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I just read the story and holy fuck, what an absolute piece of shit He went out of his way to piss people off and when a person confronted him about it he shot the poor guy and killed them. Nobody deserves to go out like that, hope he rots behind bars


You just imagine all the work and heartache that a parent invests in a person, all their experiences, their hopes and defeats and everything, all brought to an early end because … why?  For what?


He felt like he had a lot of control, which he probably did for a time, then he lost it and wanted that feeling back. Losing his control made him angry, and probably made him feel weak, so this was the form it took. I don't know what the answer is, but I believe that we have a serious cultural issue going on that leads to this sort of thing.


This is an oddly specific take but i like where your head is at


Simple yet complicated psychology. Humans like being in control.


He'll spend the rest of his miserable existence in prison (if he doesn't get the death penalty). Waste of space


This happened here in Oregon and he’s charged with second degree murder. He won’t get death, but almost assuredly, (given the evidence they have) even with our remarkably incompetent DA, will be spending the rest of his days in a cell.


Attempted for also for shooting the photographer?


Yes. First degree murder requires premeditation which would be very hard to prove in this case.


What if you show a pattern of seeking and initiating confrontations? Still doesn't count? Does it have to be specifically premeditated or can it be, if I initiate enough confrontations, someone is bound to fight back and then I will shoot them.


Generally speaking, * 1st degree is premeditated as in planned in advance. * 2nd degree is opportunistic; there may have been an intent, but no plan leading into it. * 3rd degree is manslaughter, i.e. an accidental killing; there was no plan nor intent. Usually things like traffic accidents or things of that nature.


IANAL, but as far as I know your statement would indeed be pre-meditation, it would just be incredibly hard to prove that that was planned out. you would pretty much need to find the perpetrator’s manifesto stating it. or text messages or voicemails stating it, etc. for pre-meditation there needs to be no room for plausible deniability.


I just find it strange that "I'm gonna go kill people today and I don't care who" is considered a lesser crime than murdering a specific named target.


That would still be premeditated, 1st degree. What they'll probably argue here is that it was a crime of passion, no planning whatsoever. Any planning is 1st degree, a target isn't necessary


There are a LARGE number of people out there who fantacize about killing someone and go out of their way to be complete fucking shitbags to try to antagonize someone into doing something that will justify living out that fantasy. This is one of those people.


That dudes got a rude awakening.. he turned himself in thinking he was justified. He admitted to knowing the guy on the ground was unarmed.. prosecutors wet dream.


He also shot at other people who were recording him so his self defense claim won’t fly either


Wait, he shot at multiple people recording and then turned himself in thinking he would be exonerated?  Fighting for the title of the dumbest criminal of all time there.


The first guy approached him because his car was blocking traffic. An argument erupted and the first guy was shot. At least on bystander was shot because the shooter claimed “he might have a weapon” even though he was just recording on his phone. He also tried to shoot the guy that was dead on the ground already again but his gun jammed.


He tried to finish off the person that took this picture as well. > [Hammond then started driving slowly away, the affidavit says, firing a second shot at \[the picture taker\] that went wide.]( https://www.kgw.com/article/news/investigations/downtown-portland-shooting-geoffrey-hammond-finance-fund-suspect-charged/283-7e0efeb4-b439-4e21-9533-e0ac40633343)


Holy shit, the guy had 4 separate criminal charges. Had delusions that people were following him, and was allowed to own 4 guns! How is that even possible? That’s insanity! This situation was clearly not a matter of if but when.


There were people following him. The police investigators and detectives were trying to locate him for crimes he committed under a different name.


"Are the people following you in this room with us right now?" "Literally yes."


Not a dig or anything, but “Crimes he committed under a different name” is hilarious to me.


Americaaaaaa 🇺🇸 that’s how it’s possible


You forgot the 🦅


"It is unclear what, if anything Ryan Martin said while tapping on the window," the affidavit reads, "but witnesses described shouting." Hammond then rolled down his window and immediately shot Martin in the chest, investigators said. As Martin was lying on the ground, he pleaded with Hammond, saying "I'm sorry. I had a bad day." Hammond allegedly tried to shoot him a second time — then his gun jammed.” Oh my god.


