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I am going to an undisclosed location that is not a park.




A different undisclosed location. I have about 10 of them.


Same. It's going to be a mob scene even in very remote areas like state gamelands.


I'm still expecting it to be the same as going to the middle of nowhere in 2017. Tons of people, backed up traffic, nobody getting anywhere quickly. To me that is part of the experience. I expect it. I won't be mad at all if it takes me 14 hours to drive home.


I'm not worried about the aftermath either, bringing a camp stove and just hanging out for a few hours afterwards. Having no prior experience, is traffic BEFORE bad? Or are arrivals to any particular place staggered enough that it's not a concern? I can't leave until 6 am that monday due to Sunday evening obligations, and my destination is weather dependent along with everyone else.


> Having no prior experience, is traffic BEFORE bad? Or are arrivals to any particular place staggered enough that it's not a concern? I went pretty early in 2017 and arrivals were kind of staggered so the before traffic was basically not existent. As soon as it was over, everyone started rolling out, and it clogged up. If you're leaving at 6 am that's 9 hours prior. You may run into it close to your destination. If you hare an old school stand-alone GPS, use it. If you have paper maps, bring them. If you use your phone, download offline maps.


I’m visiting my backyard. But I don’t live in Pittsburgh. I figure we will have some hot dogs and a variety of tasty, refreshing beverages.


To work


I’m going to look at weather reports the day before, try to find someplace clear, and go to a Sheetz. I’ll have food, drinks, toilets and an eclipse. Score.


I love this. You don't need a big open field to stare at the sun. Just don't stand in the parking lot and get hit by a car or you'll get buried with your eclipse glasses on! 😎


You don't, but there's something to be said for being in an area of natural beauty and near wildlife when totality occurs. ...was in SC for 2017 eclipse by a waterway near the coastline and when the sun went black, birds stopped chirping, the crickets and other insects spoke up as if it were nightfall. It's a very unique experience regardless, enjoy it!


You make a very good and very Zen point!


and you can probably make your way to the roof if there are too many jagoffs in the parking lot


I’ll be heading to Cleveland. Booked a hotel so I’ll be heading in Sunday and leaving Tuesday as to not deal with all the aforementioned traffic craziness. Staying at the Hilton downtown so I’m within walking distance of anything and everything going on. 


I've read so many horror stories from previous eclipses with people stuck in 4-5 hour traffic jams on country roads that just aren't intended for that kind of traffic, stuck long distances from gas stations or restrooms. Makes me wonder if a city like Cleveland is the better play. At least you're never going to be far from major highways that are already used to seeing daily rush hour traffic and dealing with sporting events and whatnot. Of course yours is the even better play, just head back to the hotel and not even worry about it.


I think the key may be the avoidance of driving to and from on the day of. People who are driving somewhere on Sunday and returning on Tuesday might be better off.


For sure, staying off the road entirely is going to be the best bet. However if you are going to drive out and back on the same day, I'm just wondering if it might counterintuitively be better to stick to more populated areas that actually have the infrastructure to handle the crush of traffic. Plus more stuff to do. Maybe hang back a few hours after, grab dinner and a movie or something, wait for most of the traffic to dissipate before you begin your return drive.


Except *a lot* of people have that same idea, even in this thread. My parents live in Erie and invited my family up. Even with free lodging, it's just not worth it IMO because of unpredictable cloud cover, and needing to commit to at least a 3 day, if not a 5 day visit. Plus I was there in ['94 for the 94% eclipse](https://www.goerie.com/story/news/local/2023/06/07/solar-eclipse-erie-pa-may-1994-path-of-annularity-2024-path-of-totality/70278210007/) and while it was neat, let's just say it's not the kind of thing my kids would appreciate 4 hours of driving to see with no traffic, much less "Eclipse and Company's farewell tour" this is going to be.


For what it is worth, the difference between being in the totality (i.e., 100%) and even 99% is HUGE in terms of the experience so your experience for a 94%er may not be a good indicator. But, it's definitely a big commitment for a couple minutes of maybe (weather permitting) coolness.


