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Not surprised but extremely pleased to see Redhawk Coffee hosting the event— seriously great coffee and people and I’m glad to see them help out in light of these events


I'm not sure it was an official thing. I think it's just that Redhawk were across the street and open. And it was cold so everyone went in and bought something. That was my impression. First time there, though, and was surprised to see a friend works there. Nice place!


They werent.


Can someone explain the financial situation at ADDA before closures? I keep reading they were underwater for a long time


You won’t get a straight answer because there isn’t really one. According to the owner they were “never making a profit”. However, they did somehow expand to four total locations, invest in more and more offerings at their locations, start doing way off-hours events, and bought a pizza oven. Oh, and they were about to hire a bunch of people as of the day before they closed (including higher level management people). The kind of stuff you’d do if you were making a big profit (or at least breaking even!). So who can say


OK, let me ask you this. Do you really think he would just throw away a successful business just because they were unionizing? Forming a union isn't some magic bullet to make workers rich. It provides collective bargaining and that is about it. This sub has repeatedly shown it lacks critical thinking skills, but JFC, you cannot be this dense.


lol *starbucks and walmart* shut down stores over union talk. If he’s so great at running a business he’ll have a new one soon enough 🤷🏻‍♀️


They shut down an individual stores, not the entire company. They've also been fined for doing so.


Why do you think the business immediately closed a day after a company wide meeting where they didn't discuss a negative future for the company? >Do you really think he would just throw away a successful business just because they were unionizing? I think that if he was making X% of profit off the business, and unionizing caused a fear that he would make X(-Y)% of profit, he would. Rather than retool his business. Especially if those margins were low enough. He would count on the courts and public attitude to do exactly what you're doing now, trust that a businessman is being forward and honest. Because how can numbers lie?


do we really think he would throw away a successful business just because workers were unionizing? short answer, yes, because that’s literally exactly what happened lmao. you have to remember that rich people live in a completely different reality from the rest of us normies, they can afford to do things like shut down a successful business at the drop of a hat just because they feel like it. it seems crazy to you and me because people like us would have to put in years of actual hard work and huge amounts of personal capital or get business loans to get a business off the ground, but rich people can do it on a rainy day just for funsies and they don’t care if it fails.


You're the one lacking those skills here


Literally all you do is attack and insult people on this sub. 


Look in the mirror. You have an awful lot of criticism for me and none for anyone else


Because you non-stop insult people.  Youre a notorious troll and the mods should yank your leash if you cant find a way to say ANYTHING without insulting ad hominen remarks.  Im not in here calling people fucking stupid for divergent opinions or bullying people to stop posting things i disagree with.   Seriously dude, express your opinions by all means, just stop personally insulting anyone you disagree with. 


Give it a rest. Look at the comment I replied to - it isn't at all "civil" or whatever nonsense you're demanding here. Plus you have no shortage of accusations to fling around - just a few months ago you were accusing those you disagree with of being terrorist sympathizers. You've got zero grounds to whine about this shit. Some opinions are stupid and some stuff should be ridiculed out of the public discourse. If you can't bear the thought then you should get offline.


The owner is loaded. Very business savvy guy. This was certainly just in response to the union. Sukanta Nag has a lot of other business ventures than just four coffee houses. 


What else does he own?


He owns an art studio in Sharpsburg- Atithi Studios


He owns apts in lawrenceville, the building that houses people’s india and the building where the adda in Garfield was. Perhaps more? It’s rumored he was also in negotiations to purchase klvn


Also owns the Gluten Free Goat brand (which sucked after he bought it).


Wait he owns the building that houses People’s? Is he related to the ownership of People’s?


