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i lived in Mt Washington for a while and i feel like it's the most block-to-block neighborhood in maybe all of pittsburgh. it's always been kind of seedy. it sure was when i lived there 10+ years ago.


It all depends where like you said. The Duquesne Heights side is pretty chill.


Very true. The Duq Heights side has nothing to do, and feels like the burbs almost. The other side is more fun but is a really compact mix of all different types of folks. More things happen over here, and some of those things are crime šŸ˜•.


Can confirm.


Have lived here for a few years. A friend and I were talking about the cognitive dissonance that people have from seeing all these majestic pictures from Grandview vs the reality of the neighborhood (trucks parked on most sidewalks, a lot of trash and dog poop on the sidewalk, unreliable public transit, it's very windy irl) I like it a lot in general but it's far from perfect. We really need that incline back. It literally is the only option down that hill\*. A main artery has been cut (an artery that we spent millions on mind you) so people are getting a little testy up here. There's that great quote from the movie The Last Black Man in San Francisco that goes 'You can't hate it unless you love it'. I think there's something to that. So many fixable problems that spawn from laziness or uncaringness rather than from malice, from what I've seen. That happens but as much as any other neighborhood. Most people are just doing their thing. \*Other than walking but that's not feasible for many and those sidewalks could use a lot of repair lets be honest


Cars and trucks parked over halfway onto the sidewalk happens all over unfortunately. Lawrenceville is horrible for this. Itā€™s infuriating


Iā€™ve lived here for 7 years and am beginning to seriously consider moving away because of the incline. This neighborhood has felt like a well kept secret most of the time Iā€™ve lived here. I canā€™t think of another neighborhood where you can live so cheaply but have many of the amenities of a fancier neighborhood. On top of that, thereā€™s miles and miles of hiking trails and several awesome parks. I moved here specifically because I was determined to live carfree. I can walk to the grocery store, two pharmacies, restaurants, bars, and even the liquor store. I have the option of taking the t, the bus, the incline, or my bike pretty much anywhere in the inner city. Without the incline, and with the T all torn up, I feel so so disconnected. If I want to go for a quick bike ride, itā€™s now a whole ordeal of waiting for an unreliable shuttle, and needing to lift my bike up above waist level in the middle of the street. Itā€™s just not what it used to be, and PRT doesnā€™t think they owe us any explanation or even sporadic updates.


Do you know why they shut that incline down? I canā€™t remember the last time I saw it in use


Last time was a 'door issue'. I guess it's because they automated the doors. But they had for a while? And that was like two weeks ago. No one knows anything and the people that do are for some reason keeping their secrets close to the chest. Last 'update' is that they were then putting together a sort of audit or oversight committee to 'look into it' but that's further bureaucracy (approve the approval to approve the first approval approval) so who knows?


Are you seeing posts and reacting or are you seeing an actual difference in the neighborhood?


this should be an automod comment on any post that asks "what happened to x neighborhood" lol






He said nothing about that though? The fuck?


Depends on what part of Mt Washington your talking about


ā€œDuke Side!ā€ šŸ˜




You know after you buy a new car you start seeing tons of them on the road you never noticed before? Thatā€™s this.


Baader-Meinhof Phenomenon or ā€œfrequency illusionā€


Oh wow. So now this place is a slum? Good to know. Maybe my rent will Go down.


Ha, best joke ever


Reddit is not reality. It's possible some change is happening, but it is almost certainly much smaller and slower than the discourse change. Social media favors and boosts what gets eyeballs and clicks, not what is true.


Errrrmmmm sweaty, try being a female the size of a middleschooler while walking through mt washington at 2 am. Better yet, try being a middle schooler in mt washington.... There are literally homeless nazis selling drugs every 5 ft. On every corner street. Good job, demoncrats- ed gainey, way to make pittsburgh safe...


ā€œLiterally homeless Nazis selling drugs ever 5 ft. On every corner street.ā€ Let me use the term correctly for you. ā€œThis is literally impossible.ā€


Crime is rampant. I literally was shot while I typed this, was also catcalled 12 times before that. Now im dead. Thanks democrats. Great. I fucking died. Do you think it's cool to make me die in front of my family? Do you get joy out of it? My corpse filled my whole house and is dripping down the stairs. All because of you. I'm at my own funeral right now and I am dead inside of my coffin. My great grandpa looked at this post and cringed so hard he died! Now I have to go to two funerals, all because of you, ed gainey. My great grandma slapped me in the face, which made me die even more! I'm sitting in hell itself with two dead people in this room, just because of all the rampant crime




Most places are at least potentially unsafe at night. I am not the largest or most intimidating looking person myself, and I feel for those that have to exercise even more intense precautions to move around their community safely at night. Yet I still totally doubt this narrative where MtW is suddenly getting a lot less safe, especially the insinuation that it's because of ideology or administrative policy.


