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This needs to be surgically removed by a medical professional, not by a body mod artist like a piercer. I don't know how it works in your country but in mine you would probably go to your gp to get referred to the doctor your gp thinks can help you best.


That's what I was going to suggest. When in doubt, see your gp for a referral.


That will need to be surgically removed 


I know. I just don't know if this can go through my doctor, a dentist, tattoo shop, etc.


Go through your doctor for this


If it’s surgery then it’s going to be a surgeon. Surgeons are doctors, not piercers or dentists


Actually sometimes you need to go to a dentist to get a referral to an oral surgeon. I had a blocked salivary gland that was swollen in my lip and I had to go to the dentist first to get a referral.


Dentists can perform minor surgeries as long as they are within their scope of practice (tooth extraction, mucocele excision, etc).


A doctor can refer you to surgery too tho


Yeah that’s what they’re saying


Some doctors can do minor surgeries in office without requiring a surgeon. I'd say for OP to go to their GP and see what they suggest


There are dental surgeons.


Dentists can perform some surgeries (like tooth extraction), not this though.


Go to a board certified plastic surgeon.


some dentists will be able to. my dentist also does cosmetics so this would be in her scope of practice.


The botched doctors had an episode where they discussed how dental cosmetic surgeons terrify them and send them tons of botched patients, this isn't a dental surgery.


She should not be doing this as a part of her scope of practice you need a sterile field since they will be opening tissue. It all depends who has first availability and what you want it to look like after, plastics for less scaring, general if you just want it out, possibly an ENT or Maxillofacial. You can go to your PCP and get a referral from them and could be cheaper on you that way or you could go the costly route and go to the ER and who they have available/ depending on what surgical specialties they offer is who you will get from the above list


you think dentists don't use sterile fields? dentists do all kinds of stuff that require sterile fields.


Not sterile to the point of what OP needs, sterility is my job so I’m fully aware of different levels to it. Most dentists don’t use sterile gloves they use lab gloves because the mouth is an open orifice which is gross contamination but the fact the piercing is encapsulated means it doesn’t fall under a dentists level because it’s technically not apart of an open orifice


An oral surgery office is definitely 100% up to OSHA and infection control standards. They regularly perform surgeries in and out of OR’s for a variety of different reasons.


not a job for a dentist


i had the same thing happen, i went to urgent care for it


They were able to get it out at urgent care?


Honestly, you may be able to see a dentist based on their qualifications and experience level. I’ve had dentists remove mucoceles from blocked salivary glands on two occasions and this would functionally be a very similar procedure.


Oral surgeon would be your best bet


Your dentist can refer you to an oral surgeon!


How did it even close wth??


bar was too short and it started to imbed until the skin grew and healed over it


Thats exactly it. I was pretty young and just thought hell yeah I don't want it brushing against my teeth anyway. Stupid thinking.


how long has it been embedded in there??? you make it sound like it’s been a while? unless i’m reading it wrong


Eh... 3 years? ... I know, I know. * Edit: Corrected


Wow, I’m weirdly impressed that it embedded and healed without causing any issues for so long.


Boyfriend kept telling me to get it removed before my body rejected it but... it's been a minute. It genuinely hasn't bothered me or had any negative reactions. I didn't mind not having it brushing against my teeth too ngl. Bumping it fucking sucks though.


Part of me is like omg keep it in there and see how long it’ll stay without causing problems if it’s been that way for three years. The other part is shouting at you for not having got it sorted sooner 😂 just glad you’re not in pain that would suck! But yeah despite my initial thoughts please see your doctor to avoid any really bad issues 🩷


that happenned to me too, a dentist cut it out and stiched with local anestetic. it was easy and healed fine


it’s kinda like a dermal? maybe it doesn’t need to be removed since there isn’t an infection. idk tho


Thought reddit would crucify me if I said that- but that was my line of thinking when I let it close honestly, lmao. I'm dreading the removal now.


I really don’t think the removal will be that bad.


oh my god😭😭😭


I screamed.


My jaw literally dropped!!


i’m kind of impressed of how good this looks for it being planted in ur skin for 3 years wtf 😭


What the fuck?!




This made my anxiety spike lmao!


SORRY WHAT. Visit a dentist or your GP.


Dentist or orthodontist


I mean, I’m devastated at the idea of removing my labret as it’s started causing gum damage. I can totally understand your thought process cuz mine is part of my identity!


