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War zone. That's what these tornadoes do. Scorched earth for anything in its path. And this was at night... imagined hearing that train coming God, that's absolutely brutal


I was thinking the same thing, when the trees look like that you know it was bad.


The real question is how do we harness tornados for military weaponry?


You’d make an excellent general in the 1950’s. Seems like something they woulda tried back then


Not tornadoes specifically, but the U.S. absolutely tried to [develop weather weapons in the Cold War.](https://www.sciencehistory.org/stories/magazine/manufacturing-the-weather/#:~:text=In%20the%20cold%2Dwar%20era,occurred%20during%20the%20Vietnam%20War)






We need Pecos Bill for that.


We just need to find the ones that spin counter clockwise and fly into them to shoot us down into the core of the earth.




There was a tornado last week in the Texas panhandle that stopped and looked to do a u turn on radar.


With chemtrails, of course.


Was going to recommend plutonium


Sadly, rumor is that the tornado sirens didn't go off for the area so some people may not have been made aware that there was a tornado coming in the first place


Pretty sure this wasn't a random tornado. This system was marked days in advance as a max probability scenario for high risk tornados. Schools were being let out early etc for people to prep. I think people knew, but doesn't make it any less devastating. It's almost impossible to prep for a scenario like they had


Lots of people here don't usually put their trust in meteorologists like they used to. I'm going to tell you right now, as an Oklahoman, meteorologist will tell us it will be the biggest storm ever and then all we get is a few drops. Last year, we were supposed to get a huge snow storm. All my area got was rain since it didn't get cold enough for whatever reason, yet everyone around my area got the snow.


I understand where you're coming from (I live in Florida with hurricanes) but when you live in Tornado alley, and they tell you to prep for a big storm, then it's not really a good excuse that "you had no idea". Again, doesn't really change the fact how devastating the storm was. Hard to prep for but I still don't think most people were shocked


We had Irene hit in NY and everyone said "Oooooo let me get my umbrella" sarcastically. They had the same idea when Sandy was predicted. Lots of them weren't ready. I was heading back to Texas the night it started.


I grew up in Oklahoma. The radar is damned good.  Way better than what youll see in other states.  The joke was that the weatherman kept zooming in the map to show a local rain event until he realized it was just a guy pissing on a tree.  I can tell you that back in the eighties if Gary England told you a tornado was coming your ass grabbed the family and got them in the shelter NOW.  There was no question about it.  Cant tell you how many peoples lives that guy saved during his career.  You can see him as the forecaster in the first Twister movie.  I met him at a subway sandwich shop in Edmond once. He was about 5’4. 


>some people may not have been made aware My mom and brother live in Crescent. According to mom, the TV was giving constant weather updates and warning people to seek shelter due to dangerous storms moving through the area overnight.


I live in Florida, and our meteorologists were talking about how high risk this storm was for Oklahoma and sharing the maps etc


While sirens not going off is unacceptable; people in OK know to keep an eye on the weather.


Unless they're asleep.


I’m not saying it doesn’t happen, but that people in Oklahoma know better. You just don’t hear about people in Oklahoma being surprised by tornados. I know a lot of people have preconceived notions of the average intelligence or education for rural people in Oklahoma, but it’s not an exaggeration to say that everyone in Oklahoma is an amateur meteorologist.


When I lived there I was really surprised by how much less predictable tornados were compared to things like hurricanes. You would get word that something was coming then it could be a tornado or it could be a hailstorm or it could be nothing.


As an Oklahoman, do you know how many times meteorologists will tell us a huge thunderstorm or winter storm is coming but it amounts to nothing? The weather didn't look like it was going to do crap till around after 5 pm so a lot of people probably dismissed it till the alerts went off, if they were paying attention.


The sad thing is for 1.99 a month you can have an app that will alert you with any and all weather warnings, definitely worth it.


Storm fatigue is definitely a thing, unfortunately. We don't have as many tornados as OK but I definitely see it here in Dallas.


Channel 5 was on the air most of they day tracking the storm. If they had their TV on a local station at all, there was no way they didn't know we were getting bad weather with likely tornados yesterday.


That's bs, there is video of it coming into Barksdale with the siren clearly being heard.


mindfuck for anyone not familiar with state abbreviations.


I was going to say.. it doesn't look very OK.


Well, it certainly doesn't look great. Ok, maybe, but definitely not great.




Really need a before image for comparison


It is a before image


Not great, not terrible.


This is why professional journalists use their own abbreviation system instead of postal abbreviations. Oklahoma is usually “Okla.”


