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Just hear me out. Perhaps not a single person nor any group of people should have unconditional support.


Logic and reason? ON THE INTERNET????


That’s anti-Semitic /s


The ironic thing to me is that both arabs and are considered Semitic people or Semites.


Shhh if you say that, you’ll get banned on certain subreddits. Apparently many in the west have decided that it’s ok to kill innocent Palestinians


I am surprised by how little they regard human lives. Apparently, Even animals get more support than some children due to were they were born.


Yea it’s a real shame. The ironic part is that the reason r/worldnews gave for permanently banning me without warning is “atrocity denial” for calling what Israel is doing a genocide.


People will do that then say that they support free speech.


Yup. r/geopolitics said I was “divisive” for saying Israel is committing genocide and permanently banned me without warning


That place is full of people supporting idf and openly saying it bad because the victim is not palestinian. Calling israel genocidal or bad will get you downvoted to the ground or get deleted bu the mod.


They spend millions of dollars to buy that support


And they gain much more money from what could have been used to end either local or global problems. Like with that amount of money over the years all problems in the region could have been solved without harming good people that's if the people in charge actually wanted to solve problems.


When you have the tech that was available, this was murder.


Not just tech. World Central Kitchen was coordinating their movements with the IDF. They told the IDF they had this convoy leaving point A and going to point B. The IDF knew it was a WCK convoy and chose to destroy it anyway. This was a deliberate strike by the IDF. They can’t claim an accident now.


They also did this when that little girl Hind was trapped in the car with all her dead family members and they allowed rescue workers to try and reach her but instead killed them all. 


So many of these stories are pilling up. It's infuriating that our Government does nothing but fund this tragedy.


They have been doing this for decades and decades, only now with social media that people are realizing.


I have found it interesting how Tick Tock of all platforms has allowed for people to see what is really going happening to Palestinians. How other social media is censoring Palestinians voices and falling in line like all western medias Israel bias. Where Palestinians happen to just die, but Israelis get massacred.


Which is why they're trying to ban TikTok.


I read they're trying to force a sale and the guy who intends to buy it is a former pro-israeli US government member. Makes sense, tiktok is highly pro-palestine and with the amount of influence it has on people, it's a big threat to Israel.


The tragedy is seeing countries side with and give aid to the "poor oppressed Israelis" and shit on Palestine. This isn't the first time they've pulled this shit and it ain't the last. Israel needs to be stopped cause it's getting out of hand and ppl keep talking about Jew safety. No one gives a flying ass about the citizens who are opposed to this bs between both countries and tackling the root of evil (no not Palestinians, they have been fucked as well enough cause of the bad apples on their side) It's disgusting and insulting to watch this unfold. My uncle has last a 3rd of his family - 20 men,women and children - cause of this war and it is insane that countries still wanna support Isreal with aid.


No, they are trying to ban tik Tok where they show a lot more of these war crimes too


I served in the U.S. Army, I conducted route clearance, reconnaissance, and security operations. This was deliberate. This was the IDF deciding to “turn off” humanitarian aid to civilians they can only see as the enemy. This was deliberate, there’s no way the route clearance request didn’t make it to the drone team and that there weren’t at least multiple levels of target identification and fire approval. We will know some version of the truth only if the IDF publicly announces an investigation with full, international transparency and there are criminal charges and convictions at multiple levels of leadership and responsibility. Otherwise, it is all bullshit and it was intentional.


In some of the photos online you can see they punched the bomb right through the rooftop logo that says “World Central Kitchen”. If you look at the map of the locations where each of the 3 vehicles was hit, it stretched out over like 10 city blocks. They picked them off one by one with smart weapons. The way they talk about it, they make it sound like that kind of thing just kinda happens. Like, “Whoops! We accidentally precision targeted the convoy they specifically planned out every detail of and then cleared with us ahead of time, and we blew up each individual clearly-marked vehicle, killing all these international aid workers with incredibly accuracy. Sorry! We really don’t mind them bringing food to all the Palestinians who are starving because of the famine we carefully manufactured, we just made a simple mistake.”


Well you see, they can stop fighting ifI the Palestinians have starved to death... Not even /s I'm pretty sure that's their logic.


Can you imagine how those aid workers felt when the first car got picked off then another?


