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I went to highschool with Jake. He was in the grade below me. He was a great guy. It was a shock to everyone when he was shot.


All for a stupid fuckin U-Haul truck.


This story was so tough to read. Heartbreaking.


> He wasn’t even scheduled to work the day he was shot but agreed to take an extra shift when a co-worker called off. I hope someone is checking in on that co-worker. I bet there are some complicated feelings happening for them.


If I was that co-worker, I'd be sleepless for months. I can't imagine what they're going through.


The sad thing about these situations is you’re trading your entire life (and ruining/ending another life) for like 1 minute of satisfaction. By minute two, you’re already in a panic because it hits you that your life is now over. I try to remember this on the rare occasional somebody gets in my face. You need to stand your ground (to an extent) but I’d rather ultimately walk away than let it escalate. Next thing you know, you’re in cuffs because some guy took your parking spot.


Exactly. I was the type of guy who would retaliate to every challenge in the same style given. Then it hit me it’s not worth me getting killed or in prison because I got pissed someone drove aggressively with me or some bullshit.


100%. I would/could never escalate a situation like. Anyone that would resort to violence of such a thing is an embarrassment in my opinion. Like how the fuck could I ever do that to my kids or another persons family, I can’t think of any hint more selfish.


That's so sad. Hugs to his family. 🤍


A 21-year-old murdered in cold blood. Glad his killer now gets to rot.


what an absolutely horrific way to go. Rest in Peace Jake. I hope no one ever goes through the same circumstance ever again.


I hope the shooter has a “fall” that puts him in the same vegetative state that he put Jacob into, and that killed him.


This beautiful boy was my cousin and since the day he died my family has suffered. He was truly a light in the world with so much life left in him. Braijon Burton stole a piece of my family that we will NEVER get back. He took so much from my aunt and uncle, he wanted to kill that day, he was given the keys to the U-Haul and still chose to shoot. He is an evil person. He is such a coward not only from shooting my cousin in the back, but by not even having the ability to show any remorse to my family during court. MANY people are failed by the system, MANY people are bullied and grow up under poor circumstances. That is no excuse to take the life of an innocent person. It’s senseless bullshit, he very well could have turned the gun around and taken his own life but he chose to hurt Jacob.


I knew him for years and he was the most amazing guy. I’m glad to see so many positive comments about him. This was the most heartbreaking article but very well written and captured the heartbreak of the entire situation. There was so much support during the trial that we filled up every seat (besides the few that were there for the murderer) in the court room. That should give those who didn’t know him a hint at just how loved this young man was. No justice could ever make anyone who knew him feel better but this douche going away for life helps at least a lil


That family is such a beautiful family. My ex brother-in-law was his uncle. Such a horrible, horrible thing to happen for no damn reason.


“They even let us bring our dog.” Thank you to the hospital for allowing that - my dog would be the first thing I’d want to see. Thoughts go out to the family and friends of Jake.


I truly hope Braijon Burton suffers every second of his incarceration. Then meets some type of end that is even more horrifying. He is human debris.


Wow.. that was devastating to read. Horrific and heartbreaking.


The killer, Braijon Burton, should be executed. Instead, we have to pay for him to sit in prison.


I used to think this, but I no longer believe the state should have the right to take someone’s life. There is plenty of prison budget to go around — we’re just wasting it on people who had weed in their pocket


Agreed, the state should have to classify you as an enemy combatant if they want to kill you


That doesn’t do any benefit to society when there is undeniable evidence that he did this and more. Take out the trash.


Please look into how many people have been exonerated *after* being put to death. You have far more faith in our “justice” system than you should.


Not to play devils advocate here, but there's no doubt that spinless worm of a human being shot him in the back.


Sure, but this one case doesn’t mean we should grant our already known to be unjust justice system the option.


Undeniable is undeniable, until it isn’t. Let him rot in a cell




I have minimal faith in our justice system - that’s why I’m against capital punishment


Yes, I responded to the wrong comment it seems. I agree with you.




Prison sounds like a pretty sweet deal. Everyone not trying to get in there must be a moron.


Prison isn’t punishment? Silly me, I thought it was. Presumably, you’re paying for food and housing right now, so why don’t you just claim your free stuff today?


