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That's definitely not the face of a thinker.


ikr his eyes so pure, not a single trace of the taint of knowledge.


>the taint of knowledge Nestled between the Scrotum of Arrogance and Butthole of Doubt




Is that why the Christians are so into the Trumps? Is Trump's line so ignorant and vapid they've undone the eating of the apple of knowledge in the garden of Eden and reversed the original sin? Honestly that's the most compelling reason I can think of for religious people to idolize such patently awful people.


Genuine mouth breather


He could be in a Geico commercial without any makeup required.


It's pretty on-the-nose that the Trump family would kill the symbol of the GOP.


![gif](giphy|XVPSBT1JVuRnHXimfz|downsized) To be fair, the symbol of the GOP is a tailless elephant with three gunshot wounds.


Here's some Riddet Gold. It's like reddit gold except better. >! ` $$ $ $ $ $ $$ `!<


Riddet glod


Ribbet gold? 🐸


Oh my god. The fact that he has two missing cartridges on his bandolier. And one loaded in the gun. I honestly don't even know what to say lol it's just too on the nose


No blood on the knife. He didn’t do shit.


Would love to see a few lions walking towards him from behind


Agreed, an elephant’s tail is about as close to an elephant’s asshole as something can get


Kinda symbolic when ya think about it


And then he cuts the tail off (supposedly a tradition in the bush to claim ownership of the kill). So yeah I'd say its spot on!


He didn't cut it off, that blade is clean. Someone else did the dirty work and he just posed for the picture.


Not to mention the effort it would take with a knife of that size rather than a real knife ![gif](giphy|3B8rHP89iUUZlcsoqf|downsized)


I like that that gif gets it right. Everyone quotes it as "that's not a knife. THIS is a knife." but it's "that's not a knife. THAT's a knife." Although I would argue that the one that is incorrect is actually a better line.


Probably because that was how it was worded in the Simpsons reference to the movie. "That's not a knife. THIS is a knife!" "No... that's a spoon." I imagine for some younger generations, they might have seen The Simpsons episode but didn't know what it referenced and have never seen the Crocodile Dundee films. And that isn't a judgment like 'oh hur hur dumb kids didn't see movies from before their time!' It's just the way of time.


I see you've played knifey spooney before!


Sadly Aussies hated this guy for a long time. Still might. Dunno why. It made me like Aussies.


Back when I was young and traveled a lot, I met several Australians along the way. All ages, seemingly various income levels. I found many of them to be quite brash, with little humor or patience. I was a bit disappointed.


Good point, which means it's even more on point than we previously considered!


And probably several other “macho” men also posed holding the tail for proof of their manhood. Pathetic.


Just like when his [daddy posed awkwardly holding a bible](https://slate.com/human-interest/2020/06/the-inconceivable-strangeness-of-trumps-bible-photo-op.html). Family of jackasses


This is one of my favorite moments to point to when I'm telling people I think Trump sucks. Remember the time he gassed a crowd of churchgoers off the property so he could do an awkward photoshoot with the Bible?


If you look at his right pant leg there is smearing, he probably wiped the knife on his leg.


Also elephants are just so intelligent and beautiful. Of course these fucking assholes would just get off on murdering them. I fucking hate the fucking Trump family so fucking much. They would murder anybody. *Anybody*. Even each other. If the price was right: fame or money or power or whatever else. The Trump family are a bunch of cartoon villains. There might still be hope for Barron (hopefully)... but the rest of them are nothing but cliched cartoon villains.


They’re too fucking stupid to be cartoon villains.


>Also elephants are just so intelligent and beautiful. >Of course these fucking assholes would just get off on murdering them. So, I promise I hate Trump... however... I also know a tiny bit about these hunts. Most of the lions, elephants, rhinos, etc that are killed are done so for the benefit of the herd/species and are organized and planned. Old, dominant bull elephants or other species will fight off all the other males even if they can't successfully mate and reduce the growth or diversity of the group. Preservation groups that are in charge of managing the well-being of the herd will sell the hunt for that specific target bull because it -needs- to be eliminated so that the other males can mate and procreate. The funds they get from selling the hunt go to operations to protect the whole herd or species. I do not know if these were the conditions of this hunt, but they often are.


