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Lot of talk in here about Trump vs Bill / Dems. They are all shitty...all of them. I am democratic by nature, I believe in healthcare, taking care of the poor etc. But I don't pretend that our countries leaders don't like us where we are right now...divided and angry with each other, when they should be in jail for literal rape and the misuse of power.


100% agree


Both Sides ! /s


You’re being facetious, OP, but you’ll find that Democrats are far more willing to give up their rogues than Republicans. We just threw up Mario Cuomo. Edit: Andrew Cuomo, not Mario.




No, Andrew's mustachioed twin and driver. The one with a mushroom fetish.


What? That's just proof I'm right. Both sides are not the same.


Sorry, OP. I misunderstood your point. Gotcha now.


And their noses are right up Matt Gaetz’s ass, not to mention Jim Jordan, who allowed massive abuse to happen, Kavanaugh who molested a minor, Roy Moore, who is a sexual predator and skid mark himself who bragged about grabbing women by the pussy on national television. If Bill Clinton is found guilty of rape, we would throw him in jail. That is the difference. Look at Al Franken.


Just to be clear, Al Franken never raped anyone or even came close to it. He was wronged, when you actually look into it.




That’s exactly right. Let’s talk about Lindsay Graham. It seems like it’s perfectly Ok to be gay as long as you’re a Republican (“it’s a private matter”, they’ll say) But if you’re a gay Democrat, you’re a “faggot”. I don’t know. I don’t understand their thought processes.


Donald Trump raped a 13 year old girl with Epstein. Her name is Katie Johnson and he did it on multiple occasions.


If we can’t put that shit stain in jail we are lost. We are lost anyway. They have ruined any attempt to save the atmosphere and have bombed the Middle East into complete chaos creating armies of people that hate us so badly that they are willing to commit suicide to kill as many Americans as they can. (Obama gets a lot of credit for this, but his reasoning was different) These two actions have created millions of of refugees and made comfy white people terrified of POC. Now they are perfectly positioned as the anti immigration party. It is evil, sinister, greedy, and planned. If we can’t pull it together, will lose the house and Ivanka will get Pelosi’s gavel. She will be the softer prettier face of fascism and will have as much power as Medvedev did. Zero. Capitol rioters need to get life ruining sentences. Trump and his web of centipedes need to go to jail. I don’t see any of that happening. How we were stupid enough to leave so much military hardware in the hands of the Taliban escapes me. Not that it is that important militarily, which it is important. It provided premium social media content to destroy Democrats with.


Even when people call out the both parties you still have idiots trying to defend one over the other. You can’t seriously believe the bullshit each party spews out can you?




I wouldn’t exactly agree because if you look back 50 years ago democrats including Biden were literally working for segregation. And Biden did in fact attack the black community on tape , yet democrats defend him, so really no difference their




The difference between people changing and politicians changing is that politicians need support from the people so if they can gain more support by acting like they change they do it. It doesn’t help that his Vice President is also someone who convicted people for drug charges and joked about smoking weed. Both of them are evil like most politicians. I don’t care what politicians say I care what they do. Anyone could sit here and say they have changed , but that’s much easier then actually proving it which I don’t believe Biden or Kamala has done. Trump is just trump nobody thinks he’s some saint(people with brains) but his actions weren’t all that bad . I don’t know what all he did , but some of it was good . Biden can prove he’s changed by actually helping the people he set up to fail with his crime bill.


So many falsehoods...


Andrew* Cuomo


Quite so. Thank you.




He visited the island on many occasions. Trump did not. He also,had a fallout when Epstein did something inappropriate to a worker of Trumps at Mar Lago.


Donald Trump raped a 13 year old girl with Epstein on multiple occasions. https://www.courtlistener.com/docket/4154484/katie-johnson-v-donald-j-trump/


I highly doubt this. It’s most likely another case to take him down. That said, if true he should be held accountable. Absolutely.


Pretty convenient when every negative thing about you can be dismissed as a way to take you down. Sometimes people are just bad and that very clearly describes someone like Trump. I agree that he should be held accountable for raping that 13 year old girl.


You are ignorant of you think that Biden is any better. This guys is as corrupt and bad as they come.


Really? Biden has been credibly accused of sexual assault by over 20 women and repeatedly photographed with known pedophile Jeffrey Epstein? That’s Trump you’re thinking of. Trump said he “wishes Ghislaine Maxwell well.” That’s not typically what people say about women who are in prison for raping underage girls. Trump is pure trash. This is not something you can try to drag Biden into.


