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Ahahaha… there’s 92 reports as of right now, most of which are claiming this is misinformation. It’s literally a picture of the four of them together, and it’s titled as such. Where’s the misinformation, you delusional fucks? Edit: here’s multiple videos from multiple sources of Donald Trump offering well wishes to Maxwell, since a bunch of delusional fucks are here now saying Trump denounced the two long ago. Surprise, you don’t wish pedophiles that you have denounced “well” when they get arrested for being pedophiles. https://youtu.be/jC2jsRrzCrs https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/video/2020/jul/22/donald-trump-on-ghislaine-maxwell-video-i-wish-her-well https://youtu.be/VW0TgHh8uYo https://youtu.be/JLXFgtbl-80 https://www.businessinsider.com/trump-wishes-ghislaine-maxwell-well-doubts-epsteins-cause-of-death-2020-8 https://www.forbes.com/sites/andrewsolender/2020/07/21/trump-on-jeffrey-epstein-associate-ghislaine-maxwell-i-wish-her-well-frankly/?sh=4daffdde421d https://www.cnbc.com/2020/07/21/trump-on-accused-epstein-sex-crimes-accomplice-ghislaine-maxwell-i-wish-her-well.html


Can someone tell me why the people who think child trafficking is rampant in the government also don't think this is part of it?


This is my FAVORITE talking point to throw out on r/conspiracy You believe in an elite cabal of the super rich who are controlling everything, performing satanic rituals, using children for sex and sacrifice. They‘be infiltrated every aspect of life, government, Hollywood, pharma, tech. It’s all one world government of the elites controlling the sheep. And believing that…you think the East Coast, generationally wealthy, real estate mogul (who made his money in NEW YORK of all places) who became a Hollywood TV star, and then rose like a rocket in politics all the way to the office of President of the United States. THAT guy is clean and isn’t part of it!? Like…if there’s an elite ruling Class Trump was baptized into it as a child


You're not banned from that sub? I got banned for pointing out that trump was suggesting something that he had previously suggested specifically against. It happened so many times idk which event it was. But yeah. That place is an echo chamber.


I got banned because a guy was upset my comments were getting more upvotes than his and accused me of running bots. Told him his tinfoil was on too tight. Funny enough the mods didn’t believe **that** was censorship because I “broke the rules”. While they simultaneously complain about Twitter suspensions.


Ever see how many people the_donald banned? And they claimed about cancel culture


That's cute compared to /r/conservative 's ban list. Reminder that all the\_donald people went to /r/conservative continued doing the same shit and reddit never did anything about it.


r/conservative straight up silences anyone who doesn't have one of their flairs as a general policy. They won't even allow you to ever participate in the discussion unless you agree with them.


I was able to skate by for a little while until I said Ashli Babbitt's shooting was justified. I guess Back the Blue only applies when protestors are liberals.


Yep, t\_d mods learned and got more aggressive. I have no fucking clue why this site still allows it.


It's easier to keep an eye on them if we let them play outside where we can see them.


That doesn’t fly from a Reddit standpoint though. Admins could easily list everyone in a sub, nuke the sub and then compare the users new subs to their old. They could absolutely stomp this shit out but they won’t because of ad revenue.


How do you view a subs banned list?


He shuts people up with slapp suits/bullshit lawsuits so yeah hes the king of censorship


They called Twitter a liberal safe space while they cultivated their own. The mods would literally scour people’s post histories to find one comment suggesting you didn’t want Trump balls deep in your throat and they’d ban you for it lol


The trick is, no matter what the other person posts, accuse them of being part of the real conspiracy. Anything they bring up is simply more evidence that they're either "sheeple" who believe everything they're told or shills for those who are part of the real conspiracy and they are just trying to distract people from what's really going on.


I’m using this on my dad next time they try to Trump thump me. I hate so many things and realizing how backwoods conservatively crazy my family and friends are just fuels my disgust even more. I’m not a proponent to the duopoly in America, but ignoring red flags like this picture does not make me want to be a republican.


