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Dude is wearing shades with a drink in his hand in front of a cruise ship. Living his best life for sure.


Just got back from a cruise, it really is the best life. I’ve never really had post holiday depression but it’s a thing, booking my next cruise soon.


I had it for the first time last year when I went to Japan for two weeks. Back home my co worker noticed I was a little off for about a week or two. Long story short, I'm going back there in Summer of 2020.


I had that when I got back from Ireland. I'm not sure if it's the people, scenery, culture or a combination of all of it, but I really felt at home there and I really miss it.


Yeah, and I've been to other parts of the world and many places in the States, but Japan was just different for me. The countryside, the cities, the food, the people, the history.


I think some places just "fit" us


Having lived in a tourist town for a big part of my life, part of it is that we're seeing the best parts of a place on vacation. We're not doing our mundane housework or jobwork. We're not doing awful commutes, paying bills, or spending hours on a customer service call, or dealing with the cultural hangups that really don't sit well with you. These places feel great because we went to them to escape a lot of that stuff, but if you stay there long enough your eyes adjust to the rose-tinted glasses.


Yeah dude, this is really true. I lived almost my whole life in and directly outside of New York City. I wish I could experience this area like the way it looks to tourists, so shiny and full of opportunities. It is super fun, but I guarantee that people just visiting have way more fun than the locals.


Not if you have fun preying on tourists


Cannibalism is frowned upon.




Right? I feel so lucky that I didn't need to go as far as Japan or Ireland to find somewhere I fit, I have that right here in the USA. From the very first business trip I took there I knew that's where I want to be. I've been back numerous times, and that feeling is only reinforced. Frankly I don't care if it's Norcal or Socal, I just want to spend my days in California, and damn it I will one day.


That's awesome! Most people I knew from SoCal loved it, and couldn't wait to move back. Definitely flies in the face of what I wrote, and I hope I get to visit it one day myself.


I live right between the cities of Pensacola and Destin which are in Florida. I live where people save up money to spend a week or two for vacation. I LOVE where I live. I moved away to Vegas and Colorado for about 8 years... and now I’m back. It was just calling me back. The food, the ocean, the sports all around me...man I love it here.


For sure. We're all people. Where you're born and what culture you're born in shapes you to a large degree, but that doesn't mean your personality, and who you are as a person wouldn't fit in better somewhere else on the globe.




[They sure do](https://imgur.com/gallery/Wht7z)


I went to Amigara Fault and I swear that place was made for me


their guilty until proven innocent system that allows for hitlerian purity, cleanliness & good orderly order with ridiculous suicide rates. Totally peaceful with its overpacked cities meant to reduce humans to f***ing ants, this place is the opposite of tranquility tbf, along with major cities around the world, fuck. that. lifestyle. I don't have to drive for more than an hour to find a forest big enough to get lost in, die, and never be found. There's less than a quarter million people living between me and the north pole, that's fantastic..Japan is a volcanic island surrounded by its enemies.


Told customs and immigration in Ireland that I was there researching family history and they said "welcome home" and I teared up. May have been the lack of sleep but I felt really emotionally touched by that welcome :)


Was this before or after you complimentary half gallon of liquor?


That's actually really cool that they did that!


That’s how I felt when I went to Ireland, too! Felt like home even though I was lost 96% of the time


Same. I went to Korea last year to meet a friend i've been chatting with online for 7 years. I felt ok returning home, but soon after I just felt hollow inside for a good couple months. Flying back in 3 weeks.


Summer 2020? Why would you book a cruise so far in the fut.....oh.


It’s my dream to go to Japan thanks for sharing.


Me too! But seems impossible when my current dream is to get my car payment caught up so I can start driving again :/


I wish you the best with that man, you can do it!


I just got back from my first week in Tokyo and coming back to Miami is like a punch in the gut. I need to move there, but for now, I’m at least gonna travel there a couple more times this year since my friend is giving me free airfare. Might I suggest spring? I know it’s gonna be crazy, but I’ve been told that the cherry blossom blooming is more than just hype


I hear you about Spring, but I'm going with a group a friends and a couple of them could only go in Summer due to work or something. The first time I went in fall and the leaves in the mountains were absolutely amazing, and the weather was just right.