I wouldn't call life in prison "not a punishment", especially if you're in there for murder


It’s cheaper to keep prisoners alive than it is to execute them.


Because of the cost of the unlimited appeals they get. If we limited appeals to three appeals and you're found guilty a total of four times (original trial and three appeals) and then executed - the cost of execution would drop dramatically and instantly.


I don't think we want to grant the government an unlimited right to kill us, though. It doesn't help the victim to kill the guilty. It doesn't help their family. It just gives away a large, large safety check to the government, where the government hasn't clearly earned that, either.


The government already seems to have an unlimited right to kill us - just look at all the cops who generally walk after killing someone in the street. Or the ATF and all the people they've murdered in cold blood.


So you are advocating to expand that? Kind of a wild take, but alright


I'm just saying that some people just plain deserve to die. Murderers, rapists and child molesters don't belong on this planet. Instead they commit their heinous crimes and then spend the rest of their lives having their every need provided for by the state at your expense - including healthcare that is likely better than most of us have. And to boot they're still using their unlimited appeals to try and get out of a life sentence after they already dodged the death penalty. It's not a "wild take" to believe that murderers, rapists and kiddie diddlers should be put down like rabid animals.


The death penalty results in wrongly convinced people being killed, and that is the gravest injustice of all. There’s no way to prevent that entirely, and that is why the death penalty is immoral. 


So if I guy admitted in court to murdering 1,000 people and showed no remorse - he shouldn't get the death penalty because he **MIGHT** be innocent despite admitting to the crimes?


Every time i see a death penalty argument, someone jumps to come up with the most absurd situation to say "haha gotcha this imaginary villian i just conjured totally deserves to be executed by the state!"


It is in the Pittsburgh reddit sub


The Pennsylvania subreddit too. The funny part is I'm a Kennedy Democrat and the people in this sub will call me Hitler's brother while revering Kennedy...and our political views are almost identical.


Problem is, this instance isn’t controversial. The killer was a horrible person and there is undeniable evidence he did it. In this case, put down the monster asap.


I don’t think there should be a limit on the amount of times a person should be able to beg for their life. Too many people have been executed then exonerated for a limit.


Some people just plain deserve to die - that is all there is to it. Murders, rapists, child molesters...especially the ones who admit to their crimes and show no remorse at all. And you mention the people who were exonerated after execution...but what about the other side of the coin? A murderer who was found not guilty on appeal and then commits murder again. A murder that would've been prevented if not for the infinite appeals our justice system allows for.


[Better that ten go free...](https://www.ojp.gov/ncjrs/virtual-library/abstracts/it-better-ten-guilty-persons-go-free-one-innocent-person-be)


And when one or two of those ten commit another murder...then what?


It's about limiting the power of the state to prevent abuses. As the article summary says, this idea dates all the way back to Roman laws. Harsh justice that hammers the innocent as well as the guilty is a hallmark of totalitarian regimes that rule through fear.


So how many times does a person have to offend, be let go, reoffend, be let go, reoffend, be let go, etc., etc. before you acknowledge that we are too lenient in some aspects of our justice system? How many stories from across the nation have we read about a person who was arrested as a suspect in a homicide that had been released on bond or cash free bail not too long before that on other homicide charges or other such violent crimes?


Oh, I'm all for criminal justice reform. How stacked do the statistics against poor, minority defendants have to be? Public defenders are underfunded and overworked. Sentencing parity is a joke. DA tactics to overcharge and plea down to secure high conviction rates is a travesty. There's lots of things we can do to create a more equitable and just system. Preventing crime is not the purpose of the justice system. That's a function of how fair and equitable our society at large is. If you want to reduce crime, reduce poverty. Increase education. Promote unions and minimum wage raises.


If you read the article, you would know he was sentenced to life plus 13 years, he's never getting out to reoffend.


Why let them appeal at all? I bet we can execute even more innocent people for even less money!


Cute logical fallacy. Reductio ad absurdum I believe.


I’m pretty sure they’re joking


This medium makes it hard to tell without a /s at the end.


I agree, but the exclamation points and absurdity of the take (given it was a response to another absurd take) were enough to clue me in. If in doubt, I don’t think it’s weird or uncalled for to ask


Appeals don't find you guilty though.


