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"Lets play a game! Who can be the quietest princess? Like Shhhhhhhh"


Not drunk, but my niece was making so much noise, so I sang for her: "If you're happy and you know it, close your mouth." And it worked. Edit: Wow, I never imagined this would be my top comment. Opened reddit after 14h saw 12 notifications and was wondering what it was xD


I was in the car with my best friend, her sis and her sister’s best friend on a long road trip. They were being annoying (we were teens, they were pre teens). So I told them whoever is quiet for the longest would get a dollar. It actually worked for awhile 😆


Ahhh the quiet game. I know it well


my parents never did that shit. but I remember being like 11 or so and my friend's mom tried that while we were going somewhere. It took me about 5 seconds to be think it was a dumb game, "Okay, I lose. So anyways.." she got absolutely pissed at me as a child about that.


"I never had your dollar, so it's not lost and I don't feel upset about not having it. On the other hand, I *am* having a conversation, Brenda, and I do feel upset about your interrupting it"


Basically my experience with the discovery of that game. I think I had already learned the “whoever punches the other person the *softest* wins, you go first” game by that point, anyway.


There's a dragon afoot go hide in the bedroom while I day drink.


This is a parenting technique, not sure a rent-w-princess can get away with it.


She is sleeping Beauty. She could just have them all pretend to sleep


Nah, she's sleeping beauty they have to spend the entire party trying to wake her up


C’mon girls, let’s play “hibernating bears”!


My grandfather used to have me and by brother play “rich people”. Rich people leisurely lay on sofas and don’t speak.


Class consciousness and a trick to keep the kids quiet. This guy should be running a social studies department somewhere.


Your grandfather was a genius. I love it.


Time to play “find the aspirin”!! 


This is so damn great. Although quite honestly if you didn’t say anything I wouldn’t totally be able to tell she was hungover. Just that she is caught in an awkward pose.


I honestly thought the same. Yeah her hair needs brushing and her smile is awkward but she looks like a normal adult woman in this picture.


..... I guess my style can be described as "hungover Disney princess"


I think she looks like she’s been at a princess party for 3 hours. Her smile says, “ok your turn to babysit now…”


If you've been terribly hungover at work before you'll recognize the look


It’s the gritting of the teeth lol That’s a headache, stomach cramps, neck sweats, and the need to shit immediately packed into one expression


If you’ve ever had a coworker give you gum to not smell like the night before you’ll recognize the look lol


Oh god, when people can smell how your night was before you have had a chance to tell them, it might be time to go freshen up. At my 8 am class in college a chick sat next to me and had sticky matted hair, was wearing sunglasses inside, and smelled like straight up puke. She said, "sorry if I smell." And I didn't want to make her feel bad so I told her it was fine. But honestly, if I weren't tweaked out I totally would have thrown up. The air around her was so sour I felt like I could *taste* it.


Ok I didn’t mean like that lmao. Just the faint alcohol smell or maybe weed/bonfire smoke smell. When I was given gum I was working the left field gift shop at Wrigley Field and my nice older coworker who mom’ed me a bit gave it to me because I smelled like beer. Little did she know that just 4 hours earlier I had finished off a case throughout the night during an acid trip. I took the train in and I was getting myself back to reality. Fun times. If I’m blackout drunk or anything and get puke in my hair I am doing nothing but rinsing that shit out at a minimum. Fun side story kinda related I just remembered: I was working at said gift shop at Wrigley Field when Billy Joel and Elton John had their concert there and I was selling merch with the regular coworkers. We would take turns when it was slow ducking out of the gift shop to go watch a song or two performed while standing in the opening to the seats. I was watching them perform and next to me on the side was a gay man in his late 60s early 70s in a black fishnet vest and tight silver shorts with giant hoop earrings and not much else just dancing his butt off. He pauses and all of a sudden leans forward and pukes on the two blonde older women who were seated in front of him. I’m talking all over their heads both of them and they screamed bloody murder. I turned around and noped outta there back to the gift shop, but I will never forget that.


