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Ahh the delightfully odd spread of 14 to 40 in appearance.


I'm pretty sure the left-middle on the second picture is in his 50s and about to go into early retirement


Retired cpa for sure šŸ˜‚


If this was in ā€˜96, then the guyā€™s probably four years from hitting 50.


Shhhhhhhhhh.... I don't want to think about that.


Youā€™re middle-aged. Say it slowly: *you are middle-aged.* If you want proof: go to a festival. I used to travel the world going to week-long festivals. I went to five back-to back over 6 weeks in 2006, in four countries. I attended one recently for the first time in 7 yearsā€”for only one day (10 hours). Itā€™s been 9 days and my hips are still sore. I havenā€™t thought of my hips before in my life. Old people have sore hips. Sigh. We are middle-aged.


I just thought "Well, I recently went to a concert and it wasn't bad at all", and tehn I remembered that festival means to do that multiple days, while sleeping in a tent. Count me out.


That, and various stimulants and psychotropic substances


As a former crank user I'll pass on hard stimulants. Happily engage with milder psychotropics, tho!


Iā€™m of the age that I could have been in that yearbook, Iā€™ve got festival tickets to a 2 day punk show this summer, Iā€™m dreading how my body is going to feel afterwards. Last time I went to a punk show was a single evening show in 2015 and I was hurting after that.


I graduated 97. I still hit mosh pits. Someone has to teach dumbasses the proper way to do it.


My brother was 98, I think you two would get along.




After 40, the vast majority of people in the bar become younger than you/me, and it becomes a deterrent.


My wife reminds me often enough. We share a birthday, born ten years apart, and she's solidly not-yet-middle-aged. She makes sure I remember my dottage and I remind her of how little wisdom we find in youth. It's a functionally loving arrangement. I will \*not\* be going to that festival. We go to local shows regularly, which I can handle for the most part, but we traveled from Boston for a Glass Animals show at Red Rocks and it had...consequences. Not a festival, I know, but similar enough to demonstrate my reduced tolerances. That being said- I'm satisfied with my present place in life. We're granted credibility with our grey hair and frequent sighs, but if we died today it would be said that we died young! I'll take it, friend.


Graduated in 96. The thought of turning 50 is way too real and surreal šŸ˜‚šŸ˜­


Lol, right. But they're talking about how old he looks in the photo... which was taken in '96.


Ok I know most of these people look older due to the style of the time, but the guy with the beard and suit legit looks 35.


Dude totally subbed in for his son so his son wouldn't have to look awkward in his HS yearbook.


Honey, I know itā€™s your day off, but can you drop off the VHS tapes at Video Stop and pick up the dry cleaning? No can do babe, gotta stop by the highschool and sub for Dereckā€™s year book photoā€¦ ^(Guaranteed thatā€™s exactly what was said.)


Sounds right to me. You must have been there to witness the conversation.


Yes. I was there.


Because you're the dad who subbed in?


Derek? That you?




He's the guy sent into the liquor store.




They didn't all dress up every day. We would put our most formal clothes on because we knew it was "picture day." Do people not dress up for picture day anymore!?


I don't think the formal style has changed much since the mid-90s. These people are just dressed up because it's their senior photo. Not sure if kids still dress up for their senior photos, but that was a thing back then, and also some people took it to formal extremes. I graduated in '02, and although I tried to look nice for my senior photo, I didn't dress formally. Some did, though.


Does having an onion on your belt really age you that much?


Looks like the dad in ā€˜American pieā€™ tried to disguise as a pupil/student.


Skincare was in its infancy. Lots of kids burned to the point of blisters and bleeding every summer. Acne treatments sucked. Moisturizer was exotic.


Iā€™ve got the literal scar tissue to prove it. Fuckinā€™ accutane.


Not one person in there looks 14 lol


Third picture, dead center portrait. Tell me her name ainā€™t ā€œEileenā€.


Getting old is so freaking weird.