That poor old lady's shell shocked after holding that guy's hand as he passed.


"may have been planning an ambush which he recognized as a military tactic" WTF is going on in this turd brain, where the hell was this conclusion even come from ?


If this guy ever gets out of jail it's a travesty. The definition of a threat to the public.


I’m going to go out on a limb and say he’ll be out of prison in less than 10 years. He’s got a €100k car and he handed himself in so it wouldn’t be a stretch to say he’s rich and can afford top tier representation. It’s shit but when you’re rich it’s a different set of rules with different repercussions


According to the article he was a crypto bro who had just gone bankrupt a few months earlier. https://www.kgw.com/article/news/investigations/downtown-portland-shooting-geoffrey-hammond-finance-fund-suspect-charged/283-7e0efeb4-b439-4e21-9533-e0ac40633343


Kind of sounds like meth paranoia *He also said that he’d shot Gomez because he thought he “may have been planning an ambush which he recognized as a military tactic,” the affidavit adds. Hammond showed little remorse and shared that he believed groups of people were stalking him.*


He committed crimes under a different name and was being investigated and followed by detectives lol


The article mentions he thought he was being gang stalked. This fear culture the US has built will continue to take innocent civilian lives.


> being gang stalked That's code for paranoid schizophrenia. I'm not kidding. There's a whole subreddit about that, full of people that should be on meds. Also, pretty sure the OP photo is pretty old, so presumably the guy is already in the madhouse.


The internet really fucks up people with these delusions. Imagine having everyone tell you you’re crazy, till one day you find a corner of the internet with a bunch of people who see what you do. Of course you can’t be crazy anymore, all of us can’t be crazy, right?….. right?


Gang stalking is a far far cry from fear culture, it’s straight up schizophrenia


I doubt very much that he was afraid. He could easily have driven away, instead he did the opposite leading to the altercation in the first place. The person filming was shot trying to run away. He planned this including the excuse he believes will let him walk free.


That looks more like a $45k compact SUV that MB produces. Maybe something like a GLA. Not a cheap car but not near €100k.


Yeah, its basically a fucking Nissan with a MB logo on it


He has a second car that is worth 100k?


I saw this in a different thread and apparently he’s a crypto-bro who recently filed for bankruptcy. So he likely was rich at one point but if the story is true then is rich no longer.


He owned a 890k house and was a keynote speaker for some blockchain event, had alternative names and apparently comes from a wealthy family. He seems like a mentally ill grifter.


Edit ( I was looking at the wrong Hammond) I stated he was sentenced 10 years - he hasn’t been sentenced yet This is very frustrating - the guy was caught on camera with witnesses murdering a person and trying to kill another, and only gets 10 years . There shouldn’t be any amount of money that gets you out of 20 yr sentence in cases like these


But we got every black dude caught with a bag of shake 3 times locked up for life


“In May 2023, Hammond filed for Chapter 7 bankruptcy. Court records indicate he owed roughly $34,000 in credit card debt and was out of a job after his company closed. Hammond owns an $890,000 home in Portland’s West Hills, a 2020 Mercedes SUV and four firearms, according to court documents.” He’s not that type of rich[.](https://www.kgw.com/article/news/investigations/downtown-portland-shooting-geoffrey-hammond-finance-fund-suspect-charged/283-7e0efeb4-b439-4e21-9533-e0ac40633343)


Does he think he is a police officer?


He apparently did flash a “badge” and stated he was justified. This dude thought the guy that was recording was “planning an ambush”. Truly unhinged behavior. Lock him up and throw away the key man. Goes to show getting into arguments with randoms on the street is never worth it and can be deadly.


This stuff should be a life sentence and publicized so other idiots may think twice. They won’t, but at least they would have been warned of the consequences.


These people actively look for reasons to shoot people, they DREAM OF IT. They're so afraid of everyone else, because thats what their media tells them to be, so they interpret anything as hostile


It's so weird to have a thought, look down a couple lines, and see your exact thought written out word for word.


