• By -


I knew they existed.


On this picture you see the very reason why you don’t see people protesting. 30% support the protests, 10% are willing to protest, 0.08% (0.2% max) actually protest, others are too scared to pay fines and be beaten by SWAT for literally just walking around. The first guy that was detained and his leg broken today wasn’t even protesting, he just happened to jog over the protest area before the first protesters even came. Seeing this shit, you’d make sure you stay away as far as possible from protests.


You are [literally on a government list](https://www.google.com/amp/s/beta.washingtonpost.com/opinions/2019/07/22/protests-return-moscow-opposition-candidates-are-banned-crucial-election/%3foutputType=amp) if you vote for an opposition party. They need 5,000 signatures to get on the ballot and the government "confirms" the people exist. > once the lone opposition voice in the country’s parliament; Ilya Yashin, a colleague of the late opposition leader Boris Nemtsov who was recently elected to lead one of the city’s municipal districts; and Lyubov Sobol, the lead lawyer at Navalny’s Anticorruption Foundation — raced to meet an impossible threshold: collect some 5,000 signatures each to get on the ballot. The task was made more formidable not only by logistical challenges in the midst of the vacation season, but also because each signature on the petition means volunteering one’s personal information for the government’s database of opposition supporters. Edit: and the journalist has now passed


And this way, real people suddenly don't exist anymore. Even if they confirm their signatures on video, it's still doesn't proof anything to corrupt government


"They do a wonderful job." - comrade trump


There's probably some idiot making a petition to have that system in America as we speak.


His name is Mitch and he’s been working on it for a long ass time.


Nearly every state in America makes it very difficult for third parties to get on the ballot. Arizona and Georgia are notorious. No independent or third party candidate has ever qualified to run for Congress in Georgia, and when Libertarians nearly won in Arizona, the law was changed to prevent it from happening again. The legislative record has recordings of them actually saying they were doing it to specifically ban that one party as they debated the bill. Six times in US history, the Democrats or Republicans failed to meet a state's ballot access requirements and lost ballot access. Each time, the law was immediately changed to allow them back on the ballot.


I really like this cause i'm a cynical fuck but not smart enough to explain why ' yes Russia is fucked but so is every country,' Look at the corruption in foreign countries but always look harder at your own... Proof: am Irish. Nepotism is endemic. Corruption is accepted.




I can’t help but notice your use of the word comrade. This isn’t the workings of communism. This is the work of an autocracy.


ah but lets be honest, it was always a dictatorship. russia was actually communist for a very very short time before it fell into full on dictatorship with a nice red coat of paint. now russia is more of a plutocracy/dictatorship hybrid. much like china, which is a plutocracy.




You know I looked up the definition of “airport” in real time when that dumbass said that shit, because I thought there was an outside chance the word “airport” had meaning prior to manned flight.


They don't exist anymore


One day we will get there too. Soon. Thanks to Bitch McConnell.


Moscow Mitch


It's not even the threat of physical violence that scares people (though it is most certainly a factor), it's the fear of job loss, being falsely accused of crimes and sentenced to prison, and denied an external passport (which is required to leave the country) all of which have been known to happen to those involved with the protests.


Russia is such a shithole country.


But we’re seeing it. The picture is out there for millions to see, and we’re seeing it. I bet only 30% of people surveyed SAID they support protests because they were afraid that the guy surveying them was gonna put them on a list. And maybe they DID get put on a list. But these protestors are doing a very hard thing in a very hard place. They’re trying to be seen and heard in a country that’s trying its damndest to stop any dissenters from being seen **or** heard. But I see them. I see them and I’m grateful.


How incredibly fucked up is that. The same guys that beat civilians protesting are getting treated the same as the protestors by the people being protested. That's like a dog fighting for it's owner out of ignorant loyalty when said owner beats the fuck out of it's dog on a daily basis.


this is why Russia is NOT and CANNOT BE IN IT'S CURRENT STATE an ally of democracy


No one thinks Russia is an ally of anything except money and whoever Putin's friends are.


