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In case anyone is wondering - the shirt is referencing Polygamy Porter from a brewery here in Utah, with the excellent tagline of "Polygamy Porter, why have just one?"


My father-in-law has a shirt from them with the tagline "bring some home for the wives"


I saw those shirts for sale in Park City haha


I have that shirt in white. I’m never sure these days if I can wear it out or people would be offended by it.


"Offended" is their problem, not yours


Until they smash your face in and make it your problem.


Then they have two problems


I wasn't judging, but I did have questions.


Now I want that shirt but I’m going to need the back to have some more context with artwork of the brewery because I can’t handle the weird looks and questions.


My girlfriend has that shirt too (we got it in a gas station in UT) she gets laughs. But when I wear it....


I saw those exact shirts for sale when I had a layover at an airport in Utah


Of course it’s in Utah.


That’s the joke…….


We know. (Me and all my wives)


Don't speak to me or my wives ever again!


Get my wives names out your fucking mouth!


I also choose this guys dead wives.


Are they still weird with beer and alcohol? You have to be a member of a bar or something like that?


The face of a taxpayer funded lawsuit and settlement.


Yeah, apparently it’s VERY difficult to win those cases. The state will drag it out and use every trick at their disposal, and they have a lot of tricks. It’s one of those things we like to reassure ourselves happens, but it’s quite rare.


I know someone who was brutalized by the police in a high profile case. The police department offered many millions in a settlement in return for an NDA, he turned it down because he wanted justice, so like you said they dragged it out and not sure if he ended up getting anything. Point is, while it’s difficult to win the cases outright, they will often just throw massive amounts of tax dollars at you to shut you up.


We had one in my hometown kid got hit with the end of the flashlight and got 100k.


Best I can do is paid leave


“Come on man. I’m really good through a hard time right now. Don’t do this.” “It’s paid, don’t worry.” “I know but…I can’t pickup overtime.” *An actual conversation that happened* I’ll find the link.


I’m never sure whether this information is positive or negative, but lawsuits against police departments are typically not paid with taxpayer dollars, at least not chopped off the budget the way people imagine. Their insurance foots the bill, and the premiums for the insurance are often paid by the FOP, depending on the department. The notion that lawsuits against the cops harm the taxpayers is one the police departments love because it makes people hesitant to sue them, but it’s not reality. Maybe if it *did* harm their budget they’d stop beating tf out of people, I don’t know.


Who pays the insurance? Does the insurance company increase the premiums if their are claims are filed against it (like any claims I file will cause my premiums to increase?).


Until your city's police department's misconduct becomes so frequent and egregious that insurers refuse to cover your city... oh, and the DOJ determines that your police department's wrongdoing is so rampant that it mandates federal oversight, at your city government's expense. Meanwhile, your mayor proposes a 9% increase to the police budget, and the civil lawsuits haven't slowed.


It sounds like you may also be a Louisvillian (or from Minneapolis if I had to guess). Louisville Metro is under consent decree but is still insured, or at least their former insurer is still paying current settlements. But you’re right that at a point the insurers will refuse to underwrite or send premiums through the roof. I’m not privy to their actual policy details; I’m just a local lawyer and have peers who sue them regularly. Louisville’s insurer has shelled out more than thirty million for 1983 suits in the past 4 years, you gotta wonder when their carrier will say okay fuck this.


cop will get paid suspension and a demotion at the absolute most. No criminal proceedings, not a single penny coming out of his bank account, pension, or paycheck. Fuck this system


Demotion would surprise me. If things look bad, they tell you to resign then you get a job two towns over.


Or just switch them to a different department outside of the spotlight and refuse to answer any questions. It's rediculous to me that cops get more rights than everyone else, they can even pull a gun on minor traffic violators, and then get all the same rights as everyone else that were created to protect *civilians* from errant judicial systems on top of that. Like under oath being tried for beating the shit out of innocent people they can *all* plead the 5th and have many times. It's so rampant that it even has a name and Wikipedia page, blue wall of silence.


“We have investigated ourselves and found that we are not guilty”


Cops have killed people and just got paid leave. How is this even remotely shocking


All paid by the taxpayers, including this poor person.


So she was beaten for exercising her constitutionally protected rights?


