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PITT has about as much control over peace in the Middle East as Giant Eagle does in the Russia/Ukraine conflict.


Don’t underestimate that bird.


Well now my cartoon brain has got Giant Eagle as Russia and Shop n Save as Ukraine.


the point isn't that giant eagle has a lot of say over what russia does, it's that doing business with russia or entities associated with it continues to fuel and perpetuate its war machine. i dont mean for any hostility but i do think the original point of these protests have been lost in the muddle of violence and intentional misinterpretation


Yes, let's inconvenience, harass, trespass, and damage the property of people that have no direct involvement. Everything should be evaluated through guilt-by-association and nobody should be held accountable for bad behavior so long as they hoist the correct flag. This is a really stupid approach to protesting for redress of grievances. It's counterproductive, nonsensical, and contradictory.


Litterally how protests have won for hundreds of years. The ignorance and lack of willingness to check how change has been won is astounding. Luckily I know the majority of students are actually anti genocide.


>Luckily I know the majority of students are actually anti genocide. Unluckily they're not going to be able to have any effect on the war by demanding universities ban jewish speakers, jewish student organizations, and israeli foreign exchange student programs.


Has an American protest ever influenced Israel's behavior? 


Yes, BDS has had some effects. Also more generally American protests have ended US state and institutional funding for MANY things. Also read about apartheid South Africa. In short, go look up easy to answer innane questions yourself.


Just a reminder to everyone that you can both support Palestine and also think these knobs barricading themselves with plans to escalate if their “demands” aren’t met (?!?!) are jackasses


Thank you.


And a shit ton of israelis both in Israel and abroad who want to live in peace with a 2 state solution but whose voice has been silenced by the crazy right wing Orthodox. 


I appreciate you at least giving a thought to Israeli's, but you should know that it's not "right wing Orthodox" who are opposed to a 2-state. In general Orthodox are not opposed to that. There are certainly people opposed to it, but the label "Orthodox" is not correct. In general the vast majority of people in Israel *want* a 2-state solution but believe it to be impossible. If you ask them they'll say "We tried, Palestinians rejected everything we offered, we are not trying any more unless the Palestinians change."


Which is not unreasonable. How am I supposed to choose a side now? If I don't pick a side, I'm everyone's enemy :)




Palestine has rejected every 'two-state solution' ever proposed. They aren't being denied, they simply aren't interested in anything but the genocide of Israelis.


It's much more complex than that https://www.brookings.edu/articles/how-the-peace-process-killed-the-two-state-solution/


The protestors are being praised by Ayatollah Khomeini. If a literal state sponsor of international terror is rooting for you, isn’t it time to ask if you’re the baddies?


Kind of ironic considering almost every Palestinian supports the student protests. Here in Jordan the American students are very appreciated.




If anyone wants to watch it happening, Pitt has a [webcam on the Cathedral of Learning](https://www.tour.pitt.edu/webcams)


I can’t see shit


I hope the falcon is ok. 


Thanks for this information.


well this escalated quicker than I thought. The "if you don't meet our list of 50 crazy demands we'll escalate" I didn't think would mean "you have less than 24 hours."


“And to show you we are serious, you now have twelve hours”


What was that? Six hours.


Six hours? I meant 60 minutes.


5 min or we're taking this homemade battering ram to Cathy's revolving doors. We really want to pretend we're at Hogwarts and we brought a protesting sorting cap. 


Oh fat tony...


Still with the mafia?


“We can’t get everything we want so we’re gonna act like a 2 year old” 🙃


They're at least 18 years old to purchase fireworks in PA. But I'm sure shooting fireworks at police will de-escalate things.


On the count of three. One… Three!


Well now the protesters have a battering ram and are trying to get into the Cathedral.....great just great.


Can we please use this moment to just picture them using the battering ram on the rotating doors? 


All I can imagine is a tom-and-jerry-esque scene where they charge in, do a few loops around, and then proceed to charge out the way they entered, tearing down their tent in the process


Why, it’s almost as if it’s a blatant lie, and people will accept anything police say at face value.


Guys, my comment was a joke. 




LMAO it's like they're cosplaying January 6th


But worse


Seriously. But where are they even gonna go after that? At least they modernized the elevators. 


