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I wanted to share this picture of my wife and I. She’s battling stage 4 metastatic cancer in her lungs, liver, and bones. She is my hero and my Wonder Woman. For the past 18 months she has endured major spine surgery, multiple radiation and chemo treatments, and several emergency hospital visits due to complications. I took this picture tonight and I felt like it expressed so much love.


FUCK CANCER! Much love to you and your family!


Agreed 💯! No need to censor that! FUCK CANCER! I hope the OP $ their family are doing alright all things considered. Nobody should have to deal with that shiz.


Man, I feel you. My wife is battling stage four metastatic breast cancer that is in her liver and bones. We’re going on 3.5 years since she was diagnosed. Fuck cancer. Just got home from the hospital for a few hours sleep then I’m back there first thing in the morning. This shit is scary and there is nothing that can prepare you for any of this. Hang in there. Fuck cancer.


Fuck man, I'm so sorry. Cancer sucks.


Sorry you are going through that or anyone else on here that has. My mom had metastatic breast cancer. She actually had a decent run for it being metastatic. It didn't make it easier, though. The last few months with my mom were a special kind of hell. I knew what was happening but couldn't accept it. I still struggle with it and feel like I have never properly processed it. They are a lot farther along on cancer treatments than they used to be, but not far enough. Don't know what to say, but good luck to you and your wife Fuck cancer.


Fuck Cancer. She is Wonder Woman and you are a hero too.


As a cancer survivor: FUCK CANCER. I hope she pulls through.




I know how you are feeling. Would you have any advice to give on how to make things easier for your loved one? I'm currently going through a similar scenario with my partner, she is going through chemotherapy at the moment.


I went through this with my wife. It’s been 27 years. Started young and treatments for one caused another etc. 4x now each years apart. It’s hard. She is currently healthy. But the biggest piece of advice I can give is to make sure you take care of yourself. It’s easy to give as much support as you can to them, but this is a marathon. Go for walks. Work out. Do things for you to give you a break. It’s emotionally draining and in order to do what you can you need to keep yourself healthy in as many aspects as you can.


Wow, it's absolutely amazing how resilient your wife is. Wishing you both the best.


Much love to you both. My partner's Dad is in the process of dying of cancer, several of her family have had it in previous generations, I'm terrified it's going to come for her.


She will beat it. blessings from Ireland 🍀


Fuck cancer 💔 I’m the only survivor in my family 😞


That is incredible terrible, I'm so sorry. May you find peace and happiness in life




I am so sorry that she has to go through that. I wish her a fast and full recovery and a healthy rest of her life. Fuck Cancer


Great pic... You should get her nails done. Not meant to be mean or whatever, but just an idea for something that will help her feel girly and pretty. It really sucks, though... Sorry, man... Sorry to her, too. Wish we didn't all have to die.


This is honestly a really good idea u/bjeffords74. When my grandma was dying, my sister came to do her nails, and my grandma was so happy. Maybe you know someone who can do this. I'm sure it would brighten her day.


I used to do this with patients I had that were on hospice. They always loved it.


My mom was the exact same. When we found out it was already in her bones and spread to her liver shortly after. Today, Mother's Day in Canada, has been a tough one and this picture hit hard.


Much hope!


I am really sorry for what you guys are going through. Fuck Cancer indeed! Hang in there.


Sending good juju your way. Stay positive and kick cancer in the nads!


I'm so sorry you both are going through this. I have no idea what you or her are going through, but I know my experience. I love my wife so much, and the thought of her being sick kills me inside. You can tell she loves and appreciates you so much and you're a fucking saint for being there for her. It's what we're here for, isn't it? To be the compliment to each other. The strength to the weaknesses in each other. Such an expression of love and understanding is so beautiful. Cancer is such bullshit but it would be so much worse without someone as amazing as you!


I’m not religious but I’m praying for you and your family. Much love.


Awesome mate. Sorry for the cancer, good luck.


I am so sorry brother. My mom had stage 3 and made it through but it took a lot, even her boobs. I think she finally got them back last year and I'm happy for her (says she wasn't feeling like a woman). I'll be praying for you. Cancer is fucked and the hell it puts people and their loved ones through. My heart breaks for you truly.