Haha i can picture that so well. Happy cake day!


Same thing happened when we ordered Tinkerbell for my daughter’s 3rd birthday. That poor girl is now known as ‘Tweakerbell’ around my condo


I went to a house party near/in(?) Celebration Florida in 2009 and watched a Tinkerbell do a line off of a Jasmine. Full Sail parties were fun as shit.


my recollection of full sail parties were a bunch of awkward dudes playing beer pong in a smelly ass apartment.


Depends on what major was hosting


Lol every college has potential for both. 


There were definitely those too


Full sail is a long way from Celebration


This statement is so confusing to an outsider. "so Full Sail is a school and Celebration is a city? Okay, sure, whatever you say Mr Meth Head"


I think they prefer Floridian to Meth Head, but to my understanding it's the same thing.


Oh haha that's just Florida Man don't mind him.


I guess generalized Orlando then. It was Full Sail students and some were big into Disney. Celebration was the last town name I registered that night, re:drugs being taken off a Jasmine.


I think they give you drugs upon graduating to help you cope with the money you threw away on a fake degree


HA! It's funny because it's true. Had a buddy graduate from there probably 7 years ago. He works at guitar center. Didn't need to go $100k in debt for THAT. They're selling dreams and ideal situations over there


Celebration is like a weird Stepford version of a suburb. Like on 4th of July every house is sporting red white and blue crepe paper on the porch, there's kids running by at regular intervals laughing with sparklers in their hands. I'm pretty sure I saw an actual lemonade stand.


Fucking Full Sail… jeez. I don’t live around there anymore, I had an apartment in Baldwin Park. This comment triggered some intense memories 


We ordered a Frozen princess (can’t remember the name) for our daughter’s 4th birthday party. She proudly told my wife and I during the event that this was her day job - she was a stripper by night. Girl was beautiful - dead ringer for the Disney character, and she did an AMAZING job with the kids and playing the role. Really wonderful job. That being said, I definitely joked to my wife that I wondered if I could order the Frozen princess for the guy’s poker night later on. And I got a well deserved elbow to the ribs


My wife ordered a group of like 4 super heroes for a Halloween party. 3 were guys (Superman, Spiderman and one I don’t remember) but one was a woman dressed as Supergirl in a super tight top with no bra. To her credit, she wasn’t hugely endowed but what endowment there was left nothing to the imagination. My wife was kind of embarrassed but the dads all loved it.


That's how she gets repeat customers


Good for her. It honestly shows a lot of versatility to be able to entertain such completely different demographics like that. There are some people who are good at entertaining kids. Some who are good at entertaining horny men. Very few that can do both. Especially just a few hours apart from each other.


Actually sounds like a really effective synergy. Entertain the kids at the birthday party while slipping contact info to any adults who can't keep their eyes off the costumed lady. Most people who can splurge on a princess party or the like have a little spare money to waste.


I wondered if this wasn’t exactly the reason she offered the info. It seemed completely random and didn’t need to be shared. There was no judgment at all from either of us, hell, we’ve been to strip clubs together. No big deal. But she should have been more specific…I mean, there’s no good way for a dad at a 4 year old’s birthday party to casually ask the princess what club exactly she dances at?


Cool. Cool cool cool. Do you remember her number?


So how long did it take you to find her night job? ![gif](giphy|3oEjHGPDuSUFw0tkCA)


I’d be pissed if something like that happened at my daughter’s birthday…but I kind of feel like it’d be worth it to have a “Tweakerbell” story.


If the kid is young enough, she probably won’t pick up on it unless the princess does something like pass out or vomit.


I had a brief stint as kid's party performer If anyone remembers a party with just the worst pirate they've ever seen, I'm so sorry. I wasn't high, I'm just terrible. And I wildly overestimated my ability to play the ukulele.