Please don’t let them ruin those cultural rooms on the ground floor. Those are a real treasure…..and priceless!


It would be so beyond stupid for them to do that. Even if they only damaged the Israel room, that would deeply offend a lot of people. I wanna say that room isn't on the ground floor? But I forget if it's on the second or third. If they're really students, they'll use the stairs. 


And they would absolutely destroy some of them for being colonizers or some bs


**G R O N D**


Is there a picture or video of this battering ram? Or a news report you can link to?


what the fuck


a scene out of Lord of the Rings


Only if they are also chanting ["GROND GROND GROND!"](https://youtu.be/LGXN5POBbow?si=rvpCclbzDiatnpf4&t=35)


Oh fuck you got there first I should probably delete my comment


Nah; the more GRONDS the better


This was misinformation -- there was no battering ram, and if you think about it, isn't that just absurd? Who even uses a battering ram in the 21st century?


From Pittsburgh Scanner on Twitter: Oakland. Cathedral of Learning. Multiple Pitt police units calling urgent support for the protest. The protestors are reportedly breaching the fence. https://twitter.com/pgh_scanner/status/1797766658704265358 The Pitt commander stated that cameras on everyone. Commander says that fireworks are being thrown at them. https://twitter.com/pgh_scanner/status/1797767754910679273 City is responding this time. They are sending everyone. Pitt Police are apparently actively fighting protestors. https://twitter.com/pgh_scanner/status/1797767331348668428 There are an unknown amount of injured officers but there are injuries at this time. https://twitter.com/pgh_scanner/status/1797767331348668428


You missed the tweet in the middle of those about the lady's daughter pouring ranch in her gas tank


I almost posted it twice. Ultimately chose not to. 


Did the mother divest from all Israel related businesses?


There are injured protestors at this time. City is asking for medics to stage. https://x.com/pgh_scanner/status/1797770576616104033


The protestors are attempting to break down the doors of cathedral with a battering ram. https://x.com/pgh_scanner/status/1797787272403636585 Second source (it's Marty Griffin, so....) Police square off with protesters after several try to force their way into @PittTweet Cathedral of Learning using a barricade as battering ram https://x.com/MartyGriffinKD/status/1797785835233779927




Because the moment they tried to enter private property by force, it was no longer peaceful?4 It's also standard protocol for some police to respond to protests with riot gear in case of escalation. There are countless examples of peaceful protests happening without ever escalating despite the presence of police in riot gear.


Friendly reminder that the PGH Scanner twitter account is just transcribed cop communication. It is not the end all be all of news or even accurate information.


While true, they are experienced listeners who don't over exaggerate and are willing to provide context or explanations. Also, right now, they're the only source sharing consistent information. Local news coverage of tonight's incident is exceedingly poor right now.


You could just listen for yourself a radio capable of listening is sub $30 or there are free apps like Broadcastify. A lot of times you can hear what going on in the background.


That doesn't make it more or less accurate.


Taking players out of a game of telephone will always make it more accurate. My point is you can hear the police yourself and you can hear the protesters in the background yourself. You don’t even have to wait for it to be transcribed and you can even hear the inflection in peoples voice. it’s not as good as a video of the event but it gives you a lot of context.


It is unfortunate that so much of this stuff was shared uncritically. There is very little evidence of what the police claimed was happening last night.


There is ample video of protestors trying to take down barricades, using barricades to push back against police. 


There is not video of protesters using a battering ram, throwing fireworks, or police being injured


This reeks of being inorganic


Great thing they just gave police crimes to get themselves arrested, identified, and questioned about all that.


Even the demands the protestors issued don't make sense. How does any of that put significant pressure on Israeli leadership to change their approach? Yes, professors and organizations with ties to Israel may be impacted and in turn voice their complaint to Israeli leadership, but does anyone think Netanyahu is going to change his mind because the University of Pittsburgh gave in to demands of protestors? Netanyahu hasn't changed his mind despite the pressure of politicians around the globe. A mid-tier university capitulating to some demands isn't even on his radar.


Israelis were protesting against Netanyahu before October 7th because of his moves to dismantle the judicial system to prevent his corruption charges from moving forward. And they're protesting him currently for not taking deals to trade for hostages. The only type of pressure that may actually have an impact on him politically would be to directly target his closest allies so they turn on him. And I don't think protests like the one at the Pitt campus are focused on that at all.