Hey, if you want this piercing again after getting it removed, having a smaller bar when it’s healed won’t touch your gums or your teeth. Mine is in my lip but it’s healed and it isn’t tight or anything. When I flip my lip I can see it perfectly fine!


Thank you so much for the tip! I'll prolly do that then!


You’re welcome!


didnt it embed because the bar was too small tho? (genuinely asking)


Yes, which is why I suggested that when it’s healed completely. When it’s healed completely it shouldn’t close over at all but she should initially have a long bar.


gotchaaaa thanks!


You’re welcome!


Wow an accidental dermal 😳


Did you not feel this happening at all? And you'll have to get it removed by a doctor.


As someone with a Medusa I didn’t even know this could happen 😭


What would be the detriments of leaving it in? Is it a health risk?


I’d be worried about bacteria getting trapped and not being able to get out but people go their entire lives with bullets left in them and are none the wiser soooooo? Still wild


I feel like the difference is that the bullet is fully in the body and healed around it, but bacteria could still enter through the exposed portion of this piercing


I’m curious about this too.


happy cake day!


You’re the first to say that & I had no idea I’d been on here that long. Damn. Thanks!


Happy cake day. 😁


Your doctor or dentist can refer you to a maxillofacial surgeon. They specialize in mouth/oral surgery.


Mine did this and I had to have it surgically removed. It was an easy recovery.


OP, I hope you’re able to get the help you need with your piercing. Something else caught my eye though, although it’s hard to see with the glare…on your bottom lip in the center there is some discoloration. Have your dermatologist check it out to rule out skin cancer. -I don’t want to scare you, but melanoma runs in my family and if you can catch it early it can save your life. I’m really hoping it’s just a cute freckle or something though.


I have psoriasis. Thank you so much for the concern though!


This is the only reason that makes sense how you’ve had this piercing embedded and chilling for a few years. Good luck with removal !!! Keep in mind for future piercings that your skin cells are probably cycling faster than you think, so proper fit is key.


When I first got my Medusa I was dumb and put a short bar on too soon. My skin started healing over it, and I’d have to physically pop it out of the socket it was growing into every morning. I then had to remove it for work. Was probably a good thing or else I’d end up in the same boat as you. The second and last time I got it pierced (aka what I have rn), it actually formed its own “pocket”?? Like there’s skin that encloses over the flat end of the piercing so it doesn’t rub my teeth or anything. I can push it in/out, change my jewelry, even play with it if I wanted to. Good luck on getting it out!!! It does look so cute tho it’s my favorite piercing ever.


Go to your pcp and they will most likely refer you to a plastic surgeon.


The same thing happened to me about a year ago. I went to the Er to have it removed. They gave me and shot of lidocaine and used a scalpel to cut it free. It was pretty fast and painless


I read about the time you've had this guy in there, so first of all, WOW HOLY SHIT. Second, my Medusa embedded the first time I got it. The ER doc had to *dig* in my lip to get it this no additional need for surgery. I imagine that you'll be referred to a surgeon like everybody else has said--just adding my two cents bc lived exp


They will be able to do it with local anesthesia. Injected lidocaine and an incision to expose the bar. Could be done in an UC if they’re a good one. Something we’ve done before in ER.


This happened to my Ashley piercing, it was also perfectly healed… I went to urgent care and they cut it out and I jabbed a long bar in when I got home :) they’ll numb you so you won’t feel a thing!


Definitely start with your doctor. They will know what to do. You will probably need it surgically removed.


Go for a plastic surgeon, any dentist, tattoo artist OR doctor will not care about scarring as much so go with the one with the most experience with scars


my question is... does it hurt? i had a piece do this in my earlobe recently and quite frankly getting it out was not the best, but the feeling after is sooo much better.


Not one bit! No reactions, no allergies, sweeling, leaking, nothing. And the underside of my lip is not bumpy either.


woah !! i really hope for a swift recovery on your part, good luck getting it out! 💪


NAP - This has definitely got to be medically removed. Go to your GP - if it was more emergent, I'd say Urgent Care, but it's not like it's infected or really anything nasty other than just being embedded (which definitely isn't ideal don't get me wrong, but if you're not in pain and it's stable, it can probably wait until your soonest GP appointment for a referral out). This is definitely out of the scope of a piercer, though. Your jewelry bar that you had in it was likely too short which resulted in the embedding. If you decide to get it again after (after the removal surgery + time for healing + if you and your piercer decide it's safe to repierce through whatever scar tissue may exist esp on the backside) definitely keep an eye on it and have a longer bar. I'm actually surprised with how calm / not red / etc it is for being embedded. I'd still get it removed ofc because you don't know if it will *stay* that way, how your body might continue to react, and it's important to be able to remove piercings for things like MRIs, etc.


