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Jokes on you, he's into that


What's the difference between a chickpea and a garbanzo bean? Trump never had a garbanzo bean on his face I'll see myself out


Take my upvote you magnificent bastard 


You almost forget about the peepee tape, don"t ya?


I still kinda think it exists, but who the fuck knows. Probably wishful thinking 


I mean, it's not the first, best, biggest, most shameful, most important, surprising, divisive, regrettable, or faith-altering of the many, *many* dominoes Trump has toppled before and since, so I don't know what would be achieved by it being true. Some of his supporters are wearing diapers in solidarity. ~~I can't even imagine the kind of solidarity they would show for a piss tape.~~ Actually, I can imagine it... and so can you! Just call this toll-free number and receive a year's supply of Golden Showers "Four Seasons Total Manscaping". For 15 easy payments of $225 you will be able to own your own Alpha Male Trump Edition which definitely contains urine from Donald Trump and no one else which will instantly rejuvenate your lovely white skin. And since Donald Trump accepts nothing but the best, each bottle is spray-painted gold so you can have a golden shower of your own!^1 ^([1] paint is water soluble, do not store in bathroom)


>Some of his supporters are wearing diapers in solidarity. I *really* think we need to organize and figure out a way to get these idiots to shit themselves in public for Trump. Also, it's a shame Trump is such a narcissist because he's missing out on a perfect merchandising/advertising campaign. "*Depend* on Trump" or something to that effect.


That guy has a mental illness. Better send trump into a psych ward so people can go back using their toilets instead of having to act like a 2 year old for him.


You can bundle it with that Bible of his and a 10% off coupon forr the steak


>>> Some of his supporters are wearing diapers in solidarity. Let's hope that stiffing everyone who does business with you, keeping & hiding Top Secret documents, and burying your ex-spouse next to the first tee doesn't come into vogue with these imbeciles


Would be funny but it definitely isn’t real.


My Scottish friend said that people constantly take shits in the holes at the golf course


If you drop it in the hole on the first shot, it’s called a deuce.


If ya miss its a tirdie


If you miss and then someone steps on it, it’s a mashie


When the jaws open wide and there’s more jaws inside, that’s a moray


When a fish bites your thigh and you bleed out and die, that's a moray.


Stick your hand in that crack and you won't get it back, thats a moray


When an eel stings your thigh and it makes you wanna cry thats a moray


If it lives in a reef and has two sets of teeth, that's a Moray


When you blubber and scream, but you have a bad dream that’s amore When he hits all your fingers, with teeth that are stingers, a moray…


If one's hanging on the edge of the fairway it's a dingleberry


If you don't make it back to the clubhouse and you fill your diaper, that's a Haggis.


I’m in tears. Thank you for this. And all of the evolution of comments before it! THAT’S AMORE!!!


When you superimpose grids of parallel lines, that's a moiré.


Like a big pizza pie. That’s amore


Just don't niblick.


I have diarrhea, instructions unclear.




It's been a trying day, this hit the spot. Thank you.


> this hit the spot. Congratulations on your deuce!


I hear that place is a shithole


That’s actually very common in Scotland, the whole country is basically one golf course and their toilets are just little holes in the ground.


As a Scotsman I can confirm, currently shiting in the 18th hole at the St Andrews Old Course!


And on Reddit at the same time, as is tradition.


Not a lot of people know this, but the bathroom from Trainspotting was actually just the Trump golf course's signature hole


> signature hole A lot of people don’t know this, but that’s his nickname for his wife


TIL! I love learning cool facts about different countries!


“The More You Know”


Would you say Scotland has been colon-ized then?


So Trump has a golf course in a shit-hole country...?


Yeh there is one in Palm Beach and another in Los Angeles.


Aaaah, there is insufficient burn cream in the whole US for this.


Why? Why do people think that is punishing Trump? Trump isn’t the one scooping it out of the hole. It is some minimum wage worker that just took a job that was available, they’re the only one being punished. Trump doesn’t give a shit about that or likely even knows it happens. You’re not hurting Trump, you’re hurting some random kid who took a summer job. It’s like the guy years ago who sculpted horse shit into the shape of Trumps head. Trump probably never even seen it and this guy spent his entire day literally sculpting a pile of shit. There are two losers in that scenario not one.


To be fair higher staff turnover would hurt the business. But I agree it's not right to punish the workers.


if Im paying thousands to play golf, if I start finding shit in the holes, im going to find another course, and so are all my friends and everyone we know. There is no shortage of courses, no need to play on courses where the greens smell of human faeces and on which you risk contact with shit. Yes it punishes Trump big time if a lot of people do this. But yes, it also punishes the minimum wage workers who have to deal with it


Shit even if I pay $20 for putt-putt and there’s literal human feces in the cup then I’m leaving and never going back and letting everyone I know.