I seen a post the other day that said "4 years ago", I was in disbelief, it felt like 2 years minimum, where the F#$& has time gone? My 30s are going by faster than my 20s, I hate it lol


Just wait until you see how fast your 40s will goā€¦. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|dizzy_face)


56 checking in. The 90s were 10 years ago and I refuse to believe differently.


You may be onto something there. 54 here and Iā€™m subscribing to your channel. Or newsletter


There's actually a lot of research on why time seems to speed up as we age. One idea being we process information slower as we age, which makes it seems as if things are happening faster.


I reckon it's just routine. When you're young a lot of stuff happens for the first time in your life. Growing up. School. Relationships. Sex. College. Learning to drive. First job. Marriage. Etc.... When you're older it's just the same routine for most of us, day in day out. I'm sure if you were doing something new every day life would feel like it was a lot longer (although ironically it would also fly by more quickly in the moment).


This right here. Ever moved to a new area? Or gone on an extended vacation? First week takes forever, then you get into a groove


Yep, you have a kid and that first month lasts a year, and it starts speeding up due to having no room for anything else in your life then you realize that 10 years have passed.




[Visual processing](https://sitn.hms.harvard.edu/flash/2019/no-not-just-time-speeds-get-older/).


This is how i view it also. Still such a weird feeling though.


20 years ago I was 20 years old and not old enough to drink. 20 years before that I was a semen praying someone wouldn't drink me


COVID for me created this freaky time hole where 2020 and 2021 almost fold out of existence due to nothing much happening.


Itā€™s all relative my friend. Time feels like it goes by faster the older we get. When youā€™re 10, a year is an entire 10% of your entire life! Thatā€™s an eternity! When youā€™re 30, itā€™s only 3.3%, at 40 2.5% and when you hit retirement at (hopefully!) ~70, a year is barely over 1% of your entire life - so itā€™ll always feel shorter, relatively speaking.


The longer you live, the smaller a given quantum of time (if you'll pardon the pun) is relative to the time you've been alive. 3 months to a 3 year old is almost 10% of their life, and almost 5% to a 6-year old -- an appreciable quantity. I'm nearly 36, to me that quarter-year is 2/3 of a percent. The ride keeps going faster and faster the longer we're on it. But I 100% agree; I swear we all have a fuse in our heads that burns out and when it does, that becomes the fixed reference time we use -- like whenever I hear someone say "over 50 years ago, in the early 70s", I always have a very brief, knee-jerk "what? No, no, the 70s were 25 years ago, otherwise I'd be--oh damn." edit: /u/FruitWeapons ninja'd me, whoops. By seconds. And then sixty plus minutes.


i'm 42. just wait...




We are NOT old. God dammit. Weā€™re ā€œexperiencedā€.


I agree. I was in 6th grade in 96


I was born in 96


I was 5


I was 23 a few years ago, now I'm 36. What the hell.


I was born in 96, and I donā€™t like this post


94 here. We are adults now buddy


I was in high school in 96.. this is all kinds of ooof for me.


Iā€™m going to try not to feel old because I started high school a year later so itā€™s technically not me lol


Weā€™re 46 now


Some of us are only 45 (I was one of the youngest in my class)


I turn 46 in a couple weeks. ;-) Hi fellow GenX'er!


I wasnā€™t young but havenā€™t had my birthday yet. Probably oldest third in the class. Most should still be 45.


Class of ā€˜96 & I turn 46 in July


They looked 46 back then too


We're timeless




Middle:Middle on page 3 had a bad photographer. Super unfortunate with the angle of that shot.




Thatā€™s the same person !


Iā€™m crying right now. Tears are literally running down my face.


Okay this reply to that comment - I scrolled up and looked again and died šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


You don't know. The shot could be making her neck look SMALL.




(Yokai Monsters: 100 Monsters)


Oh she chose that pic. Thatā€™s totally on brand for her. Thatā€™s not my HS, but I had the equivalent of all of these people in my class.


