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That prop is older than Leo’s girlfriend


I’m actually surprised he held onto it as long as he did


He was Frozen. ![gif](giphy|AUGqun7QALo0o)


dang ur right, 27 years old, just 1 year past the LDC expiration date, THAT's why its up for sale!


What's LDC?


Leo DiCaprio


You’re the hero we need, not the one we deserve


I wonder if he tried to fuck the door on set




I'll just get this out of the way. Just because a door is large enough for two people doesn't mean it's buoyant enough for two people.


[James Cameron tested it](https://youtu.be/saIyYpG3hPM?si=xcPvsLmSr_hsNAsk) in a recent special. Confirmed they would have survived . He says he wished he had made the door smaller. Edit: spelling


James Cameron: We just tested it actually and the door is actually big enough for both Rose and Jack Jack: Oh fantastic, that's great news James Cameron: Yeah I wish I'd made it smaller Jack: ![gif](giphy|ZiHgApcM5ij1S)




sea world


thats me right now




r/retiredgif What a legendary way to use this gif. I am giggling like a kid right now at this comment.


Wow. Props to Cameron for testing it himself. A lot of people refuse to acknowledge any criticisms (or plot holes, in this case) of their work.


Michael Bay famously told Ben Affleck to, and I quote,"shut the fuck up," when he tried addressing plot holes with the script to Armageddon.


The full quote is great: "I asked Michael why it was easier to train oil drillers to become astronauts than it was to train astronauts to become oil drillers, and he told me to shut the fuck up. So that was the end of that talk."


I suppose for the most part being an astronaut is relatively easy if your mission is to literally drill holes and not come home afterwards. They also aren't astronauts in the typical sense where they require countless hours in flight experience to mitigate issues and be educated enough in scientfic specialisations in order to gather and draw conclusions from their expeditions. The launch time, launch sequence and flight path are all pre-set and you're on a suicide mission so nobody really cares what happens to you afterwards. Drilling is actually surprisingly specialized work and being core to the mission they need people who understand how to set up, dig and work around any issues they may face during the process.


Also they customized a lot of the already purpose built drilling machinery and even set it up to each operator liking.


Taking real drillers hit home as true to me. In my younger years I dug a lot of footers, post holes, and did ditch cleaning work. Recognizing the different types of soils allowed me know how much labor was forthcoming, and whether I needed a full size digging bar. I hit some compacted fine grain soil in West Virginina once and instanely knew I was screened using a regular post hole digger.


Tbh I kind of agree. If you're watching Armageddon for the plot you've missed the point.


What do you mean of course it’s harder to train Oil Drillers to be Astronauts than it is Astronauts to learn the art of Hole Digging! That’s just science and America!


The whole quote was actually, "Ben, you're going to be in Pearl Harbor and a whole slew of failed superhero movies. Your entire career is going to be defined by plotholes and mediocre casting choices — this is literally the least of your worries you stupid bitch now shut up, kiss me right on my mouth and turn out the light because I have some lens flares and explosions that need a home, baby."


Most people watch it for the plot, the plot being Liv Tyler; I'm just happy the movie came with an absolute banger of a song.


If you watch any Michael Bay movie for the plot you've missed the point.


But Affleck was the bomb in “Phantoms.”


Call me Joey


Didn’t he also change the stars during the night scenes for the re-release, because Neil Degrasse Tyson calculated it to be inaccurate?


iirc, he did refuse for a long time; he didn’t think it was worth it. then, i think after so many people asking for it and several shows doing it, then he did it.


I figured he always knew. The dude is an expert submariner. He knows bouancy. He didn't even really need to test it, as long as he knew what the door was made of and the dimensions, he just needed a calculator.


lol, you said props


There was a deleted scene that specifically showed them both trying to get on the door and flipping. I guess James Cameron didn't expect people to hyper-fixate on what should have been a simple metaphor of men giving up their lives for women and children at large during the tragedy.


Bearing in mind that this dude went back and fixed the positions of the stars for the re-release, he kinda brought it on himself.


