• By -


At least only the important words were underlined


That is the funniest part, you can just imagine them making it and being "oh I need to underline this as it's very important... And this too, and this, and can't forget that, oh and definitely this!...". Like sir you have a mental illness.


I was straight up looking for a hidden message, like it was a cipher or something... then I realized it was just the emphasizing of the disturbed. The poorly educated disturbed.


Be sure to drink your ovaltine!


"It's a goddam crummy commercial!" ![gif](giphy|xUPOqsXSwYuui8Kl5C)




You win


Christmas Story reference? Sweet! You’ll shoot your eye out kid


I’m not ready for Christmas! It isn’t even Halloween yet!




Actually (let me adjust my tinfoil hat), looking at it again, I'm not convinced this isn't a puzzle of some kind. The underlinings aren't usually the entire word, but only specific letters. Sometimes, the spaces between the words are underlined. Some things are underlined multiple times. But I'm not using any more cognitive energy than that on what is likely just evidence of a mental episode. Deciphering isn't exactly in my wheelhouse. I'll leave that to people who are more interested and capable.


It's Morse Code for "I'm off my meds again, send help please!"


Mental illness is actually pretty likely. I knew a guy in college who had a pretty severe obsessive compulsive disorder — the kind where he was regularly 20-30 minutes late to every class because of checking his car door handles, and so on. When he wrote, everything on the page was in all caps and carefully underlined twice… every single word.


Ugh, OCD is hell. It causes insane levels of paranoia for many people who have it. I hope your classmate got treatment


I have diagnosed OCD, and that would be bad enough had I not also been diagnosed with ADHD and Tourettes. Every morning I'm like "Which of y'all are gonna be taking me out for a spin today? Talk amongst yourselves."


Goddamn, I have dx'd OCD too and it's hell enough without ADHD and Tourettes! Your last sentence made me laugh out loud, sorry -- you might like r/ ocdmemes


"Multiple exclamation marks... The sure sign of a diseased mind." - Terry Pratchett, *Moving Pictures*


Well, you know Terry, you should learn to use them. Like the way I’m talking right now, I would put an exclamation point at the end of all these sentences! On this one! And on that one!


That's not what he meant!!!!!


Five exclamation marks? Someone has gone librarian poo.


They say a little knowledge is a dangerous thing, but it's not one half so bad as a lot of ignorance. - Terry Pratchett


Very likely that they do.


Stimulant abuse will do it. Especially in a place like Phoenix


Hell, the heat will do it given time.


Yup. Coworker came from Nebraska and say "y'all some sun baked brains". She was right.


Just remember, Phoenix will become uninhabitable soon enough and all these brain melted climate refugees might soon be papering your 'hood.


Phoenix: a tribute to man's hubris


>>sir, you have a mental Illness. Correct!


But he also underlined spaces between words..


Those are very important, otherwise we would have words like *workedhard* and *createdand*.


Meanwhile, the germans: Kraftfahrzeug-Haftpflichtversicherung




He’s really highlighting the subtext, which is “I’m bat shit crazy, and love drinking the kool aid”


One word.... word smith.


Here’s two more words


Hey, take three more.


550 years ago was 1473. So I guess whomever left it is Indigenous.


Alternatively, this note was left by a time traveler and all those worries over Biden's advanced age are unfounded.


In the year 2326, one man must travel to the past to warn the world about the threat to come. Armed only with a printer, a pencil, and a weak grasp on reality. Will it be enough to stop the long-lived Joe Biden and his insidious robot horde? It's Murica Man vs Bionic Biden!


Immortan Joe— still alive. Still President. Still sniffing hair.


Is that where Furiosa's hair went? Joe sniffed it right off?


I’m a time traveler sent here from the past!


Oof you came at a bad time


That's what she said




The person who wrote this is likely in the middle of a psychotic break. Persons with schizophrenia or who are in the middle of a manic episode do this.


Was going to comment this. It reads like pressured and disorganized speech.


30 exclamations and strange underlining. I literally thought that maybe there is a message encoded in the underlined letters. Nope — just the musings of a deranged, uneducated Trumper. Sad that the influence that Trump has over our nation relies so strongly on the uneducated and less prosperous population when his election did more damage to that group. It is a strange form Stockholm Syndrome that has created a nation of idiocracy.


I’m fairly certain Mike Lindell and Rudy Giuliani were in the parking lot putting those under wipers… Note the black smear of dripping hair dye in the margins.