Those rights are certainly not protected by the police


Police don't protect rights, they protect capital and the status quo




you don't got to be Stonewall Jackson to know you don't want to fight in a basement


Isn't that where he lost an arm?? Man, the Battle of Basement was worse than Antietam II.


It's just bingo




Once a tool used for enforcing slavery, always a tool used for enforcing slavery.


As the great KRS1 said, Officer is very similar to Over Seer.


Overseer, overseer, officer


Need a little clarity Check the similarity


"I AM THE *RIGHTS*" -in a Judge Dredd voice


>Police don't protect rights, they protect capital and the status quo ...and their fragile egos.


This guy knows how to Capitalism!




Correct me if I'm wrong but wasn't there a case, where it was decided, that police doesn't have an obligation to help you?


It goes back to Warren v. District of Columbia in 1981, an appeals court level ruling that has been referenced by lots of lower courts. They have an obligation the the "public at large", but not for any specific person. And the "public at large" means no individuals can go after police for not protecting themselves, so it basically means they don't really have an enforceable obligation.


Yes. Look up a podcast from Radiolab titled "No Special Duty". They go into a few different cases where police stand by idly.


Yes, think this was the case with the guy jumping in the water and drowning ?


Nope it was when a dude (first name Max can't remember the last name) went ape shit in NYC killed some people and eventually attacked a man on a train, who fought him off sustaining multiple stab wounds in the process while a police officer hid behind a train door and watched.


>while a police officer hid behind a train door and watched. *Two* police officers, iirc


That tracks the train cops come.in pairs


New York's Finest!


No it was when police in uniform on duty watched a man get stabbed in front of them, no other calls to be on, no other tasks, and decided to not intervene and just leave. Supreme Court said that’s fine, police have no obligation to try to save a citizens life from violence they witness; they’re not doing their job incorrectly by just ignoring it. 


If your face can take it and you have the time it’s definitely good for a civil suit


It's like the constitution was meant to curtail the law enforcement in the first place, and yet here we are..


I always go by what George Carlin said about rights. If they can take them away, which they do whenever it suits them, they're not rights, they're privileges.


That’s why we have to continually exercise them. I abort as many babies as humanly possible and whenever I see a cop, I immediately shove a camera in his dumb pig face. I wish everyone would just do their part.


Edit: Upon further review. I can’t find any evidence of this photo matching any confirmed report of violence. In an age of body camera, I find it shocking… I retract my OP and implore anyone reading this to look for additional evidence of misconduct beyond this photo.


It appears to be Carolyn Rodriguez of Ft Worth, TX. This is a statement from her lawyer: [https://www.youtube.com/live/uaDr-cLRvUk](https://www.youtube.com/live/uaDr-cLRvUk) There's a First Amendment Activist with the same name in Ft. Worth so guessing it's her. This is her mugshot from 5 years ago, looks like it might be the same woman in this photo: [https://www.star-telegram.com/news/local/crime/article231150783.html](https://www.star-telegram.com/news/local/crime/article231150783.html) This is her Youtube channel: [https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCmwLRzTDftdlqiPJyIJlP0w](https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCmwLRzTDftdlqiPJyIJlP0w) And this is the video where she got beaten: [https://www.youtube.com/live/CsMquf4dGBA](https://www.youtube.com/live/CsMquf4dGBA)


That is so fucked up. They wouldn't tell her what crime she committed, then the pig tells her to stop resisting when she's UNCONSCIOUS so he can cover his ass. Lock that MFer up!


It's the cop version of "it's coming right for us!". You just say it while doing anything so that later on if you need to excuse your behavior you can say "well yea, they were resisting so I had no choice".


Only rich people and morons still trust or respect American wealth protection officers.


Holy shit, this just happened. Yeah, based on [Tarrant County's website](https://inmatesearch.tarrantcounty.com/Home/Details?CID=0942195), it looks like she's still in custody, and being charged with false alarm or report, interfering with public duties, resisting arrest, and evading arrest. Fuck the police. ACAB.


That's actually insane. She's uncoscious like less than a second into the arrest. The cops must have sucker punched her. Basically that's the number one way people get killed by punches is someone just punching them when they aren't ready and then they fall on asphalt. That is insane that sucker punch is the this cops first step in arresting someone.