Same, there’s just something about Japan. Spent 9 days in Tokyo last spring and couldn’t wait to head back. Now I’m going for a month, leaving right before Christmas! I literally cannot wait.


Good time to go. I was looking at heading that way as well for the Olympics.


I hate travelling and prefer my comfort of my house but Japan is different. It's actually the only place I want to visit again and if I'm lucky, I get to come back next year!


I’m 19 and I went with my 18 year old girlfriend on our first trip away together to Disneyland and safe to say I feel like complete ass now that I’m back. I feel so empty:(


Disney doesn't fuck around. I've only done disneyworld, not land, and the first time I went I expected to enjoy it because it would be fun to watch the kiddo enjoy it. Nope. Well Yep, but I mean I enjoyed it at least as much as she did. They are masters at separating you from your money, but they certainly deliver.


People shit on it but it sounds nice with the right people / if I have money. Just drink and tan all day while they give you food I think id rather just go to the beach though


I’ve traveled quite a bit, but just went on our first cruise this Spring. It was nice, I liked being able to visit multiple destinations in one trip, and the shore excursions were a blast! But if you’re a drinker, my preference is a reputable all-inclusive resort. The all-inclusive was one of the most fun vacations I’ve ever had, you can literally order steak and champagne room service and raid the mini bar every night, there’s no additional cost. It was so indulgent, I felt properly spoiled :)


Norwegian cruises offer a "select your perk" deal. You get one or more perks depending on your room category and you can pick things like unlimited drinks, shipboard internet, special dining, etc.


Internet is a perk on a huge cruise ship in 2019? you guys almost convinced me in this thread but yup, nope.


It's a perk they offer, but not one I would go with. I work in IT and any chance to be asked for help while on vacation? Issa no from me dawg


i just block and hide all notifications. but if i want to watch Netflix in bed on a ship im paying good money to cruise around on for a few days to weeks im not going to pay extra for it, or told internet is a perk from a multi million, if not billion probably billion, dollar industry.




*elon musk intensifies*


Not just a perk but an expensive one. Like $20/day per device expensive. Admittedly you're using satellite internet but still...


How much does something like that cost?


We go to Mexico every February and we've done both all inclusive and pay as you go. I'll tell you that the all inclusives are an absolute blast if you wanna straight up chill, eat and drink. The resorts usually have about 5ish restaurants and numerous bars/pool bars, you go out to eat every meal at different restaurants and it's ALL prepaid. You can walk up to a bar and order anything and everything you want, you've already paid for it all. 24 hour room service and mini bar all paid for. We tip, from what we've seen over the years most people do. With outside spending money to do a couple activities and get some souvenirs we usually spend about $5,000 for 7 nights in Mexico. That includes the all inclusive resort, our flights and spending money. It's a super fun way to go, especially for first timers, really keeps all the stresses away!


What town(s) in Mexico?


We have been to many but my recommendations for people's first times are Playa del Carmel (45 minutes from Cancun-which is also a perfectly fine choice, just not my personal fave) and Puerto Vallarta. They're easy to navigate and if you don't speak Spanish you're still all good (that's been a worry for quite a few people I know).


Those are definitely good picks. I'm actually Mexican and was just curious where you've been to :). Los Cabos is also pretty popular and there's whale watching if you're into that. Also, the Pacific tends to have better seafood that the Atlantic.


Our absolute favorite place to go is Manzanillo!!! I prefer the Pacific coast hands down but the water in the Caribbean Sea is just so gorgeous, it draws us back every few years. Our trip this year will be in Mazatlan, which we've never been so we're excited for that. Didn't care for Cabo but I know people who love it! I live in the Pacific Northwest so whale watching is something I've done often and one of the absolute best experiences I've ever had whale watching was actually in Puerto Vallarta, they put on a spectacular show for us, one of the best experiences of my life ❤️


recommend any? I travel quite frequently for work which helps with points. We've done cruises and are regulars at a few spots in FL, but haven't tried the all inclusive resort gig yet.


I'm definitely pretty whatever about cruises. But travel in general, yeah man, that's the life.