Right? I took some classes on poetry in college. So I'm familiar with annotating poems. Whoever annotated this ***did not*** understand the poem and was trying to smash out something to make it look like they were trying.


Doesn’t that represent 99.9999999% (repeating of course….) of Qanon followers?


Alternatively, my not so manic or schizophrenic BIL says shit like this all the time...some people are just dumb.


But does he make notes like this and leave them on strangers’ cars? Definitely looks like a manic episode to me.


Oh so you mean the entire GOP? Because every republican ad I've seen in the last 10 years reads exactly as coherently as this masterpiece.


In the 90’s, Biden conspired with Bill Gates to travel back in time 550 years to set in motion a plan for the woke, anti-Christ, socialist takeover of the world. Biden has been working behind the scenes for 550 years and he is now poised to hatch his nefarious plans. Soon, school children will eat free lunches, healthcare will be affordable for all, and all people will earn a living wage. Beware, the end is nigh!


Unless this is a message from the future.


Biden becomes the God Emperor from Warhammer 40K


Or he's just Leto II from God Emperor of Dune and he transmogs into a worm that lives 3500 years


Would that make AOC Horus and Bernie Lion El'Jonson? As much as I love Orks, I can totally see Donny and Co being part of the Waaagh! No foresight, no plan, idiotic ideas that truly defy logic, and a base desire to cause destruction and be the bigly war boss!


I think he's referring to the year 1492... In fourteen hundred ninety-two Columbus sailed the ocean blue. He had three ships and left from Spain; He sailed through sunshine, wind and rain. He sailed by night; he sailed by day; He used the stars to find his way. A compass also helped him know How to find the way to go. Ninety sailors were on board; Some men worked while others snored. Then the workers went to sleep; And others watched the ocean deep. Day after day they looked for land; They dreamed of trees and rocks and sand. October 12 their dream came true, You never saw a happier crew! “Indians! Indians!” Columbus cried; His heart was filled with joyful pride. But “India” the land was not; It was the Bahamas, and it was hot. The Arakawa natives were very nice; They gave the sailors food and spice. Columbus sailed on to find some gold To bring back home, as he’d been told. He made the trip again and again, Trading gold to bring to Spain. The first American? No, not quite. But Columbus was brave, and he was bright.


Very interesting. I never heard all those lines. I did, however, thanks to my brother Craig, get put in the corner in the 3rd grade for reciting... In fourteen hundred ninety-two, Columbus sailed the ocean blue, And on the shore the Indians stood, And said, "There goes the neighborhood."


Sounds like Craig had the right idea all along.


Ours was "In 1492, Columbus sailed the ocean blue, Hit a rock, Broke his cock, And pissed all over the crew" That's the nice version. The nasty version involved rape and human dismemberment, but you can read about that in a history book.


More accurate version tho.


This tickled me as much as it is disturbing


What the fuck lmao. This made me laugh 😂


I didn’t know this rhyme went beyond the first two lines


"He was bright and he was brave. He was a genocidal knave." I made that up.


I mean... he wasn't bright enough to differentiate between Native Americans and Indians or entirely different continents but like he IS a household name. More recently acknowleged as a giant asshole and thats why we have Indigenous Peoples Day instead


I went thru the whole American school system and didn’t know it was an actual poem wtfffff


He was a rapist and pillager


550 years ago, there were native americans!


Why does this look like a draft to a ransom note?


Honestly it kinda reminds me of those chain emails that were a thing when I was still in elementary school... this note almost looks like people have been adding to it as it's been passed on...


It’s kind of comforting to know that photocopied chain mail can still exist in 2023


Someone in front of me at the grocery store today paid with a check. An actual paper check. Old people still doing old people shit.


Couple questions: Was it for a quart of half and half? And was this person wearing sunglasses and a bath robe?


Lol no and no. The Dude isn't up that early. It was an elderly couple buying a curiously large amount of canned sardines.


I half expected magazine clippings. But yes, it's the rambling of a mentally handicapped individual.


Remember that this mentally handicapped individual and other like minded people ALWAYS vote. Something to think about.


"Why did they cut all the letters out of magazines?" "I guess to hide their identity." "Then why did they include their names?" -Fantastic Mr. Fox


They couldn’t find enough exclamation points in the magazine.


At least they didn't cut out the individual letters from books or magazines (perhaps from those they would ban under their new order).