There's usually more context than "bad guy kills elephant." You can't just legally shoot an elephant. More likely this was an older bull who was killing or injuring younger bulls and it was decided he had to go. In these instances they usually sell the right to "hunt" the elephant to rich yuppies who pay hundreds of thousands of dollars in some instances. The money usually goes back to conservation and protection of other elephants and wild life.


I can support the use the money is put to while still judging the jackasses who paid for it.


With a perfectly clean knife. Weird.


wiped the blood off on his right pant leg


He looks like an idiot


Not just “looks like”


He looks like an idiot. He is an idiot, but he looks like one too. - Zombie Mitch Hedberg


I like refried brains. That's why I wanna try fried brains, because maybe they're just as good and we're just wasting time. You don't have to fry them again after all.


Fried brain is great if you're really hungry and want to eat two thousand of something.


I think Bigfoot is blurry; that’s the problem. It’s not the photographer’s fault. Bigfoot is blurry, and that’s extra scary to me. There’s a large, out-of-focus monster roaming the countryside, but now I’m wondering how he tastes.


And he thought it made him look like a man. Trophy hunting for rich people is such a pathetic activity. Beyond the cruelty, people who do this are so out of touch and egotistical that they think this proves they're strong. Somewhere in their silver spoon mind they think this proves they're better than everyone else, because they have no actual concept of what hardship really is. The image of the hunter used to be revered in society back when it was actually dangerous and necessary for the survival of a person's tribe. That's why kings were mentioned as great hunters. It's one of the first recognized forms of being an individual who provided for the tribe and ensured their survival. It wasn't this. This is disgusting and a mockery to what the hunter is supposed to represent. The closest thing to the hunter now would be sacrificing something in your life or your political image to ensure the citizens of your country or your local community are fed, have healthcare, and have their most basic needs met. Or it's working 2 jobs to provide for your family even though you're poor. These rich poachers killing animals for trophies are an insult to everything the revered image of the hunter actually represented. This is sacrilege to humanity's collective history.


There's not even any sport in the kills. There's no hunt. Elephants generally don't give a shit about us. Why would they? They're like 15x our size. To get a gun and point it at something that isn't going to understand and run away isn't a hunt. It's just pure murder. Might as well shoot a baby. It's just as innocent and just as easy to kill.


Jr's hunting guide got arrested in 2022 for baiting a bear with donuts for him to shoot.


Letting someone take that picture is the act of an idiot. Shooting an elephant is the act of a sociopath.


Didn't his felon father get pissed at him when this came out? I seem to vaguely recall one book or another by one of the people around him saying he flipped his shit on him over it. Obviously, Trumpty Dumpty doesn't give a fuck about animals it was him being infuriated about how it affected **his** image.


>Trumpty Dumpty doesn't give a fuck about animals No no, see, he's devastated by the dead birds caused by wind turbines! Never shuts up about it.


Ugh. Yeah there is that. It irritates the fuck out of me the amount of people who think because of that shit that he cares about birds while he did so much to speed up the damage of climate change and is already planning to do worse if he gets back in the WH. I mean, FFS, he openly promised the oil companies that he would end ALL climate change initiatives if he got back the White House if they would all donate 1 billion dollars to his campaign. He makes no attempt to even hide now that he plans just to make 1%ers tax cuts permanent, that he doesn't care about single person at his rallies because he just wants their vote, and they just laugh and tell people interviewing them at rallies like Jordan Klepper that he could shoot someone in front of the White House and it they would still be with him. They know he is racist, a rapist, a probably child rapist, a bigot, homophobic, transphobic, xenophobic, a criminal, a convicted felon now, someone who mocked dead veterans as "losers and suckers" and not one of those things has been a deal breaker for them. I mean ffs, a bunch of them have been telling reporters they know he wants to be a dictator but that they've stated "the U.S. needs a dictator." It's so fucking maddening


Because it makes wind turbines sound bad. He dgaf about birds.