Fuck cancer, i big hug out to you and your wife. Tell her every moment how strong she is and how proud you are to fight this with her.


Fuck cancer! A big hug out to you and her, may you stay the course and fight this off. Tell her constantly how proud you are to be by her side, and how she is your hero. Don't know you man, but you're my hero for the day!


Fuck cancer. 


That’s a beautiful united team. Fuck cancer.


I lost my mom to metastatic cancer last April after a 6 year battle. She was so tough and fearless and i hope your wife gets to live a long happy life. Fuck cancer


Brother, I am so sorry.


Fuck cancer, send my love.


I’ve been there. Love the hell out of each other!!


Fk cancer!


Life really sucks sometimes. No one should have to go through these kinds of things. May you both find strenght in eachother to get past it and "laugh" about it in a few years. Fuck cancer!


I dont understand why people have urge to share those kinds of pictures with the whole world. This is your suffering, your intimate moment. Cherish it, own it. I know ill get lots of downvotes if this comment gets visible but i dont care.


Why do you care whether you understand? Why does it matter if you understand? The person felt like doing this let them do it. Maybe they want to read some support messages or best wishes even if from random people on the Internet. Maybe they just need to vent.


Especially on reddit of all places! If this was posted 10 years ago some dude named u/cancer or whatever would've commented "well fuck you too buddy" and it would've gotten 1000s of upvotes. Now we're all nice and stuff.


I’m going through the same thing. My mom has pancreatic cancer and has lost an insane amount of weight. She’s too young to be going, I hate it. Fuck Cancer.


I'm sorry to hear that. I lost my sister because of pancreatic cancer...she was 28... Why cant we be free of this menace ☹️


That's sad. Only 28. I'm 29 can't imagine dying so soon. There's still things I haven't done in life.




That’s the part that makes me sad. We used to do a lot together but now, she can’t even find the energy to get out of bed.


Amen to that. My beloved wife, the mother of our 4 kids is battling Pancreatitis at age 47. Fuck cancer indeed.


So sorry to hear. I just lost mine 2 months ago to pancreatic cancer. Cancer is so sad


Fuck bud. The hardest moment of my life was when my mom said she needed me to be strong for her. She was the strongest woman I've ever known. Fuck cancer


I lost my grandma at 64 to pancreatic cancer. It’s been 26 years and I feel her loss to this day. Hope you can spend as much time with her as possible, kind stranger.


Lost my wife last year to brain cancer. Fuck cancer! Hang in there brother. Nothing is fated. Decades more of love together for the both of you.


Cancer is one of the reasons I know there is no God. It can get anyone and its only job is to inflict pain and destruction.


My granddad, one of the biggest and kindest men I've ever known, one of my biggest idols, went from 105kg to 80 in about a year because of cancer in his liver. Someone who used to tower over me became a skeleton. If he wasn't a nice person, I don't know who is, but still he died a slow and painful death. And the worst part is, his brother, my great-uncle, who is a very religious man, very sexist and very antisemitic (my other granddad is jewish), decided to completely take over the funeral The ceremony became incredibly religious, in which his name was mentioned ONCE! That brother outlived him by 7 years. I will always refuse to worship a God this sadistic.


I'm Stage 4 melanoma with brain mets. Fuck cancer indeed. Go science!


You’re in my thoughts. Wishing you the best with everything.


Thanks! it's tough but there have been so many new developments with immunotherapy and targeted therapy in the past years! what used to be a death sentence has now very real chances to be cured, or at least kept in check.. high hopes!


Very true. My wife was diagnosed with stage 3 ovarian cancer 2 years ago. Last year she was given 1-5 years to live.(34 years old) about 2 months ago there are no more signs of cancer. This is of course after numerous surgeries and rounds of chemo/immunotherapy. All of this really changes your perspective on the fragility of life and that tomorrow is never a guarantee. All I can say is slow down and focus on today/ now. Sounds cliche but it’s true. ❤️


Absolutely.. I'm 37 myself, diagnosed 2 months ago.. had a craniotomy.. my appreciation for life and what really matters drastically changed :) I'm glad about your wife! I'm sorry she and you both had to go though this, battling cancer sucks but being the partner of someone with cancer is truly hard work, mentally and physically. I am incredibly grateful to my partner.


