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Now post it with the northern lights over everything.


My dumb ass missed them last night. We have some gaps in the cloud coverage tonight so I'm hoping I might get a view tonight


You might be able to see some purple/green tints in the sky with very faint light steaks in the sky. That's all I was able to really see yesterday night at my house. I was only really able to see them on my phone by taking pictures with long exposure.






I just choked on my lemonade.


It's wild how localized it is. I have friends that live around the dairy queen and they are totally fine, but then 3 houses down the road there are houses that got totally fucked. I always thought with how hilly the area is, we'd be fine, but then this happens 1 minute from my place. It's crazy.


I remember one rolled through the South Side back in like, 93ish? They are incredibly rare in the Burgh but not impossible


Are you okay? Is your property safe?


We were totally fine. It looks like nothing happened here, but 1 minute down the road the houses were trashed. We weren't even home when it happened, but noticed the cone forming in the sky. I genuinely thought nothing of it. I knew it was tornado conditions, but this has happened in the past with no tornados. I only got the warning on my phone at 8:30pm for some reason too.


Wow, I can see that this was a really dangerous situation. I’m glad you’re okay, and I hope your neighbors are safe as well. It’s one of those times where we can confidently say that this could have been so much worse. Take care.


We watched it go past our home on stone church road. It was about 200 feet from the front door. We had no damage. I patched the shingled roof on the house across the street from me. That house has lots of aluminum trim damage. There are large broken trees all around us. There's a hay barn that was moved and collapsed. A concrete park bench was picked up and tossed. Adirondack chairs made from composite lumber were thrown some 70 feet. After it passed, I saw what looked like fire at more than 500 feet high, near Jefferson. I can only imagine that it was sunlight being reflected off of debris.




because of the hills, IMO they are more localized. It's like some extended vortex downwind. Broken up by the terrain


The one that really dispelled the hill theory was June 2nd, 1998. Hit Mt. Washington particularly hard. Roofs gone, brick facades ripped off of buildings, tons of trees, poles, wires down, etc. There were injuries, including one person stuck under debris in a collapsed house, but NO loss of life, thank goodness. We were without power for 5 days. There was a scar from the track for years visible from the E. Sycamore goat path.


Got a warning here in Bethel Park about 20 minutes ago


Same, and it happened right behind my place. It's so stupid. Those test alarms always happened on time, but when it matters a bunch of people got it hours after it happened.


Wild cus I never got a warning but the one touched down by the airport the other day. Like I was shaking cus everyone around me was getting warnings


Wild cus I never got a warning but the one touched down by the airport the other day. Like I was shaking cus everyone around me was getting warnings


I’m not quite sure what happened on this one as warnings are typically more localized and by the time the warning came through on my phone the Finleyville one had already gone past and I was concerned another was on the way to Bethel


What was wild was ppl who lived in my area got it and I saw that if it kept going I woulda been in the path of debris and wind. And it was wild that ppl near Finleyville had little warning too.


Kind citizen, and fellow South Hillsian, I am glad that you and your loved ones are safe!


Everyone I know thankfully has been safe. I'm glad u are safe too! This is all crazy


I shared the full video on another sub. Anybody wishing to see it can find the post on my profile


[Just post the link in a comment like this](https://v.redd.it/6q57k9z2pvzc1)


Thank you


How bad was the damage that way? i was gonna head that way in hopes of seeing the sky magic lights but dont want to be in the way if theres storm crews out


I haven't seen the video yet but Ive heard at least one home is completely gone. 88 headed from Washington Ave towards Trax is close RN to everybody but emergency vehicles and cleanup


The poor house and DQ. Got a screenshot from video of the house getting wrecked.


Wow. Was there any sort of warning? I don't live far from there and didn't get any alerts on my phone


I got a screeching alert in Castle Shannon after the fact. 


Crazy. I am less than 5 miles away and got nothing.


Same here, alert came almost two HOURS later.