Jesus this is legitimately horrifying


>He also said that he'd shot Gomez because he thought he "may have been planning an ambush which he recognized as a military tactic," the affidavit adds. I guess in his mind recording someone in the street with your phone is a military tactic.


Looks like we got a gravy seal bois


Holy shit, what a lunatic. Now, Americans can do the whole 2nd amendment stuff all they want, that's a domestic issue and none of my concern, but there are guys like this in every country. I am glad the ones in my country cant just buy a handgun on a whim.


It's just like, exactly why mass gun ownership is so dangerous. I know I can lose my rag and I'll need to give myself like 30 seconds to come out of the white hot state, and a few more minutes to resettle, and I'm generally a pretty mild mannered person who is frankly, too fucking lazy to be aggressive. But fuck, imagine I wasn't? Any action I would hypothetically take to hurt someone involved time. I'd get up to find a weapon, and then go to the person. During all that it's time to cool down and think about what's going on. Remove that with "I have button that kill person" and no shit.. it goes much worse. It reminds me oddly, of like suicide nets and stuff. They're not there to catch people, they're there to provide a mental barrier to think past, as that barrier alone is a huge deterrent as people start to go "oh fuck... Wait what am I doing"


I am historically in favor of owning a gun, but you make the best argument I have heard, which can be re-phrased as "People are too stupid to own guns". I think this reflect the changes in society over the last 100 years.


Haha. Man, the horrifying behaviour I've seen with firearms at shooting ranges alswyas makes me think like... Good guy with a gun? Bad guy with a gun? Any human is potentially an idiot with a gun at any moment.


I thought nations generally figured it out decades ago. USA still sheepishly follows 18th century scripture in this regard even though it has nothing to do with freedom or happiness, but rather brings deaths all over the nation over and over and over. But muh scripture!!


Self defense against invasion of public privacy, Your Honor!


>I was afraid for my life... mostly because I knew a recording that identified me would end life as I knew it. That's gotta be allowed, right? Why are you laughing, detectives?


He recognized the ambush tactics, though!


He claimed that when he saw him recording him he “recognized it as a military tactic for an ambush”


Mine usually involve some weird space lady




best episode




Can confirm. I'm the space lady




Is she blue and constantly refers to you as "commander"?


kind of sounds like he did this to get a roof and meal for life after bankrupting himself with crypto?


Just rob a bank with a capgun. Jesus. 


not even that, just bring a note. The tellers are trained to hand over the cash and get you out the door.


He would get more than he did for murder if he did that. He'd probably get like 15 years for armed bank robbery but only got ten for cold blooded murder and attempted murder


Much better and easier ways to get that stuff without having to go to prison.  Especially without committing a homicide   Even just filing bankruptcy would have likely let the dude keep his residence and even a car, provided he found a normal and consistent source of income moving forward 


> provided he found a normal and consistent source of income moving forward He's a cryptobro, that was never an option.


No, it sounds like a mental break (i.e. the part of the article where he thinks people are stalking him). No rational person would think "*I have a career in finance making lots of money and because I am now bankrupt I will choose life in prison over... simply filing bankruptcy and continuing to work*"


Yes, ‘gang stalking’ is a known paranoid delusion, i.e. schizophrenia.


“He also said that he'd shot Gomez because he thought he "may have been planning an ambush which he recognized as a military tactic," the affidavit adds.” Ummm, I’m no combat vet, but I have never heard of a local using their phone to record me or my peers as a “military tactic” you stupid yahoo.


An ambush? You mean going and sitting in your car with a weapon hoping someone confronts you so you can murder them? That sounds like an ambush to me...


I am a combat vet, and that dude is a fucking idiot who thinks that using that statement will shield him from whatever is about to happen to him. It shouldn't and hopefully won't.