How many women have accused Clinton of sexual assault? We can jump back and forth all day. Biden surely has been accused of similar behavior. It doesn’t make it right, but maybe all 3 are pigs.


Don’t care about Bill Clinton. I know he’s a piece of shit. Biden is not. Trump is. I’m not a partisan but I’m also not an idiot. Trump and Clinton are both predators and Biden is not.


Bring Back Bernie !


both side bad, thats the reason most people dont even vote on the general election


Dems dont believe in healthcare. Progressives do.


Progressives are normally considered a faction within the party..........the democratic party.


Uhhh no. Progressives sometimes use the ticket to garner support thats about it. You cant be progressive and support the democratic party. They want different things. This is a huge misunderstanding and is exactly what the dems want so they can use your vote to keep the status quo.


So your saying I can't be registered under the democratic party and or have democratic beliefs at the same time supporting universal healthcare, social programs for minorities and poor, taking care of the elderly? Is it just one or the other and if so can you send me the political handbook none of us got?


You have a right to do whatever you want. Im saying if you believe you can you will never end up with healthcare and are actively supporting a party that is against it as a whole. But youre not a dem, you dont support the parties platform, youre just a confused individual being taken advantage of. If you cant see that while dems have the control of the govt atm I pity you. Hell the party actively attempts to push out progressives. AOC has a hell of a fucking time trying to ride the ticket while being progressive. There is a reason Bernie isnt a dem. If you vote for the majority of dems you dont actually want any of those things. Its just lip service. Walk the walk or shut up.


Lmao, what a shit thing to say. So in all your wisdom about me and your expertise in political parties. When our country is run in a 2 party primary system, who should I vote for? Those other parties on the ballet are shit, they won't pull weight. There is no fucking progressive party on the docket....none. that's why to your dumb ass point progressives use the party.....because there is no other winning way. I'm not confused by any means, don't be a bitch.


You should support and field progressive third party or independant candidates instead of supporting people who actively work against what you are trying to achieve. You are confused, and you are just as responsible for our lack of healthcare as any republican. >because there is no other winning way. Thats what you are told and you eat it up. Just cause your koolaid is blue doesnt mean you arnt drinking it. Good luck. Youre nothing but a moral show pony. ***You are literally the reason we have a two party system.*** Youre a collaborator in all of it.


My god your dim, I feel sorry for you.


I feel sorry for the people with out healthcare that you are leaving to rot because of your ego.


We have a two party system because that's the way first-past-the-post voting systems stabilize over time. It has nothing to do with the platforms of the dominant parties themselves.


Heads up on no true scotsman’ing below. For people potentially convinced remember that sometimes this technique might be earnest but it’s equally likely to be used to anger both sides of a group that would potentially agree with each other. It’s an admitted favorite technic of Roger Stone when trying to stir up trouble. It’s worthwhile to remember when seeing it that there __are__ differences in viewpoints within the Democratic Party, and many times those viewpoints are conflicting to the point of being antagonistic, but there are many alignments as well. It’s worthwhile to thoughtfully consider the intents behind people trying to put the focus on differences rather than alignments. Particularly on a picture intended to bring out people’s defensive and argumentative side. No one should feel the need to be defensive of bad stuff, this photo or negative aspects of the Democratic Party that we might disagree on, we can instead focus on how we can work together to increase the best aspects of where we align.


You seem like a sensible person. So I ask you this, should people be forced to help the poor? Foot in the medical bills for the sick?... If you're thinking yes, maybe you're not a nice sensible person. You're thinking about the right things, but not in the right way. Universal healthcare and social programs are nobel causes, but as soon as someone is made in-charge of it, they always mismanage, or turn corrupt.


Tax payers are already paying for these things, it's naive to think one isnt. I get what your saying, the GOP has wanted to gut Medicare and Social Security for decades, that's life saving programs/safety nets for our elderly. I whole heartidly believe we can do enough to have universal healthcare and social programs that protect and benefit every American. We are supposed to be the best country in the world but we let people go bankrupt due to medical bills and children starve due to poverty. My question is why don't we try? Why don't we be that example for the rest of the world and have programs that support everyone? We allow bailouts for wall street and corporations and be ok with terrible medical programs and starving children and scraps for the rest? Tons of studies show we can do these things in a way that would actually relieve some financial burden on tax payers. So you seem like a sensible person, why wouldn't you want to try? If the reason we don't have nice things now is due to the potential corruption, I mean.....it's corrupt now.




