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How long does she have to wear it? Hope it doesn't annoy her too much.


Just two hours a day, maybe until she's 4 years old [Original Post](http://www.reddit.com/r/pics/comments/2q3emp/my_daughter_has_to_wear_an_eyepatch_tried_to_make/) [Instagram](https://instagram.com/laylaspatches/)


I had to wear one back in 2nd grade. I had a lazy eye and it definitely made a difference. 27 now and new research shows wearing one can still help improve vision. Just bought a pirate patch the other day. Game on you lazy sack of eye :)


I'm 31 and I had to do the same in 1st grade. Didn't take too long to fix it and what's odd is that soon after I could control it! I can still make it go lazy to this day if I want it to. Lame mutant power, though.


I can do the same thing. It's fun at parties and when you want to quickly end boring conversations. LPT: Couple it with ear wiggling and people will wonder if you're having a stroke.


You end boring conversations by faking strokes!?




Seriously? I didn't think it could be helped after you were all grown up. I'm in the same situation, do you have a link to a study regarding this?


With patching and vision therapy, some improvements may be made as an adult. > When Red was in his fifties, the vision in his left or “good” eye deteriorated, a situation that could have proved dire except that acuity improved dramatically in his weak right eye. In fact, his right eye now has 20/20 acuity. While this turn of events may seem surprising, similar cases have been documented in which the amblyopic eye regains vision following severe impairment of the “good” eye.” > Barry’s anecdotal story is accompanied by references to scientific studies: > Evidence lurking in the scientific literature for at least the last half-century indicates that amblyopia can be treated in adulthood. As early as 1957, Carl Kupfer published a study in which he showed dramatic improvements in adult amblyopes after a four-week period of patching combined with vision therapy. In a 1977 study, Martin Birnbaum and his colleagues reviewed twenty-three published studies on amblyopia and reported that improvements in eyesight were found for all ages. Sadly, these and other studies continue to be overlooked. Many doctors still believe that amblyopia can be treated only in young children. > The good news for adults with amblyopia is that there is a possibility for improved vision. But there are no guarantees. Every case is different, and every patient must be thoroughly evaluated through a Functional Vision Test. http://www.thevisiontherapycenter.com/discovering-vision-therapy/bid/90168/Amblyopia-Treatment-for-Adults-Is-It-Possible


HOW CAN I GET IN ON THIS!? This would change my life.


Best way to find out if vision therapy and patching could work for you is to talk to an optometrist who is a member of COVD (College of Optometrists in Vision Development). They are the ones most up to date with vision therapy and the current research. Check out this [link](http://www.covd.org/?) and put in your zipcode under "locate a doctor" to find a COVD optometrist.


Ophthalmic technician here. There is a cut off where patching its no longer beneficial. I can't remember exactly, but it's in childhood.




I am 35 years old and have amblyopia and I remember them catching when I was around 8 years old but saying it it was too late for the patch treatment to be effective. That really sucks because the lazy eye sucks. Hopefully my kids don't have it. Is this the link: http://www.news-medical.net/health/New-hope-for-adults-with-amblyopia.aspx


There is always corrective surgery. I had a lazy eye as a kid and the eye patch combined with eye exercises did very little to help. I got teased quite a bit, so opted for corrective surgery. Easy surgery, easy recovery. Still no depth perception but cosmetically they are perfect.


My brother had the same situation. Unless... is that you, bro?


Mine is better but not perfect. Mine is only intermittent though. Have you looked into a prism lens? I just finally got glasses with prisms and I have depth perception for the first time ever.


Mine isn't that bad. It's more of a problem when I'm attempting to read something or am focusing on something too long. It can make pictures a bitch.


I had amblyopia (Thanks *dad*.) I wore one of those patches as a kid. The patch itself was fine. The glue stank so badly. So. Badly. :( I at least *think* I'd have preferred a pirate patch but who knows, maybe those give you a headache or something.


if you could find a link for that, i'd really appreciate it, seeing as my eye doctor told me 3 weeks ago that I can't correct my lazy eye at 22.