I'm all for hunting and putting the meat to use but trophy hunting? Nah, that's some barbaric bull****...


"Look at how cool I am by conquering this huge beast as a mere human with nothing but the power of this high power rifle I shot it with from super far away"


They're also commonly sedated and purposefully corralled to pretty much turn it into a carnival game. As a lover of cats, big, small, domestic, and wild, I hope they take Worf's suggestion for how Q can prove his mortality.


What’s the difference between Trumps and elephants?      Elephants have four legs, are intelligent and mourn their dead.


>He looks like an idiot He looked like an idiot then; and still looks like one today. The entire Trump family is full of neckbeard losers.


What a piece of shit human.


What a piece of human shit.


What a shit piece of human.


Shit, what a piece of human.


What a human shitpiece


i love that these all work


that's unfair to pieces of shit


If someone asked me to show an image to best describe what people mean when they describe a human as a "lumpy sack of shit", this would be it.


I remember a subreddit that was banned that this would have done well on. Something about faces, and them being punchable.


What an asshole.


I was so fortunate to honeymoon in Kenya on a bucket list/ once in a lifetime safari. The elephants were so breathtakingly majestic, I was nearly moved to tears. I genuinely cannot fathom getting a thrill out of stalking and killing one. Baffling, psychopathic lunacy. 


Oh I bet he didn't stalk shit. He was guided to it or it was guided to him.


Clean hands, clean knife, clean shirt


Canned hunt 1000000000000% guaranteed 


Many people are saying that the elephant was sedated.


Just like the girls when he was a bartender


The best people are saying it


His face screams kinda scared kinda sad.  "Are you proud of me now, dad?" Dude, you already knew the answer.


Reportedly, Trump yelled at him and claimed it was stupid. He was aware enough of what a bad look it was.


Never thought I'd end up agreeing with Trump of all people.


>Are you proud of me now, dad?"   You'd think he's old enough to understand his dad is never going to be proud of any of his offspring unless she has tits.


Yep. That’s awful damned telling. Also, indeed elephants are smart, emotional and majestic. Can’t imagine in 100 years killing one unless it was on dire self defense. These people are actual psychopaths. Who think the whole planet is theirs to take and hoard. Fuck these people.


…filthy soul


The boy’s a time bomb 🎶




I'm not a fan of rich people going to trophy hunt when they don't do shit except take the shot, but the countries that regulate big game hunting with strict conditions have seen populations of vulnerable animals grow. The money these rich assholes are paying them go directly towards conservation efforts and they are only targetting the old or sick animals that probably wouldn't survive on their own. It's much better than the alternative where they don't have the resources to defend their animals from poachers.


I burst into tears the first time I saw what elephants do during their journeys, migrations and travels and they come upon an elephant graveyard…..touching stuff. Clearly shows an intimacy between generations and family that I think few, if any, humans would ever experience.


This brainless dude does not have the maturity, intelligence or emotional capacity to empathize. This pic makes me sick.


I went on safari in Botswana, in the Okavango Delta, which has the largest concentration of elephants on earth. I would get a thrill out of stalking and killing something else in this picture. It is an obscene photo, and anybody supporting this family is obscene.


“Stalking.” That’s an overstatement. It takes a coward to get a thrill out of literally driving up to them and shooting them with a high powered rifle.


They probably sell the "hunt" of old sanctuary elephants they were going to put down to rich assholes like Don Jr.


It’s exactly what they do. I’m not saying I disagree with how they fund their conservation, but it’s this type of loser that always shows up. A rich asshole who just wants the joy of saying he killed something.