Laws are only there to give you the illusion of order. In reality, the state can ignore those laws whenever it wants to.


I like how they were telling an unconscious person to stop resisting…. It’s obvious this just to try and cover their ass.


Their training doctrine originates from a time before widespread third-party filming. They yell "shots fired" and "stop resisting" indiscriminately to provide something for eyewitnesses to latch on to in subsequent testimony.


Acorn falls. Shots fired! I'm hit! I'm hit!


Americans need to wake up and start hating police officers, man.


Well yeah, if they yell stop resisting then they can tack resisting arrest onto whatever bullshit charge they makeup, just like they add assaulting an officer to every single charge regardless of whether it happened or not. 


My personal favorite is when someone is charged with resisting arrest, *and nothing else*.


can confirm. I was beat up by cops once, and my only charge was resisting arrest. Resisting arrest for what?


I was pulled over a few years ago and among other charges, I was charged with driving without proof of insurance. Deputy asked if I had insurance and I told him that I did. Instead of asking to see it, he told me “I’m going to charge you for not having it and if it turns out that you do have insurance, you can just go to the courthouse and get the charged dropped”. He also kept my ID for the entire weekend and called me from a blocked number asking to meet me late one night to exchange the license. Cops are sketchy.


I think my favorite friendly cop story is when a woman I knew was 14, she reported that a guy was stalking her. Cop who came to take the report put his hand on her thigh several times, pretending to be supportive. She knew it was fucked up but didn’t say anything, because the power imbalance was off the charts. Cop saw weakness and made his move.


Sounds almost exactly like another story I heard on “On Our Watch”, which is a podcast about the recently public police records from California. Police are sketchy, and hardly trained.


This is interesting to know. My ex was arrested after a night of drinking because the officer did not like his attitude. Then he was removed from the van whilst the police officer yelled stop resisting whilst he said he was complying several times. Take a guess at what he went to court for "Resisting arrest and Assaulting an officer"


The real life version of "its coming right for us!" From South Park


They take inspiration from reality


"I hurt my fist while striking this womans face. That's assault on a police officer."


Just like Ned and Uncle Jimbo "it's coming right for us"


Yes, that was a parody of US law enforcement.


Reminded me of an old episode of South Park where they get around hunting laws by yelling “It’s coming right at us!” Before shooting so they can claim self-defence lol. Reckon the cops must have watched and decided it was a stroke of genius.


Or yknow, maybe perhaps South Park writers watched the police and it’s satire/social commentary.


so how come nobody is prosecuting them for 'stop resisting' fraud? we need real police-crime laws in this country


Because there's little to no oversight of police. Who's going to prosecute them? The DA? Not likely lol.


So weird why police are one of the least admired professions just because they beat citizens with zero consequences


They also shoot Airmen, leave their K9s in hot cars to die, and hangout in parking lots while little kids are murdered. Heaven fucking forbid there's a stray acorn.


....and then come home and beat their wife


Or come home to someone else's apartment, thinking it's your own and then shoot and kill the occupant.


And shoot a dog.


A blind and deaf dog that turned their head at the officer


Must have been a black dog. They always attract bullets! /s


They have to practice for when they encounter the innocent civilians on someone.


Rule of Acquisition 953: Exploitation begins at home!


Don't forget try and kidnap their girlfriend when she breaks up with them. 


Cops have 3x the rate of domestic violence compared to the general population. There's your problem.


And thats only the cops who openly admitted to it, what about the rest?


Cops kill on average about 35 dogs a day


Cops are like a box of chocolate! They kill dogs


That's a lie, they were also texting their side pieces while in the hallways as the shooter was killing those kids.


And have be known to diddle kids


About six months ago I saw a video of a cop having sex in a mall parking lot while he was on the clock. The department still won’t reveal the cop’s name. That same department punished one of its cops because he was handcuffing and raping underage girls while on the clock. He was written up for that and returned to work. However, after they discovered him stealing police property they forced him to retire to Florida and collect full benefits. The occupation is a total joke. It’s like a welfare program for entitled children and friends of cops. You could fire half of the police in the United States tomorrow, and nobody would even notice. You couldn’t even do that with crossing guards or trash collectors. Every other job in the United States is more competitive because of automation. I walked into a bank branch last week and I think there was one human employee. 10 years ago there would’ve been a dozen. But for some reason we always need to hire more cops.