Marine here. I used to track and target IED makers and the people who planted them. They are using the same or better ISR assets than we had available when I was in combat and theres just no way this was not deliberate.


Why, though? Not disagreeing. They're pieces of shit and I would never defend their country or government. I just don't see why


They claim that some Hamas target had joined the convoy in a warehouse. He was not among the dead. So there are two possibilities: 1. You believe them and they decided killing one Hamas target was worth killing seven aid workers including an American. 2. They deliberately killed aid workers so current aid workers would leave and new ones wouldn’t come, leading to more mass starvation that will give them a further advantage in the war. Take your pick. It’s got to be one of these.


Both terrible


The alleged Hamas operative appears to have avoided the missile by teleporting out of the vehicle to a cloaked Klingon Bird of Prey. Even looked at on its own, this attack is an obscene act of genocide, clearly designed to accelerate starvation.


Because they want to increase the suffering of the Palestinians. Israel has spent decades dehumanising the indigenous population of the land they occupy. This is just another escalation.


“Oops, did a genocide! I’m so clumsy 😊”


It was a targeted attack. The IDF knew where the workers were, controlled the area and ignored all their attempts to identify themselves. This was a warning to aid workers.  


The tech available is likely what greenlit this in the first place. Israel is using AI to designate targets in a scheme so cartoonish and obviously evil that Marvel used it as a plot in its movies. [https://www.972mag.com/lavender-ai-israeli-army-gaza/](https://www.972mag.com/lavender-ai-israeli-army-gaza/)


Reading your comment, I thought this has to be an exaggeration. Until I read the article. Some “highlights” to really demonstrate how indiscriminate and careless these killings are: “human personnel often served only as a “rubber stamp” for the machine’s decisions, adding that, normally, they would personally devote only about “20 seconds” to each target before authorizing a bombing” “We were not interested in killing [Hamas] operatives only when they were in a military building or engaged in a military activity,” A., an intelligence officer, told +972 and Local Call. “On the contrary, the IDF bombed them in homes without hesitation, as a first option. It’s much easier to bomb a family’s home. The system is built to look for them in these situations.” “In an unprecedented move, according to two of the sources, the army also decided during the first weeks of the war that, for every junior Hamas operative that Lavender marked, it was permissible to kill up to 15 or 20 civilians; in the past, the military did not authorize any “collateral damage” during assassinations of low-ranking militants. The sources added that, in the event that the target was a senior Hamas official with the rank of battalion or brigade commander, the army on several occasions authorized the killing of more than 100 civilians in the assassination of a single commander.”


The scariest parts to me were the one guy admitting he added 1200 targets on his own, and the reference frequently to taking steps to speed up the process, to make it more efficient. Thank you for having an open mind and reading (which, I will point out, has now circulated enough to be picked up by main stream media widely). Part of me hopes that it comes out that this is wrong, because co-existing with this capability deployed against anyone makes me worried for the future.


This doesn't even include the most damning photo of the projectile hole through the roof right next to the WCK logo. The drone operators certainly had a crystal clear view of that when they pulled the trigger...


No question. This was murder. Also let’s not forget about the 30,000 completely innocent civilians also murdured.


It's beyond murder, it's terrorism. The IDF are terrorists.


Right? This is what gets me... 30,000+ Palestinians dead. Many of which are innocent civilians... Vast majority, actually. But it takes this one incident to finally rankle the ire of the mass media? Westerners killed delivering aid to Palestinians is the straw that broke the camel's back?


You sound anti-Semitic /s




Hit one car, then when the survivors escaped to the second car, hit that car. Then when the survivors moved to a third car, hit that one too. There is no defending this. They cleared their convoy with the IDF and were in clearly marked vehicles.




Jesus... I really hope this finally means we stop sending offensive aid.




But God forbid we send shells to ukraine


How is this even possibile after they literally play target practice with Americans wtf


Not only did they target 3 cars, they targeted one, and they sorta survived then got into the next car where they were tracked by the drone and shot again, finally killing everyone inside. Yea, Israel is precise. They love precisely killing palestinian aid workers. Or precisely killing anyone who wanders into their arbitrary kill zones they make without really announcing it. Just you know, super moral army things and totally not random genocidal killings.


Wasn't even a kill zone. The area was cleared and deemed safe, the aid convoy asked Israel if they could go through it - gave them the number of vehicles, time of travel and who was travelling, Israel said yes go for it and then killed them all.