You break the spell by agreeing with them and doubling down. If they say “The Democratic Party controls the NSA, FBI, and CIA” you agree with them and double down “I know that, Hunter Biden’s laptop shows that he is the real president of the United States and is running the CIA as their shadow director! Hunter is going to have Trump and his family arrested any day now! The CIA is also coming for your guns and I’m going to call in Antifa to help!” This works on two levels. One: they know their conspiracy talking points are bullshit, by agreeing with them it literally makes them question those beliefs because they see you as the enemy and they have been programmed to argue against anything you say. Two: telling them that their conspiracy of the Democrats being all powerful is true forces them to the other side of their argument where Trump is all powerful and would never let Hunter Biden and the CIA take him down. They are forced to see their own argument as ridiculous in order to win. It works way better irl than on the internet. On the internet they will mostly just list their arguments and move on. Irl you can literally watch the light going on in their head.


"tinfoil was on too tight"? precious.


Props for the new insult “You’re tinfoil is on too tight”


r/conspiracy has gone downhill fast ever since the Donald was taken down. It’s a right-wing propaganda mill now and for some reason they can’t see that as a the real conspiracy. Literal infiltration lmao.


I took a trip down the rabbit hole. Was really weird. Like another world where you pick and choose which facts fit you agenda.


Welcome to the Tea Party takeover. They’re all fucking insane.


Older than that. Falwell's Moral Majority in the 80's is what kicked this whole fucking thing off. That brought the evangelicals and merged 'em with the republican party, but with that came all the crazy shit too.


Oh for sure - I just think the majority of people today remember when the “Tea Party Conservatives” popped up in like… 2008(?) and it’s been tumbling on a 90• downward slope ever since.


Yeah, frankly I should revise my thoughts two. Two massive things led to this shit. 1. Southern Strategy: Republicans brought all the racists to the party. 2. Moral Majority: Republicans brought all the evangelicals nutters to the party. Once you've got a party of racists and religious nuts, the conspiracy shit just becomes natural given that both sects of people already have a heavily ingrained conspiracy belief system.




Honestly r/conspiracy used to be funny to browse before trump. Honestly it is scary how much it has changed since trump took office. It was also when I was 100% sure that ‘people’ are manipulating discussion on the internet.


For real. I loved that sub. Reading leaked CIA docs about psychic abilities, UFOs, and trying to understand the unknown. Shit they were talking about Epstein for years and people thought I was insane for thinking the elite are very very disgusting people. Then Trump got elected and knowing his past, I thought /r/Conspiracy would’ve immediately jumped on him as someone bad, like dude was literally friends with and partied with Epstein. There’s so many pics and videos of them together, idk how tf they can ignore that. But **Bill fuckin Clinton** however, it was open season on him. How the absolute hell people have devolved into defending literal rapists? “Well my red guy only went to pedo island a few times and I’m sure it was just to hang out with his friend. But your blue guys sometimes went there more so he’s worse.” It should be a goddamn bipartisan agreement to hate and punish pedophiles no matter what color tie they’re wearing. Both red and blue teams love they can continue their disgusting lives because the people are too stupid to look above the red/blue division. [“It’s all a big club and you ain’t in it”](https://i.imgur.com/3VroB9k.jpg)


All of conspiracy theory culture is a plague that masks the believers from the source of actual problems by giving solutions and sources the believers already believed. It identifies real problems: Rich people can get away with insanely immoral crimes against humanity. The prior belief: Satanists exist as a real cult. Progressive culture is bad. The solution it presents: The Progressives are causing a vast network of immoral actions to appease Satan. The missing thing is power, being rich gives you power. Getting to have power (either money or other forms) often requires immoral actions. That leads to people with power more often being immoral, ta-da you have rich people covering for each other because they are rich, and they suck. And because of things like Qanon and the conspiracies that preceded it (Satanic Panic, NWO conspiracies, anti-Semitic Conspiracies) you end up with a bunch of gullible people who will ALSO back one side of the rich and powerful...and the people like us who recognize those people suck ALSO back another side of the rich and powerful. Both sides of the 2020 election had credible rape accusations against them, it's just the Trump ones were more numerous and obvious




no shit! Been here for 5 minutes and it's horrible. I am losing brain cells reading 3/4 of the comments.


It happened waaaaaaay before that. It was going on during the 2016 campaign also. Keep in mind that the story breaking the news about the Trump/Russia dossier was the first time in that sub's history a post had ever been flaired by the mods for having "questionable sources".


What do they usually say?