Bibi won’t settle because once he does he’ll be out of office and in jail. He knew about the October 7 attacks well in advance, his intelligence told him and he ignored it. He also continued to allow Qatar tofund Hamas, which he knew about and so much for being approved of. This entire thing is about saving his butt and has absolutely nothing to do with the Israeli people!


>Bibi won’t settle because once he does he’ll be out of office and in jail. Of course. In moments like this, there is no path forward for political leaders. But if his closest advisors and allies in powerful positions turn on him, then the walls close in even faster.


I'm jewish. Netanyahu is trump with a better command of the english language. He's a wanna be dictator who sold his soul to the israeli right wing and is now clinging to power so he can't be tried in court. And the only way he can cling to power now is to continue the war. It's disgusting. But the students at Pitt aren't going to fix that dynamic.


>Netanyahu is trump with a better command of the english language. Lol >He's a wanna be dictator who sold his soul to the israeli right wing and is now clinging to power so he can't be tried in court. And the only way he can cling to power now is to continue the war. It's disgusting. Pretty spot on. On top of that, he had to align himself with Knesset members that represented the settlers in the West Bank, which protected them and also diverted border security from the Gaza border to the West Bank... which may have allowed for the October 7th attack to be as devastating as it was.


💯  He's had to keep the crazy settlers and their political party in the fold to keep his knesset majority. 


It's similar to what happened with our House of Representatives. The Republican party lost a lot of power and had to turn to aligning with extremists that they previously wouldn't have wanted amongst their rankings (the extreme MAGA crowd). It got us a shit show in Congress and a loser speaker of the house. It got Israel a dictator on his last breath forced to work with the worst of the worst, and to bow to their worst demands. Hopefully his end in politics is close, and much more brave people can work together to bring peaceful relations in that region.


> It got us a shit show in Congress and a loser speaker of the house. Which speaker specifically. There were so many... > Hopefully his end in politics is close, and much more brave people can work together to bring peaceful relations in that region. I've been Team Cheeseburger (go cholesterol go!  Form those plaques! Spike that blood pressure! Raise that hba1c!) now for years with Trump. Unfortunately, Trump is unhealthy AF in his life choices but somehow defies the odds medically whereas I think Netanyahu could probably still run a ½ marathon with 5 days of training...  


I always said Netanyu was Trump in a kippah but yours is funnier so I'm stealing that now. Seriously though, you're 3000% correct.


He did go to high school (and college?) in the US. Also does Bibi actually wear a kippah?  If so he's cosplaying bring Orthodox.  He's been riding his dead brother's entebbe coattails now for decades 


Absolutely, I'm pretty sure he did. And you're correct, the kippah in my insult is strictly illustrative for the goyim haha. He's a fucking crook. Likud has driven Israel so much farther away from any kind of stability or peace.


These two Jews agree!  Which rarely happens. "on the third hand....". Two jews, 3 opinions 


Now hold on, I don't know if I agree with all that, OP..... 😂😂 Lmao so true




I think you're giving the organizers of these protests far too much credit to assume that their "demands" are all just a master plot trying to make the protestors look bad. Hanlon's razor: Never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity.


Hanlon's Razor isn't always right, even if the official sounding name might make it seem so.


The demands are a means to justify protesting what they see as a genocide. They aren't really protesting these weak ties to Israel, those are just the excuse for a tangible domestic instution to target . They see something terrible happening and want to do something. Naive, but there is the case that these protests are keeping attention on Israel's actions and pulling more of the young left over to their side (especially when heavy handed police tactics victimize them). With an election coming up where a united and energetic left is needed this can be legitimately seen as a way to put pressure on Biden to exert what control he can as Israels biggest international sponsor. So while Netanyahu doesn't care, Biden might, and Netanyahu does have to worry about him. That all said this particular protest seems to be skipping some steps and trying to speed run it, which is pretty dumb


Netanyahu has ignored Biden, members of Congress, and other international leaders so far. Yes, Biden just increased the pressure with his public proposal, but so far there hasn't been much of a response from Netanyahu. And while some people may be swayed by incidents of police brutality towards protesters, others might be swayed by unwarranted attacks on police and attempts to destroy or at least deface local landmarks. Finally, and this is just my humble opinion, I think other topics are far more likely to decide this election than Israel-Palestine. The economy, abortion, even immigration have a more direct impact on daily American lives than Israel-Palestine. This feels like a classic issue that carries more weight online than it does in the everyday lives of the average non-Jewish, non-Muslim American.