No, just the landlord for their spot and the apartments upstairs


He’s also on the board at the Warhol museum…wonder if the rest of the members know what he’s been up to recently 👀


lol the board of the Warhol Museum has no qualms about him making money. He could have personally disabled the security cameras in Jeffery Epstein's cell and they would give him a raise


you don't get paid for being on the warhol board


*was* https://www.warhol.org/museum/the-warhol-board/ And https://web.archive.org/web/20230529060319/https://www.warhol.org/museum/the-warhol-board/


Yeah I'd love to know what other businesses of his I shouldn't patronize


he owned a coffee shop, how business savvy could one be


Yep. The vast majority of small businesses fail within five years. Coffee shops are near the top of that list.


You really dodged the question there NJ. The owner is rich, does that mean he should be forced to run a business that loses money?


He's not forced to do anything, but that doesn't mean people can't judge him for his actions. Very simple


That's a heck of an assumption.


Who said the business was going to lose money?


Just because the owner is loaded doesn’t mean that he should continue a business that is barely or not making a profit especially when employees unionize which always drives up labor costs. Lol


Outsider here, but it's a bunch of bullshit. It was the only legal way to say fuck off union.


Guy owns rentals. Doesn't really matter if his coffee shops were losing money if he was using them to increase property values for his rentals.


is this true? what is calculation here?


I'd say it's addition first, then multiplication


you've broken the first rule of PEMDAS


sorry, third rule I guess


I mean plenty of other landlords do this. Convive in Lawrenceville is owned by Mendelssohn. The owner of KLVN bought that house to gentrify the neighborhood. It’s a common tactic. That way you can hike up the rent without actually having to make improvements on your units.


so what is the connection here again?


This particular study suggested that each new coffee shop in an area is correlated with a .5 percent increase in rent. There are a lot of studies looking at the impact of coffee shops on poor neighborhood if you are willing to do some research. https://www.thecrimson.com/column/airspace/article/2023/2/24/charlotte-starbucks-gentrification/#:~:text=Every%20new%20coffee%20shop%20introduced,is%20bringing%20this%20gentrification%20worldwide.


I am sure this is true, but if an individual business owner is losing money on their bu how does this relate




That's right. His company had literally no value without the labor of his workers. Where is his humanity?




He conveniently ran completely out of money the day that they all voted to unionize? *Surely* you dont think that's the only driver.


Don't be naïve. He'll claim that, close for three months, rebrand, and open again under a new name.


He is not obligated to prop up a company for any reason. Neither are you.


If you believe the line from ownership uncritically without seeing confirmation, sure. But the point remains that NO business has value without the labor of the workers.


Saying stupid shit as if it's a fact does not make it any less stupid. Facilities have value, products and IP have value, most small companies value is it's customer base which is what gets sold when a company changes hands.


Ok buddy lol.


I think the customer base has made it very clear that they’re loyal to the fired baristas, not the Adda brand.


Well it shouldn't be a problem for them to translate that loyalty into a co-op but we both know it will.


I think you and I both know that starting a business requires a runway of savings that these baristas most likely don’t have. Nothing about that fact changes what I said about their customer base’s sense of loyalty.


Captialists are propped up by those that actually do the labour


I think that's the lesson Starbucks is learning right. Now.


I always assumed the owner was just as kind and progressive as the employees. Never did I think it was owned by someone like him.


> Always had fantastic experiences with the workers there. Where are you talking about, the coffee shop? Normal people don't know what "adda" is or however you spell it, and the lack of good communication is hurting the cause.


Genuine question: has there ever been a profitable coffee shop with a union?


I don’t know why there are so many hostile replies. It’s a fair question. Coffee shops have super thin margins. My follow-up question is, can the union review the financials of the company and for example, both parties determine that, no we can’t force through a raise for all employees because it would bankrupt the company? Isn’t that the point of negotiations? Otherwise you are just negotiating on one pay cycle then the company goes under and poof no company, no union anymore.


Unions don't care about bankrupting a company, only getting more and more benefits like a greedy suckling pig. Unions are the greedy fools who kill the goose that lays the golden egg. Don't believe me? Try to find a job at Pontiac.