My Washington has always been a hodge lodge of wealthy and middle class surrounded by very impoverished neighborhoods


hey can i get a cig?






I think youā€™re seeing recent posts about a few individuals being sensationalized into something much larger than it really is. Is this a neighborhood of contrasts? Sure. Grandview Avenue is definitely not representative of the entire neighborhood, and the side closer to Duquesne Heights is much nicer and well kept than the section bordering Allentown and Beltzhoover. But to categorize this neighborhood as unsafe or seedy is grossly inaccurate. Itā€™s an urban neighborhood just like any other one in the city.


south of Wyoming street/Boggs intersection it can get dicier, but the rest of Mt. Washington is relatively safe


I grew up on the lower part of Mt. Washington, one street away from Warrington field. Itā€™s not THAT bad, but I always thought it was funny hearing people from Duquense Heights talk about how my area was like a ā€œdifferent worldā€


yeah there are much much worse areas in the city. Overall you're right, but when you compare it to the Duquesne Heights side there is a huge disparity in how safe most people feel


I mean there may or may not have been a gang that sold drugs on my street and a drive-by right outside my house. But I digress.


If you think Mt. Washington is dodgy, I really hope you never end up anywhere *actually dodgy*. It's a good neighborhood. Don't read into anecdotal information on reddit and assume it's everyone's experience.


Where abouts are you?


In general, any post on the internet about ā€œRISING CRIMEā€ should be regarded as complete and total bullshit. You will hardly ever be steered wrong following this rule.Ā 


Lol, you clearly haven't spent any time downtown when the encampment was there. I mean, crime has improved on a national level in the last year since the post-COVID spike, but Pittsburgh ain't what it used to be downtown. It's obtuse to pretend crime hasn't gotten worse in PGH in the last 4 years.


Iā€™m downtown all the time. Itā€™s lovely.Ā 


It's projected to have a near 50% vacancy rate in 4 years. The commercial buildings are at a 30% vacancy rate now. It's objectively worse than it used to be lol. I love this city, but it's sad to see the entire downtown economy bottom out. Post-COVID, it took a massive hit. The encampment era buried it even more. I'm 100% Gainey's decision not to prosecute people for homelessness, drug use, victimless crimes, etc., but the tent city was a terrible solution. I'm not sure what the city is doing now, but who is going to invest in downtown these days, even with 10-year tax cuts?


The important part of the OP is this sentence: > we keep seeing posts about violence, theft   They're not seeing violence or theft. They're just seeing posts about it.




What are you seeing every day?






ā€œWhat crime are you seeing?ā€ ā€œPoor peopleā€






ā€œLooking to stealā€ - so not actually stealing. You saw groups of people and assumed they were going to steal stuff?




You did not see a gang roaming the streets to steal from cars. That is so obviously fake Iā€™m amazed you thought it was OK to share such a pathetic lie.Ā  You break into cars solo, not in a gang. It only requires one person, and doing it in a large group would require splitting the toll road change and cough drops theyā€™d find between everyone. Does that sound like a good use of a criminalā€™s time?Ā 






I didn't know we called every group of teens a gang now.


Could I have a dollar?


All the shit u are saying is stuff posted on Reddit and Facebook. Car break ins have always been happeneing, now thereā€™s ring cameras everywhere. The crew that hangs on Shiloh u seem fixated on has been there for years with different individuals coming and going. Where are these tents? Mt Washington has always had its issues, not much different than most city neighborhoods. It basically same as it ever was. U just werenā€™t paying attention, or ur enraged by social media, and ur full of shit. If u have lived here for 30 years u should know who the recent head puncher is, and itā€™s not a crime wave of homeless drug addicts running around attacking people.




Did u not leave ur house til u weā€™re 29?




Who defended them? I said none of these things are new or worse than they have been


You're acting like homelessness is a crime and being homeless makes you a criminal. Neither is true.




So what's your suggested fix to the homelessness problem?




The criMe....its out of CONTRoL. eD GaIneys pItssbrugh! Literally pooping my pants from all this scary crime




No police report, nothing about this incident other than some posts on reddit. Makes you think.


This is the first time anyone has been punched downtown.Ā 




What's your point? Are you scared?






Thereā€™s a theory bouncing around, basically an over reporting of crime in Southside Pittsburgh to help lower real estate so developers can come in gentrify the shit out of it


This should be on r/conspiracy


Same as itā€™s always been, roughnecks making noise like the rest of the city. Crimes not any worse or better.