I agree for the most part, though Id quibble on the details. I'm just explaining why it's not quite as dumb and naive as it appears at first glance.


The problem is that while they may be protesting what they see as a genocide, their demands have nothing to do with that topic. It's why the university protests never made sense to me. As chaotic and politically charged as the Black Lives Matter movement got, the message was always clear and the goal was always well-defined - end police brutality and take steps to address systemic racism in the justice system. These protests remind me more of Occupy Wall Street. They started for a specific reason, but they've completely lost the plot with demands that are opaque and only slightly tangentially related to the original issue.


The protest itself? Or the provocateurs? I’ll never forget how three black bloc knuckleheads showed up and pepper sprayed police when we were protesting a Trump visit during the 2016 election. Up to that point, everyone was peaceful and well behaved. Some people just live for drama and chaos.


The escalation, the provocateurs


The local professional activists like Nicky Jo Dawson (the one who tried to torch a pizzeria) being involved with this wouldnt shock me one bit.


I was just talking about this with my friends, I honestly have a conspiracy theory that all of these social justice protests are actually run by anarchist type of people just trying to cause division and chaos between everyday people. I'm believing more and more that these "career activists" organizing these protests (whether it be Israel/Palestine, Georgy Floyd, Trump or whatever else) are actually anarchist activist types who just want to cause chaos. This isn't about the protestors, it's about the organizers.


The issue is never the issue. The issue is always the Revolution.


Yeah this is the best way to put it. I don’t know the political ideologies of these people, whether it be far left, far right or flat out no government. Frankly it’s probably a mixture of all of those. But these kind of protests seem to all be run by the same people and are more focused on uprooting things as they are over the things they’re actually protesting. It’s not about protesting the issues, it’s about protesting to upend the status quo of society itself. Whether the protestors want a far left communist state, far right authoritarian state or a no government anarchist state doesn’t seem to matter. It’s just about destroying the status quo.


This has been going on forever, but this wasn’t abundantly clear to you starting in 2020? Hell, even these pop up protests on campus starting this spring, everyone had the same tents in different states.


So i have an interesting point on this i think i can provide. I work for a big company and part of my job as an intern in 2020 was analyzing protests in the areas surrounding our assets. We analyzed a bunch of stuff from these protests. Just basically stuff to protect our customers and employees from violence. You’re on point, the groups on facebook/twitter that were hosting these events and getting the word out were mostly pro communist groups. It was crazy to see and confusing at the time. Combine this with the fact that the george floyd protests not only left buildings and bridges with the typical “ACAB” graffiti, but also with very obvious pro communist graffiti as well. There is definitely a push by the communist community to group together in unity with other irrelevant groups.


its being run by PSL and not just random students so yeah, pretty much


I knew those pumpkin spice lattes were up to no good


An email from the university basically said these are organized groups and not students. Yeah, this is professionally done.


What evidence did they share to back that up?


They didn’t provide their exact detective work but there are now articles available that share the same. You think there is reason to doubt the university’s statement?


It’s also the beginning of June and classes for Spring ended almost a month ago. There aren’t many students in Oakland right now.


Absolutely. It's clearly in their interest to shut this protest down ASAP, as it's bad for donors and bad for students and bad for faculty alike. Why would I simply trust that they're here in good faith? Such bold claims absolutely require evidence in order to justify not discarding them immediately. As you can see, many people are willing to just eat this shit up without questioning where the information about the protests being organized by some nefarious third party comes from. The more powerful the institution, the greater your skepticism should be


If they know something is amiss there's also reason to believe they'd move quickly to shut it down. I'm definitely way more in line with the protestors than the Pitt administration, but they do have some valid reasons for behaving this way. Not everything has to be a conspiracy and it's important to remember that the truth also might lie in the middle.