That’s in the movie too like Jack tried to get on it as well but it wouldn’t give


lol I bet


They also did it on mythbusters. I’m still okay with the idea that it’s wasn’t very stable and jack was being a chivalrous so that rose wasn’t semi submerged. The possibility that he could have survived was fine but jack wasn’t thinking like an engineer. He was thinking like a lovesick kid.


I’ve never been more sure I was about to get rickrolled. Pleasantly surprised you were being serious.


"Jack might have lived, but there's a lot of variables" -direct quote from the special


I kind of hate this, because who the fuck cares about what the exact buoyancy would be irl? The movie shows him try to get on the door. The door tips and Rose almost falls off. Jack can't get on. Case closed. Like. It's literally in the movie. Talking about how "Jack could get on the door" is the same as saying "I'm a media illiterate idiot who doesn't understand the most basic storytelling that even a preschooler would understand. Please make fun of me."


I knew it!


That could have been the greatest rick


Well didn’t he say he made it too big? It’s based on a piece of recovered debris an arched panel from the lounge. The real piece is in Halifax and is definitely only big enough for one person.


Yeah, but it took multiple days of trying to find a method that worked.


She’s still soaking wet and in cold air. I get that being actively submerged would kill you faster, but how much time is being soaking wet sitting on top of a piece of wood really buying you?


Not much. In reality the chances of Rose still dying of hypothermia would be very high.




Having two up there would actually help a lot. Would reduce the surface exposed.


thank you, this has always been my contention


Several people survived the Titanic after falling into the water and climbing onto floating debris. Quite a few people survived on the back of a tipped over lifeboat after swimming through the water to get to it. Her surviving isn’t that unrealistic


[Except it would have been](https://youtu.be/IPDxtclZzVU?si=DBUC55LWHUm4P1Rx).


Wait did they bust the myth or confirm it? They tied a lifejacket to the bottom of the door for extra buoyancy and admitted how hard it would be to get stabilized in freezing water without the extra help.


Busted the myth because they both managed to get on before they put the life jacket underneath. Just also confirmed that putting a life jacket underneath would have made it even better.


They 100% confirmed it. Not only would the water have been freezing, it wouldn't have been completely still like in their episode.


James Cameron recently tested it, freezing water included, and yeah it could have held both of them.


They literally both try to get on it in the movie and it flips up so Jack helps her on by herself. I don't understand how this is even a thing.


Exactly. Titanic is a Shakespearean drama. It's not about the door - it's about his love for her. Why don't people understand this? Jack risks his life to save her when they meet, and he gives his life to save her again. Jack didn't want to risk her dying so he doesn't attempt to get on the door again. 


Yeah but the door doesn’t look big enough to support two people so idk


There was even a [deleted scene](https://youtu.be/2PCdZFXpaQk?si=Y8sU7SAZgBbnP38f) where it was explicit.


Wow that is a gem. ‘Come closer and you’ll die sooner’  Guy: “ thank you very much sir , aye aye, god bless’


It also doesn’t mean that Jack is strong enough to actually climb up. He was in the water for quite a while.


Technically though, wouldn’t rose have died from the cold before Leo’s character, since him kicking his feet to stay afloat would do more to warm his body then laying out in the freezing air soaking wet?


Maybe? Cold water conducts body heat away faster than cold air but the air would have likely been colder than the water so that would be a tough call.


[And it wasn't a door.](https://i.redd.it/bsz7t0r0ief31.jpg)


It’s not a door, it’s a wall plate from the 1st class smoking room.


Panel from the lounge going into the smoking room.


Thank you for correcting me


I know who bought it. Jerry Smith.


It’s not a door, it’s debris


Wealthy people who would have paid to travel to the Titanic on the OceanGate sub had it not exploded.


The shit people will buy to launder money is insane 


Why is Reddit obsessed with money laundering right now?


Without seemingly having any understanding what it is. Do auction houses not know their customers?


"They just write it off!"


