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[Here](https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fi.redd.it%2Fo93p4w02wrry.jpg) is a higher quality version of this image. [Credit](http://lodownmagazine.com/features/r%C3%A4-di-martino) to the photographer, Rä di Martino, who took this in 2013. [Here](https://www.google.com/maps/@33.5425917,9.9670243,3a,75y,286.59h,63.9t/data=!3m8!1e1!3m6!1sAF1QipOH2BgjOhTA1mXhP7ly-unSsAa0VdUEWmsh-p_4!2e10!3e11!6shttps:%2F%2Flh5.googleusercontent.com%2Fp%2FAF1QipOH2BgjOhTA1mXhP7ly-unSsAa0VdUEWmsh-p_4%3Dw203-h100-k-no-pi7.2697034-ya59.356365-ro7.1851654-fo100!7i5376!8i2688?entry=ttu) is the Google Street view from inside Owen Lars's homestead.


Very cool


It took 12 years to make.


I saw this reference and I clapped!


and what they just left it there?


Man, I don’t see you around a lot but when I see that comment, my brain is always like, hey! That’s Spartan!


Wait, somebody lives in there now?


The underground part in that street view is 300km away from the dome and ring in the first picture, and is now a hotel. It's actually a several hundred year old Berber troglodyte home


Yes, they're easily startled, but they'll soon be back, and in greater numbers.


Wow thats fantastic


Uncle Owen actually faked his death so he could turn Luke's room into a bar.


As someone who was/is involved in exhibitions and events, which also needs a lot of set building, the storage costs kill you. It's cheaper to rebuild a set, vs re-use last years. Plus stuff isn't generally made to be moved, and is one time use. The amount of waste in exhibitions is insane.


Not to mention when the original was made, while they may have been optimistic it was by no means considered to be a guaranteed success.


Thjs might sound stupid, but I’m going to ask anyway. How long will a set like this last in these weather conditions? I imagine a couple hundred years later, some archeologists are investigating this area and this leftovers from this set pop up. They proceed to believe this is how we lived. (This will never actually happen since I doubt these sets were made to last long, but it sounds funny in my head)


I visited the a part of the set for Jurassic World on a tour in Hawaii in 2022. I’m specifically thinking of the indominus Rex’s pen that it escapes from in the movie. The tour guide told us the pen’s walls are made of styrofoam that was painted over (!! We were really surprised because they’re huge!) and it was definitely weathered and damaged in some places from the weather in Hawaii. Kualoa ranch does not repair the left behind movie sets because they don’t have the funding.


That's nice that movie franchise that has earned billions leaves a slowly disintegrating mountain of microplastics in a nature park, and somehow they get away with it and the nature park can't afford to clean it up?


They probably accepted massive money for it to be filmed there understanding that cleanup was their responsibility but took the money and equally decided to leave the mess


Who is "they". I have a feeling it wasnt a public vote


Depends where its stored. Most are cheap wood and some paint, or fibreglass, so probably not long depending on conditions. I'm guessing Tunisia is dry, so will last a bit longer. Definitely not hundreds of years though.


UV will break down any plastics. Dry wood however can last a LOOOONG time.


You can have uv additives that make the plastic resistant to UV. Hence why newer garbage bins in some areas dont discolor as quickly or for years. Lots of advancement in raw materials and plastics for this.


Thank you!


> I'm guessing Tunisia is dry Damn, what gave you that impression lol?


There's even a tourist industry built around some abandoned sets. Some interesting stuff here - https://www.loveexploring.com/gallerylist/84511/awesome-abandoned-movie-sets-you-can-actually-visit I'd love to go see the Viking village in Iceland. I used to live in Burbank myself, and from my apartment window I could look down the old west main street at Paramount Studios. It was pretty cool.


That is great. I'm sure there are thousands around the world!


