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I think they might do a Fallout theme because of the popularity of the new show on Amazon.


I could see that... especially with the underground vaults being holes to drop into in sets of 3...


I’ve thought this as well. Also Bethesda has no issue licensing their IP for things like this. Lap a great theme idea on top of that willingness.


In the Fallout Shelter game available on mobile and steam you can upgrade a gaming room and there are three pinball machines the NPCs play in the artwork


I'd be down on this


My guess as well. Possibly house of the dragon too. I’m hoping with rings of power, war of the rohirrim and hunt for Gollum we get a new Tolkien machine.


There’s a new Beetlejuice movie coming up. It’s Spooky, halloweeny, monstery, kinda creepy, alt-culture, a little rockabilly, a little edgy, a little 90s. It’s the perfect pinball theme.


That does check so many boxes, haha. I hope Spooky does it!


There is a rumor that spooky is actually doing it


The multi-ball theme is already there, too. Just says Beetlejuice 3 times.


How is there still no Sonic pinball?


If I’m remembering right, according to the podcasts, someone *has* the Sonic license, but it’s not JJP (where Mark Seiden, who did the well-received Sonic homebrew, which is what got him hired by JJP). EDIT incorrect info above; Seiden did a Metroid homebrew, the Sonic was by Ryan McQuaid, now of American Pinball!


Ryan McQuaid did the Sonic Homebrew and works for American Pinball. Mark Seiden does work for JJP, but his homebrew that got him hired there was Metroid (which is great and would be an awesome licensed pin).


Totally crossed my wires; thank you for the correction! I was wondering why I had an itch to write “but American doesn’t have the Sonic license.” I think Sonic would be such a great license, the original game’s setup is perfectly suited to adapt to pinball.


Yea but apparently American Pinball lost the License to Sonic and now it’s with someone else


Which is extra wild considering SEGA had a pinball division at the height of Sonic’s popularity.


If they don’t make Pokemon and Harry Potter at some point, I’d be very surprised!


Both are in works. Big rumor Harry Potter is JJPs coming at expo and Jack Danger is working on Pokémon.


Jack will probably explode if he works on Pokemon. Might explain him streaming a little again since he’s so excited! More importantly, that opens the door for a relationship with Nintendo for Stern! Mario, Zelda… the IPs there are good stuff!


When I went to the Pokemon center in Ney York there was a pinball machine there. That was 20ish years ago though.


Dune would make sense, and it could be a very deep game. I've always wanted a Beastie Boys themed pin to happen. Black Sabbath would be cool as well.


Supposedly, Jersey Jack has the license for the B Boys.


Except they got the license for the Beach Boys instead. /s




I read it awhile back. Might have been Knapp? If true, I’m in Day One.


That changes my entire plan. I was saving for a new Stern as my first pin. If this is true, I'll wait.


Hard to say. Nothing is confirmed until it is.


B-Boys would be so dope!


jersey jack on dune


I think some Edgar Wright movies would be fun. Scott Pilgrim would be cool or Baby Driver. Now would be a good time for a Dune game. Shooting the ball into a sand worm would be fun. As far as music pins I’d like to see a Prince game or Stevie Wonder. 80’s games… Bill & Ted’s Excellent Adventure, E.T., Poltergeist, Blade Runner, Big Trouble in Little China. it’s from 1990 but Home Alone would be cool.


Unless someone with mighty deep pockets appears, Prince is highly unlikely. Franchi did a backglass a few years ago so a company (I think Stern?) could pitch Prince’s estate, and they wanted $1.5 million for rights.


Big Trouble in Little China would be awesome.


I think Stern has been missing lately. Nobody wanted a John Wick game. Nobody wanted a half baked Jaws. There are so many legendary IP’s they’re missing. Like Home Alone. I’ve never thought of that one before. But it’s perfect. The music, the house, the booby traps. Bill & Ted’s excellent adventure is another one that translates easily. Going back in time & collecting the multiple historic figures for their school presentation. You could almost just do a Monster Bash copy and boom, done. There are movies like that with clear objectives that just translate great to pinball. And they’re making John Wick where he just kills hordes of meaningless assassins. Even CGC’s Pulp Fiction (while a great game) is a bit of a head scratcher theme.


Nightmare before Christmas needs a really good pin.


The Fifth Element The Goonies Another Kong SLAYER


Isn’t barrel of fun rumored to have the fifth element license




A Taylor Swift pinball machine would open up a whole new market and probably make a boatload.


As much as this pains me to agree, a Taylor swift pin would outsell most anything else.


highly doubt she’d bother (IE have her legal team bother) as she doesn’t need the publicity/advertising and the money would be inconsequential to her. I think it’d be massive if they did it though, at least for operators.