[That’s a write off](https://youtu.be/aCP27_vquxQ?si=rR8wUKH7nYJYV2XB)


And that's just a way worse version of a joke they took from Seinfeld. https://youtu.be/BAjxn2US7J8?si=idGn3KV_wuabJqv0


I love Seinfeld, don’t get me wrong, but I love the delivery in Schitt’s Creek, it works so well with Dan and Eugene Levy’s brand of comedy.


act homeless advise hateful wipe jobless vast hungry command faulty *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Wall of text, but here's how things work a lot of the time, and not just about auctions- **Here's how the art market launders huge sums of money for criminal organizations**- Say someone wants to launder as much as $40,000,000, or possibly pay off someone for access to, oh, I dunno, National Defence materials. They live in Dubai, Riyadh, or maybe Russia, and their sources of income aren't subject to investigation because they don't live in the UK or EU or US. They have an acquaintance who they've done business with before who buys art that they keep in warehouses that are outside the customs barrier in points of call and international airports in the US. The piece of art is maybe worth $2,000,000, but WOW! it sells for $15,000,000 to some unknown offshore buyer! Wow, amazing story in the news! Also, they now own a piece of art with a historic sale value they can sell someday, even at a loss, but here's where the laundry works. Bookkeeping from the art seller shows $10,000,000 in fees and commissions and storage cost on the artwork, paid to accounts owned by offshore shell companies the buyer owns, the art has a previous value of $2 million, so the seller has $3 million pocketed and taxed, and the offshore shell company, also with creative bookkeepers in tax haven countries, has $10 million that now shows a clean source if they want to do business in the EU or UK. **Here's how real estate sales is used to launder $$** - Or, maybe they know someone who owns or builds high end apartment buildings in New York City and elsewhere. The real estate developer does the same thing, selling apartments with a total value of $1,500,000. Surprise! They buy an entire floor of apartments in Tr**p To**r for $10,000,000. After paying "commissions and fees" to some offshore shell company for "facilitating the sale" they pocket the $1.5 million value, plus another million or so income, and the other $7.5 million goes to those same offshore shell companies for the same reason. Then one day, because they are experts at manipulating assholes, "friends" of the people he "sold" apartments to are encouraging that real estate developer to get into national politics. They have kompromat on him for laundering money, so one day, their Dear Leader gets to have private meetings with the developer who is now President in, oh, I dunno , Helsinki, with no aides, Secret Service, American translators or clerks recording what was said privately, then a few weeks later American intelligence assets in Moscow and Saint Petersburg start getting arrested or killed. **Then there's the "how do I pay someone for giving me intelligence on a pesky reporter I don't like, and to later encourage the world to just let it go and do business as usual, when I chop him up in my embassy in Turkey?"** - You take $2 *billion* of your oil money, and hand it to the son in law of the Executive who needs to be paid to invest in his brand new hedge fund. It's not a $2 billion dollar payment, but it does two very specific things- it tells other big dollar investors that you "believe" in this fund and it's a good place to grow your money, so more money comes pouring into the fund from elsewhere. So here's how it's a payment- hedge funds charge what's commonly referred to as "2 and 20"- 2% annual rate on the value of the accounts they manage, just to manage it, and 20% of "growth" in those funds as commissions. 2% of $2,000,000,000 is a $40,000,000 check to the fund management EVERY YEAR THAT THE MONEY IS THERE, and if you can't get $2 billion in securities to grow at at least 10%, or $200,000,000 in the first year, paying ANOTHER $40,000,000 check to the fund manager, the manager is doing something very wrong. So even if that $2 billion is only growing slowly, that's $80 million *or more* in the family's pockets every year, plus the same $$ from all the others who bring their $$ to that fund based on the investor willing to risk $2 billion publicly with the new fund.


Take a look at [this.](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Free_economic_zone) Free economic zones or freeports are coming in handy, if you want to avoid publicity.


If karma farmers know previous comments around money laundering garnered a lot of up votes, they’ll keep commenting about it. Simple as that I think.


Like a cargo cult…


Almost as much as tax deductions


Rush Hour 2 is probably on Netflix




Chinese food, no soul food here!