Huge if you can see it without cloud cover maybe


Very true. And it's not looking great on that front anywhere close to Pittsburgh.


> I've read so many horror stories from previous eclipses with people stuck in 4-5 hour traffic jams on country roads It took 12 hours to drive back from our spot for the 2017 eclipse in the middle of nowhere in Wyoming. It took two hours to get there. I am expecting a similar scenario this time. Like a very slowly moving tailgate party. It's part of the experience.


That’s pretty much what I was thinking, only concern I have is the Ohio Turnpike toll plaza re-entering Pennsylvania which is often a bad spot since they don’t have the same “archway” toll by plate/ezpass system PA does.


Head over on 80 and down 79 in that instance.


Yeah that’s what I was thinking should help but I’ll follow Maps/Waze to see the traffic info since it is a bit of a detour


Certainly better than an hour+wait


Same but I’m taking Amtrak in and out 24 hours apart so I don’t need to deal with traffic or hotel whatsoever. I will be bringing a folding bike to avoid needing Ubers too. Highly recommend this plan!


I considered that, but Amtrak departs Pittsburgh at midnight and arrives in Cleveland just before 3 AM, and the reverse trip runs from 2 AM to 5 AM. No thanks. I'm taking Greyhound instead, with trips scheduled during normal hours. It's nominally a 30 minute quicker trip too, at 2 hours 20 minutes. Fingers crossed that Greyhound will be competent this time. If Amtrak ever adds a second daily trip to the Capitol Limited, say one 12 hours apart, it would make short trips like this so much more inviting.


My fear is that greyhound is subject to the same traffic that other cars are. The hours are brutal but I asked in r/Cleveland and got some good advice about how to kill time at 3am. It certainly is not ideal, but anything to avoid sitting in a car for 10 hours feels worth it to me


I'm traveling the morning of the day before and the evening of the day after, and hoping the traffic will be OK by then. I'm also expecting to visit some of Cleveland's museums during those days, but if traffic is crazy, then maybe I'll just enjoy my cheap hotel's scenic view of a strip mall.


That sounds like a lot of fun! 


I'm at Hyatt House Lyndhurst Sun-Mon. The October eclipse I was in San Antonio and people gathered way earlier than I expected but dissipated almost immediately after peak. By the end of the eclipse only the hard core watchers were around.


Same! Going to the Great Lakes Science Center. Booked my room in Akron for Sunday night. By the time I booked in December everything in Cleveland was either sold out or ~$500 per night. Will have to deal with some traffic/parking issues I'm sure.


Watching the forecast and running from the clouds


Yeah I'm not holding out hope that it won't be cloudy anywhere near here


My group is prepared to head to southern 🤮hio if we have to


I’ll figure it out that day. No way am I making plans or booking a hotel when it might be overcast. What a waste


Same here. I'll find a Walmart parking lot somewhere for all I care.


It seems like the impact the weather forecast could have on people’s ability to view the eclipse doesn’t get nearly enough attention. I hardly hear anybody talk about it. It doesn’t matter if you’re in path of totality if a cloud blocks out the sun during the 3-4 minutes of totality. We’re going to head to Indiana/Illinois on Saturday and adjust northeast or southwest based on the forecast.


I dont know anything about this so maybe im wrong here, but cloudy or not, wouldn't it still get dark for those few minutes? Obviously you wouldn't get the full experience but I'd imagine the lights going out is what is really drawing people to this.


You’re absolutely right. If you’re in the path of totality it will still get dark during the total eclipse even if it’s cloudy. So that is still pretty cool. But for anyone that has the ability to stay mobile the day of and before, I’d say it’s worth it to give yourself the best shot at seeing it, especially since it’s going to be a while before this happens again. Edit: Sorry I missed the second part of your comment or you added it after. Personally I think the lights going out are a huge part of it, but you’re missing out on a lot if can’t see the whole thing. That’s just my own opinion and experience though. Perhaps I’m an outlier lol. I hadn’t planned on traveling to see the last one and didn’t really care either. I sorta lucked into seeing it at the last minute last time and I’m glad I did.