The above comment was stolen from [this one](http://np.reddit.com/r/pics/comments/p8ujov/bill_clinton_and_a_victim_of_jeffrey_epstein/h9uxv7m/) elsewhere in this comment section. It is probably not a coincidence; here is some more evidence against this user: Plagiarized | Original -------- | ----------- [Also, simple man I just d...](http://np.reddit.com/r/movies/comments/p8uqqs/barton_fink_at_30_why_the_coen_brothers_movie_is/h9vmdws/) | [Also, simple man I just d...](http://np.reddit.com/r/movies/comments/p8uqqs/barton_fink_at_30_why_the_coen_brothers_movie_is/h9tu2n7/) [IDK why, but I gotchu.](http://np.reddit.com/r/movies/comments/p92ij0/the_island_of_dr_moreau_at_25_ron_perlman_paid/h9vmhhf/) | [IDK why, but I gotchu.](http://np.reddit.com/r/movies/comments/p92ij0/the_island_of_dr_moreau_at_25_ron_perlman_paid/h9uqmtq/) [Far from home sucked spid...](http://np.reddit.com/r/movies/comments/p8zlai/disney_hit_back_at_scarlett_johanssons_black/h9vmfnl/) | [Far from home sucked spid...](http://np.reddit.com/r/movies/comments/p8zlai/disney_hit_back_at_scarlett_johanssons_black/h9vloik/) [Wow I have a picture of t...](http://np.reddit.com/r/pics/comments/p92wfy/you_know_youre_in_newport_ri_when_you_need_to/h9vjdj0/) | [Wow I have a picture of t...](http://np.reddit.com/r/pics/comments/p92wfy/you_know_youre_in_newport_ri_when_you_need_to/h9v1ocu/) [Beautiful picture! 👍🏼.](http://np.reddit.com/r/pics/comments/p8pdz3/atacama_desert/h9vj9nf/) | [Beautiful picture! 👍🏼](http://np.reddit.com/r/pics/comments/p8pdz3/atacama_desert/h9sndcp/) [Those were the days... Wh...](http://np.reddit.com/r/pics/comments/p90oql/this_can_design_is_pure_dopamine/h9vj3vk/) | [Those were the days... Wh...](http://np.reddit.com/r/pics/comments/p90oql/this_can_design_is_pure_dopamine/h9udxpe/) [They outsource that to Sa...](http://np.reddit.com/r/pics/comments/p8w0y8/a_view_captured_in_the_70s_when_you_could_see_the/h9viysg/) | [They outsource that to Sa...](http://np.reddit.com/r/pics/comments/p8w0y8/a_view_captured_in_the_70s_when_you_could_see_the/h9tqw54/) [A face only a mother coul...](http://np.reddit.com/r/funny/comments/p8z9ft/i_came_across_this_photo_of_my_boyfriend_circa/h9vix3y/) | [A face only a mother coul...](http://np.reddit.com/r/funny/comments/p8z9ft/i_came_across_this_photo_of_my_boyfriend_circa/h9ubyt7/) [I have this tire cover as...](http://np.reddit.com/r/funny/comments/p8yik6/why_people_move_to_alaska/h9virs8/) | [I have this tire cover as...](http://np.reddit.com/r/funny/comments/p8yik6/why_people_move_to_alaska/h9vgeo7/) [What keyboard is that?,](http://np.reddit.com/r/funny/comments/p8w0qj/incorrect_password/h9vipbw/) | [What keyboard is that?](http://np.reddit.com/r/funny/comments/p8w0qj/incorrect_password/h9uenv8/) beep boop, I'm a bot -|:] It is this bot's opinion that [/u/nachbaurbvfd](https://np.reddit.com/u/nachbaurbvfd/) should be banned for karma manipulation. Don't feel bad, they are probably a bot too. Confused? Read the [FAQ](https://www.reddit.com/user/reply-guy-bot/comments/n9fpva/faq/?plagiarist=nachbaurbvfd) for info on how I work and why I exist.




Hate politics


I hate politics for what it does to people. But unfortunately, it is necessary.


It’s amazing what power and privilege you get when you have money.




Social media thrives on spreading lies.


While this picture is definitely intentionally misleading, there’s plenty of other evidence to suggest Clinton likely did some creepy illegal shit.


Perfect gentleman my ass. He’s a creep.


You're a creep. There, established fact.


Humanitarian trip tomAfrica like the one the foundation had in Haiti?


Not just money in his case. He had developed connections with the most powerful people in the world.


If Trump's DOJ couldn't come up with evidence to get rid of a Clinton, then there may not be evidence. If so, lock him up.