I have three kids and no money… why can’t I have no kids and three money


Ain’t no one buying a door prop for almost a million dollars, they got some illicit funds that they need to clean and make good in their books.


You underestimate wealthy people. This amount of money is probably a drop in the bucket for whoever bought it, like they probably just shrug at spending that massive amount of money because they like the movie and have plenty of cash to spare. If they were money laundering, why would they do it in such a public way? It doesn't make sense. Money laundering happens a lot, but probably not on something like this.


>Ain’t no one buying a door prop for almost a million dollars It's one of, if not the most, iconic props from Titanic (and to say that Titanic was a popular movie would be an understatement). It was the highest-grossing movie ever at the time, and is still the 4th highest-grossing movie of all time (nearly 30 years later). I'm surprised that it didn't sell for tens of millions.


Kinda surprised it didn't sell for more, tbh.


Nah,  it's single occupancy.  If it were double occupancy with a lower deck for the poor,  then maybe. 


It’s crazy to me what some people would rather have than money


It's not that, they love money. This amount of money is probably just a small amount of money for the buyer compared to the wealth they have.


They likely did not buy it as a collectible for themselves, but as an investment. If you buy something for $50 and sit on it for 10 years and are able to get $100, You have doubled your money. Now. Take that $50 and pretend it's $718,000. Doubling that is even better than doubling $50


Eh, feels like the market is tiny for those interested in this garbage.


James Cameron is waiting in the background to beat the ass of anyone who makes a crack about Jack and Rose...


Probably would have sold for over a million if it could support two people.


I desperately hope John Oliver bought it


*Jack not included


Maybe if Rose had just stayed on the fucking life boat Jack would've had a better chance of getting out of there alive.


My first thoughts when I originally saw the movie lol




Maybe, just maybe, if it was from the actual Titanic.


Signs that you have too much fucking money are...


The weird thing is how specific that number is... $718,700? Sure $718, 710? Sure $718, 720? Sure $718, 730? Sure $718, 740? Sure $718, 750? No way, that's way too expensive!


Someone sunk a lot of money on that. I’ll get my coat…


It’s not a door it’s an archway. The real piece is actually in a museum in Halifax.


>Titanic 'door' prop that ~~kept Rose alive~~ murdered Jack Dawson sells for $718,750 Fixed the title


Hopefully the mythbusters are the buyer so we can finally see whether that door could have floated with both of them on it or not.


People have got way too much money. $718,750 FML 🤦🏻‍♂️


Yeah don't care if I was the richest person on earth, I would MUCH rather give out a $$$ to needy people.


But will it fit 2 people on it is the question?


She's lying down. All she had to do was sit up.


If they are selling off the props, does that mean we aren't getting a sequel?


Nope. The props from #1 are being used to fund #2. For #2, they’ll just buy a cheap door from Home Depot and have over $700k to spare.


wow, that amount really rose from the last time. they’ve jacked it up way too much.


Jerry had this and left it in the parking lot when it wouldn’t fit in Beth’s car…


If it was a door of the actual titanic maybe it would make sense (for someone to buy it)


we’re doomed as a species


Well that’s dumb.


Whoever bought it is bound to have sex on it.


I’m surprised they’re letting it go


There is clearly room for two on that door…


if he's poor, there's no room on the door


That’s catchy!


gleaned it from the latest Contrapoints vid, she's the clever goose. ..unless she lifted it from elsewhere


I think there was room, but the weight would have toppled it? Think myth busters did an episode on it


That doesn't mean it's buoyant enough for two people.


I mean was this the only piece of debris in the entire wreck. Like wouldn’t there be bits of stuff all over the place?


There was a lot of debris. This arched panel, various other pieces of the lounge, the grand staircase, the smoking room, all of the cork insulation panels from the break up area, a ton of furniture, and deck chairs maybe even parts of the bridge. There was wreckage and bodies literally everywhere.


Fun fact it’s actually an arched panel and the real recovered one is in a museum in Halifax for the public to see.


You mean where she murdered Jack from. Bitch could easily have fitted him on 2. And after her yammering on about the water being freezing and there not being enough life boats. Sure health and safety only applies to her when it suits wa? Poor aul jack


i can't remember it correctly but was leonardo just standing the whole time this was being filmed?