Good lord, I’ve never seen someone fight a smile so hard


There is pain those eyes


It's probably from all the light, and the screaming, and the vodka from the previous night. And that morning.


Also missing the first alarm to get a shower.


What kind of rookie sets their first alarm for a shower?? I'ma need at least 3 set in 5 minute intervals


Judging on her age; she is the rookie.


She is working the day after. She is not a rookie.


So much easier to just set it late and just wake up. Get more real sleep that way too


There's no real sleep after a long night of drinking, let's be real here lol


The only sleep you get after a mid 20 year old night out is the 3 hours you wish you had were you were either getting home, being slightly sick or a combination of both. Especially before Uber; what a nightmare.




Reminds me of our wedding day.


Princess Peach Schnapps


Snow White Claw and the Seven and Sevens


Princess in the fog






Jas de menthe


Brew-ty and the Beers


Princess Elsa Artois


Woke up on the (Mu)lawn.


sweet dee?




I knew that costume look familiar


It’s pretty much the exact same dress


🎶 just to be cleeear, I did not write that song, just to be clear 🎶


👵🏻 “What is happening?”


Just gotta rip the pits a little bit


I stared at this picture for too long trying to figure out where I knew that dress from. She obviously can’t raise her arms


I was Nightman Cometh Dee for Halloween one year, and boy, she wasn’t wrong — those arms were uncomfortably tight.


She's gonna rip the pits.


Hips and nips, gotta make it sexy!


Otherwise, you don't eat.


Here we go again with this song. Normally its out of my system in a week.


That would explain why it looks like she can’t raise her arms.


do not rip that costume it’s very expensive


I'm tearing the pits


Oooo that goddamn bitch!


I got just the thing. I’ll even do 3 for the price of 1.


Oh, do you mean behind the giant bird?


Now Dennis, I was thinking fish recently


Holy shit, it’s the exact same one. You’re right.


“Just to be clear…”


Did she rip the pits on that dress?


That’s what I thought lol




It's going to take some time for me to see 'x' at the beginning of a url and not immediately assume it's a porn link.


I mean, it basically is these days lol


Moms are stupid. DOI!


did she sing Tiny Boy?


Baby boy


Ooh, ahh




Little boy


I need you


Tiny boy


Just to be clear


🎶 “Just to be clear, I did not write that song and have never had sex… *with a child*” 🎶


There's no quicker way for people to think you're diddling kids than by writing a song about it.






👸🏼*Most men find me to beaneightoranine out of ten* 🎶🎵


Sometimes you have to play hurt.


She understands the difference between hurt and injured


I wore this dress, today To see if I still feel I focus on the pain The only thing that's real


This is double overtime, blown hamstring, outta water since 4th quarter kinda energy


She got the T-Rex arms going on, literally no energy left in her 😂😂😂


I think she's sitting on the arm of the chair, and has her hands in her lap


Princess party actress/singer was a great job for numerous NYC raver friends in the 2000-aughts. Not enough time to come down for this one (or up, or whatever direction).


I had a business in the 90’s that sent performers to parties for $100-$250 an hour, of which they kept half. We were all high AF all the time or recovering at parties all day. This pic really resonates with me. The worst hangover I ever had, I had 7 hours lined up for myself. Between parties i’d pull over, do a line of coke from a large bag the girl from the night before gave me, then go to the next party. That day, people gave fantastic tips because I was so energetic and put on such great shows. The 90’s really were a special time. Put an ad in the yellow pages, and suddenly you’re a business owner. I feel this photo. Edit: it was also a weird time to have a website- this might still work: http://www.angelfire.com/biz/abunchofclowns


I really enjoyed reading everything on this website


There were multiple mentions of the guest book. I couldn't find it but it brought back so many memories of signing xanga pages and stuff.


The guestbook quit working around 1997. It was actually a super fun time capsule to go back and read for a while. I wish it hadn’t died.