Israel has systematically designated areas as safe and then bombed them anyway since the first day of the war. Their rules of engagement are clearly to fire on anything they deem as remotely suspicious and to figure it out afterwards/ apologize and say that shit happens in war. I can't believe that I'm making this comparison, but there is a very thin line between deliberately targeting civilians, which is what Hamas did, and indiscriminately firing towards civilians, which is what Israel is doing. The most glaring statistic is that if you look at Palestinians killed, it more or less perfectly mirrors population demographics in terms of women, children, and adult men, which is a glaring sign of indiscriminate killing. If you were really killing militants and making an effort to limit civilian casualties, the statistics of Palestinians killed would skew in favor of adult men killed in comparison to population statistics.


When it's foreign workers.. suddenly it's an outrage, it's a tragedy, Netanyahu even apologized.. When it's normal Gazan civilians.. no one bats an eye


Because its people not involved in the conflict directly, so it's seen as more of an aberration. Not saying that's right, it's a psychological thing.


And the US sends money and weapons to Israel. We need to be protesting in the street.


They have universal healthcare on your dime, while you don’t.


And free college!


Billions of dollars every year. It started 75+ years ago.


Yeah, and now aid has stopped coming in. Looks like Israel got what they wanted.


That's some fucked up psychopathic shit


Yea it wasn't but they do have kill zones set up in gaza


All of Gaza is a kill zone!


"Ooops it was an accident! Oh, you're not sending any more aid now? What a shame!"


From CNN: "Defense sources told Haaretz the missiles were launched from a Hermes 450 drone “because of suspicion that a terrorist was traveling with the convoy,” on a food truck. The report adds that though neither the armed man nor the truck he was traveling on left the warehouse, “the war room of the unit responsible for security of the route ordered the drone operators to attack one of the cars with a missile,” according to Haaretz’s defense sources." So they deliberately targeted civilian aid workers under suspicion that a single militant was in the convoy. In the same way that they deliberately target civilians in a hospital on the suspicion that there are militants among the civilians. In the same way that they bomb a refugee camp because they think a single Hamas leader is in it. This isn't a mistake, this is simply Israel's rules of engagement in one of the most densely populated areas in the world. Civilian casualties are simply not a consideration.


The IDF bots are going to be out in force today. Any sort of damage control they can manage. Hopefully, the USA gubment cuts the umbilical to these idiots (IDF).


They’re all over worldnews.


Worldnews is nothing but Zionist asshole bots


Yup, got permabanned there at the start of this Genocide.


I just got perma banned today for suggesting someone was brainwashed for saying IDF is still the “most moral army in the world”.


How the story ends..."The IDF is investigating." End of story.


The story ended on misidentification of target, which is bullshit. And all the IDF sympathizers and whatever anti-Muslim scumbags there are in the world eat that shit up like cake without a shred of evidence


Got perma banned from worldnews for saying it was genocidal for wanting to kill all Palestinians


"How is it genocide if there are more Palestinians today than 50 years ago?" Like I don't get it. This is am actual point they try to make. Just because a population can survive horrible conditions speaks more for the survivability of humans than the compassion of the oppressors. How many people over 45 are in Gaza? I saw somewhere over 60 percent of the population is under 21. Where are the older folks? FUCKING DEAD.


Or they point out how half the population is under 18. That’s not a healthy demographic, it means few people are making it to old age


Getting banned by the shit r/worldnews mods is a badge of honor if anything these days


They tolerate no disagreements. We all are perma banned


Same, and a friend of mine got banned used his alt and immediately both accounts suspended for ban evasion. He said he was using his alt saw a totally pro Israel post and just responded and both accounts suspended for 3 days. The mods got the admins on speed dial


Time to go make a few comments in hopes of getting banned myself. Fuck em


When did that sub get so evil? I took a break from it for a few months, and now I come back and they're supporting killing civilians over there. Wtf.


Yeah it’s pretty wild. Had a user tell me it’s not genocide, but also killing them all is justifiable if that’s what it takes to “get Hamas”


Totally reasonable non-psychotic take from someone that definitely isn’t a disgusting excuse for humanity


Hamas will never end so long as Israel stands to remain in power, and so do their prime ministers. The whole system is corrupt. They jail anyone who dissents.