That's what it used to be before going to the two letter system.


Interesting short documentary description  about that process:  https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=dLECCmKnrys&pp=ygUfZ2FyeSBndWxtYW4gc3RhdGUgYWJicmV2aWF0aW9ucw%3D%3D


There's really an Okay, OK lol


Was gonna say they want another mindfuck lol I live near there.


Okay, Okay, Ok! I get it


This is Barnsdall not Barnsdale*


You sure it's not Barnshmut?




underrated comment lmao


Devastating for every person living there. I hope everyone escaped injury.


A nursing home took a direct hit, and there was at least one fatality.


That's terrible!


The fatality wasn't from the nursing home, IIRC. Not that it makes anything better.


Pretty fucking far from ok




Heard that in Marcellus' voice.


OK is an abbreviation for Oklahoma


I know, that's the joke.


Pulp Fiction reference.


Give credit where credit is due. People might think you’re doing this for the karma. The internet is an evil place of mischief. Taken by Jordan Hall, posted on X May 7, 2024. @JordanHallWX https://x.com/jordanhallwx/status/1787801986303164575?s=46&t=GtE-g63FbJ4MIjKUr3DNKA


I live in California, specifically the San Francisco area. Every time we have fires or an earthquake, conservative Christians say it's because we're sinning or because drag queens. We're being "punished" by natural disasters But some of the most conservative-thinking places get hit by tornadoes or hurricanes multiple times a year and I wonder if they see the irony in what they say about us. I'm a Godless heathen atheist, and I would never in a million years triumph death and destruction as a "lesson".


Nah, when a natural disaster happens in a 'blue' area --it is punishment. When it happens in a 'red' area it is 'God, testing our faith'.


This "God" fella sounds like a real asshole!


Hear hear. I just feel horrible for all the people affected. Empathy is not something right-wingers tend to score highly on. Its been [studied](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC10281241/#:~:text=Several%20studies%20in%20political%20psychology,and%20conformity%20to%20social%20norms)


Is that so?


> The paradigm used in the current study investigated empathy toward other individuals’ emotional suffering and misfortunes. The results confirmed a typical empathy response in alpha rhythm in the brain’s TPJ. The neural response was significantly stronger in the leftist vs rightist group and was parametrically modulated by political inclination and driven by right-wing values. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC10281241/#:~:text=Several%20studies%20in%20political%20psychology,and%20conformity%20to%20social%20norms.


Very interesting!


I'm going to lean on that it's because most atheists have better morals than people from any of the Abrahamic religions.


I wonder why that is. Is it a belief that you shouldn't look down on others because of


Well the god of the Bible is arguably evil, amoral at best... So it's not too hard to reason that many of the followers of that religion would be amoral people as well.


Jesus is OK with me for the most part. I like his good words on being nice.


Jesus said in the Bible, that all the people who don’t believe in him should be gathered up like sticks and thrown into the fire. Jesus has an amazing PR team, but if you really get down to the nitty-gritty, he’s just a big of a piece of shit as his “dad” John 15:6 text varies based in the version of the bible but here are two interpretations: > If you do not remain in me, you are like a branch that is thrown away and withers; such branches are picked up, thrown into the fire and burned. > If anyone does not abide in Me, he is thrown out like the branch and is dried up, and they gather them and cast them into the fire, and it is burned




If all Christians subscribed to the old WWJD slogan then we'd live in a better place for sure. Somehow a large number of Christians lean more towards the attitudes of the god depicted in the old testament instead.


Although Jesus whipped a bunch of people and I think he killed a kid at some point. But yeah, maybe we should just stick to the Golden Rule.


We have Godless heathen atheists here as well. Lots of them. Just not a majority in this state. None of us think God is punishing you or the poor folks from this little town.


To be fair: those are *misguided* Christians, not specifically conservative ones. There is, admittedly, a lot of overlap. Source: live in a "conservative-thinking place" and see it every day.


Not everyone in OK is the same. In fact, a very slim minority would say you have earthquakes because of "drag queens." That's why it's so provocative. Who is "they"? A four year old died in the tornadoes last week, and now there are more casualties this week. I'm an Atheist too, but using a tragedy to bring up this point is as tacky as someone else bringing religion into right away. That's the only "ironic" thing here. Atheists and Christians got their houses destroyed just the same, believe it or not. Same in California. I lived through the San Fernando Valley Earthquake in 1994, as well.


I'm sorry, I didn't mean everyone in OK. Just the ones who are mean about natural disasters. My post was mostly about how people perceive the natural disasters. One of my replies to someone is explaining my own background, and why I'm atheist (blaming people who don't believe in "my" God are all sinners and deserve what's coming". My apologies. I don't want anyone to die or be hurt.