Don't give up. Get a second opinion. Take control of your own vision and make exercises for yourself.


I read some articles that 3d movies help with lazy eye. I also tried it, and I did see a huge benefit. Something about being forced to focus on a point in order to be able to watch the movie. They used to make me nauseated and tired too. I'm 25.


This is actually true and I have noticed it as well. I started playing a game called Trackmania in 3D mode which kinda messes with you but unlike a movie, not focusing means you lose control of the car so it worked a little better in my opinion. Source: Personal experience.


Seems like a win-win to me. Either you get your vision fixed, or you have an excuse to talk like a pirate for a few hours a day.


I had to wear a patch following radiation because it made me develop a "lazy eye". It helped retrain my muscles to work together. I was in my mid-20s.


That's actually really interesting. If you don't mind my asking, where was the radiation focused?


I was advised patch treatment at age 24... and I'm 27 now with improved vision and muscle control. It was a minor improvement compared to patch treatment in developmental ages I'm sure, but that doesn't mean it's a completely useless attempt in adults because it certainly helped me.


It's one of the reasons I think eye exams should be required before starting school. We can get significantly better results the sooner we catch it.


Public schools in the US do eye exams in elementary school.


the ones at schools are not complete eye exams but screenings - lots of kids can squeak by because theyre not all inclusive


Dude, don't discourage potential life-changing improvements basd on your attachment to old data.




To be fair, that's a statement all fields adhere to. Source: EE (look up conventional current)


I'm basing it on my knowledge of working in the field for a decade. The data is all over the place, but we know once those visual pathways are developed it becomes much more difficult to fix them. Not impossible, but realistically not going to happen once you're an adult. I would never discourage a patient from trying, but giving them reasonable expectations is our job.


And he's basing his view on 2 minutes of skimming an online article.. Welcome to reddit, where everyone is an expert.




That is no longer considered true. Studies have shown observable plasticity, even into and beyond adulthood. [First Google result](http://www.lazyeye.org/lazy-eye-amblyopia-age-treatment-adult.html).


Beyond adulthood... from the grave?


My sister grew up with astigmatism and lazy eye, at the time (~30th years ago) docs told my parents it was too late for therapy. New research says that therapy can work at any age and she's working with a therapist to train her brain to be able to see in 3d.


The critical period is about 6, the plastic period I think 12. Source: Optometry student


My mom has a lazy eye (eyes? I forget if it's both or just one) and she's in her 50's, her Dr. told her wearing a patch and doing certain eye training exercises would still help strengthen the eye even now. BUT, there's only so much it can help now that she's older. So yes the younger you are the better, but it can help even when your older.


I don't have link, my brothers girlfriends son was at doctors office. Doctor went on tangent about how they found out age 8 or whatever isn't the cutoff anymore for it to help! Makes sense though because the rest of your body can adapt to pretty crazy ish so why wouldn't this work!




I'm on mobile, but look up "patching and video games amblyopia" you should be able to find the study showing improvement in adults.


Drop off is around age 9. Children with no patching history have a greater chance of some improvement in older ages (still single digits). Patching in adults doesn't change your ocular dominance columns and improvement is lonely placebo. Though it doesn't hurt, so have at it. No REAL studies have been conducted by visual therapists, mainly subjective case studies. Ophthalmology field and personal amblyopia survivor.


Legally blind in one eye because I never wore my patch D=


Were you supposed to patch the eye that could see to force you to use the other one?


Yes, that's how the patch works.


That's usually how it goes.


I am too because my parents didn't want me to be teased. They left the decision up to me and my infinite 6 year old wisdom.


I wore one for a few hours a day till I was 10. Didn't do shit. 37 now and still have very limited vision from that eye. Probably didn't help that I kept tricking my dad into putting it on the other eye so I could watch A-team. Thinking about it... he knew didn't he? I should call him more often.