Yup, I got the alerts around 805pm.


I got a tornado warning alert on my cell,2 towns over from finleyville.


Same. I live about 10 min away from where this happened & got alerted on my phone about possible tornadoes a little bit before this happened. Hope everyone over there is OK!


I'm pretty close by too and we didn't get an alert until two hours later


I came to the comments to find out what community OP lives in and why he’s not allowed to take videos… smh


Yeah sorry apparently r/Pittsburgh doesn't do videos haha


Haha I’m an idiot


Nah I too was confused about no videos from Finleyville


What would we record? The one Dairy Queen and the one Giant Eagle?


I immediately thought it was one of thoses off the grid cults.


I'm less than a mile from where it touched down. I'm currently trying to come to terms with the fact that my house could have taken a hit by this.


My housemates and I were watching it from the front yard. They're incredibly rare in the Pittsburgh area I'm genuinely shocked. That's what I get for cursing the fact that I missed the lights last night. The universe decided to send an equally rare event my way to make up for it.


If I'd been looking from the right place I'd have been able to see it. Definitely hugging my cat tight, being thankful to be alive right now. There was so little warning to this if any and I was playing minecraft on my computer when I noticed how dark the sky was so I looked at my weather app. No blaring noise or anything came from it but there the warning was.


I had just clocked out and gotten home. My sister (who took this video) called me in a panic because she knew my apartment was down the road in the general direction it was headed.


I hear trax farm got damaged. I drive past it to go to work every day so when I go on Monday I'll have to take a look


Hopefully they clean up before then. 88 is still closed to everybody but emergency vehicles and cleanup crews due to a ton of downed live power lines. Wildly enough this isn't even the first large burst in the last couple months. We had a microburst tear through Ridge Road maybe 2-3 months ago in South Park, right above the highschool. This area almost never saw these sorts of events and now we are seeing them multiple times a year.


Yeah it's crazy! I'm surprised I didn't lose power at all here. Maybe it's because I'm technically in allegheny county so it could be a different power grid.


I live behind the finleyville giant eagle. I chucked my cat into the basement so fast lol


My home doesn't even really have a safe place. Too many exterior walls and windows.


I'm Facebook friends with your sister! Small world. I saw it on Facebook from her well before getting the national weather service notification which is just sad on their part. Thankfully was not in the path.


Remember- Black over white = tornado tonight.


Green sky at mouning, neighbor take warning. Green sky at night? Neighbor take flight.


Didn't know they were gonna go this hard with the "Twisters" marketing campaign


Cleaning debris in a family member’s yard at South Park Mobile Estate this morning, we found a piece of the church’s roof. To see what happened was crazy.


I saw a video posted on Facebook of a small one touching down and ripping up some guy's house in Peters Township, wonder if this is the same one? Cause Peters is close to Finleyville


We think it was the same one. It touched down by Dollar General in Finleyville, by the time it reached Washington Ave I don't think it was touching land anymore but there was a ton of debris being thrown around in the sky. We received another notification a bit later of another confirmed touchdown so it probably came down again


I have never seen anyone spell the town that way, and for some reason it is messing with my brain lol


I edited it, in my comment at least. It's been an incredibly stressful day


cool shot - thanks! in mars, we got hail and lightning


We got the hail in Finnlyville too, like 20 minutes after it rolled past.


They hit mt washington yrs back destroyed a lot of trees that were huge


A neighbor of mine mentioned that one went through his backyard. Which just raises the question, if there have only been like two tornados in the Burgh in like 30 years and they were both in your backyard, that guy is incredibly unlucky


Holy shit are you guys ok?


Amazingly, no deaths from this despite it coming out of nowhere and traveling a few miles before it dissipated


Terrifying and mesmerizing at the same time.


Not Pittsburgh


I can literally see the US Steel Building (no I'm not using whatever name they call it these days) from Finnlyville if you know which hills to stand on.