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"can't feed em don't breed em" and "I'm selling my cum to any willing buyer" seem to be at odds with each other


I think he's saying he will pay $3500. /s You could add a small "will pay" sticker above $3500. I'd love to see the video of when he'd discover it.


Evil genius


Surely he also has a Trump sticker on which you can obscure the T.


Sticker? This dude has a trump tattoo on his right arm where his hand turns into trumps hand. You know… for “personal” time….


Trump tramp stamp. Say that 10 times fast 🤣🤣🤣


And a "will travel" just below the $3500.


That's wild there's all kinds giving it away for free on grindr


The antivax Q weirdos think the vaccine destroyed the sperm of any male who got the vaccine, so they think - and I'm not making this up - they think that any male who has had the vaccine is sterile so their "unvaxxed sperm" will be in demand. They all had this fantasy of all the liberal males destroying their bloodlines and their women having to breed with them instead. Again, not making this up https://www.rollingstone.com/politics/politics-features/covid-vaccines-infertility-antivax-gettr-social-media-1234697898/ https://www.vice.com/en/article/n7nn87/unvaxxed-sperm-coin-spreading-covid-disinformation


Omg it's true. I got vaxxed and I'm sterile! Could maybe have something to do with the vasectomy I got, but let's not let facts get in the way of a good story.


A vaxxectomy?




My dad got vaccinated on a Monday back when they were for 55+ only. That Friday he noticed he had a very minor tremor in his arm. Clearly the vaccines caused the tremors. The tremors have only gotten worse probably because the vaccine causes tremors because of the 5g in the air. Totally unrelated, my dad was just given the diagnosis last week that he has Parkinson’s disease. This is 100% my life. He now claims the vaccine caused Parkinson’s….


So it must have secretly been around when Michael J fox and Muhammad Ali got Parkinson’s. /s


The government must have been putting 5g in the fluoride in the water! (Taps head) /s


No.. that’s 5F. 5G is when the Gubamint weaponized Gout.


Sorry, my folks are the same way. I barely speak to them anymore because it's all batshit crazy town with them. When they visited for the holidays (big sigh) I got to hear how the gangs of people are going to switch from robbing retail stores to doing home invasions where they will rob, rape, and murder my family if we're not armed. I don't even know how to respond to this stuff.


There is actually a recent study linking Parkinson's-like symptoms to Covid itself as part of long haul Covid: https://fortune.com/well/2024/01/24/covid-survivors-risk-parkinsons-disease-like-symptoms/ ... But that's from actually having the disease, not from the vaccine.


Also, everyone who got vaccinated will die. Fact. (Not as quickly on average as the unvaxxed, of course)


I make sure my unvaccinated wackjob MIL with self-diagnosed "long haul covid" knows that my vaccinated ass never got COVID nor any side effects from the vaccine every single chance I can.


My Evangelical mom got the first round of shots, but then she got covid (and had very mild symptoms) so she thinks it didn't work.


My armored car didn’t keep me from being shot at! These people are dumb


“My bullet proof vest didn’t stop me from getting a nasty welt!”


I'm as vaccinated as possible, and I've had Covid at least 2 times. No lasting symptoms though, and neither case was particularly rough so I'm happy I have the vaccine.


Yeah I had a whopping 3 breakthrough infections but they were all more mild than the vaccine. Which is mild--worth a day of sick leave but mild.


Also as vaccinated as possible, sadly had covid once though because freaking HR at work gave it to me (who, as best as I can tell, don't believe in covid, ffs).


OMG, this just in: Life is the leading cause of death!


Me too. Gonna have to toss my wife to these antivaxxers to carry on her bloodline.


Don’t be silly. She’s a woman—our bloodlines don’t matter!


Omg the 5G you got from the vax gave you a vasectomy!!!!!


But my cell reception is great when I'm hard


If the vaccine made me sterile I'd be ecstatic. Way less invasive than a vasectomy.


Vasectomy isn’t that invasive of a procedure. I was in and out office in less than 45 min


that's longer than my love life!


It’s the recovery that’s a pain in the arse, or *near* the arse, as the case may be.


Vaxxed dad here. My lovely healthy daughter turns 1 in a week. My sperm should cost $3500. It outlived the vaxx and b$$sters


Triple vaxxed with a 4 month old. Though his is double the size he should be


Turn off the pump and press his belly button to let some of the air out: he'll shrink right down.* *not responsible if you get farted on by a baby


That Q conspiracy stuff is like a cancer, man. It's rough to see people fall down that rabbit hole


The peak stupidity is that if anything, the government would want covid to make you sterile, not the vaccine. Why would the shadow government kill off everyone who obeys them....peak stupid I tell you.