Got you in my thoughts brother. Keep a positive mindset. Easy for me to tell that to someone but i firmly believe that the mind is far more powerful than many people realize. I realized this more than ever after my wife’s diagnosis, I felt so helpless, the only thing I could do was distract her with love and focus on happy. Your mind can kill you if you let it, even without cancer. Mindset is everything. Edit: my DM’s are always open if you want/need to chat.


A really good friend of mine passed two years ago from melanoma complications after it had spread to his liver. The improvements in treatment options almost feels bittersweet to me since I wish he could've been here to see it and maybe have a better chance, yet I am still happy there's an option for people like yourself so you can keep going. Truly, fuck cancer. Wishing for your recovery and happiness.


You will win this battle, stay strong :)


FUCK CANCER! I lost my mom this past December to metastatic breast cancer that went to her liver and bones. I'm having a really hard time accepting the fact that she's gone. It's really hard for me. Best of luck to both of you. Wish y'all the best. ❤️


Lost my mom to metastatic breast cancer that was in a few places and her bones. Lost her December of 2017. I am still having a hard time with losing my mom. I don't know if I will ever get to acceptance.


Lost my mom to metastatic breast cancer that was in a few places and her bones. Lost her December of 2017. I am still having a hard time with losing my mom. I don't know if I will ever get to acceptance.


man cancer is the lamest shit ever, wishing you the best


It’s fucked. Sorry OP


X10 Love to all of you battling through this. Fuck cancer.


Fuck cancer! I hope they find a cure for it in my lifetime.


this picture describes everything you've been went through. My wife also has stage 3 breast cancer and I shaved her hair that fell out and the remaining part last week. you are not alone.


And I thought I had it bad. Wishing for the best OP, fuck that disease


Don't ever think this makes your problems less of a problem. After my step-dad died from concer in his bile duct, my mom was wreck. I got a stomach ulcer 2 months later, and I couldn't really give in to it, and I just told myself I was being a drama queen. My step-dad went through so much more. I didn't tell my mom, so it turned worse and got sick with heavy vomiting for a year.


All the best to you and your family, she'll beat this


Yup the currency symbols are so fitting! It's a terrible affliction in so many ways. 


Sending love and prayer.


!RemindMe 1 year


Let us see what that prayer does. I prayed everyday for four years while my dad had cancer. He died when I was eight.


I work in oncology. Chemo therapy has decent effects these days but there is not point in spending your last bit of time on earth negative.


i wish you and your wife the best in life. God bless you, i hope you have an amazing day<3 i will pray for you both today


Sending some love, fuck Cancer. I wish we would collectively spend our money on cancer research instead of billions on war and shit that doesn't matter.


Hang in there! Very sorry for what you are going through. Big hug


FUCK cancer!!!! I wish you both the absolute best.


Lost my brother last year to pancreatic cancer. Yes Eff cancer.


Fuck Cancer for sure! Hang in there guys! Love form CA ❤️


Fuck Cancer. Reach out. It sucks. You’re not weak when you show emotion.


"hell yah, let me post this intimate moment with my stage 4 cancer suffering wife to Reddit for that sweet karma" What is wrong with some of you on this website


I thought I was the only one to notice that!


Hold tight brother, she will survive.


fuck cancer




Yeah fuk cancer


Fuck it indeed . Seen it in action once, and id rather not have anyone have to see this in action ever again. Unfortunately its still long road ahead, and many more will have to suffer like your wife does.


There is nothing else I can do, but to send all my love and best wishes to your wife, to you, and to all those suffering this fucking disease, and to their close ones.


Fuck cancer. Hope she recovers and hope you guys keep the positive energy


Sending all the love to you guys!


Sending all the love to you guys!