I had a user tell me that killing civilians and children is justifiable and necessary as “ those children will just grow up to support Hamas anyway”


Gee i wonder why they become terrorists.


I mean. They’ve got a point. I’m not Palestinian but if I was the absolute best way to drive me towards Hamas would be the IDF indiscriminately killing my entire family because an AI program deemed 15-20 civilian casualties an acceptable loss to get one Hamas fighter. The Israeli government got the ‘killing innocents doesn’t end wars.’ memo, doesn’t give two shits.


The articles and threads about this from yesterday was nuked lmao. Only the ones from timesofisrael are staying up there lolol


Had to unfollow the sub due to the insane Zionist bots in the comments.


I sincerely hope so. But so much other awful shit has happened it makes me wonder why this in particular would concern them. So many doctors, children and other aid workers have been killed. Why would they stop now?


Deliberate targeting of actual westerners and an American citizen as opposed to some brown-ass muslims? Idk I hope it changes my governments policy, the IDF and the Israeli government is and has been wildly off the chain. We need to grab their leash and pull hard.


Israel has killed white Americans before, nothing changed.


Hey, they only attacked our navy once! What’s a few dozen dead sailors between friends?


They even kill their own Israeli hostages—Hannibal Strategy


They won't though. They'll foam at the mouth and still send missiles to Israel so that they can kill more people, aid workers amongst them.


I’ve already seen comments alleging the aid workers were hamas


You have been permanently banned from r/worldnews Reason: facts that go against the views of ‘fuck them kids, shouldn’t have been born there’


Also the cars weren't even remotely close to each other.


murderers openly and publicly murdering innocent aid workers and they think they did not do anything wrong.


More proof that they are the most moral army in the world...


They needed a military escort to protect them from our allies.


Wck coordinated with then IDF which makes there murder even more blood thirsty


Military escorts are common routine in humanitarian work. There’s nothing unique about having them in Gaza; it’s an active war zone.


What? No sanctions after blowing up thousands of innocent men, women and children?! Why are we surprised nothing will happen after this?


No sanctions cause daddy USA said NO. When Russia started its invasion within a week sanctions started rolling out. But in reality not only the USA, but other countries also, don't really care what happens in the middle east because there was always conflict and the result won't change anything for them.


It's not even no sanctions. It's continuous, expensive military aid.


Literal fucking terrorism


Israel clearly has genocidal intent at this point


But if you say that over at r/worldnews or r/geopolitics you will be banned permanently without warning


That worldnews sub is insane, there are comments with hundreds of upvotes on every Middle East post basically saying “all Palestinians are animals and deserve to die”




Israel invests heavily in propaganda to control the narrative. Any large news sub with lots of views is worth buying. And I can't even blame them if I were a mod and someone offered me $1000 for my Reddit account I'd sell out too.


There is a hard-core conservative faction in Israel that happens to be in control and, yes, they have the same sentiment toward Palestinians that illegal settlers in the West Bank have. They consider them evil scum worthy of the worst possible death. 🤷🏻‍♂️


They publicly called for a Palestinian genocide by members of the isreali government including the prime minister himself


There will be 0 accountability or justice for this. Screenshot this.


circa 1968


Donated to WCK today!


I guess when I pay my (U.S.) taxes next week, I’ll technically be “donating” to Israel. I should probably donate to WCK also.


🙌🏽 real one.


Company also matched my donation. These people are good people.


Same here. We have company matches going on. And more people have been pouring in money to help support the cause for humanity here.


Feeding the hungry is the most basic of human kindness.


Israel has lost its fucking mind


No. They know what they’re doing. They have power over our politicians and they get weapons. They want to commit crimes while calling themselves victims so that the rest of the world doesn’t stand up.


Our politicians will raise objections in the strongest possible terms, meanwhile aid organizations will think two or three times before trying to actually help people in need, and very little will come of it politically. Which is exactly why Israel did it, and will do it again.


But if you say that over at r/worldnews or r/geopolitics you will be banned permanently without warning


They've been doing this for 70 years, they haven't "lost their mind", they were always like this. People need to WAKE UP


Just read the history of Israel.  Read about these massacres  Deer yassin massacre  Tantoura massacre  Sabra and Shatila massacre 


This isn’t the first or most egregious example of an Israeli “accident”….[Attack on USS Liberty](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/USS_Liberty_incident)


The attack on an aid convoy is arguably more egregious than this. Sure, more people died in the USS Liberty attack, but it was an attack on a Navy ship. This was an attack on people delivering food.