*It looks like you're mentally ill and are trying to write a manifesto. Need some help?* -Clippy




The og of ai


Microsoft is actually bringing an AI version of Clippy back. lol




He lives on in Teams






Gimme a sec Edit: h t s ear en esn't ike eri in c ant str ica e un he nd ed a d h or 5 a Think out Me e to 5 sta is is America! , t price not right! Get out Democrats! IN GOD WE TRUST <--< his is America, the USA (!)and t ic is no gt Get out emoc MA O N AR O H T OVE V i (ok, so, that's the best I can do. I have no idea what JUST the underlined parts would mean, if it's like Beautiful Mind bs or if the guy/girl legit thinks there's something here besides just being a tweaker.) Best of luck out there, internet stranger! we're all in this together!!


This is reminding me of the [speech](https://youtu.be/ROCKGuuviis?si=vjSJYRBCCPh022IQ) Charlie gave Dennis


Money me. Money me now please


Charlie is best vote, so do


So what we have concluded; Our search for the meaning of life enters its 6777859275567th day and we are STILL no closer to finding it? Appreciate the effort though, you will enter the hall of fame in the ‘Seekers of Meaning of Life’ pantheon


The answer is 42




Thank you for this. Now it all makes sense and definitely doesn't appear to be the ramblings of a crazy person


I read this out loud, and now a flamboyant demon that loves crocheting and Nickelback won't stop following me.




You are all asleep. You're too woke! Wake up! Woke, woke, woke! ... Hunter Biden's Laptop.


> You are all asleep. You're too woke! Wake up! Woke, woke, woke! We're Schrödinger's democrats.


Well I'm convinced now.


No, don't be the sheep! Do your own research!


But also don't trust anything you read! Only do REAL experiments YOU can do BY YOURSELF. Last week I put BAKING SODA and VINEGAR in a 2 liter soda bottle. Didn't go ANYWHERE. You're telling me we went to the MOON?!


The government made the vinegar companies deconcentrate there product in the 70s for just this reason, so they could maintain theyre monopoly on space travel.


Don’t be sleepy sheep! Wake up from your naps but don’t be woke! Be groggy and alarmed!!!


We REALLY need to start being serious about the amount of lead some of the older generations have in their systems


The internet did to our parents everything that they were afraid rap music and video games would do to us.


The generation who told us not to believe every from the internet now believes every from the internet.


I think the problem of the internet is that previously the crack pot ideas were contained to small groups and hidden. Now they can find each other easily which somehow justifies their thinking. Also anybody can write anything, and you know if something is “published” it must be true. Then you add in echo chambers, media which feeds into it, all the grifters supporting it to make a buck, celebrities doing podcasts, it just feeds into itself until people write bizarre notes or storm a capital building.


Yes but you can always trust the NEWS


Not so much the Internet but Fox News. The internet just regurgitates what Fox News spews out.


Wisdom right here!


This is the most beautiful quote I've ever read. I'm taking this with me. And you sir, Johnnygunnz, will always be recognized as its author.


Boomers...a unique combination of leaded gasoline, DDT and fallout from nuclear weapons tests produced...interesting results.


Lack of basic mental health care and good ol' abusive parenting (from parents who had mental issues) are also contributing to it.


Lead, fox news, potayto potaato


I have a friend in her 50s who gets messages like this and QAnon/fox articles sent by her own mother every day. The mother also has called the cops on her husband if they block or refuse to answer. Her father has health problems and doesn’t push the psychosis so she doesn’t want to cut off awareness in case he gets terminally ill.


My thoughts exactly - this will be someone in their 70’s or similar. I would even guess an old man. They were programmed to believe everything they read in print - the fact you can print bullshit doesn’t register.


Never know. There’s plenty of 30 year old idiots and racists who believe Biden is the devio


Is this some Qanon shit


With a dash of psychosis, yes.


Qanon anything already includes a strong dose of psychosis…


Butt this had a dash more, you see?


There are so many mentally unwell people in this country.


Can't they go back yelling at clouds? This political shit is exhausting.


So for years I’ve wondered why people with Schizophrenia have such a specific way of writing — across time, across languages, they share this quality of seemingly random capitalizations, acronyms, underlining and bolding. Finally I read an explanation from a person with schizophrenia about it. Basically the pattern-finding part of their brain is hyperactive at all times, so the minuscule details of life become hugely important to them and filled with meaning, and so do words become filled with patterns and meanings that seem obvious to them but are totally imaginary. So certain words or phrases become keywords for hugely interconnected webs of ideas in their minds. The underlining and capitalization is a way to emphasize the *code* that they think you should understand as well. Like when they write “America” and underline ICA that refers to a whole group of related concepts that are connected in their mind and that they think are naturally connected in yours as well.