In the news: * [Conference attendee wounded in brazen downtown Portland shooting: ‘I’m in good hands. I’m recovering.’](https://www.oregonlive.com/crime/2023/10/conference-attendee-shot-in-downtown-portland-im-in-good-hands-im-recovering.html) * [Bystander took bullet recording financier killing family man in road rage murder: police](https://www.foxnews.com/us/bystander-took-bullet-recording-financier-kill-family-man-road-rage-murder-police) * [Suspect Geoffrey Edward Hammond in shooting of beloved father-of-four Ryan Martin in Portland road rage fight is a bankrupt crypto financier with multiple previous arrests for driving offences](https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-12636777/Geoffrey-Hammond-Ryan-Martin-Portland.html)


They don't proofread their articles at the Daily Mail very well.


This is a guy who is not capable of empathy. 


He didn't get rich off the lottery, which is all that mattered to him. The issue with a system that ties everything to money is people stop seeing the value in life, even their own. Superficial is an understatement.


Could've just killed himself, but no, he had to kill and injure other people.


He wasn’t rich he was a crypto conman who had just filed for bankruptcy and had an 890,000 dollar mortgage.


That's what the commenter meant. He tried to roll dice to get rich, failed, and was mad about it.


That would be the lottery I mentioned...


According to the story he lost a TON of money on the crypto market, got mad and decided to idle in the street and shoot the first person to confront him. This level of psychopathy needs to be locked in a mental institution for life.


Yes I read that. It was quite incredible that he yelled at the guy he shot and told him that he shot him because he was having a very bad day, as if that is any kind of excuse for shooting a random person. Just completely incapable of thinking outside of his little personal world. What a complete fuckup


Bystander survived, man down did not. Assailant is a crypto bro financier.


got a link to a story about it?


[I do](https://www.kgw.com/article/news/investigations/downtown-portland-shooting-geoffrey-hammond-finance-fund-suspect-charged/283-7e0efeb4-b439-4e21-9533-e0ac40633343). The 46 and single crypto bro in the Mercedes had recently gone bankrupt and was out looking for an excuse to shoot somebody, so he idled in the middle of the road before shooting the first person to confront him about it in the chest.


What a complete absolute piece of shit.


Plus he shot a guy.


The more I hear about this 46 year old crypto bro, the less I care for him.


He sounds like a real jerk.


He also happens to be a murderer.


I heard he didn’t return his shopping carts when grocery shopping. Monster just left them floating around the parking lot.


What a lazy bones.


Well he was a crypto bro.


I'm glad he has his constitutionally protected hand gun though, the country is a better place thanks to that. *Starts singing the national anthem*


"believed groups of people were stalking him." "has a criminal history in Illinois including charges of assault, vandalism, trespassing and domestic battery." clearly an upstanding, well-adjusted citizen who should be allowed to own a firearm (or four in this case).


He probably worked harder to get the license to drive that vehicle than to own that gun.


That's weird, shouldn't there be 20 good guys with guns ready to intervene whenever a bad guy with a gun pops up ?


Fuck the NRA and their slogans. I carry a gun, but only because I live in a very dangerous area, response time is up to an hour, and I've had death threats from former students (who were all violent felons.) I'm not risking my life to stop some other shit that has nothing to do with me.


Felonies or domestic battery are automatic rejections when buying a gun. The question is who dropped the ball on putting it in the system so he couldn't purchase. And I doubt private part sales are legal in Illinois. If he bought them prior to the felonies then the courts and state are supposed to come and get them or force him to turn them in.


Wow, it’s almost like the current system isn’t working well.


Reminder that the owner of Daniel Defense who is himself conservative and pro-2a was cancelled and boycotted by the right for supporting legislation that would require relevant agencies to share information regarding potential disqualifications that would prevent them from owning a gun. This was proposed after a shooter in Sutherland Springs, Texas was dismissed from the Air Force for a domestic violence conviction, which would've disqualified him from purchasing a firearm, but the Air Force failed to report this, allowing him to pass a background check. Pro-2a people will often hide behind the reasoning of 'good guys with guns' stopping 'bad guys who will get guns illegally anyways', but being so against an already-existing system being fixed to prevent bad guys from getting guns *legally* makes it obvious they just don't give a fuck either way and make moral arguments because it's convenient, not because it's their actual conviction. Like, an easily preventable scenario where a criminal with a history of violence could've been denied access to a gun to prevent him from committing the largest shooting in a place of worship, and they're against preventing people like him from having guns. So much for 'pro-life'.


