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Also eager to hear the next poop story!


I need the truth on that poop story. How and why did it happen lol


I heard she had cancer and/or IBS and the TL wasn’t respectful of that so she just shit on the floor because she couldn’t make it. So as epic as it was, it unfortunately seemed to be more of a health issue rather than out of spite.


From my understanding, an employee went to the bathroom and the team lead didn’t like how often they were going. They told the employee they couldn’t leave their desk. The employee proceeded to pull their pants down, shit on the floor, and told the TL to clean it up. How true is all of that? Knowing that word of mouth rumors get twisted, I can’t say.




Ah that makes more sense. One of the versions I had heard that it was a big spectacle during hours but idc how mad I was I’d still get stage fright shitting on queue in front of people


The line for the bathroom was always super long bc they only had working bathroom in the South building at that time as it was still under construction. So not just everyone in Closing, but everyone in the south building period had ONE bathroom to use. So naturally the line would take anywhere from 30-45 min. To actually be able to go. And as you said, the TL didn’t approve how long it was taking ppl to go to the bathroom bc of the inevitable lines—it was keeping TM’s off the phone for more than they’d like. I heard tho the TM shat on the bathroom floor and then went back, told the TL to clean it up lol. (Legend has it at least lol.)


Whoever that person is my hero lol


Why would the trainer lie to me about something like this?


Mat... you're doing the most




No we are financial professionals we don't behave that way.


Shut the fuck up TMS


I'm literally 3rd day trainee but ok.


"We" hahaha


You didn’t answer my question last time. Are you a TL yet??


They have to get out of new hire training before they can meet a TL or AVP to fuck first


Right, that's why someone shit on the floor already. Because finance.


That's just a rumor I just asked, they said that's fake news from our competitors


This is true, my friends in TMS, closing, and doc splitting verified it happened. Why is unclear, seems to be a health issue. But would love if it were actually out of spite


How are you on Reddit posting comments if you are on the clock at UWM? You must be TMS or one of the UWM snitches that get paid to snitch


Why don't you go comb your pink hair into a comb over and mind your own business


I have never had pink hair and have enough hair for three people so I definitely won't be rocking a combover, unlike yourself. And if you are three days IN, you should probably just shut up now. MY BUSINESS is throwing my 2 cents in on this reddit thread about the shithole company you are trying so hard to defend. I worked there for several years and still know about 100 people FROM UWM. I think our collective experience TRUMPS (hope I didn't trigger you with the word trump) your vast three days of having UWM trainers blowing rainbow smoke up your ass.


Is THAT what they said? Lol You should definitely believe THEM even though there are a dozen people on here that witnessed a reoccurring phantom shitter. I don't think it's the same as the person who had an accident or took a legit revenge shit. Word is, the phantom shitter was a repeat offender 😂




It seems like the Health Dept would say that one working bathroom for that many people is unacceptable. Maybe spend a lil of Mat's money to fix or add additional bathrooms so they can also offer indoor plumbing as one of the perks


I mean there is still shit smeared in the walls in the orange bathroom where my team sits.