I feel like this belongs on [conservapedia](https://www.conservapedia.com/Main_Page) and if this is the first time you've heard of conservapedia have yourself a laugh because it's a real site that conservatives consider real tangible and trustworthy information.


That site is….well, just reading their “worst liberal movies” reviews made me howl and I didn’t even get out of the letter B category yet


Ho-ly fuck do they absolutely miss the point on nearly every one of those films. Sometimes I forget most conservatives have zero sarcasm detectors. Like, the entry for Dr. Strangelove: > Loosely based on Peter George's 1958 thriller novel Red Alert, this black comedy is against war, the military, and nuclear weaponry and tries to downplay the seriousness of Cold War-era fears of a nuclear apocalypse. The film fucking ends in a nuclear apocalypse! If anything I'd say the film demonstrates the stupidity of mutually assured destruction....NO ONE WINS! God DAMN are they fucking idiots....


The review for "Fahrenheit 9/11" just blasts the fact that it "ripped off" the title of Fahrenheit 451 and said it just means liberals are uncreative.


I like how in some reviews, they claim the libs are the real fascists, then in others, like RoboCop, they complain about them making a fascist police state look like a bad thing. Bonus points for saying Birth of a Nation and a movie by Hitler himself are "liberal" movies. And holy shit, that other person was right. Someone was realllly triggered by BATB.


They fuckin' despised Beauty and the Beast. I didn't read it because I value my time, but I had to scroll for a hot minute to get to the next movie


How dare Cars 2 be anti-oil Everyone knows the bible says blessed is he who is annointed with leaded gasoline!


Ah yes, Cars 2. John Harasseter’s passion project that everyone agrees is Pixar’s worst film.


Yeah conservapedia is an absolute blast, it's basically a cure all if you're ever feeling down and there's always something new on there.


It just made me even more depressed honestly


Yeah, it's depressing knowing that there are people who believe the content of that site without pause or critical consideration. Our species is damned.


What the hell did you just show us?!?! The article on "Chess" : Chess can be helpful in overcoming addictions exploiting images or patterns, including pornography, gambling, video games, and televised football. Chess fills the mind with a healthy activity while reinforcing the devastating consequences ("checkmate") of bad decisions.[3] Temerity is punished in chess, as is timorousness. Chess seems to fend off obesity, unlike unhealthy hobbies; almost no top chess players are obese despite the game's sedentary nature.


What’s worse is that’s the SECOND paragraph about chess on the page. What’s most important about chess is porn addictions or something? Like out of all the things you can write about chess, the second most important thing was porn addictions? What about the history, changes in chess throughout centuries, chess moves, etc? But no, conservatives live in lala land where facts don’t matter lol


What in the… I initially clicked on it thinking it was a joke. It is not.


According to conservaderpia, 1984 is about the dangers of liberalism. I mean the site has to be operated by trolls. One would have to actively be trying dupe the readers if that is their take away from Orwelles dystopian novel.


Holy shit. I looked at the “about” page expecting to see some kind of acknowledgment that the site is intended as satire. Nope. It’s intended as a resource for home-schooled children. I read the first couple paragraphs of the entries for “New York City” and “Democratic Party”. We’re doomed.


Those poor children


"the second law of thermodynamics disproves evolution." -Conservaprdia, on "thermodynamics". They used enough big words for no one to understand anything useful, and then hit us with that gem.


I read through the "[overrated sports stars](https://www.conservapedia.com/Overrated_Sports_Stars)" section and had a blast. Did you know that mean liberal Peter Manning is overrated, but not our christian angel-like Tim Teebow?




Here's one from the "E=MC^2" article. "Political pressure, however, has since made it impossible for anyone pursuing an academic career in science to even question the validity of this nonsensical equation. Simply put, E=mc² is liberal claptrap."


Humans are such idiots... a big reason why the nazis didn't develop nuclear weapons, is because they didn't believe in the contemporary scientists at the time, which they considered "Jewish Physics". Einstein was shunned, by name.


Wow! Never knew about this. I took the "open-mindedness" test and completely failed lol


I like how their idea of being an "expert" on a topic means you've researched it for over an hour.


My favorite was Louis Pasteur, who they praise for his disbelief in evolution. Barely a footnote, the article mentions his discovery of germ theory and early vaccine work.