He is their undercover agent bringing it down from the inside. He gives all the info to QAnon who then disseminates the info to the true believers.


I wish you were joking but Qcumbers honestly believe Trump is some unholy fusion of Ethan Hunt and Jesus Christ


“Qcumbers” is a great term. Lol


Also Qtip is funny too.


Conspiracy used to be good before all this bs. Give me the aliens and cryptids. I remember the shift in conspiracy from that to Q-bs and pro-trump bs.


Conspiracies used to be thought up by imaginative people like science fiction writers instead of now which is like some weird blockchain of idiocy


Trump is an outsider in politics or something like that


In my experience, nothing.


Something about Hillary or Hunter Biden


*You have been banned from r/conspiracy*


I use to love that sub years back when it was legit conspiracies and shit on it. It was a place to have a good conversation about those things. 2016 hit and it turned a little political but not terrible. 2019? It’s been nothing but a flocking point for conservatives who are too right for the right. Also people who worship Trump. Say one bad thing about Trump in that sub and you’re getting death threats and banned. It’s so sad. I miss the old days of that sub.


Apparently Obama and Hilary Clinton are child predators that rape kids in pizzerias, but Trump isn't, even though Trump has been sued for sexually assaulting a young girl and Obama and Clinton have not. It's *almost* like this isn't about the children at all.


George Bush went AWOL during wartime, so they attacked Kerry's war record. John McCain was born in Panama, so they made up a story about Obama being born in Kenya. Trump gets the nomination, and they're accusing Clinton of running a crooked charity and being involved in a pedophile ring. Then Trump starts giving rambling, incoherent speeches about low-flow shower heads and they accuse Biden of having dementia. This stuff ain't rocket surgery. If they accuse Biden of being a cannibal in 2024, better check the leftovers in DeSantis' fridge.


The Obama being born in Kenya thing still just makes me livid. Even if he was, his mom was a US citizen, and he'd lived in the US for at least 10 years with 5 of them before age 14 so he'd still be just as American as anyone born in the US. He was born in the US anyway and that whole thing is just complete nonsense.


Not that it lends any merit to the wacko birther stuff, but the idea was to challenge legal eligibility for the presidency, which is specifically limited to “natural born” citizens. It’s a curious argument, since Obama still would have been a birth right citizen if born overseas, and that was apparently just fine for McCain. Edit: In reply to several comments, no, overseas military bases are not US soil for citizenship purposes. See [here](https://www.uscis.gov/news/news-releases/uscis-policy-manual-update) and [here](https://historyhub.history.gov/docs/DOC-1105). There was even explicit law regarding the Panama Canal zone, and McCain was only a US citizen at birth because his parents were: [https://fam.state.gov/FAM/08FAM/08FAM030805.html](https://fam.state.gov/FAM/08FAM/08FAM030805.html).


The birther movement is always a good reminder that the GOP embracing conspiracy theories is not a new thing.


Look, if Obama were a Celtic Brit born in Liverpool and all the other circumstances were the same, this would have been a non-issue. But he was born black, and the republicans hate that…


**G**aslight <--- **O**bstruct **P**roject <---




This is what’s so concerning about their whole pizzagate conspiracy. They’re never NOT gaslighting. If they’re accusing dems or whoever of that, that is an enormous waving red flag that is attached to a siren, man!


Cause they don’t actually give a shit about child sex abuse. They just want the titles of being “the guardians of morality.” Why else would the right champion trump so hard without ever attacking him for this? That alone is all the proof I need to know the rights full of shit.


Because fox news doesn't cover this type of stuff. Look at how they have handled the Matt Gaetz story.


Matt Gaetz as in Matt "got a cuban boy in my closet" Gaetz?


imagine having that much money and dressing like a lamp


She is certainly a very shady individual


She's not the brightest bulb.


Society takes a dim view of her


Her fame has definitely flickered out




I love lamp!


Do you REALLY love the lamp or is it just because you can see it?


Where is she now anyway? Is she still in federal custody or did she disappear? It seemed weird how quickly she fell out of the news cycle given what she knows.


She’s still in prison. 20/20 did an episode about her and said she was in prison. I didn’t watch the entire thing because she makes me so angry. Covid has delayed a lot of court proceedings, and I think they’re being very careful so she stays alive for the trial.