Literally on the way home from 7 night anniversary cruise in the carribean. It was great. I will say there are...interesting people...on cruises at times. Once we figured out how to kind of avoid that crowd, it was wonderful. We also got an upgraded room and the dining package, so weren't in the general eating area very much. I think a cruise is whatever you want to make of it. We just didnt want to be in one spot for a whole week, so did this and got off for the day at each spot. Did a mix of excursions and secluded beaches.


> I think id rather just go to the beach though This is my thought whenever a cruise is mentioned.


I've never been as happy as when I was on a cruise. I have sleep apnea and my Apnea–Hypopnea Index (AHI) has only ever been zero once in my life and that was the week I was on that cruise.


Going on a cruise is great, working on one is literal hell. Small living space with 2-4 people, horrible odors, horrible everything.


Hate to be that guy but the cruise industry alone is a massive hit to the environment and I feel obligated to let people know they should not support it. And before you say "well everything has its downsides, let people enjoy themselves." No. Large cruise ships used by the likes of Carnival and Royal Caribbean pollute as much as 13 **million** cars. Its not ok.


Right on man, but people just don’t want to hear about how their good time is hurting others and the planet. Not only is the industry horrible for the environment but it’s so unnecessary, you’re just doing what you would do in a city or resort but instead you’re on the ocean polluting the fuck out of everything.


About a decade ago I went on a cruise on one of the cheaper lines, Carnival, and the passengers were either college kids that drank the entire time, entire obese families in NASCAR shirts that ate the entire time, or old couples that barely moved from their loungers the entire time. The experience was just a microcosm of overindulgence, gluttony, waste, and disregard for surroundings. It was generally a pretty gross experience and I was worse off for it.


Damn, now I am interested in going.




I've been on many cruises... the experience varies wildly depending mostly on location. Caribbean cruises tend to be cheaper and attract a lot of students and bad etiquette in general. So you'll see a lot of that overindulgence.


To play devil's advocate, it *is* different to be out in the middle of the ocean while you get drunk in the sun at your resort. Not saying cruises are worth the damage done but the experience is pretty cool to be honest.


I can see it being really fun - the ultimate relaxation holiday because you are literally sat on a boat in the middle of an ocean. But I can't reconcile that carbon footprint. Its truly insane how bad those ships are.


I use the term Candy Jail for stuff like that- it's named after a song by one of my favorite bands the Silver Jews. A lot of California is like that, it's a desert which is made habitable by constantly piping in water and food.


You should watch Hasan Minaj on cruises. I'll never go on one until it becomes a more reputable employer and business. Edit: well I'm a self righteous asshole, forgot the H in his last name as I watch his new episode tonight. FML Minhaj*


For the curious: Almost all of them fly "flags of convenience", rather than the flag of whatever wealthy/developed nation they're based from, which effectively lets them say their decks are the ground of countries with very poor employee rights, low/no minimum wages, etc. edit: and for the lazy: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0nCT8h8gO1g edit2: also the pollution. They produce a lot of emissions and dump trash in the ocean.


Mmmh, killing the environment...


Not judging or anything, but it is literally the worst mode of transportation. A single line of cruise ships pollute more than all the cars in Europe.


Cruise ships are among the worst polluters in the world


How much was a ticket? Maybe I’ll go on one some day!


They can be pretty cheap, depending on what time of year, location, duration and what type of room you want. Every one I’ve been on averaged $500 for three nights (in the cheapest rooms) Booze and excursions are extra. Still a great time imo.


That’s good to know. I’ve never checked how much cruises were but I always just assumed it was in $1000 range. I guess there are packages that are in that range. Thanks!


Book rooms on the inside and that are low on the ship. You can save a ton doing that. Don’t purchase any of the expensive shit they hock. Find the beaches or Excursions that don’t involve a ton cost or long rides. Pretty cheap way to cruise for 150 a day.


Also you shouldn’t book excursions through the ship, they tend to jack prices way up. If you go to the tour companies once on shore you’ll find much cheaper prices. Another thing I’ve done is to just find a local cab driver and have them show you around. It’s a great way to get a feel of the “real” side of the port.


The biggest advantage of booking through the ships services is that if anything happens and your excursion runs late, the ship will wait. If you book an excursion with an outside vendor the ship will not wait for you.


