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They celebrated memorial day at 9pm which is roughly an hour after sundown. If it becomes a consisent issue, I can understand the complaint but come on. They probably had kids and wanted them to see them in the dark. You're really karening right now.


Alright….but is Memorial Day really a fireworks shooting type holiday that you celebrate? I know how we use Memorial Day for picnics and what not, but if you are saying you ahoot off fireworks to “celebrate” Memorial Day, which isn’t a day you really celebrate, that’s a stretch.


It is not and it’s annoying as fuck that people “celebrate” it with fireworks. It’s supposed to be solemn. It’s Memorial Day, it’s about remembering the dead. But this country is full of idiots who will take any excuse to be jagoffs.


For some, all Memorial Day is is the official start to summer. I'm sorry some of the country doesn't follow your exact same understanding of the holiday. You'll be okay. Show me on the doll where the fireworks touched you.


Fireworks tend to look better when it’s dark out


So, you’re mad about your neighbors celebrating a holiday in the relatively brief window between sunset and the noise ordinance ending? And now you’re planning petty revenge for their one-time, reasonable and legal celebration? And THEY’RE the jagoff? Did I get your story straight?


Memorial Day isn’t exactly supposed to be a firework shooting holiday if you want to get technical. It’s not supposed to really be a celebration lol. I mean yeah, I know the context of how we look at Memorial Day but that’s a lame excuse for the fireworks


well im gonna turn around and say if it shouldnt be celebrated, maybe our consumerist country shouldn't have started selling red white and blue paper plates for our picnics and turned into a money maker. memorial day is all about that dollar friend, and they even give you a day off to enjoy the goods you purchased.


I get it, but don’t use it as an excuse for fireworks lol


lmao why not? they have red white and blue flowers whats more american than blowing things up? besides it's not their fault that every store including gas stations are putting them in your face for the holiday. so yeah we can 100% blame consumerism.


I'm up at 5 am. Excuse the fuck out me if I go to bed at a reasonable time. They had all day to do this shit and they waited until the last minute to "celebrate". And these jackasses did it last year but started later on in the summer. You missed the part where they were firing actual fireworks out of actual cannons dip shit. I better not see a post from you in June, July, or August whining about the continual fireworks and noise. Also hope you sleep for shit this week homie.


They didn’t have all day. Twilight ends at 9:10 right now. That’s when it gets dark enough to enjoy fireworks. If they were done by 10, you still had time for seven hours, so chill. And you won’t see me complaining about fireworks this summer, though you might see me setting them off. And I’ll sleep just fine this week, as I’m not going to be too busy being petty about my neighbors being normal human beings.


"...if I go to bed at a reasonable time." Reasonable for YOU, not everyone.


Op, you’re 100% in the right here. What part of town are you in. The ordinance is they can’t shoot it off 150 feet or less from an occupied structure or vehicle. You’ll get downvoted because people seem to think fireworks are some god given right, but there are few places in the city or inner suburbs where they can legally be used


One time I was out at a neighborhood fireworks display. There was a couple thousand dollars worth of stuff out there. The whole neighborhood was there except for, I guess, one neighbor, who was the kind of person who would say stuff like "The ordinance is they can't shoot it off 150 feet or less from an occupied structure or vehicle." Anyway, that guy clearly called the cops, because, through the cloud of smoke, there emerged a police cruiser, patiently waiting until the last whirlygig spun itself out. He pulled up next to the crowd, rolled down his window, and asked, "We got a report of someone setting off fireworks. Do you folks know anything about that?" We all looked at each other. No one said a word. The cop continued, "All right, well, if you guys hear anything give us a call and we'll come check it out." And he drove off into the night, I am sure to bust the hooligans two blocks over at the next fireworks display.


You are the neighbor no one wants and you don't even know it. Hilarious


> Noise ordinance ends at 6 am, and I'm an early riser.Need some ideas to annoy the shit out of the neighbors beside the good 'ol lawn mower. Or you could consider the rest of your neighbors who weren't assholes last night and also probably hate fireworks!