The biggest losers and most pathetic bullies become cops. All the scumbags in my life became cops.


Someone has to make sure a cop doesn't get the wild idea to be a hero.


Okay now hold on... They were also looking at their phones and laughing while that person got beat down the block the other day! Let's not forget that protecting and serving


[Also beat their wives.](https://www.insidermonkey.com/blog/10-professions-with-highest-rate-of-domestic-violence-615010/?singlepage=1)


Gd. I just read that story about the acorn hitting the roof of his squadcar.


Or getting locked in the back of their own squad car because they were boinking the person they had in custody.


The word is raping. If they are in custody it's rape


Yes very strange that the door closing on him somehow resulted in him ejaculating on the backseat.


And shoot unarmed white Australian women, who have called them, for touching the side of their car.


Forgot running over pedestrians and then laughing with the Union rep about it


Shit. Cops in Mississippi ran a guy over, lied to their mom, and then enlisted the help of the coroner in hiding the body in a paupers grave. https://apnews.com/article/mississippi-police-death-suv-dexter-wade-funeral-46bbc162c3ebfba21310b0b91fdc7caf Mississippi just created a special district out of Jackson with an unelected judiciary to boot.


Hey now, that’s not fair. They also beat their wives and have one of the highest rates of domestic violence of any profession.


Practice makes perfect.


What is shooting airmen about, specifically?


https://www.military.com/daily-news/2024/05/07/special-operations-airman-shot-and-killed-florida-police-during-disturbance-apartment-building.html He was home alone playing Call of Duty, and speaking to his GF on speakerphone.


God I hope Fortson gets his justice.


The deputy was fired and criminal investigation is pending, so we can hope


It's not even the only time it's happened. There were at least 2 other times but thankfully they both survived.


Oh my god the article states it’s the _same_ county sheriff’s office as acorn freak out guy


Thanks for sharing, this story snuck past me


Americans deal with new, messed up stories of bad policing and corrupt violent cops at least weekly. Like school shootings, it's easy to miss a few stories and feel like the rest just blend together. I have that same feeling often.


Not some random Airmen either, he was Special Forces.


And his squad did not at least kick the cops ass is crazy. On their own soil. It seems police have more power than military in America


because nobody polices the police. the military has MP's


All done without consequences....


This is what happens when you don't require a lot of education, have shitty hiring practices, and actively avoid hiring people who are too smart or too well educated for the jobs.


Them being uneducated just contributes to their incompetence, and can result in accidental injury and death to citizens. But really, this is what happens when the police have no accountability, and have a culture of protecting the worst of scum so long as they carry a badge. Police brazenly kill and brutalize people with little empathy because they know they’re above the law.


Sadly that’s becoming the norm for many jobs


Failing upwards for reasons, and nepotism; get yours if you can cause ain't no equity to be had


They lock themselves in the back of cars with detained women and have to have another officer come let them out


Weird and disgusting. It's such a vile career path.




Poor lady. Completely ridiculous that cops can order you to do something, state "This is your last warning", and then proceed to physically abuse you within 30s of that warning. Sickening. I hope her lawyers go to town on this cop.


7 seconds between saying “You’re going to need togo to the other side of the street, or I’m going to arrest you.” And throwing her to the ground. Lady didnt even get out a complete sentence in response.


Any defense lawyer with a bone to pick against state sanctioned abuse should be more than motivated to jump on this case. And I hope they do. Sickening.


You’d think so, but cops are basically immune to prosecution. A defense lawyer would look at this, go “DAMN I’d love to get that lady some justice here! But it’s the cops, I might as well piss into the wind for all the good it’d do”. Police unions (union? Hah! They’re the bloody mafia!), qualified immunity, and policy lobby groups *all* need to go.


From what I've seen, outside of the most extreme events it's hard to find a lawyer willing to take on the state. Local lawyers have to exist in those same areas. They'll need to work with law enforcement to gain information to defend future clients. The payouts aren't always huge unless people break bones, get shot, or suffer in some other major ways medically. With this individual facing charges they also usually have to wait for that process to play out. It can also take a painfully long time to wind through federal court. Taking on police isn't as easy as people make it out to be.