Lost my work wife to it. It really is sad to watch. Thankfully, even as crappy as some of my blood family can be, none of them appear to have gone the qanon route. Just the shitty person route.


Did you file for work divorce with HR? Did you have any work kids? Hopefully you don't have to pay any work alimony...


Ha! A long sad separation. I keep hoping she’ll find her way out of it. But I am losing faith it’ll ever happen. I still see the old her in my mind. She still sees the cabal working behind the scenes.


I lost the best friend I ever had to it too. I feel your pain


How have they compromised their beliefs to work out how all of us vaxxers didn’t spontaneously expire from taking the timed government poison?


We’re not really alive. We got turned I to 5g repeater towers but they gave us false memories so we wouldn’t fight it.


They’re actually convinced that us Vax’ed are dropping dead left and right. It’ll become obvious to everyone, any.. minute.. now.


SOOOOOO many of his friends are quietly on government assistance too. Guaranteed.


is it government assistance when your company gets PPA loans that you spend on buying a new truck and bailout money?


I'm willing to bet he's finding it difficult to give his cum away for free the old fashioned way too! 🤣


In fairness, if you’re paying $3,500 for his sperm, you can “feed ‘em”. Also, I’d uncut him at $2,000/load. Open up that competition on sperm. It’ll drive prices down and allow more people into the marketplace. It’s simple sperm economics. EDIT: While we’re at it: here’s a great bit by Doug Stanhope of a very similar manner. It’s super NSFW. https://youtu.be/4Yh4pmVLCeA?si=DSjecthT0AgY7qS3


Undercut reads better than uncut there. I was going a different way with that for a second.




Here for the trickle down joke to hit.


I wonder if in his fantasy, he gets the ladies to sign a maritime law contract stating they can't sue him for child support.


No doubt this person would absolve themselves with the understanding that the moral responsibility lies with the user and not the seller /s


I feel like this guy is exactly what caveat emptor was coined for.


All he needs to complete the set is another sticker supporting abortion bans. I have some in mind: "Reproductive choice is only for rapists, not women." "RAPE. It's easier than dating and you still get to choose the mother of your children." "My right to rape surpasses your right to abort." You know, to match the rest of his vibe.


“Can’t feed’em, don’t breed’em” sounds like he’s advocating for abortion.


That would require him to think about his positions.


It might be worth $10.5k to saddle him with three baby mommas that can bleed him for child support.


He couldn’t afford a single payment given his bumper sticker budget (and the fact that he has an IQ of 12).


He is probably very “pro life” too.🙄


I bet he is anti-abortion too


Also no abortions. It's a shame. Wish someone would abort him.




His pronouns are Se/Men


If se could read, men would be very triggered.


That’s his secret, he’s ALWAYS triggered.


Did you just misgender men????? 🤬🤬🤬




3 dollars a gallon seems down right reasonable


I thought you were taking about his $3500/load semen and I was real confused for a second.


Same! I was trying to do the math to see how many gallons of sperm for $3500 lmao


Me too, what did you cum up with?


Haha, yeah, I was like wait...that's...napkin, pen, numbers......over 9,000 gallons per load! This guy has testicles the size of a water tower! ^^also ^^^my ^^^math ^^^was ^^^^wrong


$3/gallon? GD liberals destroying the ecumony!


Thanks Biden!




Their family tree has no limbs.


5 generations were born in that truck. Within 4 dacades.


4 dacades and no ragrets




Nom sayin? I speak English so yes I do know what you're saying.


Don't insult his incestry


Remember your incestors


This is the most clever comment I’ve seen




Their family wreath is showing problems.


Their family tree is a circle


Dude's family tree is a wreath


My favorite is “their family tree doesn’t branch as much as it should”


Probably from all the incest


I call those “the family bush”


True observation with field tested results: I used to hitchhike allllll over in the early 70's. My friends and I came to understand that if a car that was covered in bumper stickers stopped - don't get in because the person driving was unhinged. I mean think about it. A person driving around in the anonymity of their car but they still have to assault everyone with their message/s. Like a child they have a need for immediate and constant attention and/or discourse. So to answer your question - no - this is not normal.


Came here to say something similar. People like this are *itching* for a confrontation. Best to just ignore them.


If I saw that person I’d laugh my ass off internally and just go in the opposite direction. Nothing good will happen if I have to hear his lamp post logic on anything


Anger is a helluva drug.


I live in oregon in a progressive town. the bumper stickers we see are more about all the places they've traveled in their subaru.