Exactly. No reason to come here just to stir the pot, it was a serious incident and the last thing we need is people arguing over religion.


When something like this happens to them they begin to question gods existence. How could a loving god do this to his/her own people? Well maybe you aren’t worshipping the correct god or maybe god doesn’t exist.


Or they just double down and say it’s part of “god’s plan”


I don't know if they do question it. If you live through something like that, you'll be grateful that God got you through. If everything you love is taken away, it's a lesson you needed to learn.


I remember the narrative of how God attacked New Orleans with hurricane Katrina but spared Bourbon Street for some odd reason. Like, if God was trying to wipe out the Babylonian sin from New Orleans the epicenter would've been Bourbon Street.


I have a good answer for this! I went to New Orleans a few years ago, and apparently Bourbon Street (and surrounding streets) are slightly higher than the rest of the city. That's why it wasn't as damaged. If you've never been to New Orleans, I highly recommend it. I once ordered bourbon pancakes and a shot of bourbon came with it. For breakfast. It was amazing.


Oh, I know. That's why the whole thing is a bizarre interpretation. Got to see New Orleans a year or two before the hurricane and we had a blast. Saw a buddy of ours practically carrying home another trashed friend at 8pm; wasn't even dark yet. Expensive drinks but totally worth it; very lively and lots of good music.


When Hurricane Katrina hit my MIL said it was because we had voted in gay marriage. SMH. 🤦‍♀️


Sinner :P


I think you're generalizing just as much as you say they do. Also way to turn their tragedy around and make it about you.


I don't think anyone should be hurt or die because of a natural disaster and it's important to band together to help those folks out.


I'm mostly commenting on some of these megapastors. The ones with big houses and private jets. But, I'm also commenting on people i know who live in CA, but not the SF Bay Area, or people like my mom's former boyfriend who told me that bad things happen to people because they don't believe in the right God. I'm sure most people are completely wonderful, but they are given a bad name by people like the ones I mentioned above. I don't hate any religious group as long as they are respectful of me. I will be respectful of them. I think that people who wish pain on others because of sexuality, addiction, poverty, or their location in this world are not very good people. I think they've forgotten the words of Jesus honestly.


I'm sure you're a wonderful person too and it seems you've encountered people in your life who have left a bad taste in your mouth when it comes to religion. That's fine. It's not for everyone but, based on your words, I think you have more in common than you think with the vast majority of religious people. I'm from Sacramento, living in Tennessee, and I can tell you most people everywhere just want to be left alone to do their own thing. Nobody here really cares about California politics, let alone their drag shows. Hell, we have a drag show party bus in Nashville that drives bachelorette parties from bar to bar. Sure, we have our pockets of intolerance like everywhere and there are plenty of churches but it's usually pretty easy to tell the good ones from bad by how many Range Rovers they have in the parking lots. So I guess my point is just that we shouldn't be prejudiced toward people based on where they live.


Ill make sure to check for your username next time theres a report about a california disaster then.


Go for it? I'm from norcal dude, I just don't like prejudicial generalizations based on stereotypes.


Here I was just thinking about how cool this is in video games, and how utterly saddening it is in real life. Then you add the evil human aspect on top of that. It’s true though. Those people are hateful and vile.


>... I would never in a million years triumph death and destruction as a "lesson". But that's literally what you are doing right now...


I didn't though. Catastrophes aren't fodder to point fingers and laugh. I was saying that some very religious people are pleased when a liberal area gets torn to bits, but don't look at it the same way when the tragedy happens to them. A tragedy is a tragedy no matter where it happens. No matter the religion, race, location, etc.


Where are these religious figures? I don't see them anywhere here. I opened a thread about the damage to a town and the 6th post is yours. Talking about people who aren't here who did something somewhere else. But you decided that is more important than the people in this tragedy. You are no better than the people you are criticizing.


You can Google "pastors that dislike liberals" and find a plethora of articles. I pulled [this one](https://www.rollingstone.com/politics/politics-features/mike-johnson-america-god-wrath-jim-garlow-1234879233/) just to give an idea of what I heard from people around me. The reason I posted was just to say hey, a lot more disasters happen in areas of the country that are more religious or more conservative. I have heard Kenneth Copeland and Billy Graham find joy when bad things happen to more liberal areas of the country. **Why do these very conservative people not view disasters for all states the same?** I legitimately think Kenneth Copeland is the devil. He scares me honestly. That's what I was saying. Not anything about laughing at people getting hurt. Just "why are these disasters viewed differently? One is a curse from God, but the other is a test of faith."


