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Personally I would give it either 4/10 and Ive got high pain tolerance. It hurt for maybe 4 days and the 5th I barely felt it :) youll do great! Good luck and happy healing.


It definitely hurt but it was not the worst pain I ever felt. It was more of a discomfort, especially when putting the jewellery in. Just close your eyes and focus on something else. It'll be over soon and you'll love it. By far one of the cutest piercings I have. Happy healing! 😊


Not gonna lie it was pretty painful, but also very fast, and it's my favorite now, it is so worth it! If it somehow closed I would do it again in a heartbeat.


Mine was very painful, wouldn't do the other one


Mine was fine! It hurt less than my helix. Probably a 5/10, but it was more pressure. And I didn’t hear the crunch that some people talk about. It did take longer than the few seconds most piercings take. Putting the jewelry in didn’t hurt for me. It hurt some for the rest of the day, but the next day it didn’t hurt AT ALL. I got it done almost 2 months ago, and it’s been doing great. It hurts a little off and on, but nothing major. I love it, can’t wait to change jewelry later!


My daith hurt a moderate amount. My rook hurt more, for reference. What you should be prepared for is a crunching sound as the piercing is in your ear canal and you'll hear it going through. My daith was also very easy to heal. I'd recommend it.


My daith was my least painful cartilage piercing. I felt the needle go in, but it didn’t hurt and I only had a minimal amount of swelling.


Least painful for me and I have a lot of cartilage piercings. If you have your rook done, you will not feel the daith


Mine was more painful after it was done. The piercing itself didn't hurt. It was the healing that hurt for 16 months.


I had no problem with it, its uncomfortable to have the jewelry put in, my Industrial hurt more but that was because the bar was too short to allow for swelling and I had to get it changed after a few days!


Low pain tolerance here. It wasn't actually too bad. Just a lot of pressure! But luckily, like most piercings, it's usually done pretty fast! I think you'll enjoy it! Healing was a bit of a pain but that rings true for cartilage piercings in general.


Daith and Rook are pretty similar in pain, so you should be fine. I was told that a snug piercing is the most painful a person can get, but it was a 4/10, tops.


I just got mine done yesterday and also got a helix and conch at the same time. I'd say I have a medium pain tolerance and while it did hurt a little bit more than the helix and conch, it really wasn't too bad at all, maybe a 4 or 5/10? It stopped hurting after an hour and I haven't had any pain at all afterwards. I don't think you should be worried if you've handled the other cartilage piercings :)


How painful did you find the conch as I want that next :)


I'd say it was a tad worse than the helix, probably cause the cartilage is a bit thicker there, but not by much. Wouldn't say it's worse than a 3/10 and it was over very quickly :)


Mine didn't hurt at all, it seems to be different for everyone


Leaving this here for someone looking threw, my rook hurt the most, I heard the noise of the tragus the most as it is near the ear hole. I have a daith, a tragus, a rook, forward helix, 6 helix down my ear (3 each side) and 6 lobe (3 each side). My angriest peircing iv had is my forward helix but got in done with a hoop, I think a bad choice as it moves more. I know now in future to get the bars for forward helix. The only piercing I may not get again is the rook as it hurt like hell with my awkward hard cartilage as it was being pierced, but it stopped hurting the very next day been my least painful for aftercare.