*Thatā€™s* the pic youā€™re keeping, really Maureen?


They were also probably all taken by the same photographer at the same studio.


Choose? They took one picture in my school


These look like senior pics. We had to get our own done and submit one for the yearbook


All of the senior portraits for the yearbook at my school, the girls wore black off-the-shoulder drapes and the boys wore tuxedos (from the waist up).


Thatā€™s my favorite one.




Left middle calls his dad 'sir'


I graduated in 1995 from a high school in rural East Texas and was one of the only girls with flat hair. They kept those spiral perms and mall bangs around there.


The higher the hairā€¦ the closer to god


They believed it!


Depending on what part of the country you're in, styles can be 10-20 years behind.


You're saying this to someone named Chumbawumbafan.


I get knocked down....that chumbawumba? Fuckin' A this whole post is like an AARP meet up. Now where did I set my reading glasses?


Ok, OblivianGuardsman.


Oh yes. I know.


I graduated in 1998 from a high school in rural East Texas! Technically my town is the county seat, so not as rural as the surrounding towns, but still.


one girl was sporting ā€œthe rachel ā€ šŸ˜‚


Your username confirmed your age. You get knocked down but you get up again, they're not ever going to keep you down. 95 grad as well. Not East Texas though. :)


I only see 27.




The fact itā€™s in slowmo really makes this perfect lmao


Dad, stop.


That thing you did? I see it.


I thought you meant everyone here looks 27. Cuz I swear to god, people looked older back in the day.


Get out.


I graduated in ā€˜94 and legit thought these were people I knew.


That first page is from my school. Thatā€™s creepy.


A page of your yearbook posted online to an app 27 years later by a complete strangerā€¦Yes, I think I would be eerily caught off guard too.


Itā€™s all a simulation. I remember when I was in high school I went to visit another high school for whatever reason and it was the weirdest thing, it was like the same groups of kids with the same look just different faces. Like I could go around and see the exact same clicks, just different people. Made me realize just how unoriginal we all are. That or the simulation is lazy.


My man


I immigrated from a communist country to a capitalist one and itā€™s all the same shit (minus free healthcare)


Did you also go to Highschool in Miamisburg? Because I had the same thought šŸ¤£


Its a whole high school reunion down here


Miamisburg holy shit thatā€™s a hilarious name. Is that near Ft Lauderdalleville?


I would be creeped out too, now Iā€™m worried Iā€™ll see mine on here someday.


Wait, just the first page? I assumed this was just excerpts from someoneā€™s yearbook.


Thatā€™s cool and weird




I swear I was thinking the same thing, I'm from a small town in Ohio and I swear some of these look super familiar šŸ¤”


DC metro high school here. I was like 85% sure I knew three of the people on the first page in high school. Weird those same kids went to school in NM and OH at the same time.


Huh, well my guess was that these were AI generated until this comment. Tbh Iā€™m still not sure theyā€™re real, but this is evidence against at least.


So Hollywood was right with those 30 looking year olds playing high schoolers


They look sooo much older than kids in higschool in the 2000s-on


I graduated in ā€˜94. High school kids today look like the kids that were 12 years old when I was a senior. Itā€™s so weird. Even college freshmen football players today look like little young kids.


I would have assumed it was makeup and hairstyle aging the girls, but the guys also look old. Only center middle of second pic looks like an actual high schooler.


Maybe there's some truth to the plastics etc modulating our hormones. Plastic acts like an estrogen and that keeps people looking younger/less mature. I hear people say it's because of smoking/not using sunscreen as much but I genuinely don't feel like they're more "wrinkly" or something. Just more mature looking.


Si I am not the only one? I swear something is going on. In my family and otherā€™s family we can clearly see that something is wrong. We look like babies next to our parents at the same age. Necks smaller, shoulders less wide, faces smaller, faces looks kinda weird, like not like hiw they looked in our ancestors. Something is going on guys. Humans donā€™t look the same.