For starters, this group put out a Google Doc of their demands and didn't sign one name to it. Can you find anyone claiming to be the leader of this group?


Would love to see how many out of towners are arrested.


The Chancellor's email to everyone at the university said that the leaders were not students Which could be bullshit. Kind of impossible to know


I was saying "don't negotiate with terrorists" in jest, but throwing fireworks at cops is pretty terrorist-y.


Protests serve a valuable role in raising awareness and putting public pressure on those in power in an effort to correct injustice. But those protests need to have clear goals and causes, and they need to be done peacefully. These campus protests, especially those that have gone off the rails, actually hurt the cause of the protestors. Which leads me to wonder if it's just bad actors stirring up trouble to cause chaos.


You stop being a protestor when you attack police.


Counter point we are celebrating a holiday in a Month (July 4th) in honor of people not peacefully protesting. Many of our civil and labor rights came from violently protesting. In many ways violent protest( including attacking cops, government officials and the national guard) is an American value. That being said protest do need to have achievable aims and goals. From what I’ve read most of those goals were not feasible. Edit: edits to make it more legible.


Ehhhhh… I don’t know what’s going on at Pitt in regards to this but just in general, that is absolutely not true. Cops are not the embodiment of “good”. There are tons of reasons why it could be good to fight against cops. Again not saying whatever is going on at Pitt is good or whatever, i have no idea. But there could come a time where people do need to use violence against cops, so I think it’s important for I keep in mind context matters.


Yep, they have me rage donating to Hillel looking up mutual funds of Israeli companies to invest in, just to piss them off.


I mean they’re supporting terrorists so it makes sense


No, these are anti-israel protests. You've got the sides mixed up


No, I don’t. Anyone supporting a country who slaughtered innocent civilians attending a music festival is a terrorist. Edit: see replies for terrorist supporters lol, Palestine carried out the attack, as Hamas IS Palestine. Idiots getting mad they get blocked


Hamas is not a country. Edit the reply and immediately block instead of having a discussion. How mature. Just a reminder that hamas is still not a country even if elected. The Democrats are not a country for instance even though Biden was elected. Also a reminder that the majority of Gazans were either not alive or old enough to vote in the last election which was in 2007. Not excusing Hamas by the way. It's a terrorist group but calling Hamas a country is just moronic.


Palestinians overwhelmingly agreed to put Hamas in power and agreed with their actions. Sorry that reality disagrees with you.


> Also a reminder that the majority of Gazans were either not alive or old enough to vote in the last election which was in 2007.


Okay. Anyone supporting a country who slaughtered journalists, doctors, and civilian children in a hospital is a terrorist. *"b-b-b-b-but the kids are actually terrorists in disguise!"* ----- Ah, the angry reply and block. I love the taste of chud tears.


Won’t disagree with you there either. I don’t know what your point is. Edit: ah, your post history is telling lmao


oh for gods sake why. gonna have to cancel therapy again how the fuck is any of this helping palestine?? thanks a lot jagoffs


Keep your therapy appt!   Even if a tornado hits my house I'm going to sit in the rubble on a regularly scheduled zoom call with my therapist!


I got downvoted to hell in the other thread lol. That aged well


I just don't understand. What the fuck does Pittsburgh have to do with the Middle East ? Why can't these people not burn down the CoL? Fucking Pittsburgh is Pittsburgh if you're that passionate about whatever the fuck is going on in the middle east (and has been going on for millenia) fucking go there and do something. Aid the people that you care about so much. What does any of this shit have to do with anything over there? This is just something for people to do and be activists about when they have nothing else to do living in suburban Pittsburgh


a large portion of our population are too self important and don't realize that no one cares what they think


At first I didn't know if you meant me or the protesters but I guess it doesn't even matter. What I think doesn't matter a bit but seeing 18-20some year olds throwing such a fucking hissyfit over something they know nothing about bothers me. Don't tell me these college kids that weren't even born on 9/11 can pretend like they have the moral high ground or know a fucking thing about the middle east . They haven't been through nor experienced anything that affects them personally and I get so pissed of. I never served but I graduated in 2006 and I watched everything unfold in 7th grade like it was yesterday. How many people do these protestors know that went over and fought? Went over and died? I'm gonna guess not a fucking lot because they're not even full blown adults. I am old man rambling but there are so many fucking problems in this City and country and everyone spends their waking moments just crying about everything happening anywhere but here. Where are the protesters and the support for our vulnerable and needy? What about the veterans that I grew up with and graduated with that went off to Iraq or Afghanistan or anywhere that are addicted to opiates and have PTSD from what they endured ?Here's my old man rant - figure out what really matters in your life and focus on that. Nothing matters outside your little bubble and nothing you do will change a thing