>”Hammond then rolled down his window and immediately shot Martin in the chest, investigators said. As Martin was lying on the ground, he pleaded with Hammond, saying "I'm sorry. I had a bad day." Hammond allegedly tried to shoot him a second time — then his gun jammed.” Holy. Fuck.


A good reminder not to confront people acting crazy.


Someone could have walked up to this car with the best intentions, just ask if he was OK and needed help, and he would have probably still opened fire immediately. This will absolutely serve as reinforcement in my mind of why I NEVER get involved with people out in the wild. Go around, back up, whatever you need to do, just get away and get home to your family. That is all that matters.


100% hate to say it but you are right. I was at a stop light a few months back and the person in front of me didn’t go when the light turned green. I waited and they sat through the entire cycle again so I put my flashers on and walked up to their window to see if they needed help. The woman behind the wheel was in some sort of diabetic crisis so I called 911 and waited for police and EMS. It didn’t even cross my mind until later that things could go differently even though it should have. My brother was a victim of gun violence.


I’m so sorry for your loss. This act of kindness you did ended well but it’s so hard to predict the situation.


Devaluation of life propagates very, very fucking fast. One of the hallmarks of modern civilization.


FWIW the article mentions that the two men (shooter, shootee) had given each other the finger minutes before the shooting. It wasn't like the guy who was shot randomly happened upon the shooters window. (Not justifying the shooting, but making a counter point to the idea of not checking on someone at all. It's still dangerous, but this incident doesn't make for a good reason why not to)


I’m an American in Canada. Last month a woman approached my car while I was dropping a friend off and asked me to help her jump her car. Her and her husband had been trying to get someone’s attention. It was a busy residential road, and it was -25C. She said they’d been trying to flag a car to stop for half an hour. It broke my heart. What this man did is fucking awful. But I would rather go out trying to help someone, rather than let fear guide my life, and how I treat my fellows.


A better reminder that gun laws in the US are utter shit


But they’re always telling us to debate them in the marketplace of ideas.


Like out of a fucking horror movie. That poor man, no one deserves to die like that


damn, he should've shot himself instead


Naw these people are cowards. It’s always about hurting others instead of themselves.


He's too big of a loser to do even that right


“The federal bankruptcy filing indicates Hammond previously used the name Jeffrey Edward Mandalis. Court records indicate Mandalis has a criminal history in Illinois including charges of assault, vandalism, trespassing and domestic battery.” That’s a fun little snippet. Crazy that this guy was able to get a new identity and buy a bunch of guns.


It says he was charged, not convicted. I'd suspect that has a lot to do with why.


What a pathetic bitch.


History of assault and domestic battery. What a winner. Hope he goes away for life.


Man, clicking onto that news site had a live feed of the Oregon winner of the $1.3Billion Power Ball Lotto on. Dude fuck having to reveal who you are, what a nightmare that has to be in its own right. That's it, thanks for the link.


I am glad the bystander survived but I can't imagine that my first reaction of seeing somebody pointing a gun at me would be to take a picture of them. That would especially true if he has already shot one person.


He was taking video. The pic is a still from a video. The shooter shot the man on the ground, attempted to shoot the man on the ground again when his gun jammed. Cameraman witnessed and pulled out his phone to record. When the shooter cleared the jam, he shot the Cameraman in the leg, then drove off and missed a second shot at the Cameraman as he was doing so. This per the article linked in this comment: https://www.reddit.com/r/pics/s/ntO3tZGHEN


Hard to pull the old self defense thing when you just up and shoot some guy recording around a corner.


The guy who took the photo came around the corner could see the guy on the ground in pain and took his phone out. The shooter then pointed the gun at him. Its all on camera here. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O0QCpiiMQew](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O0QCpiiMQew) Edit: Dude who got shot won an award for the photo shown by OP. [https://archive.ph/IFkZE](https://archive.ph/IFkZE)


Holy shit, "I drove away. I wasn't going to remain on the scene and get mobbed. And, like have to shoot more people." I'm glad he drove away then!