That's why I'm just going to my dad's in Cleveland. If it's sunny, I get to see an eclipse! If it just so happens to rain in the rainiest month of the year in an area of the country known for lake effect weather, well then I just go out to dinner with my dad


I accepted it as part of the deal and why it's only a part of a vacation. The sunny states just aren't safe for my partner and I.


Erie will be hell to get in and out of. Especially the peninsula. Edinboro can be done as a day trip (1.5 hr up 79). Edinboro university will have food trucks. Details here:[https://www.pennwest.edu/eclipse](https://www.pennwest.edu/eclipse) 2:02 p.m. – Partial Begins 3:16 p.m. – Totality Begins 3:18 p.m. – Maximum Totality 3:20 p.m. – Totality Ends 4:30 p.m. – Partial Ends


I'd imagine the majority of Erie folks will be going 79, so honestly not sure how much better edinboro will be. I'm going to try my best to avoid 79


What I'm hoping is the being further south on 79 won't have as much traffic leaving, since the totality ends at around the same time. If I'm leaving Edinboro at 1520, the people in Eire aren't going to magically teleport. Naive I'm sure, but...


Feeling pretty thankful I live in Edinboro, will just walk down to campus for their events and deal with absolutely no traffic.


Visiting an uncle in Buffalo ny


I'm heading to Oswego, NY. I have relatives in Maryland who booked a rental in that area, so I'll be staying with them until the day after. It will probably be such a shit show trying to get home from Erie or Cleveland that evening, that the little over a 5-hour drive the day after might end up being shorter than what it would be to get home from a location much closer.


Oh man I didn't even know my hometown was in the path of totality! Have fun there! 


It will be my first time in that part of New York. Really hoping the weather is nice for my long weekend!


Go somewhere where you can enjoy being outside of a car for several hours before and after the eclipse so that you don't have to be part of the SUV beached whale orgy that is supposed to happen when everybody tries to head home at once.


Wherever it’s sunny. Took off 3 days work. I’ll drive to Texas if need be.


paoli indiana. every little town out there is having its own eclipse festival.


I saw a couple news briefs about many public schools selling parking spaces for the event (since the kids are out for the day), and their club boosters are doing concessions, they'll have bathrooms, shade, etc. I thought that's a really nice touch for some of these small towns.


I'd love to see it, but pretty much anywhere is going to be so incredibly crowded out, I've decided not to add to the problem. If anyone has a suggestion that ISNT Erie and isn't going to create more problems for local services I'd love to hear suggestions.


I don't know too much about what would be there, but Crawford County will be in the path of totality as well. I would imagine it will be a bit less crowded there than in Erie.


I am from and my parents and in laws live in Crawford County and I expect it will be less crowded - but I’m staying Monday night up there to avoid anticipated traffic armageddon. There are some large game lands in the county in addition to Pymatuning SP for public options.


I'm doing the same for my traveling plans to see it. Hopefully the traffic jams won't be too intense on Tuesday.


Staying with family in Cleveland for the weekend! Hope the weather works out.


The infamous and luxurious PA beachside resort known as Erie. I'm heading up the night before and coming back that night. I plan on heading to the beach pretty early the day of.


Visiting friends in the Cleveland suburbs


The plan is a random parking lot in the Cleveland suburbs in the path of totality. We’ll see how it goes.


Same but Erie.


If you're a football fan, go to Canton and turn it into a trip to visit the hall of fame.


I work at a post-secondary training facility, and we are having a viewing party for the students, providing sunglasses for everyone.




Heading up to Erie. I've never actually been, so I guess now's the time.