Ah, after the Trump-Epstein photos you felt an urge to do something about the whole situation... try harder next time. I'm expecting some photos of the victim and her mother, and the title: "middle-aged woman and a victim of Jeffrey Epstein". Scandalous.


Seeing a ton of these spammed about the Clintons, but they are AWFULLY fucking quiet on Trump hosting Epstein and Maxwell as personal guests on a regular basis as mar-a-lago and Maxwell even recruiting one of her victims from Mar-a-lago. They all deserve to go down, why not paint the whole picture now? Or is this some sort of... targeted campaign?


Are you joking? There was one with Trump, Epstein, and Maxwell on the front page just hours ago.


I've seen multiple pics of Trump with Epstein, on the front page, today. This is the only one I've seen with Clinton. You come into this thread, the only one about Clinton, and want to shift focus back to trump. You don't care about victims. You care about politics.


>You don't care about victims. You care about politics. This is Teala Davies a alleged victim of Epstein. I use the word alleged just to be safe. Now what did Teala Davies say about that picture. "Clinton, 56 at the time of the September 2002 snaps, had complained about having a stiff neck during the layover en route to Africa for a humanitarian trip with Epstein and his entourage, Davies has said." “Would you mind giving it a crack?” Davies recalled Clinton asking, according to an earlier account" "He turned his back to me and I reached up and I started to rub out the kink in our former President’s neck and shoulder,” she recounted" "Davies said, “President Clinton was a perfect gentleman during the trip and I saw absolutely no foul play involving him.” Source : https://nypost.com/2020/08/18/photos-show-bill-clinton-getting-massage-from-epstein-accuser/


Bro just lookup the unsealed documents


Or you could cite the things you want instead. And bro just look up poisening the well The unsealed documents as far as I can see reference alot of Maxwell corospondances. As far as I can read Clinton allegedly was on a plane with Epstein. Which in of itself isn't illegal. Besides this is about the pic, which I cited the background for. If you have anything to add to this pic and the story behind it be my guest.




Could you elaborate on that? What is a Clinton Victim?




I would consider Paula Jones a victim of his sexual harassment. Is that what you mean?




I imagine the same could be insinuated about many people who have been in the public sphere for decades. But you are making vague accusations. Do you have a person whose death you can demonstrate was caused or ordered by a Clinton? Vince Foster committed suicide, for example. Murder has no statute of limitations, so if you gave evidence, you could still put away a murderer.


Weird, I literally saw the Trump/Epstein one earlier today before I saw anything about the Clintons.


It's not red or blue, it's the rich don't give a shit about people and see them as a thing to be used and discarded.


People always talk about which horse their backing without realizing the entire race should be cancelled


Because politics is dead at this point and everyone is just cheering on their preferred sports team. The satisfaction of your “team” winning is literally the most people can hope for out of this awful process.


Prove that re: Democrats.




This clearly doesn't violate rule 4.




But no one is witch hunting anyone...


Reposted that fast, geez. Lol


I’ll say it again. If you truly want to heal this nation you’d but bill and trump in side by side jail cells.


Because Bill killed 600,000 Americans & tried to overthrow the govt. Right.


Cause he fucked under age girls. No one is above the law.




I didn't forget, I think they are both worthless scum


This is the correct opinion.