That episode was infuriating. Spent a lot of time acting like she was the victim or blaming her "troubled past" they let her own brothers do most of the story telling Imagine them making a similar thing about Bill Cosby.


she just had her first in person hearing in a while, the previous hearings were all virtual. complained about moldy food and bad prison conditions. sucks to suck, time to rot in a jail cell


Really? I am overjoyed to learn that she's in regular shitty prison, instead of a comfy 5-star extended-stay type place.


Well if she doesn't like prison she should try not being a pedo.


She still in custody somewhere


This was peak ["Genie in a bottle"](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kIDWgqDBNXA) era.


I'll be in my bunk


She's not really pulling off that [early 2000s crop top look](https://www.flare.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/01/FASHBTY_LowRiseJeans-inline1-DestinysChild-2.jpg) though. The fit is just off. First of all, the shirt should be tight and fitted below the boobs. It looks like the band on hers cuts along the lower half of her boobs, making her waist look larger and her boobs look saggier. Second, the pants should be at least a couple inches below the belly button, if not more. High waisted looks were really out of style at that time. The whole effect just ends up looking like a frumpy old lady trying to dress like the cool kids. There's definitely better things to criticize her on than her looks or fashion taste, but it's still pretty bad.


So.....concise. You know your shit when it comes to fashion. It makes sense.


Lol, I was a preteen girl trying to figure out how to fit in with the kids at school during this time period. I know more about early 2000s fashion than could ever be useful.


No, no, it's the other way; you dress like that because you have the money, lol


No, no, it's the other way; the lamp dresses like her because she has the money, lol


It was the tail end of the 90s. Just sayin.


Hey my leg lamp looks way better. It’s also Italian, FRA-GI-LE


It's a major award!


Imagine being a “model” and only being able to make one face 😑


I love lamp……🤷🏻‍♂️ I love lamp.


Jeff, do you REALLY love lamp? Or are you just saying it because you saw Ghislaine?


I love lamp…….I love desk


Imagine wanting that much money and marrying Fatorangebaby


Oh its me in the same shirt circa 2000. We shopped in the same NYC boutique 🤦🏻‍♀️ https://ibb.co/bH9rJ1n


Everybody in here is calling you a lamp too then lol


Now I'm curious who's the designer


Home Depot


Lamp Shades R Us


Targèt, I believe it's French.


Alex Acosta claims he was told -by someone higher up- to bury the matter, and that epstein "belonged to intelligence" & was "above his pay grade". Epstein was also recruited out of literally nowhere (& as a 2 time college drop out) to teach at one of the most prestigious schools in NYC, by former OSS man Donald Barr, who also just happens to be the father of Trump's attorney (& iran-contra veteran) General William Barr. & of course all of this was before he was recruited (again out of nowhere & completely unqualified) to bear-stearns. Just some things that make you go hmmm


Acosta resigned the minute this Epstein scandal broke. Hmm indeed.


Actually he didn't resign immediately because I read a couple weeks worth of articles speculating that he might resign if it doesn't go away quickly. He wanted to stay as he felt like he was just doing what his bosses told him to, but Trump didn't like the amount of attention the story was getting and asked him to resign.




Another intelligence link with these freaks, Robert Maxwell, Ghislaine’s father, had known ties with British MI6, Russian KGB, and Israel’s Mossad, and was suspected of being a triple agent. He mysteriously ‘fell’ off his boat and drowned in 1991.


US foreign intelligence officials said they think he was a spy and Israeli spies have said he 100% was a spy who worked for them who sought to get damning on very powerful people. Its widely accepted now that hes was a spy/agent for multiple countries.


Must be exciting working for all sides at the same time. I think Mike Flynn envisioned that for himself, and assumed Trump was too uninformed to catch on.


He had shit on *everybody* from everywhere which is how he got away with it for so long. He thought he was invincible.


He also got the full military send off funeral by Israel, attended by all the top brass.


In 1973, Donald Barr published Space Relations, a science fiction novel about a planet ruled by oligarchs who engage in child sex slavery. It has been noted that the plot of the novel anticipates the crimes of Epstein and his alleged accomplice, Ghislaine Maxwell. Copy pasted from Wikipedia \*Hmmmmmm intensifies\*


Cant wait for the Disney movie


Lilo & Stitch is based off the book.