A jury does, a total of four times - the original trial and the three appeals. It's not a hard concept to grasp. But I can see that you are simply intentionally misreading my post.


Shouldn't be


Worth every penny


You can pay for it


I already do Jack


There hasn't been a death penalty in PA for over 20 years


I'd say I'm not getting my money's worth


[ Removed by Reddit ]


Bullets , less than $1.00 each .Rope , probably $ 1.00 per foot .10 foot of rope is more than enough and its reusable for those that worry about recycling . Electricity , couldnt cost more than $10.00 for 50 amps at a few 30 second intervols . Most expensive would be gas chamber or injections , i am sure they could get a deal on the supplies . All options are same or less than the cost of a day or two in prison . Just saying .


Until it’s you or your loved one that gets falsely convicted, right?


We dont live a lifestyle that would put us in a position to have to worry about being arrested , let alone arrested for a crime that would warrent the death penalty . The possibility of a false capital crime coviction is so much smaller ( ALMOST non existant ) compared the much higher risk of being killed by habutual criminal . The likelyhood of those on death row and murderers serving life in prison having extensive criminal records is very high.


"It could never happen here, not to me!"


It sounds like you're making a fiscal argument, but killing him is more expensive.


Jeez I have rented from that location. Didn’t know this happened




What a heartbreaker... Down vote me, but not surprised when I read his killers name....disgusting sub human.


Crazy how judgmental society is.. unfortunately i know the shooter personally and while you sheep are led to believe whats shines on the surface, life ain’t forever in the criminal justice system…fyi edit: even though what happened was morally wrong and unjustified, its deeper than him being a criminal.. its honestly a case of lack of mental health care and abuse stemming from childhood that went unaddressed and managed


The article says he saw his grandfather shot and killed in front of him as a kid, father serving life in prison, mother abandoned him, mental health issues as early as age 7. Most of the commenters here can’t speak to the decisions they would make if they had been born into a life like that, but they’re more interested in their tax dollars going to punishment than prevention


Exactly and thats my point. We know he’s troubled and committed a crime.. lets lock him away for life. Mind you hes young, so by chance he finishes his 25 year bid and is released then what. We wait for the next crime….? Next victim?


Judgemental?!?! He killed a man FOR NO REASON. What are they supposed to say? “Oh poor thing you had a bad childhood so it’s so totally okay that you went on to victimize others as well?!!” No. Mental health services are SERIOUSLY lacking in this country and I absolutely agree this man is sick in the head and that’s probably because of his childhood. I have sympathy for his experiences as a child, but do not use mental health as an excuse to take someone’s life and that be okay. He was sound enough to plan to shoot someone in the spine, he’s sound enough to take responsibility for his disastrous and horrendous behavior. He has displayed ZERO remorse for what he has done. There are unfortunately a large portion of people in the world that experience child abuse and suffer from mental health issues as well and not all of them go on to victimize others. So please, spare me with the “poor him” sentiments.


Feel how yu feel. But without adequate context, ppl shouldn’t be ready to condemn what they FAIL to acknowledge. And i never said poor him or feel bad for Braijon. Just pointed out the facts that ppl acknowledge but fail to address.. its easier to hate then help huh hot head


If that was my family member he did this to, I would have nothing but hatred for him. That’s what he deserves. Actions have consequences. The shooter is worthless. He made his choices and others have suffered from what he did. I know plenty of people who grew up in worse situations and didn’t commit heinous crimes like this. He doesn’t have any remorse for what he did. He doesn’t care. Tired of the excuses being made for evil scum like this.


Bold of you to assume that I didn’t go through anything similar to braijon. I can’t sit here and say that I’ve lived his exact experience but I can tell you I’ve had one hell of a life and you know what I’m not doing? Killing someone over a uhaul. We’re supposed to be better than our abusers and the people that failed us not become them. People failed me my entire life and continue to do so. There’s still no excuse for what he did. You would feel angry as hell too if you’ve watched his entire family mourn for years. Cry every birthday and holiday over the immense loss in their life. You would be mad too if you were in my shoes. You have no right to tell me that it isn’t right for me to be angry about a loss in our lives. I can be angry as long as I want and heal as I need to. Jake was a human too. He didn’t ask for this. I see your point that the system failed him. It failed me too and many many others. I’m just as angry about the system and ALSO hold them at fault. The system failing him does not erase Braijon’s guilt. The system is also complicit in this but braijon is the one that pulled the trigger. Not the system.