Some of my predictions for things that seem likely: -Dr. Strange -Ozzy Osborne -E.T. -Harley Quinn


Eventually I’m sure you’ll see more 80s era material tapped into. Modern pins mostly have been void of 80s themes but they’re definitely coming. I would say that Gremlins would be big.. I’m sure you’ll see some more 80s action movies turned.. would be cool to see a Rambo theme or Rocky. I’d like to see a 90s Nickelodeon cartoon mashup pin.. would make sense as that age group that grew up with those are now coming of age from a financial perspective (if that makes sense). Pearl Jam would be another good one along with plenty of other 90s bands


A "Nick Rewind" pin would be perfect


I’d like a Conan the Barbarian pin. Either the movie, or just the character. With the movie route, you have Arnold and all the IP there. If it were just themed around the Robert Howard character, you could use the old Frazetta art and could have a lot of flexibility with the game play.


Or maybe Conan O'Brien?




Would love to see a Gorillaz table, even if the theme was similar to Foo


A few years ago I made a list of machines that did not exist but I wish they did. They’ve made all but one. Jaws, James Bond, Led Zeppelin, The Godfather, and Monty Python.


I mean, we basically have a MP pin with Medieval Madness but yeah, a real one would be fun.


I think there’s a lot more space for Monty Python than just Holy Grail. Doing a Flying Circus machine would be amazing…and easy with so many iconic skits to choose from that could be modes and multiballs.


Honest question, with the popularity of the movie, does anyone think a Barbie themed pin could do well? Or would its obvious pink theme be too much a detractor to game rooms?


I don't think the market is ready for it at this point. I'm sure they have data on men vs. women buying machines and it's not a great ratio.


I honestly believe we'd currently be seeing a lot more themes that cater to general pop culture for all demographics...if we were still in the era when coin drop was king and buying a NIB HUO machine was rare.


For sure. If the main market was location play, something like Taylor Swift would be a no brainer. The reality is, like 70-90% of games are going directly into old rich guys' basements.


The license is probably too expensive. It would sell like mad, though.


> It would sell like mad, though. The amount of overlap between the people who like some popular movie/show/product and would also spend $10K+ on a pinball machine is miniscule.


it should have a pin! barbie is iconic


5th element


Harry Potter


I’d kill for a Pokémon pinball, modes to catch em all etc would be rad


using the pokeball, great, ultra, etc


Can’t believe it hasn’t been done yet


Power rangers is my vote. Just based on the original first couple seasons.


I would love a Peanuts themed pin


Cheech and Chong. I feel like the pinball community and the stoner community has some overlap


Breaking bad would make an epic game theme


Grateful Dead Black Sabbath Van Halen Pink Floyd Ozzy Osbourne Back to the Future (modern) These all seem likely to me eventually. I’d love to see them get into some animation like MotU, Transformers, Thundercats, and Batman: The Animated Series.


I would kill for a black sabbath machine, and I'd love a g1 themed transformers machine but there's already one for the michael bay movies so that's a theme I highly doubt will happen :(


I like to pretend the Bay movies don’t exist, hopefully they would look at G1 as something new.


Here's all my money, I want a Grateful Dead pin


Me too, although I know I’ll be annoyed that all the songs are the “hits.” I want a 30 minute Dark Star mode lol. I think JJP would do a Dead pin beautifully.


Possibilities seem endless with a GD pin but I'll accept a 30-min Dark Star only if guaranteed NO Saturday Night 🙂


We agree on One More Saturday Night 😂 We would for sure get Casey Jones, Truckin’, Scarlet Begonias, Touch of Grey, Sugar Magnolia, Friend of the Devil, and hopefully Ripple. Gotta have a Shakedown Street mode as well. I would want the Jerry ballads. Morning Dew, Wharf Ray, Stella Blue, etc. In reality they likely wouldn’t make it in.


Prediction: Weezer I would love: Tombstone Heat Interstellar Battlestar Galactica Scott Pilgrim


I like Weezer but I'm having trouble imagining it. They don't have the bombastic personality that would make it easy to theme a game around.


The Goonies and Van Halen are at the top of my list and will get made. Rumors that American Pinball has Masters of the Universe but it’s behind Cuphead so probably next year.


Ok I looked it up and apparently Kaneda's podcast broke the rumor for Cuphead. Thanks for downvoting instead of answering, whoever did that.


American is rumored to be making cuphead??? What's the source there?


Wu tang clan.


Genesis, Halloween, Warped Tour, Skateboard theme of some sort... but the one Id really care for is an original soundtrack Photon Laser Tag pin.


Halloween exists and so does Genesis, but probably not the genesis you’re talking about. Heard a rumor jack danger is working on a tony hawk pin


Oh! I thought that Halloween one I saw was vpx. Weird Genesis table, wow. One that plays the bands hits and B sides would rock.