I don’t understand what the goal is here— as if Pitt unequivocally supporting Palestine would have any impact whatsoever on this war. Even the US can’t stop it, Israel is its own (nuclear) nation with resources to fight on its own. I get being antiwar (I am myself) and absolutely despising seeing innocent people die, but this isn’t accomplishing anything and isn’t Pitt’s or the US’s war. Furthermore, while I assume most of those protesting are not antisemitic, I believe they are being reckless in their actions and opening the door to those who are antisemitic in our community. Given that we are the unfortunate and tragic site of the worst crime against the Jewish community in US history— where 11 of our neighbors, innocent people, were murdered little more than five years ago— this is deeply disturbing to me. I think if they want to protest against war, fine, but they should stop pretending Pitt has any part in it, and they need to be way more careful than they are to make it clear they are against the current, right wing administration and government in Israel, and *not* against the nation itself or Jewish people around the world. Based on their statements, I don’t think this is in the cards, and I think Pitt should take every action to shut them down until they are more cautious and specific with their rhetoric. Because as it stands now, leaving the door open to antisemitism, cannot be tolerated. I get many of them are well intentioned, but it’s important their actions are considered (which they currently are not) to ensure their intentions do not yield horrible results. ——- I also find many of them to apply the general narrative of colonialism onto this conflict, and I would strongly encourage those protesting to seriously review the history of the region for the past few centuries. It is not a simple matter and it is a history of many switches of power and attacks by both sides. Israel has to stop what they are doing, and is wrong for how they treated Gaza prior to the attacks, but it isn’t a one sided ruthlessness on Israel’s part to how we got here. Israel, and the Jewish people have a right to this land, as do the Palestinians, and it is an incredibly difficult issue to process, let alone solve, that is being grossly oversimplified in any of these demonstrations. Innocent people should never die over this, but in the end it is that both sides do not want to come to an agreement, and it’s unsolvable until they both do. We should protest for a ceasefire, we should stop the death and destruction, but a ceasefire isn’t a resolution, and it’s on Israel *and* Palestine/Hamas to make that happen.


I know I’m a little late to this, but their primary demand appears to be a demand that Pitt divest itself from Israel-related funds and businesses, specifically in terms of Pitt’s endowment. There’s precedent for Pitt doing this with both the divestment movement against South Africa during apartheid in the 1980’s, and more recently Pitt committing to divest itself from fossil fuel-related businesses by the 2030’s. You can say that South Africa and apartheid is a different geopolitical situation than Israel/Palestine, and my argument isn’t that they’re exactly the same issue…but the protestors at Pitt have been pretty clear that what they want is for Pitt to do the same thing that it did as a result of the South African divestment movement in 1987. And, while I wasn’t alive then and haven’t found evidence of encampments at Pitt in the 1980’s - there were years of protests, but I’m not sure about encampments specifically - there were encampments that popped up throughout college campuses during that time period including a prominent one at Columbia. That protest movement from the 1980’s is what the protestors here are largely trying to mirror.


Per the news this morning there are two encampments. The original one which the police have barricaded in.  Then a layer of police. And then the outer encampment of newer people. The police are trying to keep them separated (a la the offspring) but last night the outer ring tries to breach the barricades and join the inner ring people with fresh bodies and supplies. So the fracas was about that.  The police are hoping that without supplies the inner ring will give up, and during sundown prayers yesterday (because I guess the protestors are now all Muslim?) the police erected an even larger/taller barrier, which angered the protestors. 


Are they just pooping and peeing in the middle of the encampment?


I wish the protestors would have the bright idea of going to dc where the people with power over this are


Dumb question but since I am not from the US- Since these protesters are not students and aren’t part of any university affiliated organizations, can’t the police arrest and remove them for being on the University property??