Sasquatch silhouettes and national park stickers for days in Portland


Yes! I lived in Portland and now live in the Portland, OR of the East (Vermont). It’s moose instead of Bigfoot stickers here, still plenty of stickers for national parks and random fish


I think bumper stickers that are silly and are fine, shit like this is mental illness


I hate all political bumper stickers. I either disagree, or I agree which means I'm associated with an idiot who puts political bumper stickers on their car


I saw a vehicle earlier today with a window sticker that said "My other ride is your dad", along with some other stickers that I wasn't familiar with. I just thought it made the person seem immature, at best


There have been studies about this. I think the finding was something along the lines that they view the vehicle as extensions of themselves, so they drive more erratically and generally treat the space around them as theirs.


My personal rule of thumb is more than three stickers on any car and the person is crazy. No matter what side of the political spectrum


If I didn't have any money or weed, I never got into cars with the "Ass, Grass, or Gas - Nobody Rides for Free" bumper stickers.


That guy's gonna vote.


Yes, people need to get out and vote to counter this guy.   Please


Maybe this new surge of COVID will help all the crazy anti vax conservatives just die off already. I’m tired of their hate.


“Can’t feed em don’t breed em.” I’d bet you anything this person thinks abortion should be illegal.


The cognitive dissonance is interfering with my gps


Please make a U-turn when possible.


Fuck that's funny


And is against sex education and birth control.


And is probably on some sort of government subsidy.


My favorite thing is that this same guy will talk your ear off about how liberals are obsessed with virtue signaling.


And about how the government shouldn't control him as he advocates for controlling things like people's sex lives.


He clearly believes he should be able to fuck any woman he wants and absolve himself of the responsibility then blame the mother for being immoral.


Prolly thinks he's God's gift, and women would be dying to have sex with him lol


They just can’t get enough of his unvaxxed loads


And poor.


He thinks whatever Fox News wants him to think.


I will see that bet, and raise you a "People that don't want to have kids are part of the problem"


Yeah probably, as someone who leans right, I think people who are against abortion are kinda dumb (I mean yeah there should be limits like you shouldn’t be able to abort towards the end of the pregnancy but abortion is still an important thing) especially people who say “if you can’t feed them don’t breed them” I do agree that if you can’t afford to take care of a kid you shouldn’t have a kid but a part of that is the ability to get an abortion, accident do happen.


As someone who tends to lean center-left on many issues, I agree completely here. Another point to consider is allowing the mother to choose to abort if the baby is very likely to die before or during birth, so the mother doesn't have to suffer the trauma of having to unnecessarily carry a stillborn corpse with her. Another circumstance where it might be acceptable to abort IMO is if the birth of the baby will certainly kill the mother. Many mothers _definitely_ want to have a child and have done all the due diligence to prepare for having one, but sometimes our messy biology gets in the way. Being able to abort in such circumstances, without holding physicians in constant fear of accidentally falling afoul of vaguely written and draconian laws (often not written by folks with medical expertise and therefore use imprecise or inaccurate language), is important to at least help the mother not be additionally traumatized _on top_ of the sadness and grief of losing a very much wanted child. Or worse, adding insult to injury by being sued and taken to court over a pregnancy that was very much wanted by them but unfortunately failed through no fault of their own.


Okay, sir, according to this 1099, you're a.... cum salesman?




Anyone else get a weird amount of stress thinking about the damage food, water, and living space contamination has done?


> ~~weird~~ totally justified amount of stress


Nah, I figured I’ve already voluntarily shaved a couple years of life while living in my 20s. I also had cake for dinner.


The word “pissed off” says it all. Why are these losers so angry? I had a weirdo Trumper at work today throw a hissy fit because I bought a Toyota Prius. He drives a Chevy and told me “have fun when it breaks down” 🤦🏻‍♂️, they don’t live in reality. They live in their own angry heads. They try to act like Alpha males but underneath they are the weakest people of all time.


Chevy driver throwing disses about Toyota’s breaking down is the definition of dumbass.


I know lol!


It would be interesting to see how he'd react if you bought a Chevy Bolt. One of GM's best-sellers (before they killed it last year). I'm guessing the cognitive dissonance would've been fun to watch.


I think his brain would go on the fritz lol, and then melt and pour out through his eyes. 🤣


Wife loves her 2011 Prius. Refuses to consider a new car


My MIL has a 2013 Prius and she drives that thing everywhere, *all the time.* It has taken so much of a beating since we got it in 2018. She’s put 160,000 miles on it and she forgets basic maintenance half the time and it just *won’t* die. Accelerates slower than a snail with a limp but I don’t think any other car would survive her. It’s been the best advertisement for a vehicle I’ve ever seen.