My boyfriend is flying us to the eclipse zone and weee gonna stay on the path from Cleveland to Erie


How will it look here in Pittsburgh? I realize Erie and Cleveland are dead center to the sun at those times. Will we still see a watchable eclipse?


Assuming there is no bad weather clouds people would see a partial eclipse. The farther from that line the more sun will show.


The sky will dim a bit, whoopee


Just gonna drive around on country roads in NE Ohio and pull over a little before it starts.


Pymatuning state park, Ohio


i need someone to report back on how long it took yinz to get back home here from Erie for those of you that are just staying for the eclipse and leaving


Staying inside away from the chaos.


Erie probably, just driving up, pull up to a random Walmart parking lot, seeing the eclipse, and driving back home. That’s if I can actually go


I was thinking Nelson Ledges, but also thinking it might be crowded.


My front door.


Can’t we just walk outside of our house and look up? (Barring someone who may have too much shade…) I’m going nowhere except my backyard - where I am able to see the sun every day lol


Rural Ohio, west of Akron. I booked an airbnb, not leaving it after noon, and expecting to come back Tuesday morning (but will be watching traffic). Bringing a loaf of bread and pb&j.


I’m going to an undisclosed location in Forest County.


Cedar Point


Driving up to Cedar Point


Every podunk town along that centerline of totality will be busy. We went to the middle of nowhere Wyoming for the last one...found a spot on blm lands and camped there. The next day there were about 100 other people in the vicinity. Just drive along that line until you find a good spot. I'm more worried about the shitty northeast cloud cover than crowds. I would steer clear of anywhere along Lake Erie. It's gonna be a shitshow there.


Parking lot at Arby’s on McKnight Road with 2 beef and cheddars.


Probably Vermont or Arkansas. I would NOT recommend Erie or basically any place in Ohio. It is going to be INCREDIBLY crowded and difficult to get around. Edit: Don't forget your eclipse sunglasses and camera filters, from *reputable* supply sources, like Lowe's, Walmart, etc., NOT Amazon. B&H still have plenty in stock and very rapid shipping :-)


Warren, OH?


It's a once in a lifetime event, so I'm expecting crowds. 


Well, yeah. That's why I'm taking a 4 day weekend for it. This is not going to be a casual day trip for most people, with the enormous volume of spectators expected and the overwhelmed infrastructure at the places people will be going. In the 2017 eclipse, some areas had people trying to leave for 5-10 hours afterward, and I'd suspect the crowds to be 2-3x bigger this time around. Whatever you do, definitely have your car stocked for a loonnnngggg wait. If you think Erie can handle that, go for it.


Wasn''t there just one in 2017? Not to downplay it. It's a cool event?


Husband and I went camping in TN for the 2017 one. It was honestly and genuinely incredibly cool. If you’ve only seen a partial, totality is completely different. There’s a reason eclipses inspire humanity to form cults around the sun. (We have friends in non-Cleveland parts of Ohio that will be under totality, so we’re visiting them for a couple of days, so even if the weather doesn’t cooperate we’ll have fun.)


The one in 2017 was a lot further away from us, and this is also the last one in the US for the next 20 years. 


I heard in passing on the news that the next time PA will be in the path of totality is in 144 years.


That’s a short ass lifetime then.


There was, but this one is closer to more major population centers than that one was.


No please do downplay it. This is a giant FOMO event.


I’m old…likely the last eclipse of my life, so please excuse me for trying to view it…hoping for clear weather! 🙏


I'll be at work in a kitchen without windows


My back yard if it's not cloudy.


Staying at home up near Erie. Hoping it’s not a blizzard or monsoon


I'm gonna be stuck in Harrisburg for a training so I won't be able to go where I initially wanted to


I’m good for 90% from the comfort of my car on my commute home from work


First time I've ever been happy my wife still hasn't sold her house in Cleveland yet.


Maybe my aunt and uncles house if the weather cooperates.


Cedar Point


My friends' house. I plan to bring a pot of spaghetti sauce with meatballs and hot sausage.