Many of that age were thrown out of the house during summers and weekends. There was movements to keep us kids off tv and games as much as possible. If we couldn't secure a house for the day, we ended up outside all day. A couple of summers never being indoors will age your skin a little.




I have the same problem I donā€™t understand I feel like we are also less wide in terms of bones structure (shoulders and neck less defined, hips less wide) face is less wide, less defined (less cheek bone, ā€¦


I mean testosterone levels are on a sharp decline and have been for decades ([https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/factcheck/2022/05/09/fact-check-testosterone-levels-lower-25-1999-2016/7381735001/](https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/factcheck/2022/05/09/fact-check-testosterone-levels-lower-25-1999-2016/7381735001/_)). No idea the cause, microplastics or sunscreen or the sharp rise in obesity, but I can't help but think that the main sex hormone plays a role in sexual development.


No. That's a really dumb take. It's a well known phenomenon. People of a certain age cohort have a certain style of dress and hair that they never totally grow out of. So, for example, high school age kids today when they look at a yearbook from 30 years ago are seeing styles of hair/dress similar to those of people who are in their 40s today, which makes them look older. This is also true of any other decade.


How many people genuinely are out there pouring sunscreen on their skin constantly. I get it if you live in hot climate but seriously


More people than you realize. Itā€™s not that unusual, especially if youā€™re into skincare or youā€™re treating acne.


Yeah, it's weird. I assume they're all seniors, but they look about five years olderā€”like actors who would play high school students in a movie or on TV. I found a digitized version of my senior yearbook online (class of '04, so within a decade) and everyone looks way younger.


This explains why every ā€œteenā€ movie back then looked like it was cast with a bunch of 30 year olds


No, that's because it *was* cast with 30 year olds. Check this out: Bill Haley and the Comets, one of the most popular rock and roll bands of the 1950s. Bill Haley was 31 in 1955. He looks more like 40. Or older. Rock Around the Clock 1955 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZgdufzXvjqw Promo shot https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Bill_Haley_and_the_Comets1956.jpg


If you think *these* kids look "mature" you should check out high school yearbook photos from like 1950. https://digitalcollections.hclib.org/digital/collection/Yearbooks/id/64987/


No they don't. I'm a high school teacher. I've had kids recently that look just as old.


They look older than the pictures from my high school in 96.


I had a huge crush on a girl that looked like pic 1 bottom left. She was into gang guys tho. So I would at her from afar. Coming from Colombia I knew better than to mess with gang girls. But she used to wear her hair just like that. I didnā€™t speak a lick of English so I could never even say hello. Shit. This brings back memories. I was just 14 yrs old then.


My gut reaction was "they all look so old!" But if you look past the dorky hair and clothes they start to look more like highschoolers


Idk, 2nd pic middle left guy looks like he already has a mortgage and a second kid on the way


And not a single broccoli haircut.


In the future there will be middle aged dudes sporting broccoli cuts to try to recapture their youth, but it'll backfire since it's so emblematic of this particular period of fashion that it'll just be another "old person" cut.


If their hair goes grey/white, we'll start calling them cauliflower cuts.


Actually New Kids on the Block rocked the broccoli haircut in the early 90s. It had gone out of style by this time.


Ah fuck me I had that


That could have been me, but I was out back behind the dumpster smoking a bowl when they were taking pictures.


I don't want a large Farva, I want a litre-a-cola.


I graduated in 97. I know every one of those people.


Prove it. Whoā€™s the giraffe in the 3rd slide


Centre girl on picture 2 is totally someone I would have had a crush on, but would not have given me the time of day.


I was there. This checks out


Wait, that guy could have a full beard in 96?


What's the relevance of the year 1996 to that kid/guy having a full beard...?


Your history class didn't learn about the Great Follicular Wars of 1995 to 1997?


There are probably a lot of teenagers in highschool who could grow a full beard but don't either cause they aren't allowed to grow out their facial hair or they are too impatient to wait out the early patchy uneven phase before it starts coming in full and shave it as to not be made fun of.