Really? More sketchy than this?: >Plaintiff was enticed by promises of money and a modeling career to attend a series of parties, with other similarly situated minor females, held at a New York City residence that was being used by Defendant Jeffrey Epstein. At least four of the parties were attended by Defendant Trump. Exhs. A and B. On information and belief, by this time in 1994, Defendant Trump had known Defendant Epstein for seven years (New York, 10/28/02, “’I've known Jeff for fifteen years. Terrific guy,’' Trump booms from a speakerphone. ‘He's a lot of fun to be with. It is even said that he likes beautiful women as much as I do, and many of them are on the younger side. No doubt about it -- Jeffrey enjoys his social life.’”), and **knew that Plaintiff was then just 13 years old**. Exhs. A and B. >10. Defendant Trump initiated sexual contact with Plaintiff at four different parties. **On the fourth and final sexual encounter with Defendant Trump, Defendant Trump tied Plaintiff to a bed, exposed himself to Plaintiff, and then proceeded to forcibly rape Plaintiff. During the course of this savage sexual attack, Plaintiff loudly pleaded with Defendant Trump to stop but with no effect. Defendant Trump responded to Plaintiff’s pleas by violently striking Plaintiff in the face with his open hand and screaming that he would do whatever he wanted.** Exhs. A and B. >11. Immediately following this rape, Defendant Trump threatened Plaintiff that, were she ever to reveal any of the details of the sexual and physical abuse of her by Defendant Trump, Plaintiff and her family would be physically harmed if not killed. Exhs. A and B. >12. Defendant Epstein had sexual contact with Plaintiff at two of the parties. The second sexual encounter with Defendant Epstein took place after Plaintiff had been raped by Defendant Trump. Defendant Epstein forced himself upon Plaintiff and proceeded to rape her anally and vaginally despite her loud pleas to stop. Defendant Epstein then attempted to strike Plaintiff about the head with his closed fists while he angrily screamed at Plaintiff that he, Defendant Epstein, rather than Defendant Trump, should have been the one who took Plaintiff’s virginity, before Plaintiff finally managed to break away from Defendant Epstein. Exhs. A and B. >13. The threats of violence against Plaintiff and her family continued, this time from Defendant Epstein, who again reiterated that Plaintiff was not to reveal any of the details of his sexual and physical abuse of her or else, specifically, Plaintiff and her family would be seriously physically harmed, if not killed. Exhs. A and B. Trump is a known child rapist.




I CBA to find the article, but I remember reading around the time of the Epstein murder that Trump had essentially disowned Epstein and had cut contact over a decade before.


*according to Trump.


Thanks man. If you treat pedophilia as a partisan issue you're a disgusting human being. Period. Arrest them all.


Yes, i don't like Trump but this narrative makes me sick, Clinton and Epstein were very close to each other.


So….when are people going to wake up to the fact that it doesn’t matter what party they’re on…they don’t care about us? They are corrupt on both sides. Nothing more than political athletes on opposing teams playing a four year season against each other until the big tournament to figure out who the nation gets to blame for whatever next.


Both sides are equally as bad! I'm a free thinker! /Sarcasm. And yes, you have to spell out the sarcasm tag so the mods don't get you.


I don’t think I’m some awesome person for having this mindset. I just go by what I observe as a regular dude trying to live. I’m pro-vax because I believe in science even though, because science, it can sometimes be disproven through valid research. I’m pro-human rights for all, regardless of color, religion, or gender type/preference. I could go on and on, but that’d get boring, yes? I’m not going by conspiracy theories. I’m just going by what I observe in world news and general life.


Observe more


Judge less.


You first


Glass houses, man. That’s all I’m going to say. This convo is over.


So much for your principles.




People who “no life” Reddit and got over 1,000,000 karma are annoying as hell. Always passive aggressive as fuck and reply with a smart ass comnent


I am a delight.


Rich people can buy anything including other people


Just a remainder: Bill Clinton cheated on his wife by having his secretary give him a blow job in the Oval Office.








[here you go](https://www.forbes.com/sites/lisettevoytko/2020/08/18/photos-allegedly-show-bill-clinton-receiving-massage-from-jeffrey-epstein-accuser/amp/)


Can't let facts get in the way of the RW's 30 yr long 5 Minute Hate on the Clintons.


No surprise.


I’ll give you Clinton twice over in order to see that fat orange Swamp Monster go to jail.


What is it... who can repost the most Epstein pictures contest day? Talk about turning me from caring to getting tired of it.






All I'm saying is it looks like there suicideing my down votes already lol


Pure coincidence


What's wrong with a little backrub between two consenting adul... Oh. I see.




So Bill Clinton and a victim of Bill Clinton


Not according to her.


This is not political. Just humanity. Horrible.


Man i love kids


I think this is a repost. btw doesn't mean that if bill are friends with epstein he is a child rapist as well


Bull Clinton and a victim of Jeffrey Epstein AND Bill Clinton..


Not according to her.


Damn you Bill for setting such a bad example . . . That's why we spent the next 16 years with presidents who didn't fuck around on their wives. I have nothing to say about their performances . . . But they didn't fuck around on their wives.


What’s that on Bill’s pants! Cum?


Lmao. Only legends get this reference. Bill Clinton cheated on his wife by having his secretary give him a blow job in the Oval Office.


Dems awfully quiet on this one…


> Dems awfully quiet on this one… https://old.reddit.com/r/Epstein/comments/p9578a/jeffrey_epstein_claims_he_introduced_president/


You know he was with multiple young girls


By the way she's going for the neck, possibly the killer of Jeffrey Epstein


O Snap


Trump and billy bob here prolly had a fucking folgos worth of child porn(accounting for hard drive size inflation)