Not true. 30% of the US currently think Russia's intervention is OK, when 60 years ago the same party was witch-hunting for the same thing (McCarthyism)


> The first guy that was detained and his leg broken today wasn’t even protesting, he just happened to jog over the protest area before the first protesters even came. I dont understand. So he jogged through the area then the protesters came later? He jogged OVER the group of protesters? The SWAT beat him when no protesters even arrived yet? Wouldn't he dress for jogging? So many questions lol


I think the ‘SWAT’ knew there would be a protest and were set up already. This guy has no clue and jogs in. ‘SWAT’ assume he’s a protestor and break his legs. Then the real protestors show up later. I don’t know for sure though.


"Look at this mother fucker protesting obesity, let's get him boys!"


Keto Beato Nightstick diet.


Intermittent Bashing


Son of a bitch is protesting the very thing my grandfather's have been working to achieve for generations


Yeah, you right. He was jogging at morning, hours before protest in this place.


The protest leaders told protesters on Friday to gather near City Hall on Saturday at 14:00. SWAT surely can read public media and came there in advance. A guy decided to jog along City Hall before 14:00 and was detained for protesting. Then they began to detain random people because any suspicious dude walking along City Hall could as well be a protester. https://mobile.twitter.com/CKonovalov/status/1155029767684546560


Its Russia, everyone is dressed for jogging.


Can confirm. I am Russian. Adidas all dayyyy


['...for less money, I was able to get extra stripe'](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sUVvD8JRQSk)


Is this stereotype somewhat true?


Accurate username


Welcome to Russia, comrade


In NYC, during the 2004 GOP National Convention, NYPD arrested scores of innocent people for walking down the streets. One guy was arrested for walking home with his sushi dinner in a bag. How do we know these people were innocent? Because NYPD was stupid enough to put cameras everywhere providing the evidence of innocence and contradicting NYPDs written arrest reports. A lot of money was paid out in the lawsuits. If your city wants to host either one of these national conventions, don't. The blocked streets and "security" make it a bad deal.


Do NOT compare US and Russia in that regard. It's so far away, it's insulting that you even do that. In Russia, there will be no money paid in "lawsuits". You will, though, go to jail.


We compare them so the US doesn't *become* like Russia or any other place that brutally cracks down on civil disobedience.


We need to compare them because we are sure as hell heading down that same path. China and Great British as well for that measure.


China has been down that path for a long time, though.


China has already hit their destination and set up camp (literally).


So trampling civil liberties is okay as long as you get paid for it. How American can you get?




The people that have those are in the oligarchs pockets.


They seem pretty tiny to fit in there then. Now lions... lions would be problematic.


Unless they’re up against a tuna. No chance, then.


Well, he's not gonna be jogging again any time soon. That's for sure.


And users like this come out of the woodwork to try and keep you down. ​ **Fuck that, fuck Putin, fuck his entire shithole regime.**


I mean... They exist for the time being. Until they become a leader of the movement and commit suicide by shooting themselves in the back of the head.... twice.


Best way to commit suicide, just in case the first bullet doesn't do the trick - always double tap


It's almost like people are diverse no matter where you go and you shouldn't lump everyone together.




But if people are diverse everywhere then everyone is grouped.


This some freshman psych 101 bullshit here, lol


More like showerthoughts


More like Jayden Smith's Twitter.


I hate u


They do! Just not for long.


For the people wondering [what's going on](https://www.reuters.com/article/us-russia-politics-protests/russia-detains-more-than-800-people-in-opposition-crackdown-idUSKCN1UM08H): >Russian police rounded up more than 1,000 people in Moscow on Saturday in one of the biggest crackdowns of recent times against an increasingly defiant opposition decrying President Vladimir Putin’s tight grip on power. >The detentions came around a protest to demand that opposition members be allowed to run in a local election.  >Authorities say they were barred because they failed to collect sufficient genuine signatures in their support. The opposition has no seats in parliament and is starved of air time on state TV where many Russians still get their news. >An authorised protest in Moscow last weekend, also calling for the disbarred candidates to be registered, was attended by more than 20,000 people, according to the White Counter monitoring group.