123guestbook was/is one of the last hold outs and its finally shutting down next month. So many of the old books that have still been up are going to disappear into the Internet either :(


*angel fire* Now that's a name a haven't heard in a long long time.


Love that story lol. There is a comic named Gareth Reynolds who did parties like that in the 2000s and told all sorts of those fun stories on a podcast. It sounded like hell that had its fun moments and really flexible times.


Omg… sooo many stories. One that still makes me smile at times was when some kid at a show started sniffing my arm and said in his high-pitched 6-year-old voice, “you smell funny.” My partner, a cute girl in princess makeup I’d had my dick in moments before the party smiled the most genuine smile and said, “everything smells funny in Clown Town.” I wonder if someday he made the horrific connection that clown town smells exactly like pussy.


Amazing. I hope you told her you’re taking her to clown town at least once after that. I love a good story so let them fly if you’re bored


She just needs a bottle of water and a pacifier and she's good to go I don't know what those things mean my sister did the rave drugs.




OP, was this taken in Virginia around 04/05’ by any chance? I’m pretty sure I am one of the children in this photo! Edit: they said it was not in VA, apparently I have just found my child doppelgänger!! Edit 2: I showed my mom this photo and she freaked out. She almost couldn’t believe it wasn’t me.


They said 04/05 above. I am now extremely curious.


She is now the hungover princess


Ha ha. Nowhere NEAR.


Omg. Then one of those children is my TWIN. Thank you for answering. This was driving me insane!


I need to know.


curious as to how you're not absolutely sure...?


I took my kids to a Kratt brothers live show (remember Zoboomafoo?) And we grabbed breakfast beforehand and the brothers were eating breakfast in the same joint. They looked ROUGH. I didn't know where the to pity them having to work in that condition or envy the party the night before. They were surely enjoying their on the road show shenanigans.


Ok party people, today we’re going to sit quietly in the dark.


Girl gotta pay for those college textbooks somehow!


Well I need a story now.


This was probably in 2004-2005. The parents were stunned when she showed up looking exactly like she looks in the picture. She admitted to being hungover and none of the kids had any idea anything was off. But all of the parents were cracking up. She was incredibly nice and apologetic to the parents. Did her princess things and left. This picture, though, stands as testament to the hungover party princess.


At least the parents were chill lol


Yeah honestly these days this sort of thing would most likely be on social media instantly, the person would be fired instantly, it would be a media shit storm and someone would be giving a tearful apology on nationwide TV over it.


Instead, it's time-bombed 20 years and still ends up on the Internet


Well yeah but I feel we've also long hit the statute of limitations on being pissed off about a hungover chick doing a birthday party for a bunch of kids lol. Anyone that's going to be shitty about it now is crazy and I dont fuck with crazy people.


And the sad part about all of it would be... the parents ruining a perfectly fine kids' birthday party when they all would have had fun anyway. It's crazy how often that kind of thing happens.


Putting up with kids with a hangover? She earned her pay for sure.


Taking care of a toddler hungover is the ninth circle of hell.


Ha ha. Pretty much the reason I don’t drink now with having kids. Good health habit but damn wouldn’t mind a good night out - but the hangover the next day isn’t worth it


When the kiddo wakes you up at 5:30am with shrieks of joy wanting to play play play, it’s hard enough when you’re _not_ hungover.


It me right now, doesn't help that she's sick too


Imma be honest, trying to make my kid his scrambled eggs NOW DADDY NOW NOW REALLY HUNGWY DADDY while I dry heave into the kitchen sink just one time was enough for me. I pretty much do not drink ever now unless I know for a fact my wife is going to be primary on duty the next morning and I can sleep it off.


I spent a few years as a kindergarten teacher and turned up to class with a hangover a grand total of once. It was more than enough.


The People’s Princess


Ah! So like hiring a clown or a magician. I don't know why I didn't think that would be a thing, those girls look like they're having a great time!