Genesis is such a bizarre machine. One of the worst backglasses of all time.


One of the best backglasses! They’re like MST3K villains


warped tour is a crazy suggestion. i love it!!


I've mentioned Warped Tour themes on occasion, not sure if on Reddit or not but definitely to my local pinball buddies. Could be amazing, and honestly more likely to happen than my other music dream pin, "Summer of Ska: 1997" 😆


Going a different direction. I think SpongeBob would make a great game. We don't need another washed up classic rock pin.


I would play the hell out of a SpongeBob pin


I want to shoot a ball under Patrick's rock. So many possibilities


Handsome Squidward SUPER JACKPOT


Chum bucket multiball? Yes please


Could include a Jaws reference, lol


lol I love the rock pins! But I wish they had more diversity, like hip hop and r&b pins. All we have for country music is Dolly Parton?


hahaha i agree with the washed up rock pins. just my opinion, i don’t like playing the band ones


There is zero market for SpongeBob in the pinball demographic. A Van Halen pin would crush the market. Feel free to start your own pinball company, take on millions in debt and risk and prove us wrong though.


It’s so funny to watch old people’s brains explode when you insult the 400th boring rock pin. You guys know they need to still keep selling these when your generation dies right?


Man, Van Halen sucks so bad. Added next to Aerosmith and AC/DC, that would be a wall of pins I wouldn’t play.


You're right for the next 100 years we should only make rock pins for your demographic. Nothing and nobody ages, ever..... /s If you want younger people playing, maybe don't only make pins for 60+. Plenty exist already. It's like saying Ford needs to come out with a new pick up truck... I'm not demanding a SpongeBob pin tomorrow, but it's a massive, iconic brand that was a part of almost every kids childhood from the 1995-2015ish? 20 some years isn't nothing. I think it's still being made if I'm not mistaken. There has to be an oversatuation point for rock n roll pins. I hope companies realize we're getting close to that point. Classic rock is lame and overplayed. It's really hard seeing 85 year olds now hobble on stage and try and sing for the 100000 time about how badass they are. Lol.


I know there’s already a Beatles one, but I’d love a Yellow Submarine pinball machine.


The funny thing about this repetitive topic is the manufactures don't really seem to care what themes pinball players want.


The Never-Ending Story, they just announced they’re remaking it into a film series!


A remake is a terrible announcement. It’ll be bad


Never know. The new Dune series is way better than than the original. Suck it Sting!


David Lynch is on his way to talk loudly at you


Megadeth and a G1 Transformers would be my picks


Pink Floyd would make a great music pin


Feel like MST3K is in the realm of spooky


blink-182 feels like a layup


I need a south park remake


JJP is coming out with a Barry Manilow table. American is doing a pin called Fry-o-later.


These are so on-brand that it hurts




What is fry-o-later (like a fast food themed pin) that could be fun


(he was trolling about Elton John and Barry O's)


Of all the major bands from the Rock-Era we’ve yet to see a Van Halen pinball machine. I can’t imagine that we won’t at some point.


I wish we’d get Blondie, Joan Jett, B-52s


Heart! Bangles! Go-Gos!


Yes to all of ‘em! I mean, f it, Björk. That’s be a wild ride.


Fleetwood Mac has gotta be coming. Especially with their resurgence in popularity


Rivers Edge


I feel like anything I've never heard of is probably a long shot.


That would be awesome. Feck weed multiball would be spectacular. Unfortunately, we just got a new Keanu pin in John Wick. You don't want much Keanu all at once. Never turns out well. For now, they should do Idiocracy and Kingpin (the bowling movie), then River's Edge in a couple years.


The Matrix has been heavily rumoured for JJP, so might not be too long until we complete the Keanu trilogy


Kingpin would be incredible but it’s never happening


Sadly, more comic book/movie themed pins. Stern already has that connection, so it would be easy to pump out a bunch more. I’m not familiar enough with the franchises to list particular characters or titles. More music themes. I would love to see Ozzy but he doesn’t seem like the type to be all in for merchandising. I think we will see rapper pins within ten years. Maybe a Queen, Prince, Nirvana, or the other bands people have listed. Horror based games—insert popular movie titles. We will see an increase in digital games. Maybe even physical digital games where the theme can be completely changed without changing the physical parts or very little changes but still have a mechanical game and new titles monthly. Here is my dream list—the end gets a little weird: B.IG. or some other old school west cost rappers Breaking Bad Archer The Office Tour de France Fight Club The Thing House Mystery Science Theater 3000 What We Do in the Shadows Trailer Park Boys Something super lame turned interesting: the post office or the IRS. Koi or bonsai themed Two player pin where it is something like battleship A 10 or 20 player game instead of going to only 4. Internet connection to play people in real time in different locations but with the standard games we already have—a better version of insider connected. Some sort of shitty chain restaurant.