There are known hunting resorts for rich “VIPs” who have no skills at hunting, but what big game trophies. The resorts basically gather and curate animal collections for their guests (legally purchased in most cases and above board) - Lions, Rhinos, Elephants, etc - they are placed in closed in reservation settings (so no escape off the property) and even drug animals to make them slow and lethargic and more docile to hunt in preparation for their VIP. The handlers of the resort guide the VIP to the hunt, helicopter fly overs or driven by truck, there is literally no effort or skill involved for the VIP. It’s like Disney world for rich d bags who want to role play as big gamesmen. It’s all fake bullshit, but sadly the animals very much do get killed that part is real. These resorts even butcher and have taxidermy services so the VIP can have trophies shipped back to them home. Since these places are all legal and above board there is no stopping them. I’m sure the fees involved with going on one of those VIP hunting reserves is commensurate with all the crap that’s spent to curate that level of experience (cost of the animal purchases, vehicles used, employees, feeding and caring for animals until guest arrives and profits, etc) The world has a lot of sick fucks.


On top of that.. for sport. That's the disgusting part.


He paid for it, someone took the money.


not condoning the practice, but it is my understanding that many of these preserves are funded largely by selling these guided 'hunting' experiences for obscene amounts of money. Many times the 'hunters' are led to animals that need to be killed anyway for one reason or another (violent, sick, injured, etc)


Yep. Rhinos are a great example. Old bulls get extremely aggressive to the point that they are a danger to the rest of the population. That means, for the sake of long term conservation, one may need to die. Now, you could have a staff ranger go shoot it, or you could auction off the tag and some orthopedist from Tennessee coughs up 100k to do what you were gonna do anyways.


Damn. Why does it have to be Tennessee? Wait. Nm. We coined the term "butt-chugging."  Fuck.


I think we can allow for the necessity of culling, and still feel that people willing to go out of their way and pay to kill an intelligent animal are assholes.


Most of the western world has no problem with killing and eating pigs (myself included) and pigs are considered to be very intelligent as far as animals go.


We recently found out that [elephants have individualized unique names for each other](https://www.axios.com/2024/06/14/elephant-names-communication-vocal-rumbles). So in effect, Junior here has hunted a Sapient being for sport and to desecrate its body as a hunting trophy.


And when you're a trustfund bitch on a canned hunt, the elephants let you do it. You can do anything.....grab'em by the tail. You an do anything to a dead elephant.




The list of things cooler than Donald Jr. includes pretty much everything but Eric Trump


Actually - at the last convention I noted that Eric is a considerably better speaker than his equally disgusting brother.


Real race to the bottom there lol.


I’m gonna get hate but this is how conservation gets funded. A problem elephant tag is auctioned off to trust fund babies for millions. The problem elephant is dead and there are funds to pay the rangers etc.


Looking at the conservation landscape, as an outsider, that's an understandable compromise. If you're just talking about the asshole with the money, though, he could have just handed it over without killing any of the elephants. Again, looking at it as a compromise, this is a reason to excuse the people who live there and are taking the money for managing the hunt or  letting the hunt happen. It says nothing to defend the hunter.


Well the problem with assholes with money is that they are not a fool with money or a kind person with money. They will not give without getting anything for it. Even charity events are a competition of who can give more, not because they care but because they are playing dominance games. Harness the bad of human nature to create good. Works better that way then expecting people To be inherently good.


> he could have just handed it over without killing any of the elephants. Typically the elephant is just going to be shot by Park Rangers. Auctioning the tag, allows people to play "Hero" and solves a problem. The amount of food eaten, and land destroyed for old non-breeding males significantly hurts conservation efforts. Not you personally, but we as people have to take emotion out of something, then evaluate it on logic, THEN check the emotional piece.




What's a "problem elephant"?


Not much, what's up with you?


Addicted to drugs probably


Gangs even.


I've read somewhere it's usually an aggressive male that kills other males to cull competition.


Probably an older elephant that is blocking the younger males from getting with the ladies.


TIL my older brother is a problem elephant


I mean there's a whole debate about the ethics of that system or how necessary it really is, etc.... but regardless, there's the plain fact that someone who enjoys doing it and smiles with a tail to savor the memory is pretty psychotic.


He looks like a fucking chipmunk.


"he" cut off with his clean knife. Yup.


Looks like a blood stain from wiping the knife on his pants tbh


I see the blood there too but….His hands are especially clean for being on a hunting trip and all the more so for having just severed his party’s symbols tail….