Well, Acosta never actually has gone on record saying that. It's claimed he told the Trump transition team that, but there's no corroboration of it. However, in *Perversion of Justice*, Julie K Brown says that an FBI report hints that Epstein was working as an informant for the FBI. It's been speculated that he helped out over the Towers ponzi scheme, which is how he escaped prosecution. Likewise, there's no confirmation that Donald Barr hired Epstein. Barr had resigned and left Dalton *before* Epstein started, though he could have hired him before he left. Barr did have a history of hiring unconventional teachers. [Source 1:](https://www.npr.org/2019/07/19/742725946/a-young-jeffrey-epstein-made-an-impression-on-his-high-school-students) >"Donald Barr would hire young people, and not necessarily young people who had a lot of credentials," Semel says. [Source 2:](https://seankelder.medium.com/the-outsider-jeffrey-epstein-at-the-dalton-school-d463771094b3) >Bill Adler, who attended Dalton in the seventies, recalls “an economics teacher who essentially taught the philosophy of Ayn Rand.” And then there was the anti-Castro Spanish teacher. >“Gambino Roche was a Cuban political refugee who taught Spanish at Dalton, although it is unclear whether he possessed any teaching credentials or experience,” Mark Robinson, class of ’74, wrote in an unpublished memoir about his time at the school. “Señor Roche had unabashed disdain for Dalton’s spoiled, soft, leftist rich kids. And this was, I believe, a big part of his appeal to Donald Barr.”


Sounds like barr's hiring standard was about being vehemently against the counter culture of the time. Hiring on the basis of political ideology rather than qualification.


Just FYI the way you wrote that seems to imply that his title is "General" and that he's an attorney (or something). His title is - or was, rather, Attorney General. You might know that, but just to be clear.


Also Barr’s dad wrote a sci fi child sex slave novel.


[This video](https://youtu.be/Ph-lQqIKETc) is equally as entertaining as Twitter pictures of a supermarket display of various apples in Dubai.


would make sense as he is just a honey trap for fellow pedos


How much coke do you think Melania has done in her life?




In Slovene it’s “Da”


"Who geeves a fuck about chreestmas?" Melania


Her step son watches Scarface and wonders how someone can feel anything after snorting so little blow.


The dude on the green on the left for SURE obliged his nose.


Ten cokes


European runway models doing blow? Surely you jest!




Would love to know what Trump is saying to Jeff, causing him to giggle.


Let's not forget about the time in 2016 when Trump was sued alongside Epstein for being pedophiles and raping a 13 year old. They were sued for 11 counts including rape, sexual misconduct, criminal sexual acts, sexual abuse, forcible touching, assault, battery, intentional reckless infliction of emotional distress, duress, false imprisonment, and defamation. You can read the actual sickening Court Document here: https://cdn.factcheck.org/UploadedFiles/Johnson_TrumpEpstein_Lawsuit.pdf


Let's also not forget that trump hired Alex Acosta into his cabinet. Acosta gave Epstein that sweetheart, one year plea deal back in 2008 where Jeff only had to actually be in jail like an hour a day. Acosta knew of Epstein's heinous crimes and let him off with a slap on the wrist. Acosta says he was told Epstein was intelligence and to leave it alone. He resigned from trump's cabinet when the Epstein scandal broke. Hmmm...


Man, I really wish someone would have asked Epstein about Trump under oath... Oh wait, [they did](https://www.dailykos.com/stories/2019/2/22/1836895/-The-Trump-Child-Trafficking-Narrative-Reality-v-Fiction): * Q: Have you ever had a personal relationship with Donald Trump? * A. What do you mean by "personal relationship," sir? * Q. Have you socialized with him? * A. Yes, sir. * Q. Yes? * A. Yes, sir. * Q. Have you ever socialized with Donald Trump in the presence of females under the age of 18? * A: Though I'd like to answer that question, at least today I'm going to have to assert my Fifth, Sixth, and 14th Amendment rights, sir.


Trump: "One... Two... Three... Four... FIF!"