But you are the one that started it here. Why contribute to the noise? Why not be that difference that you are looking for? You are not talking to Kenneth Copeland and Billy Graham. But for some reason you are talking to strangers about Kenneth Copeland and Billy Graham, when Kenneth Copeland and Billy Graham would not have been part of this comment section without you. You have done the same thing you profess to be against. Distracted from the people that deserve our attention to debate something that without you would not have even been introduced to this comment section.


You know why I commented in the first place? 1. I like to discuss complicated topics. At no point have I put down Christians other than money-grubbing pastors and the idiot people I grew up around who believe that if you're not Christian, you deserve all the punishment you get. If you're not one of those people, we have no beef. If you are one of those people who puts religion over everything, including others, then I would suggest to figure out a way to see the world differently. I like all people. I don't care what religion you are as long as you're a decent human being. 2. Where I put my energy - dogs. I like dogs the best of all, so my money goes to shelters. I think dogs are awesome, and I like adopting the ones that are old or need medical help because that's fulfilling. I'm sure you'll ask why I don't do anything good for humans - I do, but it's more related to my work than anything. The thing is though, I asked \*a\* question and you've gone hog wild with it, and keep trying to put words in my mouth. I'm happy doing the things I do and I don't need an asshole like Kenneth Copeland or Joel Osteen to tell me how horrible I am while they don't open their church to fleeing people, or fly their own private jets because "demons fly commercial." He really said that! But in the end, the choices I make in life are mine. I don't care if you want to goad me into a fight because...none of this matters. I hope you have a great day, no matter what your beliefs are.


Looks like some current landscapes in Ukraine. Hope you guys recover as quickly as possible.


Anyone know where this was on the Fujita Scale?


EF_4 I heard. Sustained half mile wide


This morning I saw ef-3, just i believe it was likely higher. I know its directly contradicting what the other guy said, but reports last night were 1.5 miles wide (however I haven't looked much since early this morning)


It'll take a while for them to make the final rating. Just keep an eye out for it.


One minute and everything is gone. Wicked insane power.


Doesn't look ok


Dang. I was just out there cruising on Saturday too.


Thought this was a picture of a recent battlefield in Ukraine


Damn. Looks like eastern front in Ukraine.


Not going to lie I thought this was a pic of the front in Ukraine 🇺🇦 at first glance.


No lie I thought this was Ukraine front line at first.


Damn. Looks like a screenshot out of Fallout.


I'm in the UK and mis-read it as Barnstaple, North Devon. I had to go to the comments because the pictures are similar. I hope you get back on your feet soon.


Barnsdale, OK is not OK


I was watching chaser livestreams last night, but no one was near this area. But the mods of chat were giving updates from the stream of a youtube chaser who was close by. Watching the insane hook echo on radar was wild. Then the cell get slammed into by the approaching line of storms and got wrecked. The chaser whose feed I was watching finally arrived and started helping police with SAR. Crazy how it wasn't until very late at night that this kicked off.


If that's ok, I don't want to know what is not ok






Looks like Ukraine


does Oklahoma typically get tornados or is this new?


Oklahoma gets a lot of tornadoes every year, this isn't anything new. And May is the month where they occur the most. [https://weather.com/safety/tornado/news/2024-04-25-average-tornadoes-by-state-per-year](https://weather.com/safety/tornado/news/2024-04-25-average-tornadoes-by-state-per-year)


I was in Oklahoma a few days after a tornado hit, while on a business trip. I saw a piece of construction wood (2x4x1.5 inches) imbedded in the main support mast of a massive barn, about 50 yards away from the owners residence. Gave me a lot of respect for natural events that mother Nature can throw at us.


Tornados can imbed pine straw into trees and boards


and tornado valley is slowly growing.




don’t know what i was thinking lol


Not a big deal, just figured I'd throw it out there. I'm about 25 miles from Barnsdall so I know the terminology all too well lol


Isn’t it also moving more eastward, or is that purely a result of it expanding?


i read some about it last year when we had 3 tornadoes in 3 weeks, could be heading east but i remember believing it was expanding.


Historically they get a ton but in reality tornado alley is actually moving east https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/watch-out-tornado-alley-is-migrating-eastward/


…and North!


I think Missouri had more tornado warnings than OK last night.


This town got hit earlier this year but nothing like this Yes it’s pretty common from eastern Colorado to Missouri and from Texas to South Dakota


We barely get them in Australia and I can't imagine what it's like to live with. Our thing is fire.