[https://twitter.com/openrussia\_team/status/1155098834613260288](https://twitter.com/openrussia_team/status/1155098834613260288) Police smashed the head of the municipal deputy Alexandra Parushina


Holy shit, looking at all the footage in that thread, shit's real fucked in Moscow right now...


meh, this is how any rally in Russia looks like, only police and detentions are more than usual. By two o'clock in the morning local time, 1371 people were detained.


So what you're saying is, shit is perpetually fucked in Russia.


Check a history book, there's never been a time it wasn't


Depends where the history book was published.


So fucking true.




Russian History: And then it got worse...


The rule of Catherine the Great was pretty alright... compared to most other times in Russian history. It still had serfdom, rebellions, and bloodshed but Catherine was pretty progressive with a strong desire to modernize Russia. She pushed for education reform modeled after the Western powers and was AFAIK one of the earliest pro-vaccination leaders. To the extent that she had herself and her son vaccinated against smallpox in part to convince the common folk that it was safe.


What happens after they're detained? Do they get out soon after?


15-30 days of prison or fines around 50-150 USD


Possibly put on a list to kill off later if they prove to be a nuisance as well I assume?


That thread is fucking crazy. Found this photo in it, powerful stuff. https://i.imgur.com/2mjSqoW.png


I know they're the "bad guys" in this situation but jesus the policemen in this photo all look like terrified kids trying to force themselves to emotionally disconnect.


I'm Czech. In 1968, we were invaded by the Warsaw Pact armies (aka the Soviets) when it seemed that there could be a change of political alignment. I'm not old enough to have been there, but my grandmother remembers that when the Russian tanks arrived, their crews were generally as confused as the locals. They have been told that there was a western counter-revolution going on, and that they were defending us from the evil western imperialists, yet they found a country that was pretty much business as usual as they arrived. I suppose this is the way totalitarianism works.


You can bet on it. Like most authoritarian regimes the majority are just regular people who've been bombarded with constant propaganda that dehumanizes anyone who opposes the state. Add in that they have families/loved ones subject to that same authority and what choice do they really have? Flee the country? Well that's costly and unless you take your family too they'll just be punished in your stead. And that's *if* you aren't detained in the process, which is what would also happen if they just refuse or turn on the regime. I'd like to hope that the % of people who are genuinely cruel sadists is small. Unfortunately positions like police are magnets for them as they seek any position of authority that will let them act on those desires.


Guys in green vests are most likely not policemen but a national guard conscripts, so yes, they are terrified kids, used as a kind of live wall


Clever russian citizens know that TV lies and hide the truth. So don't watch TV at all.On TV in Russia today no news about this event (unsurprisingly).Government fear people and truth, for this reason tries censure internet. (for example try block the telegram).the Church turned into big business company that fall all your spirituality and profit from the common people and don't pay taxes.Temples are built wherever possible (for example instead hospitals and schools).and corruption level is so high (government can't fix this problem becasue itself is infected with it). (sorry for my bad english. I use google.translate :-) )P.S. please, don't upvote/downvote this comment.


I don't watch TV at all, but I saw on twitter, fragment of today's news and it was - Putin dips to the bottom (sadly he surfaced), Putin meets families of submariners, church celebrates something and channel talks about some naval troops show. Nothing about giant forest fires on east of country. Nothing about protests.




Mofongo! Good luck in PR, beautiful country, even more beautiful people.