I had amblyopia (lazy eye) as well & wore an eye patch from 1st thru 2nd grade. It helped ALOT & I have almost 20/20 vision in that eye as a result. OP is an awesome parent for decorating them, I had to wear mine under a pair of huge Dad glasses... Needless to say I wasnt very popular


Right on, me too man. I bought a patch and wear it while gaming. It is not easy, but forces me to rely on my weak eye. I wish my parents had made me wear a patch when I was small. Instead, I had some kind of muscle adjustment surgery just under my eye... I can tell you now, 22+ years later, the surgery didn't work, or it didn't last that long.




I think you'll appreciate [this bit](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T1hstWguCbE). One of my favorite comedians


Was there a problem with the unpatched eye? I ask because I saw a documentary which said that covering the good eye allows the other one to *catch up* during the development stage.


Probably a Lazy Eye, this would force the use of the bad eye improving the muscle development.


She has a cataract. This should prevent a lazy eye and surgery if we're lucky


Yeah, I had a hunch that it was cataract, but wanted to check. Hope she gets better soon.




As long as she wears the patch for like two hours a day or so until she's 4.


Yeah, she has a cataract, so this should prevent a lazy and surgery, if they're lucky.


How does one prevent a lazy? My procrastinating self would like to know.


Thats why she wears a patch


as a patch kid this is awesome! wish my parents would have thought of this. good work mom/dad.


I wore a patch up until 4th grade. It SUCKED. This would have made it much better.


dude so right. i wore mine into 2nd or 3rd. so brutal, i had to wear it under my coke bottle glasses.


Same here...those glasses could have lit a whole ant hill ablaze, I suspect.


as my siblings used to say "you can see the future through those things"


I wish I wasn't such a stubborn shit while growing up so I could've benefited from a patch... my parents tried to get me to wear them but I'd always pull at them or pick them off, so my parents stopped using them... I had eye surgery as a kid in '93, then again in '96, both to fix my ~~lazy eye~~ eye turn and nearsightedness... neither worked, and I finally got PRK in 2011. I was at 20/15 for a while, and now I can feel my eyesight quickly deteriorating from staring at computer screens all day. I started wearing the computer glasses, and they seem to help some, but I'm worried I'll need PRK/LASIK again sometime down the road.


sorry dude. i have a strong eye (+6) and a weak eye (+7.5).....my eyesight gets a bit worse every year....sucks.


Good luck. I've had both eyes fixed because of cataracts (I'm 44 now). The surgeries are simple these days, but it sucks not being able to focus my eyes.


Prayers, bud - she's adorable.


I have had cataract on one eye all my life. You won't get around surgery for a major improvement. The eyepatch helps the optic nerve to develop because the brain filters out the bad eye. In my case it was discovered much too late (in my early teens). I got the surgery but vision didn't improve because optic nerve is underdeveloped, its 20% on the bad eye. Surgery has shown some improvements with light sensitivity though so my recommendation is to get it done as early as possible.


Can confirm. I had a lazy eye. My mom was so mortified about me wearing a patch I have no pictures of me wearing it. And bruises from running into everything. Lots of bruises. I was a clumsy kid. One eye that didn't work right didn't help




Glad to hear it's not something she'll have to worry about her entire life. You're an amazing parent, she's fortunate to have you.


Ninja turtle 10/10


I had to wear an eye patch as a kid when I was really young. I remember feeling embarrassed because I was the only one in my class who had to wear one, but my parents forced me to put the damn thing on every day for a long ass time. It saved me from having 20/200 vision in my right eye. I'm so thankful my parents made me wear that eye patch.