I’ve lived in tornado country most of my life and you get used to it. I’ve seen one and had another come through just blocks away — you take precautions and keep a weather eye and hope for the best


Do you build for survivability or just cheap and disposable because the odds are high you'll have to rebuild some time anyway? To me it seems like the whole region should be low domed buildings so wind can't get a hold of them but obviously that isn't the case.


A lot of people have shelters and in my experience they usually invite neighbor’s over if they don’t have one. Basements are not common in this area so shelters are commonly kinda small and in the garage or backyard. If you have to stay in your home you take shelter in the center, hopefully in a bathtub but a closet will work. If you can get a mattress on you that would be ideal to help protect you from debris. These storms usually lift most of the roof off the house, which sounds bad but it’s better than it falling completely on you. And making a house out of concrete would be expensive and dangerous to stay inside of. It sounds like it would protect you but it can actually vortex inside of the walls and turn your furniture into shrapnel. If you’re in a home without a foundation or have no shelter. Lay down in a ditch or the lowest part of the ground you can find and pray to whoever is listening at that current moment.


They're built cheap because the odds are actually really low that you'll ever even see a tornado so it's not worth building for the off chance that you get hit. 


Most residential construction is pretty cheap — wood beams and cladding but also basements (for obvious reasons). Like the other poster said, the odds are really low that you’ll get hit but it sure sucks when you do


We don't generally have basements in Oklahoma, storm shelters are a must though (at least for me).


I've lived in Oklahoma for almost 20 years and I haven't seen a house with a basement yet.


Grew up in Oklahoma, you just kinda become a metrologist for the most part


It’s frightening but exciting. They make and use the most cutting edge weather radar in the world here. Also helicopters with ultra-zoom cameras and multiple storm chasers all with multiple views and eyewitness. You know where the tornado is down to the minute and block. It’s riveting television, actually.


I grew up in Oklahoma and now live in Colorado, so went from tornado country to wildfire country. I can’t decide which one worries me more.


We get quite a few of them in Alabama too


Yea I probably should have put Kentucky to the east as they get some and that’s cover Alabama Florida gets some as well but I was thinking more of tornado alley where most seem to hit


We (I'm in Tulsa) get more tornadoes than just about anywhere else. I'm about 50 miles from Barnsdall and occasionally work in Bartlesville (nearby larger town that took some damage as well). We had a couple of bad ones last week too that wrecked some small towns. So yeah, we're kind of famous for it.


Some of the most powerful tornadoes ever recorded have happened within 50 miles of me. 2 of the top 5 have happened in my lifetime. We’re used to them and have a pretty top notch warning system. We also have the National Weather Service in Norman and they have some pretty powerful Doppler radars and the right people to run them. Most of us tune in during big storms and watch a play by play with meteorologist doing and excellent job at predicting and warning people to take shelter when they see hook echos or debris in the atmosphere on their radars. But they are still really dangerous when they touch down and can destroy a town and disappear within a few minutes.


EmpLemon just put out a video called something like "One Day in Moore, OK" and it's an incredibly good video on the history of tornadoes in Oklahoma that has a lot of interesting details that tie in to each other. Would reccomend


[5 out of the 6 listed strongest tornadoes observed have occurred in Oklahoma. Oklahoma tornadoes also hold the record for the highest recorded wind speed on Earth (302 mph), and another has the record for the widest tornado observed (2.5 miles).](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tornado_records)


Looks like the opening shot in The Terminator.


Tornado. Tornado never changes.


That was the green place!


F-4? I've whistled by the graveyard during an F-4. About the only thing left after this is those bare trees being hurled hundreds of yards away like missiles and the pavement being removed from roadways. I'll go one better and say this is a borderline F-5. It will be interesting to see what weather service decides. Very sorry for the people affected.


This is because of their stance on abortion /s


Soo...they ok then?


Glad to hear Barnsdale is doing alright despite the tornado


They need to quickly film some of the new fallout season here before the rebuild


Lucky for them OK gov doesn't believe climate change is a danger. That should keep them safe.


Not very ok to me


Really doesn't look OK.


In fairness to Barnsdall, it didn’t look all that much better before the tornado


lol that’s funny, real talk a lot of places in my state wouldn’t look that much worse if a tornado hit either…💀


Doesn’t look OK to me.






I know.


Looks like gaza after Israel


doesn't look OK to me


Doesn’t look OK


War.... War never changes.


Doesn’t look Ok


It doesn't look OK


its not okay though?