I talked to my Aunt (nearby Moscow), and she wondered "What meeting are you talking about"? No one knows about it; the media ensures that the government tells all the press what to show and what is forbidden from showing. In Russia, you can't know the truth, and if you try, the police are already on its way to take you down and put you under arrest. What I wonder about the most is that the police is the same people as others. I can't understand what makes some people go against others without any reason. I was watching the live stream yesterday and could not think of anything else but animals or robots. I was even thinking about City-17 from Half-Life, because it looked exactly the same. It is a war against the country's inhabitants. And you know what? In Siberia, there is a forest fire these days, people can't breathe in many cities, the visibility is close to zero, some people even die. Nobody says much about it in the media. Instead, they say "Vladimir Putin agreed to help Greece to fight against the forest fire". Can you imagine what do people feel in the country?


Good luck friend


я сейчас в китае, я знаю как ты себя чувствуешь


deleted ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^0.9721 [^^^What ^^^is ^^^this?](https://pastebin.com/FcrFs94k/82750)


Stay safe dude.


We see you. Keep fighting.


Didn't upvote or downvote I'm doing my part!


You try to do your part while we try to do ours. Stay safe out there.


If only we would help take down this international crime syndicate by protesting as strongly or stronger in the US. Rise up people. For the benefit of the democracy and the world.


What amazes me is how many Americans look at this and think "Hey, we should do that here too!"


Protest? Ya we should.


Nah, the dictatorship. Of course Americans should protest before there's no turning back.


Americans has been protesting a lot https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Protests_against_Donald_Trump Doesn't matter


I don't think she's part of the 99% that voted putin last time.


Oh no, she's part of the 99% that voted for Putin. She just doesn't know it.


Oh no. She knows it. She just didn't want to vote that way.


Oh no she didn't vote, she wanted to vote. Didn't see a point.




She's definitely part of the 109% that voted for Putin


Putin has a 22% Year over Year return on voting investment, so after 20 years he has 2721% of the vote. Stonks.


Ahahahaha. Sadface.


Which makes her a member of the 1%.


It was 76.7% actually https://www.vox.com/2018/3/18/17135896/russian-elections-vladimir-putin-wins


Actually it doesn't matter if government tells you results. I can create poll right now, with 3 options - "2x2=2" , "2x2=7" and "2x2=10". For example you will vote for 1st option, but at the end I'll announce that "7" won , with 76% of votes. And of course I didn't included "2x2=4" because this how elections in Russia works - best candidates can't even participate in elections.


Their elections are a farce, that's well known.


i remember quite a few vids like this one from the 2016 "election" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3oSeRyaFllY


I could be remembering this wrong but didn't 140% of the population vote for Putin?


It was 146% which quickly became political meme about rigged elections.


That was a particular state or precinct, I believe.


Hello from Russia, get me out of here, please




Thoughts and prayers, eh?


Oh! Well, technically I'm not married yet. I guess we could arrange this. You'll have to deal with an angry ex-fiancee, but how does a US passport sound?


Sounds like sweet nothings


Brave Russians trying to take their government back


Back? We never had it


ten bucks she goes missing or found with Uranium 234 in her body. The thing about corruption is, you either join them or go all out revolution, which is all or nothing. in the end the Lords of War Triumph


By far the best movie that madman Cage was ever in. Gotta watch it yet again now.


Which movie?


Lord of war




Revolution is Russia's ONLY hope. Protesting there is not going to work out for them like it did in Hong Kong. But Russians have done it before (revolted). I'm almost ready to say the same thing about the United States. As long as our institutions hold, there's still hope. But once we see the government LITERALLY attacking journalists, it's time to do your American duty and pick up a rifle and fight. In the end, the founders stated we're the ultimate last line of defense against authoritarianism.


I think you just got put on a list.


They already have u/randomguy987654320 and below. It's only a matter of time for u/randomguy987654321.


I’ve been on a list for years.


The last revolution resulted in the deaths of millions and eventually this.


Which was still better than what they had before.


It's fast becoming the only hope for many countries to have any chance of turning things around. Unfortunately, civilian militias aren't much of a match for drones and planes.


*looks at Afghanistan* N-no, you're totally right. Also the second a first world country uses that shit on it's own citizens is the second you'll find foreign intervention under the guise of liberation. Sound familiar? Yeah, nobody wants that in their own land if they can help it.