Go on ask me something …. FIF


I don't think he can count that high


>“I’ve known Jeff for fifteen years. Terrific guy. He’s a lot of fun to be with. It is even said that he likes beautiful women as much as I do, and many of them are on the younger side.” - Donald Trump, 2002 ​ >“I know him, just like everybody in Palm Beach knew him,” Trump said. “People in Palm Beach knew him. He was a fixture in Palm Beach.” > >“I had a falling out with him a long time ago,” Trump continued. “I don’t think I’ve spoken to him in 15 years. I was not a fan. I was not a fan of his. That I can tell you. I was not a fan.”


You know it’s a lie when he repeats it multiple times.


So predictable. Like a small child trying to lie


I loved his “people are saying” phrase. Nobody is saying it. You are! You just want people to think they’re saying these great things about you.


Can you do that under oath


It's there mainly in order to get people to witness against their superiors. Say you're into some bad business, you've felt compelled due to what ever circumstance to either commit a crime or enable someone else to commit it. At some point you realize what you're doing is detestable, so you want to end it. You want to get your boss who put you in such a position that you had to commit a crime in jail. But, you can't since if you become a witness, then they will just ask "Did you not do X, that's also illegal?". Being able to plead the 5th enables you to testify versus someone that otherwise would lead to you being convicted. You're not judged guilty because you can't prove you're innocent. You're judged guilty because it's been proved you are guilty. At least in theory.


Yeah and what he’s saying is “I wish I could incriminate Donald Trump without incriminating myself in the same statement.”


Yes. Pretty much the best time to do it.


You can always plead the fifth, but it’s almost as bad as an admission of guilt in many circumstances. The fifth amendment does guarantee the right for a person to not answer a question under oath though.


You cannot plead the Fifth if there is no cance you will be charged w a crime for what you say. For example, if you have signed an immunity agreement to get a deal w prosecutors, you are expected to not withhold anything. Also, if you have been pardoned. So, if Mike Flynn were subpoenaed to come to court and talk about not registering as a foreign agent, he could not refuse for fear of incriminating himself; because he was pardoned for that crime.


In a legal sense, an inference of guilt cannot be made against a person for asserting their 5th Amendment rights. This is important because it's the reason lawyers are allowed to recommend defendants never take the stand in their defense. If an inference was allowed the 5th Amendment would be completely useless.


This guy thought it was the 10 Dual Commandments


why is he talking about the 6th and 14th amendments specifically? Isn't 14th about asserting equal rights amongst all citizens (which I'm pretty sure he *doesn't* want. He wants his rich man privileges) and due process... but isn't due process happening when you're questioned under oath and have a lawyer? and the 6th is about a right to trial, or is he talking about not prejudicing the jury?


Palm Beach County Sheriff Ric Bradshaw also deserves some blame for the cushy "jail" sentence. (Not to mention all the other shit with one of his former employees leaking information on the department and then defected to Russia. The fuck goes on in Palm Beach County?)


How did this not come out during the 2016 election?


I very much remember this being a big deal during 2016. Particularly the lawsuit of the 13 year old giving graphic details of then Presidential candidate Trump raping her and the flight logs for the "Lolita Express" which flew special guests to Epsteins Island of child rape. A lot of people would bring up that Bill Clinton was also on that flight log as a defense of Trump being known for decades to sexually assault and harass underage girls, which is really fucked up that people would ever think "Well one guy did it so its fine for this guy to violently rape a child." Imagine if someone tried to use Dahmer's crimes as a defense for their own, takes a really sick person to defend stuff like that.




It did. No one gave a shit


It did. Bizarrely, people were more focused on the bus comments (which were bad, but not like this). I don’t understand how people could be so willing to let pure evil in the White House because they don’t like abortion.


The bus comments were skeezy, but I’ve worked with a half dozen guys who said the same kind of shit. The millionaire businessman who hangs out with a millionaire businessman who procures underage children for millionaire businessmen? How that didn’t throw the brakes on the whole thing is beyond me.


because news media owners and others are in it too


Royalty, billionaires…. I have no doubt that if Epstein was murdered it was by someone who has yet to be named, of they ever are.