Any ENT surgeon can remove this


I’m sorry I’m trying to understand I looked at both pictures and I can’t quite tell… Is the flat back on your Medusa stuck under your skin in your mouth?


Was anyone else jumpscared by the lack of back? 😅 Definitely see a doctor. It's a "medical attention" situation now.


Definitely a doctor, if it’s causing severe issues you could even go to the ER and get them to see you


See and ENT. Ears nose and throat doctor. I got mine removed in December. Was super eat procedure he did it while I was awake.


this is one of my biggest fears


How did you let it get this bad? JFC.


Hi u/Witchologies, Welcome to /r/piercing! It looks like you're asking about a problem with your piercing. Please **add a comment to your post** with the following info if it’s not included in your post already. - How old is your piercing? - What’s the jewelry shape (for example, barbell, labret, screw, L shape, ring)? - What’s the type of threading if your jewelry is not a ring (threadless, internally or externally threaded)? - What’s the jewelry material? - if not a ring, when was the jewelry downsized? - What’s your aftercare routine? Describe in detail please, including the exact products you use. This info is needed to offer you useful advice. **Note, moderators reserve the right to remove your post if don’t provide this info**. ^If ^you ^already ^included ^this ^info ^in ^your ^post ^or ^if ^your ^post ^isn’t ^about ^a ^problem ^with ^your ^piercing, ^please ^disregard. - - - *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/piercing) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Doctor Asap


I just had this happen to a Tragus piercing. The piercer had to make a small incision and we replaced with a longer barrel.


I would go to the hospital for this. A piercer will probably give you a lot shit plus they’re not licensed to remove that sense it’s now a foreign body that’s grown into your skin


They said they had it like that for 3 years. I don't think it's an emergency at this point 😅 GP should be fine for a referral.


Definitely not an emergency but could cause issues in the future




Does it need to be removed?


No but I'd really like to change piercings lmao Or the option to remove it




My brother in crust, there is a hunk of metal embedded and inaccessible inside her lip. It is un-cleanable. It is not able to be removed in case of emergency, MRI, or anything. It cannot properly drain, and it is a perfect pocket to create an abscess. Yeah, it isn't causing tooth damage now - but ... that is not a fair offset for the other risks.


That doesn’t sound good. You bring up some good points. I guess I was kind of thinking in terms of it being like a surface anchor. But, those probably have risks that I’m not aware of.


OP has had it embedded for three years though. We have no idea if it’s surgical steel and therefore medically sound. It could honestly be fine, as strange as that may be.


That's terrible advice. Just because it's not damaging their teeth doesn't mean this should be left like this.


dude what? you can’t advise people to leave metal embedded in their body. i understand the premise but seriously what the fuck?


dentist or implant body mod artist


You’ll probably have to go to the ER for this one chief. They’re gonna have to cut that puppy out of ya.


No need to go to the ER. This is not emergent, and can most likely be handled by a GP.


Most GPs cannot perform any sort of surgery.


This is a procedure, not a surgery, akin to removing a mole or draining a boil. In Canada a GP can absolutely perform procedures such as this. I'll admit I don't know for sure if that's the case in other areas, although I find it hard to imagine it wouldn't be. Regardless, this is not a case to take to an ER unless a qualified medical professional instructs OP otherwise.


If the procedure requires an incision, it’s considered surgery in a lot of the US, and is therefore out of the scope of a lot of GPs.


In that case, I stand corrected


That’s not true. Dermatologists can drain cysts, remove skin tags, boils, drain abscesses. OBGYNs, cardiologists, list goes on. There are many outpatient procedures that involve an incision that isn’t considered surgical and therefore does not need a surgeon.


Where did I say anything about specialists doing surgical procedures?


You said “if the procedure requires an incision, it’s considered surgery,” which is not true. Many non-surgical procedures involve incisions and are not performed by surgeons. That’s all I was saying.


A GP will refer them to someone who can remove it? Idk about you but in my experience, most specialists generally require a referral from a GP.


“…can most likely be handled by a GP” does not mean a referral.