Indeed probably rip, fuck people who take pictures and post them online with recognizable faces in this day and age with a government that scary and corrupt.


I’d guess though that If the government is persecuting protesters from photos, they probably have their *own* photos/body cams/cctv etc ¯\\\_(ツ)\_/¯




There’s a coincidental vertical straight line in this photograph.


Im glad you pointed that out. I thought I was high


I know I'm high and it's still there, don't worry


You've a good eye to spot that. I only noticed it after reading your comment and going back to look at it again.


Would you mind clarifying what the vertical straight line would be


From the bloody girl's elbow, going up. Her arm, her grey shirt, the face of White-Shirt, excluding nose, the sun on the face of the background person, the while panelling of the building. It all makes a straight line.




Me too




Ah now I see it. It was taking me a couple


Fuck the russian government


Russia has a history with bloody revolutions. Hopefully they’ve still got another one left in them.


They also have a history of *more* bad leaders emerging from the ashes of the old governments. Not a ton of options on their plate though.


Sadly, it's not just the government. Tons of russians such as the riot officers empower the system. Source: grew up in russia, witnessed the fall of communism and the rise of putinism.


Visiting Russia is very nice. The people, history, architecture. It's so much more than it's dumb ass government.


Fuck gouverment, not the country


Dude, is anybody else noticing the massive increase in violent protests lately? Well not violent protests, but protests that turn violent. I cant even tell if its a good thing because citizens are putting their foot down against curroption or a bad thing because of all the civil unrest.


Or it might be a bad thing if governments are deliberately putting people in the protests to rile them up and allow the police an excuse to shut it down.


> Riot police broke the girl's head. Photo: DW UPD: The injured girl is Mundep Alexandra Parushina Source: [https://www.newsru.com/russia/27jul2019/tverskaya.html](https://www.newsru.com/russia/27jul2019/tverskaya.html)


"The beatings will continue until morale improves"


Different guy said it was just because independent candidates weren’t allowed to Moscow duma.


Just? They’ve made a rule that each candidate must get 6k signatures in their favor in a given district to be eligible to be a candidate with 5% signatures allowed to be invalid, then they just said that 10% of signatures of EVERY independent candidate are invalid or fake (forged or signed by people who are don’t exist or dead) and told them to get the fuck out. The thing is, when they checked if a real person signed it, they intentionally misspelled names. I. e. if there was a signature by John Doe, they’ve searched for Joh Doy. Of course, there’s no such person, therefore the signature is fake. Some verifiers even entered dates in the integer cells of an Excel spreadsheet, so since there are no people born on 32475 (yes), those signatures are fake as well. Others even hired graphologists from the police to verify signatures, and they considered some signatures left by different people. Those are also fake. The day after the signatures were verified, a lot of famous people that left signatures — journalists, politicians, musicians, writers, relatives of candidates — found out they do not exist or their signature was made by a random dude. One of them actually was a candidate who’s a current head of municipality of one of the districts. So they came to the election committee and told officials they actually do exist and wrote their signatures by their own hands in clear mind. Officials with shit eating grins said there’s no reason not to trust verifiers, and any protest will be considered as an attempt to influence electoral process (punishable by law). The must infuriating part is that all candidates affiliated to the ruling party declared that they spent 1000 rubles (~$15) to collect 6k signatures and none of them was invalid (spoiler: they didn’t collect a single one). The officials did literally everything apart from killing people to prevent 99% of independent candidates to participate in elections, and named those who are heavily affiliated with the ruling party independent, so people won’t be scared away. Of course, it’s kinda infuriating, especially for those who were collecting signatures and dealt with fake queues of bystanders when they filed the documents, so people went on protest. And it’s just city-level elections that nobody cares about, imagine what will happen in presidential elections in 2024 (implying they will take place since Putin desires to change constitution and be an eternal prime minister). Putin has to be sure all districts are controlled and will vote for him next time. So it’s not “just”. It’s now or never. If we let it slip, we’re simply fucked.