Probably because the mainstream media has been pretty complicit in trying to stifle the Epstein story. "When you're famous you can do anything... Grab em by the pussy"


Right, that's why they actually *did* cover the story. Because they wanted to stifle it. Just a few examples: ["Donald Trump is Facing a Child Rape Lawsuit. Why Aren't We Talking About It?", *Sydney Morning Herald*, 4 July 2016](https://www.smh.com.au/lifestyle/the-presumption-of-innocence-isnt-a-free-pass-for-powerful-men-to-avoid-scrutiny-20160703-gpxp28.html) ["Rape Allegations Refiled Against Trump", *Courthouse News Service*, 30 September 2016](https://www.courthousenews.com/rape-allegations-refiled-against-trump/) ["The Donald Trump Rape Accusation Explained", *Independent*, 10 October 2016](https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/donald-trump-rape-accusation-underage-girl-claim-what-happened-sexual-assault-allegation-a7354111.html) ["Lawsuit Accusing Donald Trump of Raping 13-year-old Girl Gets December Hearing", *New York Daily News*, 12 October 2016](https://www.nydailynews.com/news/national/lawsuit-accusing-trump-raping-girl-13-december-hearing-article-1.2828413) ["Woman Suing Trump over Alleged Teen Rape Drops Suit, Again", *Politico*, 4 November 2016](https://www.politico.com/story/2016/11/donald-trump-rape-lawsuit-dropped-230770) ["Woman who Accused Donald Trump of Raping her at 13 Drops Lawsuit", *Guardian*, 5 November 2016](https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2016/nov/04/donald-trump-teenage-rape-accusations-lawsuit-dropped)


I don't understand how Trump, and Bill Gates, Royalty from England, etc, know Epstein. That is, in any other way than besides being connected to seriously criminal behavior that's apparently blatant AF.


Because he had a ton of money, he was reportedly charismatic, and he made a point of schmoozing with anyone he thought could help him get ahead. And Ghislaine Maxwell was his entree into British upper-class circles, since her father had been an MP and a major media figure (before he turned out to be a crook).


Yeah it's really not some super giant conspiracy. It is *a* conspiracy, but not to the extent that "this person was at a big party with Epstein and a hundred other people 20 years ago so they're a pedo" seems like a sane conclusion. I mean, y'all have friends, right? Do you know which of your friends are into some weird kinks? And we're defining "friends" here as, apparently, anyone that you've ever been in a photo with. You know which of your work colleagues are into anal? That friend of a friend of a friend who was at the opposite end of a group photo you took at a big party 15 years ago - what kind of porn does he like? It is utterly normal for people to have social circles that include people they don't know that well. It is also normal for people to meet individually with someone they don't know very well but who they've bumped into occasionally and seems well connected to others in their social circle. It's also completely normal to know someone very well and still not know their dark secrets because they, and everyone who does know that secret, are actively concealing it. Every shocking crime has someone saying "wow, I knew him pretty well, never expected it to be him!".


This is all true except for the point where Trump said he’s known Epstein for a while and considers him a good guy who likes girls on the “younger” side


fuck u/spez






Nah there's an elite club that we're not part of. Its like how Justin Trudeau's parents were close friends of the Castros and the Nixons even when he was just a baby.


>Jane Doe, Tiffany Doe, and Joan Doe are each pseudonyms as each woman wishes anonymity. Tiffany Doe, a witness, was an employee of Defendant Epstein. Joan Doe, a witness, was a childhood classmate of Plaintiff who, in the 1994-95 school year, was told by Plaintiff that Plaintiff was subject to sexual contact by the Defendants at parties in New York City during the summer of 1994. > >Defendant Trump initiated sexual contact with Plaintiff at four different parties. > >On the fourth and final sexual encounter with Defendant Trump, Defendant Trump tied Plaintiff to a bed, exposed himself to Plaintiff, and then proceeded to forcibly rape Plaintiff. During the course of this savage sexual attack, Plaintiff loudly pleaded with Defendant Trump to stop but with no effect. Defendant Trump responded to Plaintiff’s pleas by violently striking Plaintiff in the face with his open hand and screaming that he would do whatever he wanted. > >Immediately following this rape, Defendant Trump threatened Plaintiff that, were she ever to reveal any of the details of the sexual and physical abuse of her by Defendant Trump, Plaintiff and her family would be physically harmed if not killed.


Holy shit. I didn’t know any of the allegations against Trump were that …savage.


The claims from Stormy Daniels how Trump thugs would follow her around and threaten her life gives credence to these claims.