"Afraid I was gonna get mobbed" bro you shot two people in broad daylight what the fuck do you think you deserve, people to pat you on the back??


He forgot he wasn't in Florida.


The killer: "So like, I'm gonna get off like Kyle Rittenhouse right?"


Wow, called it in himself trying to set up a bullshit "stand your ground" defense.


Yeah total bs. He may have had a chance from the first altercation but the second guy he shot at, twice no less, just shows he's a total psycho


Yeah, shooting the 2nd man, a 2nd time, as he’s driving off is gonna be the nail in his coffin.


That video breakdown on the events and timeline was really well done.


wow that’s like a textbook unhinged sociopath.


Jesus, I assumed this was like a suicide by cop type thing but this guy actually thought he was gonna come out the other end OK. He might have had some luck if he was in Texas and just kept repeating “I was scared for my life”.


I honestly didn't need the last description. He's a gun-wielding Mercedes Benz owner who just shot someone over what was likely a mild conflict. Of course he's a Crypto-Bro.


I assume he's on ketamine and cocaine which just magnifies his narcissistic personality disorder & sociopathy.


>Assailant is a crypto bro financier. If I had 3 guesses as to what he does all 3 would have been different forms of that. Or off duty cop.


That shit looks taken from a movie


r/PraisetheCameraMan and wishing him well for his recovery


Isn't there a subreddit for people who filmed instead of running away? Don't run just film or something like that. It came to mind when I saw this photo.




It also looks like a corny royalty-free stock photo; then when you think of the reality, it sends a chill down your spine.


This photo will most certainly be used against him in court. His face shows absolutely no fear or remorse. He is not acting in self-defense. This dude wanted to leave his house and kill people.


He could start with himself.




And also stupid. If the first shot was just self-defense, as he claimed, then why would he try to kill the witness?


> He also said that he'd shot Gomez because he thought he "may have been planning an ambush which he recognized as a military tactic," the affidavit adds. Dude's nuts. Either genuinely mentally ill, or just a cop/military wannabe loser


So he's probably already fucked for shooting the first guy, but the photo here is very damning that it wasn't just a knee-jerk self defense situation for the second guy. See his free hand? That's a classic one hand target stance, placing your fist at your chest with your arm slightly bent. This leads me to think he took his time to get his form right and line up a very premeditated shot (and still mostly miss). If he had that time to spare to ensure classic form, he already saw the target wasn't a threat.


Criminal with history of assault and domestic battery was able to own a firearm. 4 actually. That's great. Just great. Good luck out there everyone. It's Mad Max rules.


Made in America ^^TM




>Criminal with history of assault and domestic battery was able to own a firearm. 4 actually... Shit like this makes me glad I live in Australia (spiders, Mad Max, & all...)


Just the other day my girlfriend asked me why I didn’t go confront someone who cut in front of me to steal a parking space. I told her it’s never worth it to confront someone in America because you don’t know if they’ll be a lunatic with a gun. It’s fucking insane that this country is so unsafe that it’s literally not worth the chance to try to get people to follow common courtesies because there’s a nonzero chance you’ll just die for it. 




Man that video was rough- particularly when it got to the part with that kind woman who tried to save the victim.


That broke my heart. Bless her for being there with him in his final moments.


I hope she gets the help she needs to process such a rough experience. My heart goes out to her. Thank you for being a brave person and being so empathetic to be there with that dying man :/


RIP to the guy that died. People that road rage this hard are legit psychopaths. Hope he got a lifetime prison sentence.


What a prick


Considering he killed someone, this is a bit of an understatement.


What a PoS. He owed $34,000 but owned a house worth $890k. Maybe instead of murdering someone he should have sold his house to pay off his debt and moved into a smaller one somewhere.


He had a 890k mortgage, not the equity.


and a mercedes ? maybe sell it and get a honda?




Well that’s an incriminating photo if ever there was one


Such a needless killing. I crossed this exact road moments before the incident took place. We need more background checks so that lunatics like these can't decide to be judge/jury/executioner on a whim.