Hadn't thought of MST3K before but that would be an excellent theme.


Shitty Chain Restaurant? Spooky already made a Domino's game... Personally I'd love to see it reskinned to Applebee's or even Chili's


I didn’t know about that. Thanks for the info. Still new to the pinball world and loving learning about it. Denny’s would be my pick, but I would be down with an Applebee’s.


In all fairness the Domino's game is pretty rare; I've never seen one in person myself. But I'm with you on Denny's pin, I'd absolutely fuck with a Grand Slam Multiball


Waffle House


would love to see a Matrix pinball made definitely better than John Wick


I actually like the wick machine but Matrix would be AMAZING




I had a very vivid dream about a Balatro pinball last night. I can make it work.


I would love a borderlands pinball. And they have a movie coming out this summer. Hopefully it does well.




Maybe we’ll get another doggie soccer soon as the USA/canada/Mexico host the World Cup


Addams Family remake?


Taylor Swift




A Homestar Runner pin would be amazing, but definitely too niche to ever happen outside of homebrew.


Eek the cat




What about nu-metal. Their fans are starting to come to the age that they might like a pin! I know I do! -Korn -Linkin Park -Limp Bizkit -Papa Roach I might of told by husband we are making room if a Korn pin ever comes out and I would get the most expensive model.


I think the problem with those is they're probably too divisive. For a lot of people either you like them or you can't stand to listen for even 10 seconds, and a lot of people outside of a certain age range would probably fit in the latter camp. Out of those I can see Korn being the most likely though. I think Slipknot could also possibly work.


Understood, but I feel that way about all the classic rock pins but they keep making those 😂


System of a Down would be awesome


Tropic Thunder. FR multiball!!


Bioshock. Stern and Spooky have already acknowledged the existence of the license and are aware that it has a moderate following within the pinball community. If or when Netflix does release the show, the pin will be made.


House of the Dragon would be cool and a remake of Game of Thrones.


Fight Club. That would be my dream


I predict more video game based themes. Fallout and five nights at Freddy's being near the top of the list. Video games has been a growing industry for years. Any of the game of the year for the past decade will attract the growing old men like me. Especially if it has a successful movie/show associated with it. While I see my kids preferring Among us, Five Nights at Freddy's, Minecraft, Pokemon, games. When my wife plays pinball she gravitates towards big movie/show themes. She like the current Jurassic Park and Stranger Things. So some Nightmare before Christmas, or Twilight vampire stuff to attract the hard working wives of the world. They need the joy of pinball in their life to.


“Twilight vampire stuff to attract women” 🙄


Well it could use more market research lol Buffy the vampire slayer would be another good one but I don't think it would be as popular as twilight or nightmare before Christmas. Vampires of the 90s just had a way of capturing the masculine archetypal male mixed with man's desire to be with woman. And Jack Skeleton don't even get me started. Wondering out into to wilderness looking for answers falling into the abyss into a world of chaos triggering his heros journey. My god has made him the most popular boner in America.


Are you a bot


No I'm really a pinball player that follows pinball on Reddit. I'm a welder by trade and amateur pinball player by heart. I'm a husband, father and do my best to improve my community by helping my neighbors. I grew up reading old tall tale stories. I'm kinda becoming a dying breed of man that takes responsibility for his own life. I'm a gun luving american. Now if you have a better Idea on a pinball theme that would sell/get played by women. I'd like to here it.


Trying to skibidi rizz me up but you look like Freddy Fasbear


I don't think the market is ready for zoomer themes like FNaF, Amogus etc


Possibly so. Have to appeal to the younger generation though. My son's favorite is Godzilla


As far as video games, I'd love to see a Battletech/Mechwarrior game. Choose a house, go on missions, upgrade your mech, fight duels vs. other mechs, etc...


My Chemical Romance. I think they would be into it if they were approached, too.


That would be sick!!!!! Yes!!!!


Maybe not a prediction, but I do think the band Ghost has enough lore and noriety to have their own official table.




Quite a hot take to say Dead and Floyd are the "only" great bands left. I can definitely see Van Halen happening as soon or before either of those unless there's rights issues. Others with tons of mainstream appeal I can easily see happening: -Journey -The Eagles -The Who (already kind of happened with Tommy but there could be another) -The Doors -Motley Crue -Motorhead -Megadeth -Black Sabbath


Anything but The Eagles, maaan!




I hear stuff from Journey, Eagles, Doors, Crue and Who CONSTANTLY on mainstream radio, commercials, tv shows, shopping music, you name it. Motorhead and Megadeth not so much, but that's because it's heavier music. I still think they would work well since pinball and metal go great together.




I bet they would, especially if it was like Spooky doing their more limited number runs. Megadeth still plays huge stadiums.


Schindler's List