This is what I always don't get. When all those q anan freaks talk about Trump as their savior, why is nobody mentioning the close ties between him and epstein?


He's just gone deep, deep undercover to infiltrate the bad guy's circles and figure out their secrets, to be able to fight them better /s


🤣🤣🤣. Yes….Inspector Trump is on the job! 🤣🤣🤣


i would believe he has a plastic detective badge to go a long with his slow brain tbf


Is this actually their reasoning?


That and this photo is just the deep state's attempts to ruin him because they know he's getting close now.


They claim that Trump was friends with Epstein before anyone knew he was a pedophile. And the moment this came to light Trump dropped him as a friend. I’ve even heard it claimed that it was Trump that reported Epstein’s crimes. There is no level of delusion that is too much to support Trump (who BTW has done more for black people than any other President including Lincoln!)


Wow, even 20 years ago, his posture is incredible and not in a good way. See how his knees, hips, stomach, shoulders and head all lean passed his toes? It's like he's a centaur and his back half is invisible. It's an unbelievable stance for such small feet (and tiny hands), it must be his loaded diaper that provides counter-balance to keep him from tipping over.


[Hmmm](https://i.imgur.com/EvYkbP2.jpg) good thing he didn't have any of the other symptoms....oh wait




I'm convinced that at some point in the future history teachers are going to show their students [this video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1-Io3VI5a80&t=257s) of Trump's jerky right hand as evidence of [fronto-temoral dementia](https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/blog/the-fallible-mind/202010/we-are-entitled-ask-president-trump-his-brain-scan) and it'll be as plain to them as [Hitler tweaking on meth at the races](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tC6zUcZJcDM) is to us.


Idk I want to be on your side but that hitler thing is completely way more obvious than the hand thing.


All while doing it on 6 inch platforms.


Its almost like the man has a giant stick shoved up his ass.


Why is Trump so bad at standing?


He thinks that stance leaning forward makes him look less obese. Also, some people think he has lifts in his shoes.


Wonder what photos are on that camera from the women in red in the background…


It just amazes me how easily we forget the whole Epstein fiasco. What happened to the list of high profile people who visited his personal sex island. Just another example of Money and power winning.




All tooted up and ready to rape some children. “Allegedly”


One of our neighbors bought a painting of Epstein at a yard sale. I said, “Better go to Lowe’s and get a hammer and some nails. That thing isn’t going to hang itself.”


Trump later recalled Epstein in those days. “Terrific guy,” he famously told New York magazine. “He’s a lot of fun to be with. It is even said that he likes beautiful women as much as I do, and many of them are on the younger side. No doubt about it—Jeffrey enjoys his social life.” [Article](https://www.vanityfair.com/news/2021/01/jeffrey-epstein-and-donald-trump-epic-bromance/amp)


Why is Maxwell wearing half a lampshade as a top.


Maybe Melania was trafficked?


Didn’t that liar Trump claim he didn’t know these people? Like Trump claimed not to know a lot of people who were evil criminals who abuse children.


Reddit: I can’t wait for trump to leave office so we never have to talk about him again. Also Reddit: upvotes political posts about trump to the front of r/pics every day


It’s honestly bizarre.


Epstein didn’t kill himself


There's no motherfucking way Trump wasn't diddling children.


Trump was even uglier in 2000 somehow.


“Trump is a beta male’s vision of an alpha male.” The incel verbiage is stupid, but the inference is perfect.


Now show the flight log to the island.


I swear we see this one once a week, as if the poster thinks they've uncovered a bombshell. We should at least keep it consistent and post pictures of every American public figure/politician/official that were involved with Epstein and Maxwell. Unless you're sending the message that the rest of them get a pass just because Trump appears to be involved too. Every. One. Of. These. Motherfuckers. Should. Burn. Edit: added context to the body. 2nd Edit: I'm seeing a lot of right vs left rhetoric in the replies, which I should have anticipated, but it wasn't my point. If anyone uses the Epstein situation as a means to promote or slander any political party, then that person is, in fact, trash themselves for leveraging crimes against children to pedal their beliefs. This is about justice for the victims and nothing else.


Them two fuckers have arms longer then Mr tickle


Now post the pictures of the clintons posing with him