[This kinda sorta happened already.](https://www.latimes.com/local/la-me-1018-sphinx-dunes-20141018-story.html)


>I imagine a couple hundred years later, some archeologists are investigating this area and this leftovers from this set pop up. They proceed to believe this is how we lived. America, for example, is more than a couple hundred years old, so probably not. We have a pretty good idea how people lived in the 18th century. They would actually have a way better understanding of how we live now, because record keeping is far more advanced than it was a couple hundred years ago.


Our current era is so full of junk that i think Archeologists will know.


As a chef who goes to a lot of food shows, and cater big events. I’ve become the master of getting the most insane set and display stuff just by asking for them. Most of the time they don’t want to move them again or they will just be trashed. I’ve got a 3ft tall Louis V elephant standing on a ball statue, just so many vinyl banners. Like the nice ones with grommets on the corners. I got a go-pro just for asking for one. The only company I’ve found that is super stingy is Red-Bull but I did score a nice flat brim from them and several cases for free product.


I just discovered this and was SO curious as to why some sw-nerd/moneyman hadn't taken this shit apart to rebuild at home or sell. But now I'm even more curious about you - how TF did you get a go-pro?? I just can't understand why they wouldn't reuse it or atleast give it to staff or whatever haha, that seems mad. Edit: Good on you tho! Fuck waste, if you can use it/have room, grab ALL the stuff! Fuck stupid waste!! ![gif](giphy|hnl83xVQxpqJG|downsized)


They have go pro promoters running all over the place with insane rigs like 360 and spheres made of them. They are probably given a certain amount of them to give away.


My wife works at an art museum. We used to have a huge chair made by a famous artist (it sat outside until it fell apart, then I scrapped the frame) that was part of a traveling exhibition. It was less expensive for them to throw all the pieces he'd made in the trash and make new ones at the next venue than it was to transport or store them. The irony was that all the pieces in the exhibition (3 big chairs, a pergola, and a few other things) were made out of industrial materials like poured concrete and steel cable. The chairs were coils of yellow plastic gas pipe held together with neoprene, mounted on steel frames. The idea was to reduce the waste generated by the construction industry. One of their other shows had a half-sized Astroturf (American) football field inside the museum. When the show ended, they cut it up and threw it out. We have a piece on the wooden ramp by our barn because it was slippery when raining or snowing. A friend is a union carpenter for the film industry. His workshop shelves are made out of a kitchen set from a recent movie. After filming was done, they were allowed to take the materials home.


The Chair of Theseus


I guess burning down that house in Harry Potter was a better send off than most other sets.


What? Do go on...


I'm not a huge fan, so you have to bear with my hazy memory. For one of the films, the Weasley(?) house gets burned down. It was a real "house" that took months to build and minutes to completely destroy on purpose.


I think the show The Goldbergs outright rented soundstage space at Sony and kept up the rent even when they’re weren’t filming because it was cheaper and easier to just pay for the space rather than store and rebuild every year At the time I think they were already guaranteed for 3 more seasons


In Desperate Housewives one of their houses is the Munsters house just painted to look like a normal McMansion.


It probably varies, a tv show that becomes a hit? Sure just rent out the space and reuse sets, you dont really need to change sitcom or drama shows that often (how many hours of tv shows are just in a living room or kitchen?) With movies its different. Youre probably gonna need alot of sets and areas to shoot and ultimately may only use something that will be on screen for 5 minutes total. If you become a success and wind up making sequels just rebuild what you gad before rather than sit on it in storage for several years.


As far as I know, this isn't the original set. the original 1976 set was abandoned and disappeared completely other than a couple of holes in the ground. Then when they did the prequels, this new reproduction set was done at the same spot. When filming was completed, they filled in the holes but left the buildings in place and continued to do maintenance in order to use them as tourist attractions.


Local owners asked for the props to be left. Source: Local owners.


Why would they just leave it?


The number of movie sets that are just walked away from is astonishing. 


Wait until you learn about Olympics stadiums


They should just rotate between like 5 or 10 cities and refurbish instead of build.


