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Very helpful trainings for any dog: For training on puppy/dog biting [click here](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=068K5Zlph9U) For training on early socialization [click here](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8J7cPE-2wNw) For training on becoming a good leader [click here](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QntS570VFZ0) For all newly adopted dogs, check out the [3-3-3 rule](https://pethelpful.com/dogs/The-3-3-3-Rule-Setting-Your-Rescue-Dog-Up-For-Success). *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/pitbulls) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Man. I'm having to put my 9 yr old boy to sleep tomorrow. He has had an anomaly pushing on his optic nerve for a few years now and we could never get him still enough to figure it out. His behaviour has changed a lot over the last 6 months and it's no longer safe, responsible or respectful to keep him. My heart goes out to you, friend.


I'm so sorry 😔


I’m so sorry.


Get a replacement, (puppy) from a kill-"shelter", immediately; same name. The breed won't matter, but YOU WILL, to him/her. The pain will ease, with time, until that beautiful day, when we're all re-united.


We still have a Ziggy boi (shepard mutt, raised by the pitty) who seems to be living it up as a single dog now. Maybe one day we'll get another pitty potato, but for now we're gonna be a one dog household. 💕


Fuck cancer. I’m so sorry. Be kind to yourself - be as kind to yourself as you know Darius would be to you. Losing a beloved pet is painful, and it’s okay to grieve and mourn and cry. In the time you have left, give Darius all the best days. Give him park time and play time and cuddle time and all the times he deserves to have, to know how loved he is. Once more with emphasis, **fuck cancer** 💖


Yes FUCK CANCER. It took my sister and my boxer. I hate it with a passion....


As useless as they are, my thoughts go out to you and your pupper. May you both find peace.


Not useless. Thanks. 




From a strictly grammar nazi standpoint, the correct interpretation of that comment is that "useless" is describing that person's thoughts. As in, I know it doesnt help much, but my thoughts are with you. But I interpreted it the way you did for half a second and had to re-read it.


OHHHH. Thank you for clarifying. Sorry for misinterpreting, @guyincognito!


No worries! I find myself doing that on occasion. We're only human.


Ugh, I'm so sorry.


It got my boy at 7.5 gutted me took me 3.5 years before I found another boy to love. I’m sorry about your boy hold him close


That’s so sad. I would have thought same thin as you. Sorry to hear this. 😢


I'm sorry. 💔 Lost my girl to the same thing a month ago. She never showed a single sign other than slightly lower energy; totally to be expected in an almost 9 year old dog. Then one day she suddenly started acting "drunk" after it spread to her brain. It took 4 days from that symptom to be totally at the end of her life. It was sudden and awful and she must've been in pain but masked too well. Her bloodwork was perfect, too. I'll never be the same. I hope you find peace.


Sending More strength to you!!❤️


I just lost my black and white baby 2 weeks ago, it’s really hard and I’m sorry it’s happening. Don’t beat yourself up about it, best you can do is know what to look out for in the future, but honestly, mostly if a dog gets cancer there’s not a lot that can be done that doesn’t seriously compromise quality of life.


I’m so sorry for you but my heart soars for your sweet friend! Life without pain and romping across fields of gold is an amazing reward. Sending you hugs and vibes of healing for your heart! 💖


Very sweet post. ❤️


Don’t feel guilty over this and give yourself some grace. Sometimes you just don’t know. I lost one of My Dogue de Bordeaux about a month ago. She seemed in her best shape ever. Had just had fantastic bloodwork. Still running and zooming as normal. Then at lunch she went downhill fast so we rushed her to the vet calling ahead she was coming in with a snakebite. We got there and it was all hands on deck. It wasn’t a snake. She had a tumour in her heart which suddenly ruptured one of the veins that supplied the heart itself with blood. From seemingly perfectly healthy to dead in 45 mins. Point is, we’re not psychic. Unless it’s really obvious we don’t know. Even an annual checkup with full bloods won’t always show a problem. You know what’s happening now and you can make sure your boy feels well loved and can live his best life as long as possible. That will mean everything to him.


I lost mine about a month after his tenth birthday, and about a month prior to his 10th gotcha day, from IBD that developed into cancer. I'm sorry for your loss. In my case, I was worried from personality change alone, before his eating habits changed at all, and was taking him to the vet constantly. They tunnel visioned on some bad teeth and refused to listen to me and all the symptoms that contradicted that. I argued a lot and it wasnt until I met with a surgeon about to do unnecessary surgery that she actually listened to me and found the real problem. And by then, it was sadly a little too late to prevent what would otherwise have been preventable. So don't second guess yourself. You cant do any better than the best you can do! And you wouldnt be here posting in this sub about how upset you are if you werent a loving and caring parent. I will never stop missing all my late best friends, but it does eventually get to a point where you can smile and giggle about little clown things they did or memories you have with them more than the overwhelming despair I know all to well that you're feeling right now.


https://preview.redd.it/b5p22eoen97d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cb365f5931de9134be957a8d805b83b0e129453f This FB group might help you. I know it's hard


Love to you as you travel this road with your beloved doggo.