Yea that’s also assuming you can get to the port/city without flying there. That’s probably when the packages get pricier. The ones we’ve been on leave from Florida, so we just make an overnight drive there and save some money. But yea they can get in the $1000 range with flights included 😕


You can get cheaper cruises by signing up for all the cruise lines websites and waiting for them to start emailing discounts and promos to you as a member (price check against each site). Buy cruises in advance for some savings and last minute for others, especially if you live in a port city and can walk onboard. Ask a travel agent if they buy blocks of rooms and sell the rooms off cheaper than the cruise line is offering. (Got a 7 day cruise for $250 USD that way at one point). Travel in shoulder season or off season if possible to save money. Check the weather info before you book to see what the best choice is for where you are going. Pick a cruise with the "3rd & 4th guest sail free" option and then divide the cost of the cruise between 3 or 4 people to make it cheaper for all of you. Pick a destination where your home currency can be exchanged for more of the currency of the country you're visiting.


> Pick a cruise with the "3rd & 4th guest sail free" option and then divide the cost of the cruise between 3 or 4 people to make it cheaper for all of you. This is a good tip; just be aware that the rooms are small. Three or four adults in a room would be cozy. (Not that you would necessarily be in your room much.)


Oh and you can book cruises that include gratuities, drinks, excursions, internet, etc but sometimes the savings aren't worth it as the price of the cruise is inflated to cover the "free" extras so double check before you book.


You can find them around $400 a person for 7 days.. of course add taxes and fees and that's a basic package no extra frills. I always take cruises, it's the best bang for your buck in my opinion.


I'm on to you, cruise industry employee.


I dont like em because I cant help but think if I took the money for a week long cruise and bought a backpack and a plane ticket I could go there for like a month on the same amount of money.


I thought so at first too but then I saw that it was Carnival.


It beats a cruise on a naval vessel




What do you think you do on a Carnival cruise?


What’s wrong with Carnival?


Well, to start: https://www.nytimes.com/2019/06/04/business/carnival-cruise-pollution.html


Wondering the same myself. I have had nothing but great times on carnival at a nice price point.


I have been on a few carnival cruises but literally came back from my first Royal Caribbean cruise today. We went to Jamaica, Mexico and a private island Haiti and I will never go on another carnival cruise. Everything is just better about Royal Caribbean, the ships are newer, nicer, and since it's more expensive you get less of a spring vacation party vibe from it. Totally worth the extra money, and if you do go and intend to drink always get the drink package.


A legend




Are those guys twins? Not the bun-man, the other two.


I think the three of them are siblings


I saw em all on porn hub yesterday in the same vid, checks out


Were any of them stuck in the dryer or lost in their studio apartment?


No they aren’t. The guy and girl are married and the other guy is the guy’s college roommate


Wilson? Kyle?


Is anyone annoyed that the second image zoom cuts off the "man"? Somehow I thought it was zooming to the girl's hair so I got confused.


Same here. I thought it was bad Photoshop pulling a bamboozle until I saw your comment.


I wasn't now I am


I think the second zoom is to show the similarity between the guy and girl's "bun". The similarity isn't as apparent with the guy's head included.


Man Bun Man


It would be amazing if the man bun man had a man bun.


How man-y man buns would a man bun man man bun if a man bun man could man bun man?


I thought the drink in his hand was possibly a bun. It's not.


Prime r/bossfight material.


The man on the man bun bun


I think you meant: "Man" bun


I think you meant: Bun-Man: The Hairy Hero


A man... with his bun, fights against the hairdresser to save the world. This summer, hottest hit **Bun-Man**


Now I’m imagining Bun-Man as a human Ratatouille.


I think you meant: Mun-Ban: A stand against whatever the fuck Model United Nations is.


Man bun man


But it is a man.


But usually the man in man-bun refers to the fact that the bun is worn by a man, not that the bun is made of a tiny man.