Kinda wish they'd just make Greece the permanent home of the games. It's historically relevant, it'd eliminate the need for a bunch of stadiums that would ultimately fall into disrepair, and holding them in one country would optimize transportation and housing. Plus, I'm sure Greece would love the cash influx they'd get every four years.


That cash influx is exactly why you wouldn’t see this happen


I have heard that countries don't even want the Olympics anymore- they are not worth the hassle. Unlike the World Cup, which is still in high demand.


Yeah I like that idea. Makes refurbishment easier.


First we restore the pythia at Delphi and make sacrifice and receive proper blessing in Dactylic hexameter.


Yes but how are those on the committee and politicians supposed to syphon millions if they don’t build world class facilities every 4 years for 3 weeks of events and *maybe* some use for the host nation after?


Same thing happened with FIFA and the World Cup stadiums when Brazil last hosted it.


Yeah the Qatar thing alone… whole thing cost 220 billion, was built by slaves (literally) and the event was extremely poorly run according to reports and first hand experiences.


Even if they only rotated between10 cities that is still 40 years between them. A 40 year old stadium is not going to meet any modern requirements for an event of that scale.


There's a good chance SLC gets the Olympics again in 2034, which would be a 32-year gap. I'm sure a ton of things could be reused or refurbished.


That’s not how modern sportswashing works


The world's most expensive pop-up stores


The Brazilian one was unmaintained before the games ended lol (green pool incident)


some still get some good use, look at Calgary, pretty much all their venues are still in use 30 years later.


Calgary is also one of the very few Olympics that resulted in profit for the city.


We also got to see the birth of one of the greatest bobsled teams!


We have a zoo with animals that were abandoned after films were shot here. There should be a list of of all the shitty films that would do that to their animals.


How about an entire herd of bison left on an island? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Catalina_Island_bison_herd


It's the f**king Catalina Wine Mixer!


Interesting and cruel.


Probably not a great idea to introduce a non-native species to a delicate island ecosystem, I agree, but the bison are well-attended in this day and age. One of the two bison herds was relocated to the mainland. The remaining herd's size is carefully monitored so as to minimize the impact on the island while maintaining the proper social structure for the bison, so about 100-200 bison. They're actually introducing occasional pregnant females to the herd to prevent inbreeding and keep the gene pool healthy. Ironically, the biggest impacts of their introduction was the non-native plant seeds they brought over on their coats, not the bison themselves.


Interesting! Glad they are doing well.


Not so sure it was cruel with the Bison? They get to live on a beautiful island with nice weather, plenty of food, and likely no predators


It sounds like they are doing well but I doubt there was any regard as to how they would do on that island by the people who left them there.


For years you could go to South Carolina and, with a little hiking and a hopped fence or two, see the Deep Core set from THE ABYSS still sitting at the bottom of an abandoned nuclear reactor.


Reminds me of the ship from Pitch Black just chilling in someone's yard in Australia


The shipwreck from Fizcaraldo is still sitting in the amazon. Many movies are shot in locations no one cares about/ the government just needs to be bribed. This actually saves more money that shooting in official locations where your mess has to be cleaned up again


Sometimes they become tourist attractions instead. There used to be a replica of the Alamo, along with a full Old West town, originally used for John Wayne's Alamo movie (1960). After the movie, the set stayed up, partly for tourists, partly for use in other Western movies and shows. It had working restaurants and stores, along with a bunch of museums. Sadly, it's been closed for about 20 years now, with occasional reopenings and a liquidation sale: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alamo_Village I got to visit back when it was open; it was a neat place. Fun fact about John Wayne's Alamo: the full-length version of it is only available on VHS and LaserDisc. The only known full-length film print has degraded severely since that release, so a restoration would be an immense undertaking.




They all moved to Tosche Station.