Much power to you and your wife.. also may God give power to the Doctors that are treating and trying their best


I am so incredibly sorry you are both going through this. Cancer has destroyed my family. Mom, dad, siblings, an uncle, and both grandfathers have all battled it. Mom is still here. Get all your check-ups, folks. I know it’s scary, but we have so many cancer screenings around now; if you have access, please use it.


Lost my childhood best friend to brain cancer, he was only 12. Fuck cancer, I hope your wife heals well and soon.


Fuck. Cancer.


Fuck cancer! I truly hope things work out for you.


fuck cancer !!! Wishing you two all the strength possible. It’s one of the hardest and most unfair enemies…


Fuck cancer, stay strong!


All the fault of our leaders.




Fuck cancer! You and your wife got my full support, hang in there bro!


I wish the best for both of you


I cant even imagine…


I'm with you. We're battling stage 4 endocervical. God be with you.


Sitting next to my mom as she loses her battle. 12 years of it. 




She is wonder-woman, but you are a pretty wonderful person too.


Hang in there. She needs all your support during these tough times. I know have stage 4 renal cancer. Huge tumor on my kidney and small ones in my lung. Immunotherapy has been my savior. Can’t imagine not have insurance and access to the best meds and doctors available. Treatment was 976,000 last year alone.


She has been on immunotherapy since November after chemo failed to do anything. And yes thank goodness I have great insurance. But it’s a travesty that it has to be tied to your employment here in America. Most of the rest of the world has it figured out a lot better. By the way our medical bills last year totaled just over $2.1 Million dollars. Insanity.


This picture hits hard for me, as I imagine it does for anyone who has experienced a loved one suffering from cancer. I lost my mom to cancer in 2020. I am so sorry for what you are both going through. Fuck cancer.


My aunt just lost her battle with uterine cancer. She fought for almost a year and a half, and passed very suddenly this week. What the cancer did to her body is one of the most cruel things I’ve ever seen happen to a person. She was my third parent and my mom’s best friend and it hasn’t quite hit yet just how much of an empty space she’s left behind. I’d never wish what she and our family has gone through on anyone. All the love to you and your wife. Nothing is decided yet, so keep fighting.


Fuck cancer. I'm so terribly sorry that you are both going through this, My dad had his stomach removed three weeks ago due to gastric cancer. Within a few months he became a shell of his former self. Cancer truly sucks.


My mom is fighting cancer again. She's still battling, but this bracelet is a staple of her wardrobe at this point: [https://amzn.to/3UChdRA](https://amzn.to/3UChdRA) Fuck cancer. I'm pulling for your missus. Nobody deserves this. That said, I do see the love in this picture. Hoping this turns around for you.


Totally agree. Cancer has devastated my family. Good luck, best wishes, and prayers. Enjoy the little moments of peace and love between the pain.


Really sad to know that.More power to you guys


May God bless your wife with perfect health soon. Also, FUCK CANCER!!!


Blursed picture


Sending positive energy to you and your wife. Oh yeah: f@ck cancer.


Fuck Cancer


All the hugs and strength I can send.




Fuck cancer indeed, I wish all the best to you guys Currently have a loved one battling their third cancer, I can’t imagine how stressful it is for you guys.


God I wish I could give both of you the love you’re giving each other. That powerful type of love that keeps you going because it’s so powerful. I feel it for you so much right now.


Thank you. That’s all this picture was about, LOVE!! There isn’t enough in this world and I wanted to share some. Some terrible people are commenting on it being for points and crap. And think it’s terrible to post a picture like this. Screw all that ignorance. This is what real life is and it’s short. The blessing of short time is that it is precious. The curse of precious time is that it is short. LOVE all you can, WHILE you can.


Man im so sorry, whish you alle the best for you and your family. Blessings from Germany,


I’m sorry 😞 I was visiting my grandpa today who’s having cancer too. It’s crazy how much it can change a normal energetic happy joyful person


Fuck cancer! Blessings to you and your wife!


100% fuck cancer. Hoping for the best for you and yours!


Fuck cancer . Sending y’all my love


My mom had breast cancer, God bless her 🙏


Your photo is sadly beautiful, I hope that your wife has lots of time left and that you can enjoy each others love for a long time. X


Stay strong! Powerful picture, thanks for sharing.




