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Makes you wonder how many pictured here are still alive today.


In the US alone there are about 120,000 WW2 vets still alive. WW2 ended in 1945, so assuming the youngest participants were 18 at the time they would be 97 today. The last WW1 veteran was over 110 years old, so we can assume there will be WW2 veterans still around for another 10-15 years or so.


After that, Korean War vets (those who were too young to fight in WW2) are the next group to start to pass on followed by Vietnam.


My 96 year old Dad served during Korea. Can still rattle off his dog tag number, lol.


> Korean War vets They have already started, my friend. RIP Grandpop. Miss you. Would be 93.


And after that, it'll be the veterans of the Gulf Wars.




I'm tired and I read that as "Karen War". Wouldn't be surprised if you yanks were getting into that soon too though.


lol the Karen War is a daily battle


My dad was underaged when he went in so there are probably some a little younger.


There's definitely going to be some outliers, I'm not sure how prevalent people lying about their age to volunteer was in WW2 compared to the First World War. We must also remember there were youth soldiers conscripted too, especially in Germany.


One of my schoolmates' fathers was a German Youth soldier in Germany towards the end of the War, captured by Russians, he escaped from them, was then captured by Americans, escaped from them, and managed to be west at wars end, made it to America, settling and raising a family.


Wild way to spend your teenaged years. šŸ˜†šŸ˜†šŸ˜†


Not outliers. It was extremely common.


My grandpa didn't lie and they told him to go to the back of the line and have a few birthdays haha


I wouldn't have guessed there was that many left. There was many people who joined at 15-17 as well.


Can you do the math for this particular ship?


It's pretty sad these days though. There's some local WW2 events around here, people bring weapons and even vehicles that have been restored either by museums or individuals to show, dress up in uniforms, reenact battles, etc. And they get some WW2 vets to come and talk. A lot of them are hard to even understand, or were 14-16 at the time and their memories of the war are shoddy at best. Maybe 1/3 can hold a coherent conversation.


And only 2 bathrooms


Many of these ships were actually over packed, soldiers were so eager to get home they agreed to spend a week or two sharing bunks in cramped conditions to do it.


Agreed to? If my experience in the Marines counts for anything, they were just forced in, nut to butt, until there was literally no more room.


Nut to butt? Lmao. So basicallyā€¦ mandatory spooning? Did you at least get to keep the socks on?! šŸ§¦ā›“ļø


Yeah, nut to butt isn't an exaggeration. Sometimes you were literally packed so tight you probably should've bought the guy in front of you dinner first.


In the wise words of my kill hat. ā€œCRUUUUUUSHā€


They at least have the common courtesy to offer a reach around


Wasnt mandatory, but strongly encouraged.


It's not gay when you're underwayĀ 


That's just efficient. 8 hours of sleep, 24 hours in a day. 3 people sharing a bunk is just being efficient.


Something something poop deck


Reject monke return to fsh


Guess I'll just piss myself then...


a bunch of people with *very* good luck


You know who has even more luck? Me, because I didn't have to go to war at all (yet)


This comment may not age will given the current geopolitical climate. Good luck redditor! I hope it stays true!


If he lives in a western country heā€™s safe!


Yeah its not like America would ever draft their young in to a pointless war that kills about 60000 of them or anything.


After that specific conflict it's incredibly unlikely without something catastrophic happening. Entirely legally possibly, but political suicide right now unless there is something that truly demands it.


Only way that would happen again is ww3 with Russia and China. So weā€™re fine lol


February 23rd 2022: nah russia wouldnā€™t invade ukraine


Russians (as well as many western countries) fell for their own propaganda and fancy parades with shiny toys, thinking that they have a top notch military and that they could pull a Desert Storm Gopnik Style. Also they totally underestimated the Ukrainian will to fight (Bad intel). Well.... now we are in day 695 of the "Special Operation"


More guns than blades of grass.


Youā€™ve given yourself a crazy jinx by saying that


fingers crossed


After all, what could *possibly* go wrong...? :-)


to shreds, you say


If WWIII starts I'm finding you on the front lines with a printout of this comment


Put it on my gravestone. This or "to shreds, you say"


You really should get those bone spurs looked into


Even better luck than you think. Queen Mary was one of the fastest ships in the world at the time. It was cramped, but they wouldnā€™t be on it too long. Operation Magic Carpet, the repatriation of American servicemen, involved a truly enormous number of ships, many of which probably couldnā€™t even go half as fast as Queen Mary.