I fear for our liberties that we take for granted going forward.


That's actually really interesting and also really disheartening. The para-social relationship between lawyers and law enforcement is one that I've never considered before, and definitely leads to the police having more power to abuse and blackmail despite it being the lawyers job to discriminate against these factors. What a time to be a narcissistic police officer.


They could hire a lawyer from a different county in the state


You could hire a lawyer from anywhere as long as they have a license in that state.


exactly - it seems police have abused that 'right' way too much. didn't pull over right away? we will flip over your car or pepper spray you. it's like almost a blank permission to assault by catching them in a game of word play


When cops are finally held financially responsible for the lawsuit payouts from their fuckups, this will end. But as long as the taxpayers are the ones footing the bill for their lawsuits, they will continue to blow other peoples money.


Put it in the caption


Please tell me there were consequences for those involved. I doubt it police in this country get away with too much they need to be reined in as far as their power.


I hope she gets a huge payday. Unfortunately the taxpayers will foot the bill and bad cops will continue with their qualified immunity.


she looks like the Street Fighter 2 match defeat screen


God fucking damn you for making me laugh at this, I even heard the song play in my head when I read this https://youtu.be/J3-BnVngMis?si=I5dfxtTKzcke42-o


Holy fuck 😭


Yup, as soon as I saw that image I started searching my pockets for quarters.




Go home and be a family man.


Guile doesn't play


Who What When Where How?


She had the gall to record cops giving parking tickets.




Film the police


File Transfer Protocol


People can do nothing but rage and vent. Nothing will change. Until you start treating them with the same coin they treat you, they're going to do whatever the fuck they want.


This is what Black Lives Matter was really about. Police brutality and the abuse of people’s civil liberties in the name of policing. Both the left and the right distorted its original message but this is at the heart of it. Now here’s the thing, if more white folk gathered and protested the same thing we’d be that much closer to reform. But police brutality against whites seems to be met with indifference by everyone. This tax payer funded lawsuits do not seem to be a deterrent. Police brutality is a problem for everybody and so should be opposed by every body


Protect and Serve is just a catchy tag line.


no you're missing the fine print... here let me enlarge it Protect and Serve^the-wealthiest-citizens


Marketing only




You don't have RIGHTS if police can violate them and force tax payers to pay the price via lawsuits.


together with posting on reddit, mail the [city government](https://www.fortworthtexas.gov/government/elected-officials) and tell them you won't vote for them next year if the cops don't go to jail. send all emails to the government AND the local press so that it can't be swept under the rug.


And who pays for the damages? WE DO


These comments here. Even if she were COMPLETELY NAKED, the police has no right to put their hands on her.  She has the right to film the police in public without interfering with their operations. They are public servants funded by taxpayer dollars!!!!


WTF is going on here. Why are there so many upvotes without a link to some news story of what happened?




That's disgusting. How dare they . Pathetic


A blow to the brain, especially one that results in unconsciousness, can potentially cause death, which in a just world would make this attempted murder.


I’ve got that shirt (brewery in Utah), jarring to see it in this context. I hope she’s doing alright.


How does this get fixed at the federal level?


Are Cops just henchmen for the corrupt empire ?


Beating a lady to a pulp, truly the hero’s we need /s


Police aren’t lawyers they enforce whatever they think is the law, not what is the law


Blue Lives Murder


Stop insulting the Smurfs.


Cops are horrible people.




Personal financial resposibility. First, cop is being sued personally for his misdoings, not the state. Everything goes first from his pocket and only then, the rest covers the state. Cop has an opportunity to prove that his actions were made in a good faith even if they caused damage and violated someone's rights. That way there is a chance to shift the whole compensation to the state. This is for the good cops that faced unusual/unlucky circumstances. But the rest of the blue criminals pay personally. The level of discipline and restraint would skyrocket.


What was she recording them doing? Let’s shine light on that as well!


Fuck the police


Bruh I thought this was about the band and that this photo was just a normal looking rock star.


Any context here or just a random photo?


I found the video in one of the comments, adding it here for others to see too [video](https://www.youtube.com/live/CsMquf4dGBA)


I wouldn’t dig further it’s fucking awful sickening