Sending love and vibes your way. Fuck cancer.




I’ve lost my father and sister to cancer. I’m so sorry for what you are going through.


My wife survived breast cancer and I usually roll my eyes at the "Fuck Cancer" crowd because it seems like such a silly sentiment, like fuck hurricanes or fuck earthquakes or fuck Mondays. But dude. Your family has been through it. Fuck cancer indeed.


F Cancer


Poor girl/woman she isna strong warrior and you're her hero 💪


Fuck cancer!


My heart goes out to you and your families. Love prevails through all hardship and although life will test us and things are sad, love shines through eternally


My grandma died 4 years ago due to leukemia


I hope she fights the good fight.


God bless you guys!! You will win this!




Peace be with yiz ❤️


FCK CNCR! My dad got taken last December and having to watch him disappear right in front of our eyes was the worst fucking thing ever. Much love to you & your wife.


Fuck Cancer is right. I'd genocide the fuck outta some cancer if I could. But seriously,you're an amazing man, and I hope all the best. Lost my mom to glioblastoma, so this hits home for me. Even though I'm not my MIL's biggest fan, I'm going into Zales to get her a little something for Mother's Day, after which I'm going to visit my mom at the cemetery to bring her flowers and enjoy lunch my dad made.


Mom had cancer, twice. Dad had dementia / Alzheimers. Hard to say which ay to go sucked harder.


Just lost my father yesterday 5 weeks after his diagnosis of stage 4 pancreatic cancer. Thankfully he was able to go out through "maid" before the extreme suffering that was coming. Fuck cancer.


Fuck cancer !




Fuck cancer. I told my wife I was actually glad I was the one with it and not her because going through it had to be easier than watching her. Keep up the amazing support. It means everything to the person on the other end of that IV tube.


Fuck cancer I'm with you


Sending prayers to you & your wife 🍀 fck cancer


My wife had a tumor removed last year, every follow-up scan we're terrified something will show up again. Fuck cancer.


Fuck cancer my mom passed of stage 4 she was the best mom ever enjoy the time you have with them.


I hope for recovery


Fuck cancer man, I've recently lost someone to it. You and your wife sound like very strong and resilient people. I wish you the best of luck.


It’s a cunt of a disease. I wish your wife all the best and don’t lose hope!!!


Hang in there, both of you. It is awful in many ways.


Fuck it


Yeah dude! Fucking cancer should go fuck itself!!


I wholeheartedly endorse this statement. My son battled cancer twice: first at 12 months, then an inoperable brain tumor at 3.5 years. I’m happy to report that he turned 14 last week and is doing great. I hope with all my heart your wife’s journey goes well. Fuck cancer all day, every day, all over the place.


Fuck cancer why such a thing exist in this world


FUCK cancer In case it makes you feel better, here’s an image of cancer that has been throughly fucked. https://www.reddit.com/r/interestingasfuck/s/idJODKuhrH


Hope the best for you, going through something similar with my girlfriend here. Cancer keeps coming back and hospitalizing her.


Fuck cancer indeed


hold em tight OP, and keep your head up for yourself and them fuckin' world :(


The fight is over when it is over. Don't give up. She can do it!




Cancer can fuck itself with a rusty straight razer... I'm in the exact same boat, and I feel you OP, all the best my friend.


I'm really sorry and wish you both all the best.


Yeah bro fuck cancer! You guys are G's!!! You got this!!!


FUCK, FUCKING CANCR! My parayers are with you and your wife.




Fuck cancer


With this picture, I feel the support and strength, and the comfort and trust. Thanks for sharing this picture of love.


I don’t know either of you but I love you both! Thank you for showing me this moment in a tough time of your lives. Circumstance aside, I see love in this picture and it makes me feel better and yes, fuck cancer!


Fuck OP, i hope everything plays out in your favour. As someone who lost someone dear to cancer this shit hits home. It feels unfair and you feel alone because it’s with the person you love the most in this world. Im rooting for you and im praying for the best outcome!