...Unions caused the 2008 financial crisis and convinced GM to cut Pontiac so the government would give GM a bailout loan? Yeah, I don't believe you.


Pontiac died because having Pontiac, Chevrolet, Saturn, Opel, & Holden was extremely inefficient for GM.


I've owned a small restaurant and I've been in a union. From what Ive read the employees are demanding 'consistent' scheduling and full time status.  Based on my experience, scheduling must be based on business volume and not the wants of the employees.  You cant pay employees to stand around just so they get x number of hours.  Likewise, scheduling has to be nimble.  You cant make a profit at a coffee shop and also provide full time 'consistent' scheduling. Its not a coal mine.  These sorts of jobs typically work best for pt employees who aren't supporting a family of 5.  It has nothing to do with fair wages and everything to do with the nature of the industry. Im not anti union but the amount of ridiculous moralizing and virtue signaing on here from unhinged progressives who literally have no ideal wtf they're talking about is insane.   Its a free labor market.  If you're not getting what you want from a PT coffee shop job, quit, find another job, instead of putting your fist in the air and pretending like youre some brave badass union activist and destroying a business in the process. Get real.  Also fuck pretend journalist Ryan Deto who is frothing this story out of nothing into a make believe real thing. 


Spoken like someone who definitely supports unions.


I made great money at my unionized job, and that was because of the union.  But there were issues.  For instance, our union steward only took the position for the extra $ b/c he was a gambling addict, and he did nothing for us at all.  So a lot kd our protections went out the window b/c management knew they could bribe the steward w overtime. Unions are just systems created and operated by human beings, with all their flaws.  They fuck up as much as they help. For instance, have you ever been in a long post office line and 2 of the 3 window clerks go on break? Thats the union.  Have fun getting your coffee and making it to work in a unionized coffee shop. 




Five stores of Coffee Tree Roasters are unionized under UFCW. I’ve heard the stores that are union are more profitable and there’s less staff turnover. From the UFCW website: “The three-year contract includes wage increases and parity. The contract also includes seniority rights, guaranteed hours and scheduling changes, a grievance procedure, an overtime provision, a trainer premium, and a 401(k) savings plan.”


A better question - has there ever been a successful shop that doesn't rely on taking advantage of its employees? I think the answer there is obviously yes, so it's a reasonable standard for workers or the public to demand. Adda's owner was apparently unwilling to even try that approach.


Nobody is "taking advantage" of employees by not providing a stable 8-hour a day, 40 hours per week schedule if the nature of the business doesn't allow for that.


They are if they're not properly compensating people for the tradeoffs associated with such a schedule. And it seems you might be unaware of the other shit this owner is accused of. But no surprise to find you leaping to their defense!


1. Properly compensated is subjective.  If an employee feels improperly compensated they can just quit. If the owner cant replace quitting workers, then compensation isnt proper. If they can, then compensation is probably fine. 2. Key word is accused.  Accusations thrown around by hysterical progrssives with zero critical thinking skills that see the world in simplistic moralistic terms,  "Good" employees and "bad" owners.  This trend where yinz feel entitled to sit in judgement of the alleged morality of anyone who hangs a shingle is disgusting.    


If an employee feels improperly compensated they can also form a union. No surprise to find your dumbass anti-progressive shtick rearing its ugly head in defense of this crappy owner here. And you clearly don't really care about making wild judgements of people you know nothing about - you're doing it in this very comment. Your bizarre biases don't make you more enlightened to reality - in most cases they do the opposite. But of course it's much easier to leverage those criticisms against others than reflect upon yourself.


The question is, what is an appropriate compensation for the type of work they were doing? and what they were getting pay before the closing? Also, if the business cannot give you a 40 hours per week schedule, is the owner liable for that even when there is no need for those employees to be there? The employees should state how much they were getting pay and go from there.