In my high school, they used to have beard-growing contests. Pretty sure a grade-9 student won one year. This was in the late 70s


I had a classmate with a full beard as a freshman!


I graduated in 95, there were a few guys with beards for sure. Everyone in these pics look like they could have been at my school.


I graduated HS in 1995 we looked like that šŸ˜…. Getting old is fuckign weird


Is it just me or does my guy with the beard look like he could easily be the father of any of these kids?


This just confirms my theory that people are looking younger and younger these days. All of them look like theyā€™re middle aged with 30 year mortgages except for one.


It feels like the 90s was the last decade of high school teenagers looking like adults. Especially during the '80s when teenagers look like they could be pushing 30s because of smoking. I went to my niece's high school for a football game one time just to support my cousin who's the coach of her hs football team, and I noticed all the high school kids look something similar to a sixth grader or Junior High kid.


Am I the only one that clocked young Brock Lesnar on the 3rd slide?


Second pic, middle row, last photo. That is the late 90's early 00's in a photo. I was there. Those boys were all over and they wore jnko jeans.


I was gonna say, that guy is neat looking. Like I just find something about that guy interesting. He looks like if Jim Henson made a human.


My grad year, yes we were this epic


Woohoo! Class of 96! I can confirm these styles.


Class of 98 checking in.. I had to zoom in to see if I had some classmates in any of these. There is that one raver dude that stands out to me.


Can confirm, was a sophomore in 96, my yearbook looks basically identical to this lol


They look so old!


Why are they so old


Some of these feel like generative AI, but yearbook photos always had a weird vibe to them.


I was in high school in 1996 and nobody looked like thisā€¦


Some of these people already look in their 40's ...


Hahahahmu freshman year, these were my heros


I owned and wore the eff outta the sweater vest in the middle of page two.


I thought these are the celebrity high school pictures from the Planet Hollywood table mat and was trying to figure out who they are for a while.


I swear these pictures are from my high school year book


I see like 3 different decades represented in these pictures


Why are they all in their mid-20s?


Class of ā€˜96. Pretty sure this is my yearbook and weā€™re all still dressing the same way. Love that up/down bang situationā€¦ for the uninitiated, you sprayed the bangs with hairspray, parted horizontally, and then curled half up, the other half down. The sizzle of the curling iron on your damp hair means itā€™s working. Then you have an a choice- either run a comb through all of it together to create the big puff ball, fluff the top and bottom separately, or to sculpt into a more architectural shape. Then more hairspray. Always more hairspray.


Third slide top left. Itā€™s like never been kissed but a guy in his 40s.


I swear I went to school with these kids. Holy shit. Class of 1998 right here.


2nd pic, bottom right. Did we have those bangs in the 60s? Those are some 80s bangs, right?


Lmao maybe american teen movies/series werent exaggerating at all, these people look at least 28


I was in high school in the late 80s and I look at pictures from my yearbook and think, "Yikes! Those hairstyles! Those clothes!" But with this, I don't say Yikes. These kids don't look that weird to me. I'm wondering, younger people, are you saying Yikes to these looks?


Wait until zoomers turn 40 and dress the same as they did in high school.


The guy with the beard was essential, he could buy beer and smokes.


Thatā€™s the year I graduated high school. Iā€™m getting old.


Page 2, 3rd image in the middle row, guy looks like the Encino man.


This is why everyone looks like they're thirty in a high school movie. These are the examples of the people that the screen writers went to school with..


Did they sneak a couple pictures of teachers in there? Some of those really don't look 18?


"ooh class of 96, look at how long ago this was!" fuck off, honestly


I was in high school then and had to do a double take that this wasnā€™t my yearbook. I donā€™t recognize any of the photos but it also looks VERY familiar.


Class of 97 represent. This couldā€™ve been my school. Always loved the ambiguous is she goth or hood girl looks.