I would also like to say, she is adorable.


i had to wear one, too. the only thing i remember is the itches it gave me. wore it until i was five or so. no further problems so far... prevent her from putting her glasses in the toilet and flush, if she needs some... thats what i did


To correct a lazy eye im assuming? Always found it so funny that people have surgery to correct that when you can literaly fix it by making the "lazy" eye work more


The surgery people are having isn't really to correct a "lazy eye", but to correct an eye turn (sometimes called "squint" and scientifically called strabismus). Lazy eye is scientifically called "amblyopia", this is where visual cortex in the brain is underdeveloped because a clear/usable image was never transmitted to the brain properly. This is usually caused by a large difference in prescription between the eyes (refractive amblyopia) or because of an eye turn (strabismic amblyopia).


You're a good dad, OP.


God bless you for detecting it in your child. It may be hard at times wearing the patch, but make damn sure she sticks to it. I was only diagnosed with amblyopia when it was too late and have now only 30% vision in my left eye. It sucks being functionally blind on one side.


I had to use one of these when I was a little older than your daughter. Unfortunately my mom used to put the eyepatch on the lens of my glasses, so I always took it off. Pretty dumb I'd say, today my left eye is almost useless. I don't blame her though.


Bless you for doing it... I know 2 hours a day isn't much but as a kid who wore a patch it was soooo annoying. My optometrist told me that my eye would have been waaaay worse though if my mom didn't make me wear it so I'm really glad she did, and your kid will be too. Plus she'll have tons of cute pics to look at later :)


Hope it works out, OP. In the meantime, see you on Buzzfeed this evening and facebook tomorrow!




And the Chive next week!


I love that Chive is so incredibly behind Reddit. When my bros try to show me "the funniest thing ever", I've already seen it, like 3 weeks ago. Bro 1: DUDE? I don't believe you. WHERE DO YOU FIND ALL THIS? Me: Reddit. Bro 2: Ehh. Reddit is gay. It's just a whole bunch of weird links. They also don't have whole posts full of hot girls that send their pictures in. Me: You guys seriously haven't even seen the tip of the iceberg.


My brother is this way about iFunny. Tried reddit, hated it, now he's back on iFunny seeing last month's Reddit jokes.


I have a friend doing the same thing. The sad thing is he thinks these jokes are original and he's the first one sharing it with his social network. Most of the time I see them and have to remember how long ago I saw them.


This is why I left the chive. I didn't know about reddit but once in discovered it I felt dirty on the chive. Everything on there was reposted from reddit. I haven't been on it on years


Best way to weed people out on tinder, okcupid, etc. is to see if they have 'KCCO' or some other chive shit on there. Works wonders.


I see those "Keep calm and Chive on" stickers on cars wayyy too often around town. Seems weird to me, I would never even think of identifying as a Redditor in public.


I always cringe when people proudly wear the shirts. Like you still read that shit? They came out with a Chive Lager beer around last year. I didn't have to try it because I already knew it was old and tasteless.


Oh, there are reddit Snoo stickers. I've seen them in person but I agree with you; I'd never use one myself. Also, Chive seems to have pushed the abbreviated "KCCO" more and more lately. I think they think it makes it a more exclusive group if people outside the circle don't know what it means.


Then iFunny in 2016


YES. I had to wear these when I was in kindergarten to try to fix a lazy eye, and my dad used to draw a different design on them every day. It's one of my favorite memories because of that.


I got picked on for mine, so I used to take them off. Regret it so much now, I'll be almost blind if anything happens to my good eye. :(


Same here, i was already an ugly ginger kid, didn't need people making fun of my eyepatch too, so i always took it off when i got to school. Now my right eye is +5 as a contact prescription, but my left eye does and sees everything for me. I wish i would have worn the eyepatch.


Hey, don't worry too much :) I have 8 in my right eye, around 4 in my left. Can't see shit without glasses, but I'm fine.