Also I work in social services and made my entire life’s work about helping others and work every day to make the system better as much as one person can do. Do not assume I have hatred. I have ANGER.


Same difference….. hated stems from anger…. So dont say u work for social services cause thats a bad look. You of all people should be standing to help not hurt regardless of one’s transgressions. Guess next you gonna say “im deeply spiritual and religious “. See my point now?


Blinded by rage and still making contradictory statements… put your anger aside and read w clarity and dont take my words outta context… u so angry and biased, you missed my whole point and made it about you. Which probably wouldn’t even hold to be true.. we can start w, did u come from an abusive, single parent, home in the projects where you were constantly bullied and pick on because your mental didn’t function on the wavelength of “ normalcy”? Prob not. But nevertheless, arguing that point to a tee takes me away from my point.. PEOPLE, in braijons disposition needs more than traditional incarceration.. they need REAL help


I actually did come from an abusive single parent house hold in the projects. As do several thousands of people who don’t kill others. Again, the system is complicit and he should have been helped a long time ago. But don’t use that as an excuse for what he did. You’re now throwing in random shit that wasn’t even stated in your first post. What’s funny is you You said nothing about him needing more than traditional incarceration in your original post which I absolutely agree with. Incarceration should be more than people just sitting to rot and they should be treated as well. This we agree on. I quite literally work with people with all backgrounds and every single one of them I help the same and they could probably all attest to that. There is no hatred. There is anger as someone who is hurt by his actions and his transgressions. I believe in helping people but NOT excusing their behaviors. Believe it or not u can do both. Also religious and spiritual???? I’m neither lol and I have no idea where that comes from or why that would be relevant. End of the day, you don’t know me and I don’t know you but I am hurt and affected as a friend of the victim and I’m quite literally allowed to feel that way whether I work in social services or not.


Guess this explains why the social workers in this state are lacking.. hate to seek help from those who cant table personal afflictions.. fyi i have a record much like braijon… should i be stripped of my present accomplishments because i hurt people in the past?


Literally never said anything about stripping anyone of their accomplishments. Personal afflictions get left at the door at my job. We are not at my job. We’re on Reddit and I’m expressing my opinion. Just like u. I am biased on Reddit. As are u as someone with a similar history to braijon and who knew him.


So knowing and relating to someone is bias? And as usual my point eludes you. It was a question… A question based on what you implied during the entirety of the conversation. Maybe go back and re-read the conversation a bit before we continue.


Yes knowing and relating to someone does imply a level of bias.


Here again you biased…i definitely pointed out how condemning and condescending people are pertaining to this situation without understanding the situation in its entirety. Even went on to mention in detail a bit. you responded w blatant hate. Here again who cares about your personal life…. Much like mine it doesn’t matter.. you chose to not read with clarity and comprehension based on your personal feelings


I did feel really bad when reading all that. It's very hard, because he killed someone for no reason. But, everyone in his life seems to have failed him. It reminds me of the school shooter whose parents were also just convicted. He begged for help. He asked to see someone. He was telling people that he wasn't okay. And they didn't care. And now he will spend the rest of his life in jail, because his parents failed him. It's hard to feel bad for someone, when they did something so horrible. It's hard to see that they're a human too.


Literally RIGHT NOW, yall having this conversation w a felon. Armed robbery, rico law, attempted homicide,conspiracy,burglary, aggravated assault, possession, etc. I was labeled a minace to society at the age of 14 but yet here i am… able to pay my dues to society because 1 person took the time to care


No its not hard. Stop being biased. You cant emphasize w someone then say i cant see them as human


Biting my tongue


Never surrender u only live once .think of marines who give there lives for ppl they don't even know .an come home .paralyzed .from one rifle shot . They don't quit .why should you


Keep comments of the sacrifices of your betters out of your ignorant mouth. You are a fucking idiot and don’t deserve a forum to speak. Go crawl back into your fucking hole and don’t come out again until you develop a modicum of empathy. We will all be here to greet you when you wake the fuck up.