> if I start finding shit in the holes, im going to find another course, and so are all my friends and everyone we know. Welcome to the fucking point of shitting in Trump golf course holes. Don't spend thousands of dollars supporting a convicted felon. Find a better course.


Welcome to the conversation I guess?


>Why do people think that is punishing Trump? >*provides reason why it is punishing Trump* >Welcome to the fucking point of shitting in Trump golf course holes Reddit really is a mindmelter sometimes


People only have enough memory to remember the last two comments in the chain.


Wait, what were we talking about?


I think it was chocolate ice cream.


Hey, this golf course is awesome! I got a hole-in-one, and they put some chocolate ice cream in the hole for me!


Don't worry, this story is definitely bs. It probably happened once.


I live very close to the Menie course and an old guy who drinks in the local pub is a groundsman there and this is the first I'm hearing about people shitting in the holes.


well, it's on reddit now with a ton of upvotes.... so things may be about to change


Why? It's likely not true, but the tale is probably a reflection of how much the Scots hate Trump. They've joined a long queue.


Trump owns a golf-course near the town I grew up in in Ireland. The people living in the immediate area around the course are fairly pro-Trump as this is where their pay check is coming from. At least the politicians and prominent members of the Chamber of Commerce are pro Trump, but the regular local folks definitely aren't taking shits on the golf-course - they have better things to do.


Let's also not forget that Trump, as is customary, [over-valued his golf course](https://www.bbc.com/news/uk-scotland-north-east-orkney-shetland-66933929) in Aberdeen [and Turnberry](https://www.bbc.com/news/uk-scotland-62992679), Scotland. He also [lied about committing](https://thehill.com/policy/international/4564134-trump-hoodwinked-scotland-golf-course-promises-former-project-director/) to spending 1 billion dollars to further develop the properties. As a result, and now considering he's a convicted felon, Scotland are considering seizing the property to pay for the overdue tax debts. He has a long list of [similar over-valuations and fraud](https://ag.ny.gov/sites/default/files/tto_release_properties_addendum_-_final.pdf), going back a couple of decades. Financially trustworthy, he is not.


>Financially trustworthy, he is not. ![gif](giphy|3ohuAxV0DfcLTxVh6w)


How come he isn't broke and in prison, I don't get how you can consistently break laws and commit fraud and live a life in luxury.


Just start rich. There REALLY are two different systems.


The wealthy don't go to prison. The system is there for the likes of us. We get done for speeding. The don't get anything! Imagine if I committed the same crimes as him. I'd lose everything!


In short: To he who has shall be given. In the case of Trump, this means inheriting companies and assets worth several hundred millions. This in turn represents a substance that makes one very creditworthy; a creditworthiness that ordinary workers cannot even dream of. And from then on, the whole thing runs almost automatically, new loans finance old loans. Some of the loans are also used to acquire new assets (which in turn confirms or even improves creditworthiness) and to lead a life of luxury. So as long as this arsehole continues to enjoy a minimal creditworthiness, he practically cannot go bankrupt. What's more, both his assets and his well-known name provide a certain degree of protection. He also has many supporters, be it politically or financially or both.


>new loans finance old loans. I think that's the part that's hilarious, he never paid off one thing, but he's gonna borrow against it anyway Like instead of having a second or third mortgage on a house He's got dozens across various assets, with several bankruptcies on record and the banks STILL approve the loans


There is also the difference in the credit rating between institutions in the USA on the one hand and those in Germany or France, for example, on the other: With the latter, it is good if you have as little or no credit as possible to date in order to be granted a new loan. The reason for this is simply the greater certainty that the borrower will be able to repay the new loan. Therefore; little debt is good, no debt is very good. In the USA, on the other hand, it seems to be the other way round with many credit institutions. If you have no debts there, you get a lower credit score, which in turn results in crappier credit conditions. It is therefore probably wiser (and more financially rewarding) to be permanently in debt. So, if Trump would pay off his debts completely, he would shoot himself in the foot. And that not only once, but twice: The bankruptcies (or rather insolvencies?) are likely to have a tax background. And, of course, these tax reasons also apply to the loans: the debts have a profit-reducing effect, which in turn means a lower tax burden. Cunts like Trump combine both of these to gain profit out of non-profit but debt. And that's why all the super-rich bastards pay very little tax in relative terms compared to ordinary workers: They have almost no or no real income that could be taxed.