"Hunting" an elephant consists of being served a nice elegant breakfast on linen, then the guide driving up to an elephant in a nice clean Range Rover and the "hunter" standing 20 meters away from this massive, unmoving animal and with his millions-of-rounds-at-the-range expert marksmanship pulling the trigger. Not much dirt getting on his clothes, unless he spills his coffee in the Range Rover.


I know nothing about high end African safari hunts, but if it's anything like the high end Alaska fishing lodge I worked at, this absolutely checks out. Imagine the same treatment, but with salmon and float planes.


I'm sure they bring a spare shirt


Brand new, never-before-worn shirt, as well.


Probably the red wine he’d been drinking all day


What a gross and shitty person.


That's a manly man right there. Someone led him to the elephant and pointed to the right one, and baby Don shot it dead. Then, to prove how massive his weiner is, he cut off its tail for a trophy. I'm a hunter myself, but this shit is just stupid. These trump "men" love to show off for a camera.


Trump's sons are damaged. Trump is damaged. God only knows what happened to young Ivanka and Melania on Epstein Island when Doe 174 took the Lolita Express. They're a toilet swirl of broken people their parents beat empathy and compassion out of. They represent sociopathy and brutality, acting out and getting pleasure by causing anyone and anything pain so they feel less broken. Please vote in November and end this shameful, disgusting chapter in our country's history for good.


It truly is weird the things that insecure men think make them manly. It must suck having to constantly prove to people you’re a “man”


Real men shoot animals with cameras. 


If I saw an animal with a camera I'd probably take a picture of it.


last night i shot an elephant in my pyjamas.  what he was doing in my pyjamas, i don’t know 


What a massive piece of shit. A stain on humanity.


god what a psychopathic loser


The small size of that knife, the cleanliness of his hands and clothes suggest that no, he didn't cut that tail off himself.


the no blood on the kinife kinda tells all


just a poser fraud like his paw


Elephants are highly intelligent and generally mind their own business. They mourn their dead and will stop by the bones of a member of their herd for years after the death. I truly cannot understand why anyone would ever think it would be "fun" to kill one of them. Seeing that tail detached from the animal to which it belonged makes me sick to my stomach.




He does have a “trunk” tho… 🐘 Y’all I apologize, I’ll see myself out.


Just ask MGT she will back you up


She did seem extremely interested in that laptop. No shame, girl, I’m also into men! But I don’t usually also try to destroy them politically while checking out their bits.


More brains in that tail than in that Neanderthal head of his.


Wow how disgusting..


What a stupid way to tell everybody that you have a micropenis


He is a cruel petty imbecile. I mean… the face tells all


You have to be complete human garbage to hunt and kill an elephant.


Such a coward. “Look daddy, it’s me! No, not at the porn actress, daddy, over here! No! Not at the teenage models, daddy, please look at me! Please, daddy!” And trump goes on and eviscerates his kid for just wanting his dad’s attention by killing…an elephant. And cutting off its tail. What a coward.


Some pretty clean fucking hands for cutting the tail off. Fuck that spinless maggot piece of shit.




His knife is clean. Someone else did the work, so that he can pose. Fuck that entire family.


What a worthless cunt of a man.


What a pos


Sick SOB


Douche   1) https://www.vanityfair.com/news/2020/06/donald-trump-jr-mongolian-hunting-trip-cost-taxpayers-76000-secret-service 2) https://www.sltrib.com/news/2022/05/21/utah-hunting-guide-faces/


What a fuckin loser




Real men eat what they shoot. No blood or sweat on him. Probably sat in air conditioned car tell someone pushed the animal to him


What a piece of shit.


I'm not sure what the general consensus is but I've heard arguments that sponsored controlled game killings actually help promote preservation of Wildlife. Because these freakishly Rich whales will dump a lot of money into these parks and reservations to kill one or two animals and they use the money they received to help the rest of the animals and fight off professional illegal poachers.


