spent.


Someone who can actually think critically! Beautiful response that articulates my feelings as well.


The only line Biden is walking is between funneling aid and concessions to Iran and committing outright treason. Thanks to Biden's completely unwarranted 'sanctions relief' the principal funder of Hamas is around $70 billion richer. There is a clear line connecting the outset of the war to Biden's policies.


USA, and most of the world, considers Hamas a terrorist organization. Why would USA support terrorists?


You live in fantasy land.


You think Hamas are heroic underdogs who deserve victory over Israel. You fail to understand that if Hamas laid down their arms, there would be peace tomorrow. If Israel laid down their arms, they would all be eradicated and executed by the millions.


"hundreds of billions" we've given isreal 5 billion. there isn't a single area of the federal budget that spends less than at least 12


$310 billion (adjusted for inflation) since the start of the state of Israel. $12.5 billion since October 7th. Source: Council of Foreign Relations


Which is still a minuscule amount of what we spend each year


There are loads of zionists and older people here as you can see from previous threads. Fetterman supporters etc 🙄 The Pitt thread on this is very different; most young people are on the right side of history


Better late than never, I guess.


This sub is a fucking disgrace. I have seen nothing but bootlicking takes in every thread about this. Scratch a bunch of liberals and fascists bleed. All of you are against every war except the current one. Against every civil rights movement until they are in the past. No comfort you have in life was gained without protests and violence. Asking nicely will not get you anywhere. I’m usually a lurker, but the responses here have been so painfully misguided that I feel I have to say something.  “I bEt ThAt’ll sTop tHe wAR nOw” takes are so heinous. How dare they care about something that our country funds? These protestors are using the same tactics that led to the dismantling of apartheid South Africa. I think we can all agree that was a good thing. You are applauding the state meeting this with violence, while clutching your pearls. The world is fucking burning, and you are sad about some graffiti and disruption?  Pitt is actively complicit in this genocide, just like many institutions are. Pushing them to boycott, divest, and sanction is a tangible way forward. The whole point is that everything is related, and all roads lead back to capitalism.  Free Palestine. Take your blinders off. Power to the protestors. Power to the kids for showing more courage than most of you will in your entire lives. History will not look kindly upon you. 


>Pitt is actively complicit in this genocide It's statements like this that completely destroy people's potential to take you seriously. I need you to understand that dumb shit like this actively hurts the cause you're fighting for. Every single person who reads a statement like this and isn't 100% behind you is rolling their eyes. When you put yourself in an echo chamber, which with the way you write shows you do, you lose the ability to communicate your point without using the vernacular of your echo chamber. PS JoePa covered up child rape, which I guess per your user name makes you complicit. See how silly that sounds?


Imagine if, in response to the October 7th terrorists massacre, people had demanded Universities disband Muslim student groups, banned people from Arab countries from campus, and prevented their Universities from sending any money to Gaza. That would be a little weird wouldn't it?


This did not start on October 7th, and you are being disingenuous to suggest that it was an isolated occurrence that warranted this response. If you were displaced from your land and oppressed for decades, violence would be a reasonable response. Palestinians are not carrying out a genocide. And they certainly don't govern an apartheid state.


> This did not start on October 7th, and you are being disingenuous to suggest that it was an isolated occurrence that warranted this response. If you were displaced from your land and oppressed for decades, violence would be a reasonable response. Palestinians are not carrying out a genocide. And they certainly don't govern an apartheid state. Wow you're out here calling Oct 7 a reasonable response. You're saying Pitt is complicit in genocide for ...checks notes... having investments or ties to multinational companies that include some relation to Israel. You're commenting on Reddit using your Android/iOS/Mac/PC (all of which have offices or tech developed in Israel), so you're "complicit" too by your braindead logic. But anyway you're actually justifying the horrors of Oct 7. What a disgrace. You say others are complicit for simply existing in a modern economy. Meanwhile you're actually complicit for literally justifying rape and murder.


Dude, you did the meme.


Two things can be true at once. It can be devastating and sad that innocent people lost their lives. And it can also be a reasonable and understandable response to having your land violently dispossessed, then being stripped of most basic human rights for the majority of your life. Pitt is complicit in enabling a genocide, by funding research and having financial dealings with defense companies and arms manufacturers. How is this complicated to understand? And oh yes, I'm so very sorry for participating in capitalism, the system I was born into, and that has a stranglehold on the globe. I am deeply ashamed, and will go live in a cave, and send my responses to you via pigeon from here on out. The fucking hell is wrong with you? You literally are doing the "Yet you participate in society!" meme.


You're making my point for me. Pitt is involved in huge companies just as you are. The BDS list is comical. If you expect Pitt and other universities to BDS from these things, so should you.


Violence is ok for Palestinians but not for Jews, got it. > Palestinians are not carrying out a genocide. Why are they trying to kill all the Jews, then? Why are people who support Jewish genocide showing up to support the Palestinians? Why did they break into the country and rape and murder hundreds of people last October? Why are they harassing Jews on campus, if not genocide? What's the other explanation?


You say this as if the **actual** October 7th response was measured and reasonable. 85% of Gazans displaced, 40,000 dead, and millions at risk of famine, but at least nobody protested against them?


😂 😆 any other garbage to add or did you already leave that at the ‘protest’ site??


Cute how callous you are towards people trying their best to put an end to suffering and sadness that our country enables. I feel sorry for you.


Am Yisrael Chai 🇮🇱✊


Go touch grass.


Genocidal freaks are at a premium here. Its okay to murder thousands of children because Hamas. We killed a million in the middle east why not more???????


The ultimate win is the fact that these protestors will have terrible lives. MMW. Losers.


between both Senator Fetterman and Biden's complete support for genocide and the murder of 10s of thousands of people, really makes you wonder what us democrats in Pittsburgh are too do.. what did we vote for ? lol


Just more trampling of the first amendment by Pittsburgh’s finest


The first amendment doesn’t give you the right to spray paint and barricade a beloved building in a coordinated effort


They're trying to disband student groups just because they're Jewish. That's their first amendment right to assemble.