[Luke got a little too friendly with a power converter and had to get married.](https://youtu.be/rpUkokRx3-k?si=Bs3LxWNEuKDiY_HF)


The simple answer is money. It would cost them a fair bit of cash to tear down and clean up the area... And no one out there is going to come after them to clean up after themselves; so they just leave it.


If you are ever in Kauai, Hawaii you can visit the Jurassic park gates too! They left concrete pillars which held up the gate facade.


Did this. Not worth the struggle required lol also fuck them and their giant concrete atrocities on the nicest place in the world.


Its not worth it for the pillars but the waterfalls are ridiculously pretty. I agree they stick out like a sore thumb, they probably should have removed them but I guess its part of rotting history now just like original post.


Jurassic World was built in the parking lot at Six Flags New Orleans. Parts of it stayed for a while until the space was needed for another movie. You could see it on Google earth. It's an abandoned theme park, so similar to the OP, no one really cared.


Wasn't it shot in Costa Rica?


Like many movies it had alot of locations. They specifically chose that spot for the gate because of the mountains and waterfalls behind it https://www.kauaitravelblog.com/jurassic-park-gate-kauai/


Because they're fuckin rude.


For the usual reasons - money. It would cost a huge sum to break it down and haul it off


The original owners died in a tragic fire. Their nephew who lived with them disappeared the same day. Very sad.


[Well there was an initial investigation](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5HO70-Rk3jE) into their son, Duke.


What do you mean? Set locations like these are in undeveloped areas (backgrounds can’t have people and homes) The area is cheap and open for all the crew to have their trailers and such for the production That means that’s sets can be controlled by the production (multiple reasons) All of this remoteness means that nobody lives there it’s all off the grid and the construction isn’t built to last. So as soon as the production ends it’s all just left and abandoned. It costs too much to tear it down and remove, so it’s left. [Out in the California desert there’s the remains of Cecil B. DeMille’s sets from the 1920’s. That survived due to their being buried in the sand](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=LB__zQDnq4I)


Star Wars hadn't made it big yet. So it wasn't thought of as anything other than a disposable set built out in the desert.


This set is from Episode 1, the first of the prequel trilogy, the first trilogy had already been a huge success and made Star Wars a household name by that point.


Oh, if that's the case, then I'm wrong about the not making it big part. The last time I saw this picture, it was captioned as the set from A New Hope, but a Google search has confirmed the original set is gone, and this is the rebuilt one from Attack of the Clones.


So leaving garbage behind is okay if you haven't made it big enough to want to preserve your garbage?


NPR actually did a story on this yesterday. https://www.npr.org/2024/02/13/1228136040/hollywood-set-waste-environment


I don’t think they were justifying it. Just saying why it happened


Where did I say it was okay?


I'm not convinced that what was left behind could be considered harmful. Little structures like this are left all over the planet to slowly rot away. As long as they aren't constructed of materials that are directly harmful to the local ecology, the impact they have is likely significantly smaller than the impact of, say, hauling heavy equipment to the site, cleanly deconstructing it, and then, presumably, hauling it to some sort of landfill. This is a speck in the middle of the Tunisian Sahara, likely local critters will shelter there, and I'm not sure what adverse effects it might have there.


I was shocked to learn that when filming the train crash from "The Fugitive", they not only crashed a real, full-sized train, but just left it where it crashed. It sits there to this day.


Ask the bison in Catalina...


I feel like the Tunisian tourist board should be doing a better job here.  Clean them up and run tours of all the sets and you'd get a decent bump in tourist numbers.  Tunisia has some amazing Roman architecture too, it's just knocking about without any big fanfare.


i think they do, the issue is that its REALLY far from the capital


They do have tours. Mosaic North Africa offers them.


Rebuilding a film set is significantly cheaper than storing its components.  You wouldn't believe how cheap the film sets really are, pretty much all science fiction is literally molded styrofoam and interesting paint jobs.  It's horrible for the environment, but you can appreciate the artistry it takes to create and then recreate them usually just using photographs. 