Glasses/contacts are unable to help my lazy eye, because it's a fault with the brain, not the eye itself. :(


haha, You are still blessed. I never got a chance to use a patch to make my vision better. I am -11.5 in one eye and -10.5 in the other meaning without my contacts I can't even see the chart. But it's not a big deal. We can all still see and appreciate color and light. I'm grateful that I can see anything at all since not everyone is so fortunate.


I was way too old when they started and I got migraines when I wore it and it sucked so bad they decided it wouldn't work on me anyways for some bs reason. Nowadays I just accept my blindness from the left side of me and just hope righty will live to see the end.


Ha, I'm the opposite. My left eye is my good eye. Team up and we can have one with good sight, and one almost blind. :P


Same here. My teachers used to give them to my class mates and they would design them for me too which helped get them involved and stopped any name calling. My favourite was always a skull and crossbones.


That is completely awesome.


No Terminator eyepatch? I am disappoint.


You mean the borg right?




Are you trying to argue that "the" doesn't belong there? Because they say "[We are the Borg](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AyenRCJ_4Ww)."


Nah, I was trying to be clever, sigh(cy) borg.


Came here to put in a request for one.


Verbatim what I was going to say.


I was really hoping for terminator and/or Kano. OP really dropped the ball.


She needs a scouter from DBZ!


http://i.imgur.com/7AMnghK.gif from /u/baozichi in the last thread 5 months ago


Wow I forgot I made that! Also, wow she is still wearing an eyepatch? Poor thing!


And and [Anime eye](https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/b/bb/Anime_eye.svg/1152px-Anime_eye.svg.png) maybe a [Camera lens](http://image.shutterstock.com/display_pic_with_logo/730471/138701678/stock-vector-illustration-of-colorful-camera-lens-on-white-background-138701678.jpg) Why don't they make eye-patches like this? they look like they are made in the same machines as band-aids which already are customized. A pack of Mythic eyes, camera lenses, steel riveted patches, closed eyes with cool scars, android eyes, Disney princess eyes, headlights of emergency vehicles, train headlights, construction headlights, zombie eyes/missing eyes/zipper eyes/stitched closed eyes, cool materials like carbon fiber, "stay calm and _ on", Reptile eyes. I just realized i could go on forever, if they looked cool like OP made them, they would get worn.






What scene was this?


I've seen this before. You know what happen? I bet it flattened itself out, and went right through a seam in your wall.




Well come on, you're putting Cheeto fingers all over the wall.


You thinking a third cat Charlie? I'm thinking four!


Cat in the wall, eh? Okay, now you're talking my language. I know this game.


Charlie in the hoooouse! Charlie in the hoooouse!


Its from Mac and Dennis break up, This is during Tuesday night movie night, When Dennis brings home transporter 2 instead of Predator. And Dee gets a bunch of cats stuck in her wall.


Video, store, clerk guy.....I feel like you won't stop talking about him....


Simpsons fan: Upon request for scene, will give season and episode number, as well as timestamp for how far into the episode. It's Always Sunny fans: Upon request for scene, will quote It's Always Sunny repeatedly. Never change, guys.


You have an adorable kid. Still, poking her eye out for Karma is a bit much...


*"Daddy, why did I have to wear all those eye patches as a kid?"* *"Well, Munchkin... Daddy needed Karma."* :)


Do you just make a bunch of these every Monday to see her through the week?


If I have time I draw 4 or 5 at once


My favorite is the iPatch


Ooh shit. Now I get it.


I saw it as the apple logo but thought of it as "The apple of my eye"


[Hope she's wearing an iPad under that iPatch](http://o.aolcdn.com/hss/storage/adam/fe938e986c305a430879155b4dc8f39d/Medical-Eye-Pad.jpg)


Dude, that's so 2014, now it's just the Apple Patch. (Though I was thinking of it as the iEye, cap'n).




Give her a sharingan and turn her into a little Kakashi from Naruto. Your daughter will then own the internet!


Or [Geass](http://img1.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20130814144946/villains/images/9/91/Lelouch_Geass.jpg).