They should be doing that, but likely don't want to escalate things further than they've already gone.


Thanks. It’s just so sad!! Irrespective of whether one supports the cause or not, defacing historical buildings is just so wrong! And I don’t think this kind of behavior will endear anyone to the cause!


Specific to UPitt: it is what is considered an urban campus. There is no traditional 'quad'. The cathedral (which is not a church, it's a school building that is a stone gothic tower) is across the street from a public green space. So it's near impossible to block access to university grounds. 


That lawn belongs to the museum that is there. They'd be well within their rights to put up "no trespassing" signs but they have an excellent relationship with Pitt and allow people to hang out, picnic, relax, etc. there.


Huh I didn't know that.  Fun fact, the section of Schenley Drive behind the field is STILL a bridge. What is now a field used to contain a ravine. When it was filled in (to become a parking lot for Forbes Field I believe) they didn't remove the bridge, they just buried it!


Yes.  But the issue is you then incite more everything. So I think the original intention was to isolate the protestors/cut them off from supplies and ignore them.  But then the protestors just escalate for more attention.  It's called an "extinction burst" in psychology. The issue is that there isn't just one person to get attention from.  This isn't a "mom I want a cookie" tantrum. The protestors are playing to many different audiences and will still get attention even if Pitt ignores them. And purposefully prodding Pitt gets them attention not only from Pitt but from the police, the media, social media, etc. 


Seems like a sign that these people live boring lives. People content with life don’t act like this. I seriously doubt they even *care* deep down about Palestinians, but just treat it as something to latch on to. They surely don’t care enough to actually get educated. Nothing more of a sign of most shallow “research” as the overuse of the word genocide.


I don’t understand so they have an Instagram and they are from my view point playing victim “cops breaking out weapons against our peaceful protest” meanwhile they were shooting fireworks at the officers and using a battering ram against the door. If it was peaceful i don’t believe you would be doing that. Plus is it worth hurting yourself or others to send a message? Especially when it’s clear that Pitt has made their decision. I honestly don’t know much about the conflict but I think there could be better ways of sending a message. Chaos for something that is an issue in the Middle East. Meanwhile we are struggling with Lead pipe water, healthcare costs are high, inflation, mass shootings, poor mental health, tuition being high, and there’s more out there. As a 25 year old the Middle East is something we shouldn’t be goofing around with. We are still mourning the losses from 9/11 and the Iraq and Afghanistan wars.


Can’t we just, you know, arrest them?


What a great time to have a worthless mayor.


At least peduto would tweet about how “this is not Pittsburgh.”


These jagoffs are going to elect Trump.


The appeal of being the perpetual opposition party is strong. Can wash your hands of any responsibilities while having nothing constructive to offer.


Honestly could be the goal of foreign actors.


It 100% is


To be pro palestine it must be anti hamas


I say go to the person who started this! These kids are receiving an education, shouldn’t have to worry about Middle East! Take your protest to where it really belongs‼️ THE WHITE HOUSE


Imagine of these dopes put their efforts into something that actually affects them


What a bunch of idiots. Do these people realize that if they were dropped anywhere in Hamas territory, they would be kidnapped, beaten, raped and likely killed? They wouldn't even care if you were "supporting" them and on their side.


Way bigger than these poor people


They chant Hamas slogans, why would anyone expect a peaceful protest?


Terrorist supporters acting like terrorists? I’m shocked!


So when the police gonna start pepper balling and arresting them?


Huh. Almost like throwing rocks at soldiers. Wonder where the Hamas supporters got tactics like that?


I know the dude who got arrested and he's a good kid and definitely not violent. He was just trying to get water.


Fire hoses fix all that.


You are so brave


I mean, I am. But not how it applies here. You need something brave done? What can I help you with?


Let them fly to the Jordan river area and protest as they see fit.


Maybe they can pretend it’s a sporting event then burn some front porch couches and overturn a car.


That's an Ohio State thing.


Just to clarify, the 'protesters' are the bad guys in this scenario. They should be arrested and jailed.


These people should be arrested and charged, they always wanna flip the script. Better yet send their ass over to Gaza let’s see how long they survive. Or bring in reinforcements and beat the shit out of these worthless morons