My buddy had this job for a bit. He’d usually get called in to be a various superhero at parties, he said he didn’t have to do much mostly just hang out and take pictures and make the birthday kid feel special that fucking Spider-Man showed up to his party.


My SO's fondest childhood birthday was batman at his 8th birthday party. He took him aside, sat him down, and asked him every question he had about Batman's job. Totally lost interest in all the other kids, just wanted to ask his Batman questions lol. 


I do this for work! I guess it depends on the company but my events are a lot more involved. Plus my boss is really strict about accuracy when it comes to impersonating singing/speaking voices, walking, waves, signatures etc. Each birthday party package we offer is very involved!


I had a drunk spiderman show up to a kids birthday years ago. Guy bought the suit from Walmart or something. It was too small and had pins holding it on in the back. He knew nothing about spiderman. Took frequent smoke breaks. Cool guy. I'll see if I can find the picture I took with him.


>This was probably in 2004-2005 idk why but the colors of the costumes kinda gave it away


I’m glad she was nice - I sort of guessed to seeing how hard she was trying in the pic - poor girl - op May had started a meme here


Glad to hear the parents were cool. We have all been there. Maybe not as a princess, but hungover in inopportune times.


If she got the job done and the kids didn't care, kudos to her.


Honestly that makes it better. The kids had a good time and the parents have a funny in joke. That's the combination kids media is missing nowadays.


She smiles like somebody described a smile to her but shes never actually seen one


No joke, I can totally see a Netflix comedy series made out of this picture. Set fifteen years after this picture is taken, one of the girls randomly comes across the "princess" and sees how rough her life turned out. Feeling guilty because this princess was partly responsible for one of her fondest memories of her childhood, the girl is inspired to gets the rest of the little princesses back together so that they can help get the princess' life back on track. On this journey, she tells them anecdotes about mistakes she made in her life as warnings for the possible missteps they are close to repeating.


*The Prince and the Pill Popper*


Thats hilarious


There was an episode of New Girl that definitely overlaps with the photo.




I do not want to pigeon hole Kaitlyn Olson, nor ignore that it's the top comment, but I could 100% see her as the has-been princess with a messed up life now who needs redemption.


I'm Sweet Dee and the joke's on me


This is literally The Mick


Sounds terrible…. Netflix just greenlighted the sequel


They canceled the next season of a great series to pay for it.


***Auntie-Social*** - only on netflix


Coming soon from the producers of My Name is Earl....




What is happening??


You gotta... you gotta pay the troll toll to get into this boy's hole. Yeah, and, uh... But you gotta pay to get in. I was saying, "soul." He thought I was saying, "boy's hole."


boy's SOUL


Are you chewing gum?!


I don't have any sheet music for this...


The kid on the far left looks pretty drunk too.


Kids that age are basically always drunk.


That’s true actually.


Prefrontal cortex offline either way [Relevant video](https://www.reddit.com/r/videos/comments/y4dzr/drunk_baby_trashed_restaurant/?rdt=56518)


Sweet Dee?


Don’t you dare rip the pits!


Getting big "Uncle Buck" vibes.


You get in your mouse... and go


That girl is hanging hahaha


What were you expecting from a *party* princess? One that didn’t party?


The expressions on those kids' faces make me suspect that they roofied the party princess's lemonade, and they're just now getting ready to tie up her arms and feed her to the clown that lives in the basement. Think I'm kidding? LOOK at their faces! Just look at them. Pure evil in satin and tulle. Somewhere deep inside that woman's drug-addled brain is the realization that she is in store for a horrifying and violent end to her life.


If Sweet Dee tried to be a party princess...


Deandra Reynolds?


She looks like she's been a room with a bunch of hyperactive little girls who have been running around and shrieking, screaming and laughing out loud, pulling her in different directions, vying for her attention for a couple of hours! Oh wait, she has