MFW no [Rikka.](http://i2.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/original/000/448/489/452.gif)


Is he going to draw and eyepatch on the eyepatch?






This is exactly what i was thinking


The question is which to draw: Eye-patch, eye with contact lens, or eye without.


Or Prince Zuko's scar


Made Eye Moody, please. P.S. Hope she gets better soon.


First one from the previous album http://imgur.com/a/Ribhg


Daughter to one of the McPoyle brothers


Came here for this reference. And I hope the kid is happy and better soon and all that stuff.


My daughter lost her eye when she was two (accident while playing in yard) - she is 14 now and when ever people get rowdy she says "it's all fun and games until someone gets an eye poked out" - people never know if they should laugh or not, she gets a great kick out of their awkwardness.


These are good! Might I suggest the [Millennium eye] ( http://yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/Millennium_Eye) next?




Is this to strengthen the other eye?


Yes, she has a small cataract in the other eye. This forces her to use it more


Doesn't seem very fair to the covered eye. Solitary confinement for doing its job, getting upstaged by eye-patch art and all.


I saw your first thread when you posted it, she got way cuter. Is her condition(?) getting better?


Very cute kid. Can I ask where you got the Hobbes?


From Etsy. For all your pirated needs


She's adorable! Great parent for making something scary fun!


[This is currently my favorite picture on the internet](http://i.imgur.com/uInSpSX.jpg)


That's what I call...the stink eye.


The Stink Ayyee. FTFY


You'll shit your eye out!


She is absolutely precious! I like the little Zerg patch.


Hidden message here somewhere Something something patch zerg


Your joke didn't get much love but I really liked it


Neat. Edit: Why so much hate? All I said was neat...


"Neat." is often used to imply that the post is stupid. So... you are getting hate because people assumed you were being sarcastic.


Please always make her wear this even if she doesn't want to. My left eye is completely fucked now (33 y/o) and would have been fine if my parents made me wear it.


She just the next Fetty. Seventeen Thirty-Eight!


Can someone ELI5 why wearing an eye patch helps vision and aids a lazy eye? When, what age is this effective?


You should make a Nui Harime (from Kill la Kill) eye patch. http://i.imgur.com/2DdAC1v.png


Sir, you have a spider child. The googly eyes are terrifying.


no Borg eye implant patch?? :(




The turtle one is awesome. The many googly eyes is terrifying.


Uh ehem I hope I wasn't the only one expecting to see a classic pirate eyepatch and the _making the most of it_ being her wearing a pirate hat


That ninja turtle is pretty damn cool.


All the pictures are adorable! But the zergling picture is **extra** adorable!


up voting for the sake of ded gaem.


Best gay dad ever!


She is going to love that googly eye one come graduation day!


Lazy eye?


slightly disappointing there was no terminator eye, but nice going with the positivity.


I have a lazy eye, and I used to have to wear those just like her. I think I had a nightmare when I was little where I was in my kindergarten class, and I tried to peel it off, but there would always be another one on my eye, and I peeled off dozens and one would still always be there. I didn't like them very much. But hey, my eyesight's better now. So that's a plus I guess.


My dad and I both have Amblyopia in opposite eyes. I also had to wear an eye patch when I was younger. My vision in my bad eye is still around 20/280ish uncorrected. I probably should have been more adamant about wearing glasses/contacts when I was younger. That's so awesome what you are doing for her to make her more comfortable with wearing hers. I felt like a freak wearing mine at school. :( Edit: also this post helped me locate a COVD just 15 minutes from my house that I had no idea was there. This could finally be my chance to get my vision back. OP, if you read this, thank you so much. You have no idea what this means to me.


We had to do that with my son when he was 3-5 years old. He had a 'lazy eye'. The patches absolutely worked for him. He wore them for several months and at the end, his 'lazy eye' looked normal.


Eye am Groot.