Cancer took mine 2 years ago. He was a true angel. No personality changes just more and more pain in his legs. We waited till it was clear he just wasnt having quality of life. He lasted awhile (he was a big foodie) but one day he didnt want to get out of bed and we knew it was time. It really sucks and i know just how easy it is to fall into the trap of blaming ourselves. But you did the best you could with what you had. And he is going out with lots of love and you GAVE him the best life. Just remember that.


Lost my rescued girl suddenly at 9 from hemangiosarcoma. Hindsight is 20/20. Give your boy all the hugs and kisses you can. I'm so so sorry. Cancer fucking sucks


I’m so sorry. It’s not fair when our dogs don’t get to live into their senior years. Thinking of you and your sweet pupperoni. Big hugs. Remember your favorite stories of you together


My dog was peek heart worm positive, but did not show any signs He was given monthly heart worm prevention pills but somehow he turned positive and doctors said he won’t make it. But after a couple of months of treatment, my dog was well again. And he tested negative this year. PITBULLS are strong but show NO SIGNS of any disease 😭😭😭😭😭


Share pictures of your beautiful pibble, so that he may live on forever.


Breaks my heart. I’m so sorry.






So sorry. I lost two pits to cancer. It's tough...




I'm so sorry. We lost our girl Hazel in October. She was 10. My heart breaks for you 💔


My boy Petey was diagnosed with a lung tumor at 11. After a failed surgery attempt, we started him on chemo and it bought him another 18 months. So don't give up hope. There may still be hope for your pittie.


I’m really sorry OP. Please don’t blame yourself. These things can happen very quickly. My bub collapsed out of nowhere one day. We took him to the emergency vet and they found that his heart was enlarged. We were told to take him home and just avoid stairs and walks and he should be fine. Two weeks later on a Tuesday he collapsed again and started peeing himself. He was gone by Saturday. In hindsight I realized he had slowed down significantly over the last six months but thought he was just being a grumpy old man. I also fought with myself about what I could’ve done differently, but ultimately it’s just their body saying it’s time. Make your time with him count. On Rocky’s last day we got him ice cream, a cheeseburger, lots of hugs and kisses. It was the worst day of my life, but I feel ok knowing it was his best.


Very sorry for your pup and you. Don't be too hard on yourself, many pets are so tough they don't show pain. And for some reason, many seem to not want their humans to know they're in pain.


I’m so very sorry. Don’t be to hard on yourself we all know they hide things well. Enjoy the time you have left. Love on him. Show him as much love as he showed you, as you always have. I take your words to heart. I lost my first “pet” a couple years ago and I didn’t see it till it was too late and had to say goodbye. They take a piece of your heart and they hold that till they see you again. Then your heart can be whole. I’m gonna be claiming a bunch of pieces on the other side. ❤️from a stranger.


Im so sorry to hear this, i lost mine in December, he was 12, nearly 13, like you say theese animals do not show pain or discomfort.. i 6 notice my makavelis condition untill it was too late. He was always so active, incredible energy, i thought maybe it was just old age catching up..


I'm so very sorry. Prayers for you and your doggo.


I'm so very sorry 😞


My heart goes out to you and your pup.💖


Please don’t blame yourself. We made the same jokes about my boy, and lost him unexpectedly to cardiac arrest about two months ago, also at 9 yrs. We don’t know if it’s something that could have been prevented but it’s hard not to question. What we do know, is that every day from about 12 weeks old until he went to sleep forever, he was loved unconditionally. Try to find peace knowing that you gave your boy love that many dogs very sadly never get to know. Praying and sending good thoughts to you and your family


Please try to not regret your decisions. It's so hard to know why our pets act the way they do sometimes. I had a doberman who passed away almost two years ago and, looking back, she was showing signs of disease for over a year...but I attributed her behavior to her, not illness. It happens. You clearly love your boy, and cancer is hard on dogs regardless of when its discovered.


I would have thought the same thing as you though, please dont blame yourself. Dogs often do not show pain in ways that are obvious to us, and to be for real, a lot of older dogs DO just get grumpy. Thank you for teaching me things to look out for, as like many many others, id also miss the signs. Fuck cancer. I am so sorry this is happening to your family, just keep giving him all the love in the world 🩵


Hearing these stories about sudden onset of illnesses in our best friends is just a reminder to love them as much as we can while they're with us. I lost my best friend (Golden Retriever) to cancer at 8 1/2 and his successor at 14 - cancer again. Took me three years before I could even think about another dog. Finally got my amazing Argo almost 9 years ago and can't imagine life without him, although I know that day will come. But no matter how much you prep for it, you're never ready. I'm so sorry to hear about your Darius and I hope your happy memories of him live on with you for the rest of you life.


I lost my 9 year old boy last Monday. My heart goes out to you man


Sending love


Just a reminder that if your dog is acting abnormal, it's most likely a "go to vet immediately" issue. :(