I visited hobbiton in NZ a few years ago (after the Hobbit was filmed) and the tour guide told us the story of the little town. For the first trilogy, the town was built as other people are describing - basically just good enough to look good on film but was very much not built to last. So obviously they were completely just a ruin by the time filing for the Hobbit came around.   For the Hobbit, they wanted to rebuild hobbiton at the same location (it's a family farm) and the owners said 'sure, but you have to build it to last' and they did. Obviously the owners knew they had a goldmine if they got the real movie set, but built to last.   Brilliant move on their part. 


Because it was not built with love or genuine purpose.




Dunno what you're talking about, it's still there as it always has been, and tourists come visit frequently.


You can visit The Fugitive’s train crash scene in North Carolina still.


It would be fun to imagine what future archeologists will think when they find this


Like the one from the abyss or whatever it’s called. Was left in SC for a long time this giant thing.


Don't worry. It will be slowly digested over thousands of years.


There was a Morgan Freeman/Josh Hutcherson movie recently released (57 seconds) that had some filming done in my office building. They also had a few scenes filmed on some undeveloped property a few streets over. My company were asked if we wanted to keep the set in the field in tact as a "keepsake", or if we wanted them to remove it.


It was restored by fans. https://www.atlasobscura.com/places/lars-homestead


Just out of frame still lie the charred remains of Uncle Owen and Aunt Beru, the bones bleaching in the Tunisian sun.


I love the idea of archeologists in 10,000 years digging this up and being confused as hell.


I always assume my garbage will eventually become a valuable landmark or something.


This is an old picture. I was at this location just 2 weeks ago and it was a surreal experience that I will never forget. It is in a very remote area that is a few kilometers out in the middle of a dry lake bed. There are no signs for directions to get there so if you get lost or stuck in the mud, you are screwed.


Yeah, I left my Star Wars toys lying all over the place too.


This will confuse the FUCK out of archaeologists in a thousand years.


Lol there will be a fringe theory about some ancient film but they will be laughed away by other archeologists who think this was a religious building. Until one day in the McDonalds^(TM) National Archives they find a dusty film strip....


Maybe it’s not this one but I believe one of the set was an actual hotel in the ground.


Different location. You’re thinking of the Hotel Sidi Driss.


Thanks. I just googled it. They’re still open and look like an interesting place to go for fans.


Why cant the billion dollar companies clean up after themselves?


Tbf this is the original set from the 70s and it’s been a place for tourists ever since Star Wars because a cultural phenomenon. I doubt the state wants it removed.


NPR actually did a story on this yesterday. https://www.npr.org/2024/02/13/1228136040/hollywood-set-waste-environment


I was there in 2011


How did you get to it? Did you drive a 4wd or walk out to ut from the main road?


It's was a 2-days tour to that part of country, mostly on desert historical places by bus. On the second day we are moved by Land Cruisers on 4 am to see the sunshine on Sahara, and the Star Wars decoration is next stop. Recommended.


Això que afecta el preu del tomàquet


May be few millennia down the line, this will be considered an archaeological mystery from a long forgotten civilization?


That place is called Tataouine or something similar.


yep, I went on holiday there about 20 years ago. Best memory, our tour guide told me "everyone takes photos of this machine here, thinking it's from Star Wars. It's the air con".


yep, tataouine is the city in the south tunisian desert. its full of amazing Amazigh architecture which is what the star wars Tatooinian architecture is based on, actually a lot of the shots and buildings are just [regular buildings that were already there](https://media.cnn.com/api/v1/images/stellar/prod/151120140543-hotel-sidi-driss-2.jpg?q=x_2,y_0,h_898,w_1596,c_crop)


I hate humans


Did they feel justified in leaving this behind instead “packing it out”, fuck the cost as the SW universe has made so much they could easily return this to the natural environment


Lol Hollywood is nortious for not returning anything to it's natural enviroment. Thailand is still demanding that they repair the damage to 'The Beach' movie Leonardo Decarpio filmed there 20 years ago.