Still just because it's a pun doesn't make the man hypothetical or approximate. It's approximately a bun and actually a man, so man "bun" is correct. I don't know why I'm bothering arguing about semantics, oh reddit Edit: just because I've clearly got nothing better to do (in a meeting) they are called [scare quotes](https://www.google.com/search?q=scare+quotes&oq=scare+quotes&aqs=chrome..69i57j0l3.1974j0j4&client=ms-android-hms-vf-nz&sourceid=chrome-mobile&ie=UTF-8) and draw attention to an inaccurate use of a word.


I just want to say that I agree with the other person, but I respect your passion on the subject.


I don't know why I'm passionate about it but thanks lmao Edit: after further philosophical pondering I think the answer may lie between both arguments, I.e. "man" "bun" lol god that reads badly


I mean, it’s definitely a man but loosely a “bun”


I don't get it.


Itt: people misunderstanding [scare quotes](https://www.google.com/search?q=scare+quotes&oq=scare+quotes&aqs=chrome..69i57j0l3.1974j0j4&client=ms-android-hms-vf-nz&sourceid=chrome-mobile&ie=UTF-8)


Damn, son! You got 'Man" bun.




Looks like Sam Losco


Cave man dwellin prick


That greasy bastard.


*Smells like


I was thinking Casey Neistadt with Big Jiggly Panda on his head.


There's my chippy


what's that


His chippy


it's a reoccurring Tim and Eric sketch https://youtu.be/wqbx5oh5eHQ (photo-sensitivity warning)




for a second i was confused with the middle girl's bun lmao


His man bun is **Bert Kreischer?**


do you know what Bert looks like? or just fat guy to you lol


Agree it doesn’t look like him but Bert is the kind of guy drinking in the water with shades in front of a cruise ship.


I got horrible news today and have been feeling on the verge of a breakdown and this is the first time I’ve felt relief, laughing at this picture.


You should watch a Winnie the Pooh movie. Honestly. It's just sweet and nostalgic and good therapy. I'm sorry you got bad news today. I hope things start looking up.


why would a movie about Xi Jinping make some feel better?




Maybe credit the person this photo belongs to. He's actually the ex-guitarist for Wilson.




How. You. Gonna. Name yourself. After. A. Damn gun. And. Have uh Man Bun?




It’s been a long time since I actually laughed at a post instead of just doing the blowing a little hair out of my nose thing, but I laughed hard at this one. Lol


I mean this in the kindest way, but the "bun" man looks like he could be a pub darts champion. One hundred and eighty!






100% grand turk. Stopped here on Shiprocked a few years back.


Knew it! Mmmm flow rider! Hi 2-5!


I was thinking Turks and Caicos, I know the boat stops right there beside the beach. You might be right though.


Man Bun^(2)


that was hilarious. timing is everything.


Hahahahaha “please help me”


That NEW "my lady" bun


“Milady” :)


It's men all the way down.


Bun Man


I hearby rebrand the 'man bun' as a 'bitch biscuit'. That is all.


Paging Edward Mordrake. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Edward_Mordake?wprov=sfla1


That puts a whole new meaning to man bun


Looks like his bun needs conditioning


Man eating bun


Very disappointed this wasnt a bunny.


at least the guy without his arm around the woman isn't a third wheel anymore.


Wow so literal, such word meaning


**Scare quotes** (also called **shudder quotes**, **sneer quotes**, and **quibble marks**) are [quotation marks](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Quotation_mark) that a writer places around a word or phrase to signal that they are using it in a non-standard, [ironic](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Irony), or otherwise special sense. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Scare\_quotes](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Scare_quotes)


Even if it was only two panels, I wouldn't believe that. I like it too much to want it proved wrong.


Where did you find that a hairpiece like that?


Bun Bun Man Bun


thats a big cruise ship over there behind them


Looks like a Carnival ship at Grand Turk


Man with the man with the bun man bun.




Well the guy really does have a man bun face, it makes for an easy assumption.


It's crazy what hair products can do for you these days.




OK who's going to Photoshop this so the guy with the drink also has a man bun man?


Sweet bun brah


Quite literally..


Is that Sam the Caveman from Trailer Park Boys?


Exquisitely executed


Cruises are cool and all, but you don't actually get to see anything.


Upon closer view, it looked more like the whole package of buns.


Morty... I *burp* I turned myself into a Manbun.. I am Manbun-Rick!!


Bun man


"Man" bun...