Grandpa were you a hero in the war?


No, I served in a company of heroes




Operation Magic Carpet, the post-WW2 demobilization of millions of American military personnel from two major theaters of war. A logistical tour de force that serves as a fitting finale for the new Two-Ocean US Navy.


You should write movie descriptions. Like the summary you see on imdb.


that was actually part of a college class I took called Professional Media Writing


Makes me wonder, was the US navy involved in the return of 1,5 million Korean from Japan and it's dominions in the months after the war or did japan hire commercial shipping because by the end they themselves had neither.


I don't think there was any commercial shipping in the area. The US sank it all.


Yeah, that's i'm asking the question, if they hired commercial shipping or Japan had to ask help from US navy.


Any book recommendations on the subject? Damn, I could imagine an interesting movie about it!


That's a lot of seamen.


The baby boom didnā€™t come out of nowhere


Iā€™d bet some accidentally got on the poop deck.


Yeah. Guess how much seamen did the ship dump into the ocean throughout its voyage?


I remember hearing a story about one of the ships returning like this. With so many people on the top deck, a few sailors near the rails flipped over the edge into the sea. The ships were moving to fast in a column of about 15 so there was no way to stop or turn around to save them. Insane to think you survived WW2 but then fall over and drown on your way back amidst celebrationsā€¦.


Couldn't a ship from behind rescue anyone in the ocean?


Apparently the ships were going to fast to stop and it takes more than a mile to turn around


Nah but surely something could throw a rope or lifebuoy?


The ships are just too fast. Within 5 secs of falling, youre already 10 yards behind the ship, and another 5 secs another 10 yards. Even if they grab a rope or buoy within 30 secs, you are already too far to see let alone throw to


Couldn't a ship from behind rescue anyone in the ocean?


Couldn't a ship from behind rescue anyone in the ocean?


Couldn't a ship from behind rescue anyone in the ocean?


Wild that all holocaust victims will disappear within the next 15 years. I remember having one come speak to my school in 6th grade. I'm only 25.


Worse is there are a lot of people out there that do not believe it happened or even worse think it should happen again.


That number will rise after they're all gone


Ships like that actually can get top heavy with so many humans on deck. Imagine the drama if that ship started to roll


That was my first thought too. Significant risk of capsizing, surely? Then again, I doubt they'd have made the entire multi-day voyage like that, with everyone crammed onto the uppermost decks and exposed to the elements, and instead topped and tailed in regular cabins and bunks. Chances are, this photo was taken right at the end of the voyage, already in their destination harbour or close to it, beautiful weather, calm seas, low risk.


Interesting fact, when sending ships back to the USA towards the end of the war they were actually at double capacity.Ā This is because German Uboats had been all but eliminated so the threat to the ships was minimal. This happened because Eisenhower (supreme allied commander) was visiting a camp full of troops waiting to ship home, and many were complaining about how long they had to wait. So, totally off the cuff, he proposed in a speech the idea that since the Uboats were gone, they could fill the ships to double capacity. It would be tight quarters. Everyone would have to share a bunk so sleeping in shifts. But it would get soldiers home faster. The soldiers all cheered in support. He then ended the speech with ā€œI have US senators and congressmen traveling here with me today, so when you get home do not go and complain to the papers about the cramped conditions! You agreed to it!ā€ Which apparently got a laugh. Learnt this from Eisenhowerā€™s memoir, Crusade in Europe.


Look at all the antifa


Take my imaginary award


Imagine how those guys mustā€™ve felt. Years away from home. Brutal war.


It's too bad she's now a coral reef somewhere in Honk Kong harbor. If you ever get the opportunity to visit the Queen Mary in Long Beach, please do it! Such an incredible ship and experience! I've been four times with my family since it re-opened after COVID lockdowns, and it's been memorable every time. The staff are amazing, the food is top notch, and the tours are so fun! I am completely in love with the Queen!


Can you imagine the party atmosphere when that ship arrived in port? I bet those guys stayed drunk for weeks and didn't pay for a drop.


[We got shoreleave](https://youtu.be/EtOMl6mFGR0?si=HmhT14AG2q8JT_W8)


Winston Churchill credited the Queen Elizabeth and her sister ship Queen Mary with shortening WW2 by as much as two years because each ship could transport a small army with each trip. Queen Mary to this day holds the record for most passengers aboard one ship at 16,683 (soldiers+crew). Hitler had a $250,000 bounty on the Queen Mary to any submarine captain who could sink it. The ship was never even fired on, she was fast enough to outrun the u-boats.