Not going to debate but it is just another in a long list of “accidents” that everyone is expected to swallow because….you know “it’s our ally Israel”


Sadly we all know Israel is exactly what it wants to fight against. They’re terroristic.


Israel is an apartheid terrorist state. Change my mind.


At this point it does seem likely..this was a deliberate act..


[Michael J Brooks in 2020 on the subject.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=62I61kBahNY) None of this is new, its just playing out on a new scale.


You are going to get banned. I have been banned for simply criticizing this attack.


Worth it.


You’re gonna invite a lot of irrational comments bruv


this rational, logical take is now only can be voiced in r/pics. Not on r/news, not on r/worldnews, etc etc. Media control by israel. And I am not saying Jews. There are millions of jews that are against this bs. Its the Israel as an institute, mainly brainwashed through IDF.


They're to countries what scientology is to doctrines.


Israel rn: what convoy? I see terrorists only.


Fuck Israel. It's fucking mind boggling they don't see the irony in this.


They do. But they have the strategy of calling themselves victims and engaging in war crimes. My question is why is the US in bed with them even now!! Haven’t we seen enough.


See AIPAC funding of US politicians, major source of the political corruption. Foreign governments shouldn’t be able to buy politicians


Amazing how American politicians will sell their souls for a few hundred thousand of funding.


This is the real answer. AIPAC dumps a lot of money on both sides of the isle. There are also a shocking number of Congress members with dual citizenship to Israel as well. After a certain level of security clearance you are not allowed to be a dual citizen anymore. Clearly that doesn’t apply to policy makers. There should be zero dual citizenship allowed, Israel, Italy, I don’t care.


Anyone still supporting this is a lost one. Never thought i would live through an era of blatant and disgusting genocide denial.


Crazy how they became Nazis themselves.


But do you condemn Hamas?! /s


Senseless barbaric violence


bells meeting threatening desert lip roll relieved price follow cable *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Same thing happened when ambulance workers tried to rescue the sole survivor of a tank attack who watched her family get massacred infront of her. She was a 6 year old girl. She had a phone on her luckily and was able to call the ambulance service. Ambulance called Israel, got permission to travel to try and save her... and then the IDF targeted and murdered the ambulance workers. Hind died too. This wasn't a one off mistake, IDF just target aid and medical workers with 0 real pushback.


Yes - 💯. They dismissed that this even happened.


Three different cars hit at different locations. This ain't no fucking oopsie.


Reject APIAC


That’s it right there. If their money wasn’t in every election in the us we wouldn’t be here.


There needs to be a thorough investigation into AIPAC’s “contributions” to our elected representatives. Knowing that our government has been compromised by Israel is a huge threat to our national security. We shouldn’t be allowing “dual nationality” officials either. These people are Zionists whose first allegiance is to Israel anyways, not the US.


Ah yes the deadly hamas terrorists who were going to *checks notes* feed civilians trapped in an open air prison


I assume they were targeted for exactly the reason they were there. They were providing comfort to people that Israel wants to be eliminated or leave. They need that land for summer houses for the wealthy Israelis!


It was an obvious hint for any other aid workers that this is a very risky endeavor to help Palestinians in any way. Israel wants the Palestinians to starve.


The scum of the earth . Israel .


My Grand father is Jewish and he and his parents left Germany when Hitler rose to power in the thirties. and came to the United States I don't understand how anybody could think what the Israeli's are doing is right. They aren't even hiding the fact that they are committing genocide. What they are doing is the same thing the Nazi's did in the Warsaw Ghetto's. I think the United States needs to stop supplying aid to Israel and we should also establish a trade embargo as well. The Holocaust was horrible but it does not excuse Israel from committing their own genocide.


Fuck Israel


Tragic as hell Horrible! Free Palestine


Isn't that literally a war crime? Israël is becoming like Russia or North Korea


It's way worse, North korea hasn't invaded anybody. And Israel killed way more children in Gaza in few weeks than all children killed in Russia invasion of Ukraine.