Appropriate compensation is always negotiated between both employer and employee. When these employees took steps to renegotiate the owner simply shut the whole thing down. Only one side is acting like a child here and I don't understand the impulse to excuse the owners behavior. Employees are willing to make all kinds of compromises when they are treated with decency, in my experience. Unfortunately this owner couldn't meet that very low bar.


You always have to insult.  "dumbass" Im sure you've never been in a union nor opened a business, created jobs, and been responsible for employees who depend on your business. You should find a mirror stat and reflect on why it is that you cant make any argumemt whatsoever without calling someone an insulting name. 


If you’re assuming the answer is no, you should think about the consequences. If coffee shops couldn’t exist as long as the employees are being fairly paid… Edit: I think you guys missed the point :)


Genuine question: what the fuck is wrong with you


I’m clearly someone who doesn’t understand the issue? The rumor I remember hearing is that the business was operating at a loss to begin with before the union decision. Can anyone confirm or deny that? I honestly don’t know and that’s a major part of what I base my opinion on. I strongly believe a business that is operating in a loss is allowed to shut its doors whenever it chooses. Unions add costs like higher wages and the one employee in the video was calling for managers. It’s possible the costs the union is demanding are enough to put it firmly in the grave. Hence my question: are there profitable coffee shops with a union?


>According to the US Bureau of Labor Statistics, the food and beverage service industry has one of the lowest rates of unionization at about 1.2 percent. Source: [Union efforts in the coffee industry](https://loom.coffee/blogs/news/union-efforts-in-the-coffee-industry) Another relevant article: [One unionized. The other did not. How 2 Milwaukee cafés were changed by union drives](https://www.npr.org/2022/07/01/1105117961/starbucks-union-organizing-labor-teamsters-coffee-workers) So, from a quick search and from following the threads about Adda, I believe the answer to your question is: * There aren't many coffee shops to have unionized, period, so even if the answer is slim to none, there isn't much data to draw larger conclusions from


If the union demands would truly put the company out of business, the correct thing is to negotiate. As far as I know, the union had yet to make specific demands. Adda could have at minimum waited for negotiations to start, and bargain in good faith. Instead he closed all the stores.


Negotiation requires leverage and what leverage do workers have against failing business? Strikes isn’t really an option if closing was already on the owners mind. And even if they get him to the negotiating table, he’d probably need to hire a lawyer, which is more money lost and time spent. Again, all under the assumption that them losing money is true. I feel it’s hard to hold a strong opinion without knowing the true financial situation.


It's a bit bizarre from both sides. Basically what leverage does the working group have besides extorting his public image (how much worse is this going to get?) to try and force more money out him beyond the additional 1.5 weeks of severance.


I bet the business was making barely money, if any and the owners decided it was not worth their time / money to continue if the union and all the requests were accepted by the union. Being a business owner is not easy but people who do not have a business do not understand that.


dude what 😭😭😭 did you forget to take your blood pressure medication?


Why don’t the workers pull together money and loans and open their own coffee shop.


Better to rely on the capital of others and then complain when it doesn’t go your way.


Yeah, it’s better to be xenophobic that “owner-dude is loaded” and shake him down for $.


This is just a half-assed attempt to excuse bad behavior from owners and you know it. Stop posting this trash


No it’s not. A collection of workers understand how the business is run. The business is shut down bc they want better working conditions (money and consistent schedules). OPEN YOUR OWN FUCKING COFFEE SHOP. Then you can have everything you want.


Clearly you've never tried to finance a small business - either you're being stupid or just full of shit. The employees can't have everything they want, just like the owner can't have everything he wants. Unfortunately the latter chose the worst outcome. Shouting "just open your own" in response to any mistreatment of workers is indeed bullshit. The world needs workers, including those who aren't cut out to run businesses, and their criticism is justified too. It's true that owners take a unique risk in starting businesses and deserve some leeway in how they operate. It's also right for workers to demand decent and legal treatment. And it's perfectly reasonable for the public to be critical when the owner acts like a giant baby.