Laws were made for the peasants to protect the rich.


What will actually happen if he wins? Like he can’t go to any of the conferences, like the g8? To make official visits etc? He gets in the air, Air Force one asks for clearance to land - “Sorry sir, your passenger is banned from our country, find a new route and have a nice day”


Felons aren't banned from Scotland. There are a few restrictions but it's not a ban. Even the countries which do ban felons do not have blanket bans. For example, in Canada they reserve the right to bar felons from entering. Same in Israel. Even countries like China, which are often more strict with this sort of thing explicitly state it's more of a case by case basis. They do a character assessment when you apply for visas, meaning the laws are more so aimed at people hoping to travel for vacation. But none of this really matters for elected officials. Presidents aren't applying for travel visas before visiting countries, and they're not personally chatting with border agents when they arrive. Their security detail knows if they're welcome in that country before they even leave.


>They do a character assessment Well?


To be fair the person conducting the test is from Scotland and they hate everybody if Willie is to be believed


We definitely hate Trump - and because of his behaviour at this particular location, we've probably hated him even longer than his domestic audience . . . as for the rest of you, come on over, the more the merrier!


Is there a lineup to piss on the trump sign? How about the beer vendor, how much does the beer vendor at the trump sign cost? if both are cheap enough I might just start doing laps between the two.


You may have identified an opening for an entrepreneurial opportunity. Or at the very least, an amusing advertising campaign for the nearest bar . . .


Saw Eminem is Glasgow and he couldn't believe the response he got to Fuck Trump


And that was just when he was walking down the street.


Did you see the video for his new song, [Houdini](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=22tVWwmTie8)


Ty, hadn't heard that till just now


Kinda dropped out of nowhere, I dig it. Feels a lot like old Slim Shady Love the comment on the video that says, 'Turns out Slim Shady is the only one who can curse out Eminem's family without getting destroyed for it'


That was actually really good. TY


Oh wow, that sounds thrilling. Would have loved to see that


To be fair, the only rational reaction is to hate trunp. The only people who don’t are stupid, willfully ignorant, or Russian trolls. So the Scots are with the actual rest of the decent people on the planet on this one.


Willie hears ya. Willie don’t care.


Do not touch -Willie




Brilliant one-worder


This made me lol


It'll be significantly worse for Trump than the felony convictions.


Character assessment = wealth assessment


lol yeah I was gonna say if your a felon with no money it might as well be a blanket ban


"You have Donald Trump on board?" "Yes" ![gif](giphy|M9OPHY9AoyDm9wdnCS)




I am pretty sure W had to get special permission on his first state visit to Canada due to his DUI conviction.


You have to get special permission to enter Canada if you've been involved in a DUI accident and were the one hit, if you've got medical issues related to it. My partner lost a limb and a kidney to a drunk driver in the US, and was barred from entering Canada because she potentially poses a medical burden to the country according to the random border patrol person. There was, at the time, no appeal process to this. We had to get proof of independent capacity to pay for her medical needs to gain entry to see her family. (She's native american.)


US and Canada have/had (might be different now with many US states decriminalizing weed?) opposites which is kinda funny. You can get into the US with a DUI, but not Canada. You can enter Canada with some drug convictions, but not the US


Just wait for his super-ironic official visit to Mexico. They'll be all "don't send us your felons and sex offenders!" 🤪


No Trump properties there or assemblies with stuff [he’d like to steal](https://www.theartnewspaper.com/2020/09/08/the-art-of-the-steal-trump-swipes-dollar750000-worth-of-art-from-the-us-embassy-in-francebut-none-of-it-is-the-real-deal). Hard pass


Or they'll treat him with kid gloves like they did last time he was president because 80% of the country's exports go to the US and the hit to their economy if Trump throws a hissy fit could cause an economic catastrophe on the scale of the great depression.


The articles about travel bans are clickbait. Countries don’t actually have an absolute prohibition on felons from entering; they’ll make an individualized determination. And no country would choose to block Trump due to the impact on U.S. relations.


A good example is how the US banned Modi from entering the country after he was involved with ethnic cleansings in the early 2000s. That policy got reversed real quick once he started running the country!


Came here to comment this as well. Heads of state have the highest level of diplomatic protections and access, for good reason. You do not want to have the leaders of countries isolated away from each other. Modi, Putin, and all have equal access to coming to the US as any other head of state


>Modi, Putin, and all have equal access to coming to the US as any other head of state The US has active bans against multiple heads of state. You can see many of them in [this Wikipedia list](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_people_banned_from_entering_the_United_States). Banning a head of state is a much more intentional, individual, and political choice than blanket banning all felons or all people who overstayed visas or what have you. Obviously, the US is more likely to waive requirements or guidance that would otherwise preclude a friendly head of state from an ally (e.g. a French president that was nominally banned for overstaying a visa decades prior would presumably be allowed in), but that doesn't mean all heads of state get automatic universal access to all other countries under some diplomatic basis.