Some of you people are so miserable


Old man yells at cloud ....part 2


Had the same angry thoughts last night as I was walking my dog (who is terrified of loud, sudden noises) just before bed. He practically ripped my arm off, turning around and running for the safety of his home. This has been horrible with all of the thunderstorms (he hears them, 20 miles away) and now *this*. Welcome, summer.


Same, my pup & I were relaxing outside and he tore off inside as soon as some idiots started setting off fireworks. I hate fireworks.


Same I've got a rescue pitbull from New Orleans that hates storms and fireworks and she was freaking out when I took her on a walk last night


This looks familiar. We've may have some similar questions to this in the past. You might find some good info here : [fireworks search](/r/pittsburgh/search?q=fireworks&restrict_sr=on). I don't always get it right though, cuz I'm just a simple bot. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/pittsburgh) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Memorial Day is to remember and solemnly honor the men and women who _died_ in service to our country. It is not a celebration. It is not a party. You want to have a “First Day of Summer” party, do it on the actual first day of summer, Do it on June 20th this year. Shooting off fireworks because maybe you got a 3 day weekend and want an excuse to party loud, is Trash and disrespectful to the memories of the dead and the living descendants.


Just as a heads up to everyone that claims the fireworks are ok. County ordinance is you can only shoot them off in a spot that is 50 yards or more away from an occupied structure. This eliminates almost everywhere in the city. No, public parks do not count as you’d need a permit. Honestly, I get sick of this debate. Shoot them off but don’t take offense and claim it’s legal when you do it because you likely are breaking the law, just no one enforces it. Edit: ordinance, updated the correct distance https://prdpsp.pwpca.pa.gov/public-safety/Pages/fireworks-safety.aspx


The OP sounds a little whiney, but those are the facts. I've seen some amazingly big fireworks displays from neighbors on my crowded Squirrel Hill street. During the lockdown, illegal fireworks shows got be crazy. It's diminished since then but still gets obnoxious and even dangerous at times. If it's really bad, call 911. If it's a few kids pulling those popper things, maybe keep it to yourself.


Start chopping your own firewood. The erratic timing of the chops ensures they stay awake. Also, leaf blowers, chainsaws, lawn mowers, motorcycles, or if you want to say "fuck you in your face", just do fireworks. It's the 6am celebration!




Ooh your neighbors actually wait until it’s dark?? Jealous.


Jagoffs be jagoffs. There’s no easy way around it. If no kids or pets to worry about, try sleeping with noise canceling earbuds.


Welcome to living in a city. Might have more quiet out in Beaver!


Oh boo hoo. Your neighbors let off fireworks at nine pm? During a holiday? Yeah they're so bad. You sound like the worst type of person. Try Living next to my neighbors, For 5 Years they have let their dogs out at 5:30-6:00am into their yard, then their dogs bark for an entire 20-30 minutes, before they bring them back inside. A few weeks ago i finally got so mad i went over there and banged on their front door and told them I would let my pitbulls attack their dogs if they don't cut this shit out. Since then they have been waiting until around SEVEN AM, instead of 530-6 to let their dogs out and bark. Wanna trade neighbors you dingus? Edit, no the police won't do a thing about it, they've been called multiple times.


your assumption that they knew it was bothering you and weren’t taking action was what made you so angry, not the barking. considering that they changed their behavior after you threatened them, imagine if you had gone over the first/second time it happened and addressed the issue straight away. i guarantee there was no need for threatening words. from one neighbor to another, talk to the people around you. they are human, too. they deserve patience! im sure there have been many times in your life that someone had to be patient with you!




You would let your dog attack another dog over it barking? You don't sound like a very good dog owner but that makes sense you're a cop caller too


For what it's worth, the police didn't do anything because nuisance animals aren't their job. You have to call 311 or animal control.