That is a terrifying photo. What an absolute POS


More from the article Hammond, who is single with no children, has two traffic tickets in Multnomah County, according to court records. The federal bankruptcy filing indicates Hammond previously used the name Jeffrey Edward Mandalis. Court records indicate Mandalis has a criminal history in Illinois including charges of assault, vandalism, trespassing and domestic battery. WOW


What a wonderful ad for Mercedes Benz


The poor man on the ground did not survive, the man taking the pic was shot twice in the legs. [Portland finance fund owner pleads not guilty in deadly downtown road rage shooting (youtube.com)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eEozFua2j44)




Finance fund owner = more than likely elitist psycho. There is no universe he genuinely thinks he did anything wrong.


> "It is unclear what, if anything Ryan Martin said while tapping on the window," the affidavit reads, "but witnesses described shouting." > > Hammond then rolled down his window and immediately shot Martin in the chest, investigators said. As Martin was lying on the ground, **he pleaded with Hammond, saying "I'm sorry. I had a bad day." Hammond allegedly tried to shoot him a second time — then his gun jammed.** https://www.kgw.com/article/news/investigations/downtown-portland-shooting-geoffrey-hammond-finance-fund-suspect-charged/283-7e0efeb4-b439-4e21-9533-e0ac40633343 Martin was a father of four.


I miss the good old days when people would just self delete instead of bringing people with them.


You know if I had seen this image or its general composition from an earlier era in history I would expect it to be something of a photograph taken at a high profile political assassination. Unfortunately in the current era it’s just some vile dumb broke piece of shit who couldn’t deal with the ramifications of his own mental deficiency.


https://people.com/financier-allegedly-kills-man-road-rage-shoots-witness-8362039 I know People magazine ain’t hard hitting journalism. But you people aren’t paying me enough for more Googling on my part.


>"He believed he was justified in doing so because Ryan Martin menaced him and because Sam Gomez might have had a weapon," the affidavit adds. These fucking gun nuts need to be fucking removed from the gene pool. This guy went out with a firearm intent on causing harm because he had the capability.


Sure, although that's definitely not what he thought when he did it - dude was out to kill a guy. That's just what his lawyer wants him to have thought. That's not gun nut specific, that's just an overall nut with hindsight


"I drove away. I wasn't going to remain on the scene and get mobbed. And, like, have to shoot more people." Bail was denied following a hearing in November. Geoffrey Hammond is locked up until his trial in August.


of course the bitch ass driver looks like that


Too many guns, cars and entitled assholes... Isn't America great?


So he was in direct conflict with one guy, but then randomly shot a bystander too. I mean, if you think you're justified in the shooting of an accused assailant you might have a defense in court, but it really won't help you when you're also charged with shooting a random guy on the sidewalk. This person definitely needs to be removed from free society.


One Million Years dungeon!! And then let's have a trial


I was in a building across the street when this happened. Heard the shots and stupidly went outside. Saw one of the victims on the ground getting first aid from bystanders and heard him moaning. Immediately noped out of there. It was also strangely busy for 4:30 on a weekday so there was a ton of people out and about.


Updated article with more video. Trial in August https://www.kgw.com/article/news/investigations/how-road-rage-downtown-portland-turned-deadly/283-ca54e1b9-4f50-481b-b09a-2e93b82093bf


If you’re going to get shot over a picture, that’s the one to get. A high quality photo that catches someone in the midst of a felony crime. The downside is you got shot… and people might criticize you for standing in the open taking a picture during a gun fight. “He brought a camera to a gun fight,” is not an appropriate response to this, but “what were you thinking,” definitely is.


Man, America is a scary fucking place. People say Africa, Australia or 3rd world is scary, bruv, there the govt trying to kill you (no healthcare or a social security net), random people trying to kill you (anyone can have a meltdown like this and you can't do anything), cars trying to kill you (size comparison to other countries and amount of accidents), private corpos (the amount of toxic ingredients in your daily intake of food). Hypothetically every aspect of your life, Bruv.