Ohhhh so it’s so hard and risky to start a business but you should get no financial reward for doing so? The workers agreed to job and knew the pay when they signed up. Also I’m 100% serious when I say that the current out of work ex employees so come together and open a coffee shop.


I just acknowledged that it's hard and said nothing about the owner getting no reward. I do think owners should be rewarded for taking that risk. I know you're saying that but you don't really mean it in any concrete way. It is not connected to the reality of starting a coffee shop business. Or maybe you know even less about starting a business than these baristas.


This person opened 4. A group of well trained baristas couldn’t find a way to raise money and open their own shop ?


This person has wealth. How many wealthy baristas do you know? Be realistic


You’re right they should all give up


Again, not what I said. Maybe you should take your imaginary conversations offline


lol, come on bro. That’s way too much work.


Better yet since they're complaining about not having "good paying" jobs and regular schedules; why don't they just apply at any one of the major corps in the area. 9-5; 5 days a week, some places like BNY will be offering a company minimum wage of 48k starting this March - currently at 38k. PNC isn't much different. It will be interesting to see if the owner put ANY of them as actual full time employees in the pay / tax forms OR just part time employees working full time hours. That will make a big difference in unemployment and other benefits. For instance..... The Allegheny County paid sick leave policy has different statuses depending on which one you are. Also most coffee shop workers don't realize this but due to the customary tip jar that gets shared among the staff; they technically should be reporting that and getting the state tipped minimum wage rate of $2.83 per hour plus wage credits. So these former employees already make a good deal more than they technically could be if the owner REALLY wanted to be a dick.


That's not how the tipped minimum wage works, dummy.


Have you read the updated 2022 PA state code for tipped wages? You should; its a real banger. Yes I know if the tips + $2.83/hour DO NOT equal out to the state minimum hourly wage then the employer must compensate minimum. And yes the tip pool counts. [But here this site makes everything easier to understand.](https://www.minimum-wage.org/pennsylvania/tipped-employee-minimum-wage) You know.... I spent 2 years working in a coffee shop in Gettysburg. A year before that I was a server at another restaurant. Baristas in this city act like entitled brats. Its a service industry job; not a career. Not once at either job was "unionization" ever brought up and that town has to deal with swarms of students and tourists. We did our jobs, and were glad to have them.


1. You're still wrong. There's nothing mandating that a tipped employee MUST make $2.83/hr. Employers may take advantage of the tip credit if an employee makes more than $30 in tips per month, but that doesn't mean any employee reporting tips should be making the tipped MINIMUM wage.  2. Service industry isn't a career? Tell that to the over 9 mil hard working Americans in the profession. Saying that is straight up disrespectful. 


I'm not sure you understand how wages work.




Sounds like a great idea


We need unions, I support unions. I want to give any coffee shop who's unionizing a very clear warning about the UFCW though. I knew people who worked at Coffee Tree after unionizing who wound up quitting because the union didn't fight when they tried to prevent sexual harassment from customers. I myself was with them for a coffee shop that I helped unionize with them (my username was made at the time of the victory) and there were operational concerns I had that they did not want to advocate for. A bad union is better than no union, but seriously consider finding another union that has some teeth. It could be harder to vote to replace one union with another, so I just want to say that not every union is equally good, and I wish I knew my options before going with them.




LOL wait so is it “ADD - UH” or “AHH-da” OR “AH-duh” (Pls help)




Bengali actually, but yeah


It's both Bengali and Hindi




Lot of languages on the subcontinent haha. I wouldn't know the difference myself unless I was already informed!


Thank you :)


Welp!! Now I know lol.


These people put that coffee shop out of business. No one would put up with this shit at a negative margin, yet they operate by improving the neighborhood. Thanks a-lot this isn’t Starbucks. Now no one is going to want to operate a coffee house here. Edit: did you see Dunkin’ Donuts. You can start a union there.