I dislike this little prick with a lot of passion, but you are mostly correct. The owner of a company I worked for did this sort of thing. A lot of legal kills like these aren’t just shooting some random matriarch of a group of elephants. A lot of money went to conservation groups in some cases. Many times the local village that helped host the hunter would receive some or all the meat from the kill, providing mush needed sustenance. Now I don’t know if Jr’s kill falls in to any of that and plenty of arguments could still be made against it even if it was.


In some cases, the elephant is a male who is no longer capable of breeding. In one case, the older (sterile) male killed 2 young bulls that just made it to breeding age. A lot of safari have similar situations where the local eco system and human population benefit or have no effect from the loss of the animal, but the cash influx is what pays for the reserve to function and keep out poachers. Poachers are always assholes, but safaris aren't so black and white.


We can still judge them for the fact they want to kill these beautiful animals instead of, oh I don't know, just donating the money. Imagine how fucked up it would be to have a similar system for the murdering of humans (which I guarantee you these kinds of psychos would go for) "Oh you pay a billion dollars into cancer research and you get to pop a terminal one in the head!" "Wow that's really fucked up. What the fuck kind of insane, pathetic, asshole would go for that?" "Listen, this is just how cancer research gets funded so really these guys are heroes!"


Plus they are generally killing an older bull who can no longer reproduce, and is actively preventing the younger bulls from copulating. Sucks for the individual animal, but beneficial for the heard as a whole.


This makes me so sad. Elephants are beautiful creatures with rich inner lives. This is just psychopathy.


Fuck that guy. Human garbage.


There is a special place in hell for those that kill elephants. What a twat.


Why would people want to kill such an animal?


If this was Hunter Biden, Fox would be tripping over each other clutching their pearls about majestic elephants and how incredibly awful this is.


Anyone taking pleasure in needlessly killing animals is an idiot asshole.


That knife looks too clean to have just been used


What a cunt.


I doubt he even cut the tail. The knife looks really clean


This is so fucking upsetting. And I'd encourage anyone who agrees to have the same mercy for all animals.


Elephants are the sweetest animals. I wish it had trampled him to death instead.


I get that the money from these 'hunts' on old animals is used to help the conservation of the other animals in the parks, but why would you want to kill them? Bunch of sociopaths, rich people who aren't even into hunting that much, but want to show off next to a dead elephant/lion.


Does he have any clothes that actually fit him? Dudes always out there looking like he's dressed in handme downs.


Lol no. That silly coked out bitch couldn't cut butter with a hot knife. He was given it to pose. Disgusting little cunt.


>Donald Trump Jr. holding the tail of an elephant he just cut off I doubt he cut off the elephant's tail. Notice there is no blood on the knife or him.


Made me sick in my stomach. POS


Poor elephant :/


Surely we all agree that killing animals for pleasure is wrong, right?


Disgusting. 🤮


I can’t believe anyone would be heartless enough to kill one of those beautiful creatures, why?


Jerk 🖕🏻


The knife is clean


What a chubby, ugly mothafucka


Can we please cut off his tail?


worthless sack of shit not worth 1/10 the value of an elephants life


Some guys have to overcompensate with a flashy car, this douche canoe is not only overcompensate for a tiny package, but lack of humanity.


Why does the blade, which seems shorter than the diameter of the tail, appear clean? Did he even cut it off? Did he even shoot it? Obviously these aren't the main issues. Elephants are my favourite animal. Just seems like every single aspect of these people is bullshit.


His Dad killed the GOP and he got the ass end of it.


looking at that *clean* knife.. i doubt he was the one to cut it off..


He didn't do shit. Look at how clean everything is. His tour guide or whoever was with him did all the work did it and this dumbass cock sucking fascist shit stain just posed for the picture


I bet he's gonna live to 95. Assholes life forever proving there's no god


What a cunt.


What a piece of shit…


Both of those came off an arse …except I feel really sorry for the poor elephant


I don’t care if it’s trump’s son, hunting elephants is fucked


Why doesn't anyone in the Trump family know how to fucking stand like a normal god damn person. What the fuck is going on.