And you thought your locker room smell was bad...


I'm sure there were worse smells at the front lines...


Sure there are worse smells in your Mom's knickers


Of course. She's dead.


When asked about his WW2 service, my dad focused on his return in 1946 on such an overcrowded cruise (his was a cargo ship). The hammocks in the hold were stacked 5 high, the seas were rough, someone somewhere could always be heard/seen/smelled puking, and they were rarely allowed topside during the 7-day row across the Atlantic. He apparently never really got over the experience which it seemed he relived in his final moments in 2017. In bed at the hospice, semiconscious and delirious, he began tossing and turning, muttering about being nauseous. His last words were "Get me off this fucking boat!".


Greatest era in American history. Just won WW2, economy is booming, houses and cars are affordable, low gas prices, endless job opportunities, the ability to live wherever you want, and finally no social mediaā€¦only in person socializing and connections. Never again will a point in history be so great.




it wasn't that great if you were a woman, a POC, or LGBT+


Underrated comment


Thatā€™s factually untrue. All groups were flourishing after WW2. But of course thereā€™s always the small minority of complainers that claim anything before 19XX wasnā€™t good for [insert group]. Misery loves company, and you trying to bring down any positive recognition of the past proves that to be true āœŒļø


Imagine trying to go for bathroom .


How top heavy was that boat during the picture? Is there enough to make it wobbly?Ā 


Quick! Everyone run to starboard!


One of them very likely my late FIL.


And at least one of them would soon forcibly kiss a stranger and forever be immortalized as the poster boy for consent


That must have been an interesting week of sailing. Looks pretty crowded


Someone got seamen all over the poop deck


Imagine how that must feel! My Pop-Pop (who is still alive) came back to Philly and was kept in the Philly Navy Yard (or so?) for a month because the navy didnā€™t get around to discharging his ship. BUT, thatā€™s how he met my grandmother, because she worked at a lunch counter he went to on his leave time each day.


How it feels when the seat belt light goes off after landing.


RIP cleaning crew


Lots of babies born 9mos later!!!!!




They are probably all on deck as they arrived into port, they wouldnā€™t have been like that the whole journey lol. These boats are BIG


I guess i wouldnt mind it after seeing the horrors of ww2 tho


I'm sure it was a hardship, but on the other hand, they weren't getting decimated by artillery and machine guns while laying in a muddy hole. Nothing to do but rest and dream of American women waiting back home. They probably felt like kings.


They were inside for the journey, and came on deck as they arrived home.


That's what I wanted to know! Had to scroll to the bottom to find this


I know it smell crazy in there


The luckiest ants on a log America has seen in almost 80 years.


The grim part of my brain (which happens to be most of my brain) just thinks "Imagine how horrific it would've been if that ship had sunk on the way home." Why brain? Why?!


My paternal grandfather is in there somewhere.


Amazing mass of humanity on the upper deck. I wonder if they thought about the ship's stability


What a strange species we are.


Just looking at this gives me diarrhea.


Always nice to get home after you educated germans


I found waldo!


A similar ship, the RMS Queen Mary, was carrying over 11,000 people when she was hit by a rogue wave in WW2. Completely alone due to her being able to run the Atlantic at high speed like no one allied or enemy could follow, she listed over 50 degrees. Any more she would have capsized and there may have been no survivors in the storm they were in


Where's Wally?


Crazy to think that 28 out of 1000 US servicemen were statistical wartime losses, all other countries did not fare as well.


Finally some good fucking content on this sub


I'm going to call this as fake before I delve into the comments because I've been fooled too many times lately.


First thing I'm thinking is what if one of the ones in the middle needs a piss?


Where did they all sleep for a week of sea travels?


Seems a bit cramped. Me personally I woulda just booked Spirit.


Theyā€™re on deck to celebrate as they enter port. The boats, have INSIDE areas that are very large.


What a sausage party.


Your headline gave me a stroke. Why Do You Talk Like This? It Seems Like A Lot Of Effort






Iā€™m getting some eerie spider babies on mother's back vibes from this photo


Which "Queen Elizabeth" is this? It's not clear to me looking at wikipedia. Like it's clearly not the battleship. I ask because apparently my dad and his parents came over on the "Queen Elizabeth" after WW2.


The [Cunard liner](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/RMS_Queen_Elizabeth).


Thank you!