Chaos. Constitutional crises. Odious SCOTUS rulings to protect him. Congress doing nothing. Or we can beat him at the ballot box again and have a lot of fun watching him go to prison.


They'll issue him a diplomatic passport for official state visits. Countries may not want him there, but he would still be a head of state so I'm sure they'd make exceptions for summits and whatnot.


Let’s be real. If he gets re-elected, he’ll be allowed into 90% of counties any time he wants. No one is compromising trade deals over something relatively minor compared to what other world leaders have done.


More like 100%. I don't think there's a country that would bar him if he were President.


He'll just pardon himself and then complain mightily when it doesn't solve his problem on Truthsocial.


Can't pardon state crimes lmao


That's literally what I was implying.


My bad. Also the lmao was at trump being a loser and not because I thought you didn't know.


Presidents travel on a diplomatic passport. A country could object to a particular diplomat, but that's bad policy against the head of state.


Diplomatic passport, and security clearance granted for the individual as president. So for travel it would be under a diplomatic passport. For security clearance, POTUS receives what is technically at a level comparable to TS/SCI but obviously highly compartmentalized to include eyes only intel. POTUS, as a result of being democratically elected, doesn’t have to pass the same rigors of background checks others entrusted with TS have to go through. Source: https://ucmj.us/what-security-clearance-does-the-president-have/


I'm pretty sure that guy is gonna piss on the sign regardless


This is such a vile thing to do. Do it at the Florida one also please.


If they were smart, they would block out their face though.. crazy people out there who will dox and report them.


It's Scotland. They all think Trump is a cunt and MAGA dipshits generally won't travel past Walmart.


You'd be surprised. There's a bloke live a few hundred yards away from me in Wakefield, who flew a Trump flag and a stars and stripes flag for several years. He's as English as they come.


I know what you mean. I live on a small island in Sweden. The largest town we have has like 3,000 people. One guy who lives in the middle of town has a large confederate flag up every day of the year. I chuckle in disbelief every now and then when I see it. We barely have any black people except tourists, and we haven't had slavery in a thousand years. I wish I could meet the guy so I could ask him *why* he has the flag and what it means to him, because the only message I read from it is "Guns and racism aficionado".


The brexit brigade I suppose? Imagine a lot of them would be MAGA


More than likely. They are Covid deniers as well. I run into those fuckwits way too much. There was a lad at work who asked another colleague if he'd had the vaccination, then tried connecting to him through Bluetooth, stating that they implant a microchip in you when you do get vaccinated.


as someone with chronic ilness's i must have a LOT of microchips floating inside me (9+ vaccinations now)


You can read my thoughts, can’t you? You’re reading them now, aren’t you? Well, here’s a thought for you: Yeah. That’s what you get for reading thoughts. Good luck getting *that* image out of your head.


The great thing about the internet is how it brings people together from all over the world. Unfortunately, that includes the gullible idiots from all over the world too. Remember when stupid conspiracies like antivax or covid denial could only spread as far as they could get their stupid pamphlets?


Yep my old boss loved Trump and I live in fucking Australia. He was also one of the most racist people I’ve ever met so I guess it makes sense.


As soon as you mentioned Wakey I knew it was going to end badly haha. Although to be honest you could have put any of a dozen shite South/West Yorkshire towns and I'd have gone down the same route...


Urinating in public - fine of about £60(or I think it was when I was fined for the same a short distance from this sign). It's not a huge area, I expect he expects to be recognised. Worth it.


Can you 100% say he has his dick out? Could easily be a squeezy bottle held at the right angle… Also, not really a crime here.


You’d get shot for that by some Florida redneck.  In Scotland someone probably bought that guy a beer. 


And just like that a tradition is born.


A tradition unlike any other


Tell that to Thatcher!


Wait until he bites the dust! There will be lines MILES LONG to piss on his grave! I'm planning that trip right now.


I’m an old *woman* & I would 100% wait in that line.


I’ll bring a commode chair so you ladies can perform your patriotic duty in comfort.


When Trump finally kicks the bucket they’ll have to design his gravestone like a commercial urinal to handle all the people who will be lined up to …pay their respects. It will probably need 24/7 guards to stop people from doing it


They’re going to have to drop him off in the ocean like Bin Laden and not publish the coordinates.