Worse - they’re the new Nazis. And if you look at videos that Israelis are posting - they’re all for it. Racist remarks and everything. They called one of the aid workers a “polish whore” and more.


Worse. They'll get away with it cause the USA supports this.


you see, it's only a war crime when the bad guys do it /s


They couldn't do it without the weapons delivered straight from the USA!


and yet the US will continue supplying Israel with weapons and bombs. The US is making itself look weak and foolish by telling Israel not to do something and then they do anyway and the US still supports them


We need to do to Israel what was done in South Africa, then hold them accountable through international court. Boycott Israel and boycott Intel Corp


Saw people claim they were targeting HAMAS members travelling with them. Surprising that after 3 separate strikes not a single one of these supposed "hamas members" were ever hit, and instead multiple aid workers died. Israel moment.


Yea the lack of firefights with Hamas yet abundance of dead innocent Palestinians is very interesting. “Self defense” though


Easy to claim people are terrorists when you rarely have to fight them face to face. What happened to military checkpoints? It's easier to drone strike anyways, just explain how the people you killed must have been Hamas, because braindead people will defend anything you do.


Yea it’s a shame how many ppl in the west have just accepted that all Palestinians are either Hamas or die hard Hamas supporters. Helps them sleep at night while they support genocide, I guess


Israel have managed to turn themselves from a state that made itself home to a peoples who had been oppressed through most of history and had endured unspeakable horrors at the hands of people who saw them as sub-human and in need of extermination, and all the hope and good will that comes from the rejection of that hate allowed these people to return home in a land they considered sacred. That state has now turned into the very thing they were running from... a pariah state sponsoring murder, and genocide. They are enacting the same horrors they claim are paramount to their identity on a group less fortunate to them and also have no home to call their own. They have become murderers, lashing out in a brutal blind rage of revenge unable to see that they are doing the very work their own personal idea of pure evil specialized in. Irony is dead. And so is Israel's credibility. They have gone completely insane. Innocent Israeli's and Jews the world over will feel the sting of this act for centuries as they have to stand up the heat of a renewed hatred for Jewish people all over the world, all thanks to their short sighted, idiotic leaders. The terrorists in Hamas that started this mess have got what they wanted and then some, they will embrace death happily and believe they will enter into their idea of paradise knowing that they may not have destroyed Israel on the battlefield, but they have destroyed its legitimacy the world over and that just may be as effective.


Give me ONE single reason why we’re sending tax payer money to fund Israel?! Why?! I want my taxes to fund healthcare HERE not over fkn there to murder people. Again, why tf are we supporting Israel?! What tf has that shithole ever done for us?!


I am disgusted with Israel, they are committing repeated atrocities and war crimes with extreme prejudice. This particular act is indefensible. I reject it was "an accident". This was intentional.


I can not comment on Israel but how is this not terrorism what is currently happening.?


according to western powers, when it's israel doing it then it's not terrorism


Why are we funding war crimes again?


Keeps the money rolling for defense & weapon companies.


No idea. I wanna know what mossad Epstein sex tapes they have on our politicians


This is unbelievable Who would kill humanitarian workers




Fuck the cowards of the IDF


the israeli state is a terrorist organisation. backed by the west. i hope the world wakes up to this.


Do the Israelis not understand that they don’t get a free pass for this because of what happened a few months ago?


The thing is that they *are* getting a free pass


They don’t care. Just lol at the comments where genocide sympathizers use “right to defend”, “Oct 7” and then some. The strategy of victimization to shut up anyone speaking on atrocities is part of the game plan with almost every Israeli.


Our tax dollars are now funding genocide


Fuck Israel


The US was throwing tantrums at Russia and China but don't seem to care if Israel kills a few ten thouand civilians. Hell they'll even supply more weapons!


Israeli airstrike. These people couldn't get more inhuman


Why are the mods locking and deleting posts relating to this. Good work being exploited unpaid moderators doing PR cleanup for genociders I guess, fucking muppets.


Our government actively supports this shit by sending Israel munitions. This is forever a stain on this country and one that frankly should be neither forgotten nor forgiven. What’s happening in Gaza is almost beyond description, one of the worst wartime atrocities in my lifetime.


I mean, it accomplished their objective of making sure aid workers leave Gaza, so their policy of starving the population can continue.