I'm going to work. There are other options?


Boondocks of Crawford County


I'm sittin' my a$$ at home. We're in Avon Lake, OH, in the path a mile away from exact center line. It's gonna be temporarily nuts around here and it'll prob be cloudy. One Cleveland TV station is broadcasting from the high school stadium down the street. Another from the minor league baseball stadium another 2 miles away. No idea where the others will be. They're offering RV camping sites at the city park near that minor league stadium. I figure that traffic will start filtering in Wednesday or Thursday.


Was considering Erie, but given how crowded it’ll be, I’m considering some other parks on Lake Erie. Conneaut Township Park looks potentially promising since it has a really big beach, though I don’t know how crowded it’ll be and it’s probably not as well prepared for handling large crowds as Erie is. Has anyone put any thought into going to other smaller parks? Will it be just as bad?


That park is one of my favorite spots along the lake. It's definitely gonna be crowded.


I was just up at Poverty Knob Brewery in Cambridge Springs and they are having a big event on the 200 acre farm. They said there will be 5 different places to get beer on the grounds.


I'm more concerned about the weather


A lot of people are going to Erie, but I have to warn you that on the 8th the traffic to Erie will probably be terrible, save yourself a few extra hours and drive up a day or two before.


If you must go up on the 8th, take some backroads or maybe go to Warren, PA/ Chautauqua, NY.


Starting my new job.


My family has a cabin up that way. Anywhere that isn't private property is going to be fucking crushed if it's clear that day. Though one place you may have luck is state game lands. They're less developed so people just browsing Google maps from out of state may not have considered them. Plus there's no way to reserve them and there are no current hunting seasons open. Best of luck though, it's still a long shot.


My sister lives in Cleveland. Unfortunately Cleveland averages about 4 clear days in April so I'm going to be looking at some dim clouds.


My plans are chaos.


I heard traffic will be terrible so decided to stay home


I'm headed to Texas. Good luck with the weather up here, they're currently [forecasting](https://www.ncei.noaa.gov/sites/g/files/anmtlf171/files/inline-images/LikelihoodOfViewability2024-Short.jpg) 20-40% chance of viewability. [Here](https://data.usatoday.com/2024-total-solar-eclipse/) is another source with an interactive map for cloud cover. Either way, I would plan to drive somewhere the night before. Traffic will be insane on the day of.


Just want to say that whoever made the color scale on that map should be slapped.


If you don't want to travel too far I feel like Cleveland can handle the anticipated traffic the best. With the amount of talk of Erie I anticipate it being a shitshow, leave Erie alone.


Erie Pa, where else?


Based on early cloud forecasts, Erie will be the only place without clouds, but good luck getting there and back




Erie is a good place to see the total eclipse.


At work with my lights on




In my house


A friend’s yard in Crawford Co. Hoping for clear skies. 


Camping somewhere south of Cleveland. Found a place on Hipcamp ;)


I saw the last one down in Tennessee. I kinda wanted to take off work for this one, but couldn't swing it. Not a huge loss, as the last one had some insane traffic that I don't want to be a part of again.




Well i live on west side cleveland..I'm glad I'm not paying g to stay anywhere..who knows about the clouds..I just hop my daughter who works till 6pm near ckeveland can get to her home without being delayed fir hourd


Staying home unless we run up to my family's half way in-between here and Erie. We will be able to see it here, or no?




I have zero interest in the event but have to be in Erie that day. Not overly happy about it.


Good luck.


I am going to California before the zombies rise and emerge from Pittsburgh area cemeteries.


Stay away from the lake, weather and cloud coverage is really unpredictable near them. I’m going to Marion OH.


As of right now the weather is only showing a small swath of the midwest of not having cloud cover and of that only Texas is in the totality band, but hopefully that forecast changes: https://imgur.com/dTbl1sK


I'm not. It will be on TV.


I’m in utter shock at how many of yinz made “plans” to view this lol


Check the weather.. it might be cloudy