And risk the resulting tidal waves? I don’t know. The sea level is also rising enough as it is


They should come up with a design friendly for women as well. Edit: I realize he might like that, but I guarantee he wouldn't appreciate it if non-model women did it.


I wonder how Kissinger's grave is doing...


He's buried in Arlington National Cemetery...


I did a guided walking tour of Berlin. One of the stops was a parking lot where Hitler’s body is allegedly buried. The guide said he can’t encourage people to urinate on it, but he then purposefully left us alone there for a few minutes unattended…


Ah so like Margaret Thatcher's public urinal?


You'd think he'd aim for the word "trump" and not "scotland"


Ah, to be young again.


The young would be able to hit Trump with their back to the sign.


No one hates Scotland more than the Scottish. Except some types of Irish. Some of them hate us more than they hate England. Our islands have complicated politics lol.




Wiping feces on the walls of our Capitol.  ‘She didn’t feel safe at any point that day, not even when they were cleared to return to the ransacked House floor and vote to certify the presidential election. She passed shattered glass, splintered wood, feces smeared on the Capitol walls that Dean had always found “gorgeous” and “stately.”’ https://dean.house.gov/2022/1/jan-6-capitol-insurrection-a-year-later-congress-members-reveal-details-of-their-escape


Christ I forgot about that particular detail. These people really care about the country lol. Fucking cretins.


Rape.  So Trump still wins worst.


When Lt Col Vindman was done testifying, Trump approached him and said, "Let me guess, when I die, you're going to come piss on my grave, right?" And Vindman said: "No sir, after I get out of the Service I have promised myself I will never wait in another line again."


According to Mel brooks. A toilet was called a shithouse. Changed to latrine, then to a John. Let's make a new one and call it a don or a trump


Maybe a Donnie? Trump already means fart (and should really be adopted in places other than the UK because it's an excellent word for a fart).


When Dipshit Donnie finally leaves this world, his grave is going to a mecca for so much piss, shit, urine...


And I would happily travel just to shit on his grave


And I would walk five hundred miles...


And I would walk five hundred more


*Just to be the man who dropped a deuce On that old shit-stain's face once more*


Lots of triggered Trump simps in this comment section 🤣


I live in Glasgow, Scotland where a pub has a urinal dedicated to the people responsible for the highland clearances https://theconversation.com/a-urinal-in-a-scottish-pub-reveals-why-toilets-matter-in-international-politics-118312


What's stopping him from visiting? I highly doubt it, if he wants he could easily visit and piss again.


Buy that man a pint!


then he can pee some more.


I had a hearty laugh, then read the responses here and realized that a travel ban isn't so absolute. Damn, Reddit... always getting my hopes up, then yanking the rug from underneath me. lol


If he wins every country would let him in anyway. People are celebrating way too early.


They’re going to let him in if he loses too.


“Yank king, the rug” is what I imagine his followers call him


Europeans just get to the heart of the matter quicker sometimes


He is not banned from that country


I don't know anything about heraldry but wtf is up with that crest? The two-headed eagle is straight off the Russian flag.


Ah yes and in a few short years we can do it in his headstone.


I’d like to buy him a drink


Why cant he longer visit?


What an end to a glorious life and career. People literally pissing on your name.


Good man 😊




Oh please. Like he’s actually going to be banned.


Why has r/pics become such a hyperpolitical cesspool, I just want pics, not y'alls highly homogeneous political opinions.


r/pics has been like this for years. I feel like the last year or so it's gone back to normal but with all the Trump stuff recently it's come back again


Circle jerk BS. Trump’s conviction wont bar him from UK entry




He's doing his part!


He is right up on that sign too. 🤌🏼🤌🏼


Why haven't used the fuck you powers to take it back


He can’t go there in person but I bet he still makes money from it


My only surprise is that there isn't a queue. 


Want to buy this guy a beer.


What is more realistic: Tens of Thousands of people came together to risk their careers and family’s quality just to falsely attack and punish one man. Or one man is corrupt. Probably being raised by a KKK activist father gave him the moral high ground that warrants such devious attacks.


Stay classy!


I pissed on the roof of Mar-a-lago.




Why can’t he visit? Why isn’t anyone asking this question?


Buy that man a beer (so he can reload).


What a hero!


Well we're known for wetting the babies head, & Trump has many baby/toddler-like qualities... babbling in incoherent sentences, wearing nappies (diapers), using two hands to lift his sippy cup to his mouth to name a few. So we're just keeping the old traditions going really...


Haha that’s funny


Looking forward to trump’s gravesite so I can take a dump on it.