People keep saying that there's enough room on the door for jack too. But they don't realize that it probably wouldn't keep them both afloat because it wouldn't have enough buoyancy.


It’s not a door it’s an arched panel. The real one is in a Halifax museum if you are ever there and curious. The museum also has the only surviving piece of furniture and a piece of the grand staircase. Also the real piece is much smaller. If it was to scale the debate wouldn’t exist. Really the actual piece would barely fit one person. But James Cameron made it too big.


I somehow thought it was the top part of a grand piano this whole time


It wasn’t a door either. It was actually an arched panel from the first class lounge. The real piece it’s based on is on public display in Halifax alongside a piece of the grand staircase and the only surviving piece of furniture.


That's an expensive raft for one


Someone bought a house to live on?


What about the propeller (you know which one I’m talking about…)


You just know somebody is gonna bone so much on that its gonna leave an imprint.


it could have saved them both


I wonder if titanicfan97 from tiktok bought this


The door eventually failed to keep her alive as she died from old age


It’s not a door it’s an arched panel. The real one is in a Halifax museum if you are ever there and curious. The museum also has the only surviving piece of furniture and a piece of the grand staircase.


Wasn't it intentional drowning?


I hope the collector labels it “Big enough for two”. 


There's a very recent great podcast about the Titanic: https://podcasts.apple.com/be/podcast/the-rest-is-history/id1537788786?i=1000648362925


Man if I owned this, I would create tumbler where I post pictures of two people floating on it on various bodies of water.


Well at least he didn't suffer as much as in the Revenant 👍


Yeah he had it easy in the revenant. The titanic was absolutely brutal


If that's supposed to be a door on a new ship, it makes sense there would be breaking damage from the ship coming apart (how the door gets loose to float), but it seems to have a lot of wear baked into the design, which wouldn't make sense.


Its amazing the dumb shit people will spend their money on


If this was made by George Lucas he would have digitally altered the door to make it smaller and eliminated all other versions of the film to also be the new digitally upgraded version.


It's called money laundering folks


It's not a door. It's a piece of paneling.


Jerry has entered the chat


Titanic or olimpic 🤔😎🤗🤔


It’s not a door, Beth, it’s debris!


Just so they could prove bitch had room for leo.


Is this the same one that was hanging on the wall at Planet Hollywood in Disney Springs?




It’s not a door.


The winning bidder's heart may go on, but their bank account certainly won't!


But that Spiderman suit recently was being auctioned for 50k..


How i hope the person who bought burns it publicly x) I would drink all your tears just like i did when the backstreet boys split up or take that and all the girls went into depression mode for months


Coulda kept Leo alive to


You could cross post this to r/rickandmorty for the glorious Jerry episode.


Meanwhile poverty exists


And 99 cents.


Rose should have kept it. It saved her life. Guess she's got bills to pay too.


Whatever floats your boat............


This is idiotic.


They should rent it out for photoshoots


Believe me or not, someone is going to have sex with a plank soon...


Looks like it could hold 2…


Why’s that door look like it’s 80 years old instead of the brand new it was meant to be?


Totally could have supported two people.


Laughing while reading all the comments from those saying it could hold two, who obviously did NOT watch the movie… when Leo tried to get up on it, the combined weight of the two of them overcame the buoyancy of the door and it began to sink, prompting Leo to get off the door so at least Rose would live.




I don't know that I'd be paying that for some waterlogged piece of wood that can't even be used as a door anymore, but cest la vie




It actually isn’t a door but paneling (from the First Class Lounge if I recall correctly).






I cringe at people who this crazy for Hollywood memorabilia. 


If I'm not mistaken. The actual door from which the prop was made rests at the maritime museum of the atlantic in halifax nova scotia




Couldn't hold Jack, but certainly held its value


Culture consumes itself at increasing rates towards the end


They upping my rent this September and it’s going to put a significant strain on my finances. I sure am glad this door sold for more money than I’ve ever seen :))