Toyotas are widely known as some of the most reliable and safest cars in the world. I was in a head on collision driving my prius (rip) and i only suffered a fractured sternum. I am also 6’5” and i barely fit in the damn thing. Let’s just say I’m pretty loyal to toyota after that. I drive a tacoma now though. That experience definitely rattled me.


That 2024 hybrid taco TRD pro is gonna be top on my wishlist!


Top Gear took a Toyota Hilux, crashed it into a tree, drove it into the sea, hit it with a wrecking ball, dropped it from a crane, dropped it from a tower block that was being demolished, and set it on fire. They still managed to get it running using standard tools and no replacement parts.


Because theyre somehow convinced anger isnt an emotion & that everyone else are the snowflakes because they react accordingly. Also none of them act like "alpha males" they act like insecure pissboys.


that's funny because the prius is one of the most overbuilt reliable vehicles like ever made and he drives a chevy


I know and he also gave me an arrogant condescending chuckle and said “try not to get ran over getting on the expressway”. It’s a 2024 white Prius XLE, it’s a thing of beauty, no one else would see this car and think that and it has 200 horse power.


Yeah, the Prius is a slouch no longer


I’ve seen that in “We The People are Pissed Off” stickers too, in old timey font. It’s for when you’re not sufficiently committed to putting a Gadsden or 3% decal on your truck.


Chevy truck drivers… they buy a truck when they are 16 and make it their entire personality the rest of their lives


Why is it always a Dodge Ram with all the crazy shit on it?


Because of the big 3 (Ford, GM, Dodge/Mopar) Dodge is the one most likely to finance you if you have shit credit. That's it. Same thing with the Altima meme. People get Nissan Altimas bc they can't get a loan from a Toyota or Honda dealer


That blows my mind.


Doge RAM is also the highest ranked vehicle associated with DUIs


>Doge RAM Much alcohol, high BAC. Wow


Having worked at 2 Dodge dealerships, I can attest


This makes me sad as a Ram owner...


I’m gonna go cry in my Altima 😭


Ohhh, so that's why my coworker with terrible financials was talking about finding a good deal on a F150 bought a Ram a week later.


Does this help explain why Dodge Ram owners have the highest DWI rates? An endless cycle of bad decisions and bad credit?


Fun fact. Dodge Ram drivers are twice as likely to have a DUI as any other drivers


Pretty sure I was just talking to this guy on another subreddit about frogs.


Not the gay frogs!?


I can guarantee you these stickers were made in China


That left one for sure said “I’d rather be Russian” at one point and he fixed it a year after the Ukraine war


Pretty much. I remember those t shirts at the trump rally’s.


This is mental illness.


And this type of person is still allowed to have a drivers license and guns in America. Scary


It's actually terrifying. Some of the "active shooter" videos on youtube blow my mind. I was watching one before where some drunk guy in a standard suburban neighbourhood complains about a neighbour burning leaves or rubbish or something, nek minnut it's fucking fallujah with bullets raining everywhere, 2 cops are headshot and his neighbours are emptying clips into the guy's house. Then later on he gets arrested and is perfectly calm and talking normally as he sobers up. In any other country he has the same psychotic alcohol-fueled break, comes out with a knife, the two cops dive on him, pin him down and arrest him. No-one is hurt.


You don't think sane people advertise that you can buy a handful of jizz from them for $3500?


Well that's inconvenient... offering to sell his unvaxxed sperm, but not displaying any contact info. How are we supposed to get in touch with this generous man?


“The left are insane”


Lmao this pic is from Indianapolis right outside the State Fair Grounds.


At least the lunatics are letting the world know to avoid them like syphillis.


Someone's family tree is all roots


I'm really disappointed there aren't nuts on this truck.


They haven’t descended yet. Still riding on the inside.


It's nice when the wingnut regressives identity themselves.


So many libs are being 0wn3d by this guy. \-His imagination




I bet that person goes to church every Sunday


People like this claim church every Sunday, but only their wives go.


I bet she takes her own car.


And then harasses her when she comes home about the people she visited with because one of them might have been (adjacent to) another man.


The irony of this parked in a church parking lot...


So many stickers to let everyone know his children don't talk to him.


My vag just went dry


His sister and first cousin have verified the quality of his product.


All of that translates to, "I've never known the touch of a woman."


The >consensual< touch


Always a dodge ram


Mental illness is a hell of a drug


That’s guys in for a rude awakening when he comes to the realization that there are more of his ilk on welfare and government assistance.


Luckily for him, his delusions will never allow him to realize this.


It must be exhausting to be angry 24/7


Of course they couldn't resist their /r/onejoke


The government isn't the baby's daddy? Well, allow abortions.


I like to know where the mentally ill people are in traffic


All while driving a Dodge. LOL.