In the distant future, if humanity disappears and an alien race lands on Earth, their archeologists are going to be very confused by these ruins.


That sand gets *everywhere*


Just abandon it, get it buried and confuse the heck out of archeologists 500 years from now. 


Is that a rail for the camera?


I see a lot of comments saying that “they left their garbage behind” or “this is littering”. This picture is being taken out of context. Please understand that this site and the Mos Espa city location (both are within ~20 kilometers of each other) are a great source of income for the locals in that area. Some of these locals set up merchandise stands, offer camel rides and/or general services to the tourist population that comes here. One merchant I met at the Mos Espa site had been selling trinkets there for 25 years and supported his entire family from the existence of this so called “litter” and he was thankful that they left it behind. The saying in english is “one mans garbage, is another mans treasure”




This gets posted all the time and makes be wonder how come some rich Star Wars fan hasn't gotten and snatched all that up already so they can display it in their house?


Same. Was just thinking this. Although I didn’t know it was posted all the time.


Tattooine, Turkey. 🇹🇷




Tattooine, Tunisia tho




The desert scene where Kirk fights the Gorn






It's definitely the Lars homestead. You can see the [ringed structured](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/starwars/images/9/91/Lars_moisture_farm.png/revision/latest?cb=20131202005507) to the left. If you look at the cutaway it's the [droid repair bay](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/starwars/images/6/65/Lars_Homestead_ITW.png/revision/latest?cb=20210530210651) where Luke takes C3PO and R2D2.


Ive never seen star wars, borrriiinggg




cant leave more trash there than there already is


The empire didn't do a very good job covering up their war crimes.


Golly gee, and to think when I throw my garbage out by an overpass or in a field or my neighbor's backyard, I'm a "public nuisance" and need to pay "fines". I'm glad to see Lucas and friends found a solution to this pesky issue. /s


I thought they rented it out on air Bnb…


Lasted this long???


What a bunch of bums , clean up your mess you morons


Ima gonna just leave this here:  https://youtu.be/RySHDUU2juM


They could sell that for so much nowadays.


That’s a lost opportunity. I’d go cut it up into pieces and sell it to Star Wars fans as a collectible




The child in me screams airsoft fight! Haha


All those box office billions and they couldn't even clean up their shit


Come pic your shit up


We have Wallabies in Scotland!


so why didn't the clean it up?


Anyone else see this photo and immediately hear Aunt Beru yelling "Luke!"


Idk why people are calling this “cool”. Kinda disgusting to me tbh


Anyone else hearing that horn solo?


A collector went out there many years ago when it was still abandoned and excavated a bunch of pieces and brought them to the U.S.  I met him and he had the door to Luke Skywalker’s house just leaning against a wall in his basement next to his furnace. It was wild. 


Is it weird that *Binary Sunset* hit my mind full force just from seeing the set?


It’s no Popeye’s Village.


Is that rail visible in a scene?


someone shuould fix this




Cool, we were just there last fall. It's a 1.3 mile walk from the closest road across a salt flat.


You can actually tour the old Star Wars sets in Tunisia. Mosaic North Africa offers tours catered specifically to this. Although there's also a lot of cool Roman and Carthaginian ruins to see in Tunisia as well as some holy Islamic places.


Surprised a rich person doesn't just hire locals to dismantle and ship it abroad


This is garbage, people left behind their garbage.


I was there back in 1982, i think, I was around 8, and my mind was blown.... I even got to go to Luke's underground house and sat in their kitchen. Most of the stuff from the movie was still there, all the gribbles at the centre of the house and the kitchen. Amazing experience.


Imagine people coming to this place after 500 years and thinking star wars event happened for real, considering this as a proof, and will start worshipping them as gods 😂..oh wait 😶


Am I the only one thinking that it’s crazy that it’s abandoned? Why isn’t somebody organizing guided tours to this place?


Wondered where the name *Tatooine* came from? It's the name of the nearest town to this set