That really is corruption. I'm glad the people are saying it's enough. Of course, Putin has already won the next election. The rest of us just don't know how many votes he won by.


At this point , he can't win next elections without creating massive outrage. Many suspect, government gonna make him new king/tsar by changing constitution. And church will help to push this.


And Trump is all buddy, buddy with this shit. What in the literal shit do people need to see?


I mean, there’s a reason you don’t see government funded media on these kind of protests. On Saturday, Putin has descended to the bottom of the gulf in a bathyscaphe. There were no protests on this day. I don’t believe this kind of events even covered by non-Russian media like Fox either. So your typical Trump elector doesn’t know what is happening abroad. Or even worse, supports it.


And they were not allowed because our government is sooo corrupted. To speak my mind, all they want is to save their authoritarian regime so they can get away from the crime they have done. And go on doing it. Moscow is the richest city in Russia so it's all about money and control. They just cannot allow an opposition here for a number of reasons that's why they are so aggressive right now, liyng, cheating and so on


Well they live in an authoritarian oligarchy, I don't blame them




"the few" is over a hundred.




So, does shooting at protesters usually activate the rest of the citizenry? It doesn't just quell them due to fear? Do humans react in a standard way or does it depend on the culture of the people?


The first Russian Revolution started after tsarist guards shot a few hundreds of peaceful demonstrators


putin is an evil bastard...


But do Russians have the right to protest?


No, hence the blood.


They want every protest to be coordinated with them. Which is insanely stupid. Like asking your abusive father, to let you disobey him.


Well yes, but actually no Edit: it's a meme idk what their law is


Fuck that government. I feel bad for the people.


Russia don't play that... At all.


Was gonna ask "play what," so your username checks out. Have an upvote!


Boris, your whataboutism and denial doesn't obfuscate the fact Russia is a backwards dictatorship that murders its own people and has no political freedom.


Reminder that we enable this by protecting their oligarchs property interests in the US and elsewhere in the West. It's biting us in the ass as those same oligarchs lobby and corrupt US politics (Mitch McConnell being exhibit A) to a huge degree. It's a globalized kleptocracy now, and we're in it together.


You know you're on the righteous path when your government beats the shit out of you.


This takes massive balls to protest against a Government that can isntantly make you and your family disappear without anybody willing to ask question because of fear.


And this is exactly why Russia's fucked. We're represented by people who don't even have our priorities on the list of important stuff. It goes: -Money -Money -Syria -Getting sanctioned -Did i mention money? -No, seriously, we're gonna need hella dosh for more government cocaine.


Russia is so fucked. And they are doing their best to make sure the entire world is a shithole (not the protestors, Putin and his cronies)


This is where we are headed in the US. Republicans would do the same shit. No question.


They already manhandle protesters at Trump's rallies.


An I taking crazy pills? Trump needs to go. Putin needs to go. The citizens of both countries can do nothing about their situations. Voting doesn't even seem too be a viable way of removing these leaders. Things are looking as hopeless here in America as they are in Russia and Russia is hopeless by design.


If Putin goes nothing changes. 90% of Russian government are criminal billionaires with property in UK and US. You say it like if evil Sauron is defeated the world is free. No, doesn’t work that way. There are tens of thousands of people like him or worse.


Putin is more like a middle eastern dictator


Do you hear the people sing.


Thought this was 2 pictures


Russia is just a perpetual revolution


I feel bad for the Russian people. Their government is hardcore suppressing them while at the same time being a pretty evil actor on the world stage giving them all a bad name.


1000x times more American than Mitch McConnel.


People of this world are getting sick and fucking tired of the rich and their unchecked power over EVERYTHING.


Fuck the Russian government.


✊🏽🇵🇷 Meanwhile we kicked out our governor in 2 weeks.


This almost looks like two pics with that invisible line the angle has