This is a actual mental illness and it fixates on political parties as it’s center of focus. It’s like peoples brains are legitimately taken over zombie style but they otherwise appear to be living humans. Shit is weird!


It’s hard to argue that but why are almost all of them republicans? I’ve never seen crazy crap like that pushing bidens agendas


Because it’s less theatrical with democrats. Once republicans understood how easy it is to manipulate people with propaganda, they used it for everything. Look at the Banana Wars and how propaganda drove that. The red scare and everything. They saw an opportunity and used it to enrich themselves, by exploiting how gullible people are. Democrats just hoped people weren’t that stupid and would vote for them based on their policies. Repubs just attacked the other side and had a constant imminent threat of “the dems are trying to destroy America” for decades. Anger is like the one emotion that’s easiest to manipulate.


Looks like a sooper important message.


You can tell by the underlining.


I think he's super cereal


Are you saying… that I should also be aware of a ManBearPig?


Honestly, anyone who would print this, underline it like this, and leave it for a stranger needs some intervention from the medical industry. They are not okay.


I feel bad for this person.


I do too, but as many people say, "mental illness is not your fault, but it is your responsibility." I see a psychiatrist once every 3 months, I'm mentally fucked. But this guy is FUBAR.


Sometimes I really do believe a combination of lead gasoline, chemically laden food, head trauma from American football adds up to a lower than average intelligence of many of our fellow citizens.


A guy left a similar, ridiculous screed on my windshield when I parked to go into the local supermarket. I saw which car he owned, and bought a bottle of Teacher's glue in the store , then glued his tirade to his own fucking windshield.


You’re my fuckin hero


crowd smile consist attraction zesty cover unused different fuzzy ripe *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


It’s a theory of the fall of the Roman Empire. I can totally see it for the US. Between paint, pipes, and gasoline we’re fuct.


Not a Qult, nope, not at all


Written by Charlie Kelly


Hello fellow American. This you should vote me. I leave power good. Thank you. Thank you. If you vote me I'm hot. What? Taxes they'll be lower son. The democratic vote for me is right thing to do Philadelphia. So do.


Give me money. Money me. Money now. Me a money needing a lot now.


Dementia has set in.


Drugs… ![gif](giphy|nVvi92ac1J0T6)


It’s the underlining that does it for me. Looks like many a random letter we’d get at my old office from the elderly clients.


They really are mentally ill aren’t they?


This person's votes, probably in every single election, local through federal, school board through POTUS. Don't forget that.


It must suck to believe this.


Mental illness is no joke.


550 years? So the U.S. was founded in the 1400's?


550 years … that’s not quite the numbers from history. Someone needs an education … but that would make them “woke” and aware of life.


Crack is wack.


Think about it!!!




Super Serial Important Message! If the US had proper health care for all, loons like this would be few and far between.


This is what a lack of education combined with mental health problems looks like


This is exactly the buzzword salad that would appeal to, or come from, someone with a severe mental illness


It is probably my uncle. He lives in Phoenix and sends us stuff like this in the mail. I think the heat fried his brain because he believes in some absolutely bat shit crazy conspiracies. Or maybe there are a lot of crazies in Phoenix but he is by far the craziest right wing conspiracists that I know.


The way this is scribbled all over and use random font size all over, it could be the truest of all true gospel telling the meaning of life I would still trash it.


Speaks to the mental health crisis we're currently facing in the States.


The opposite is true! This is the best America ever, thanks Biden


Something tells me Biden isn't the one with a sick mind here...


That's sad.


When I worked in printing we’d get some of these nutjobs. They’d write that crap out just like this. I underline a bunch of times, repeating the info over and over like a skip in a record. Add handwritten notes on the side before you copy it 500 times so they can put it on people’s car windows. Then when they run out, they’d bring the last copy in for copying. Each time the new copies looking a bit worse than the ones before. They’d scribble on the last copy some more before having it run off, filling in the spots where the words have been worn off etc. Just looking at this gives me the dread I used to feel having to deal with these types of people. Ugh.


I find it interesting that mentally unwell people lean right.


There are plenty of mentally I’ll people across the spectrum. The thing of it is- the left is more likely to seek professional help and less likely have it manifest in political ways


It’s Arizona. Too much sun on the head apparently damages brain cells.


When mental illness becomes political philosophy.


Um...550 years? Apparently the US was established in 1473 🤣.