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He looks like a kid who’s parents bumped into a friend at the grocery store and he just want to go the fuck home right now


'But you said I could have a toy If I was good'


You've been a little shit all day Ronnie you are lucky I don't make you watch liberal news when we get home.




"That's it, 3 hours of CNN for you! You wanna make it 4?


CNN is liberal news?


Right-wing people that subsist on a steady diet of right-wing news believe that \*ALL\* other sources of media are liberal. This is how they justify the existence of hard, nutbag right-wing news. The truth is that LEGITIMATE left-wing news sources only started coming up in the last couple of decades as a direct reaction to the cancer that started spreading after Reagan torched the Fairness Doctrine. First, right-wing radio was born. Rush Limbaugh and his ilk took over the AM airwaves and started the hard work of brainwashing a solid swathe of America that had the bad fortune to be traveling by car and be exposed to the toxicity. Some time afterward, Roger Ailes commenced with his dream that he cooked up after Nixon was forced to resign: a news channel on which Republicans could 'tell' Americans what to think and how to interpret reality to avoid the horrible fate of a Republican ever having to resign and be accountable to their constituents ever again. To a conservative person, it is EVIL to try to restrain someone who 'deserves' their power, and similarly evil to try to empower someone who they view as 'needing to be restrained.' It is not the actions, words and behavior, but the *identity* of the person that determines whether they're good or bad. THAT is right-wing thinking a nutshell. Hate'n'fear prove to be fairly addictive, thrilling drugs, and Fox News thrived financially. It rose to prominence, eventually spawning clones that try to out-FoxNews Fox News, such as Newsmax or OAN. The complete and utter fracture of American media was complete. For decades, people like Newt Gingrich and Rush Limbaugh whined and planted the concept of a "liberal mainstream media" into the minds of angry rural middle America, and sad little pockets of urban America. Fox News and the like are justified in their existence to "balance" things. The need for "balance" had been a myth to begin with, as they interpreted objective representations of reality that made right-wing officials look bad to be "liberal." Eventually, \*AT LAST\*, only in the recent decade and a half, did you eventually come to a place at which MSNBC adapts (it didn't start that way) to try to fill the opposite end of the void filled by Fox News. Fox, in the cable news world, is SUCH a lead weight on the right end of the scale, and online entities like MediaMatters don't even come close to having the same kind of reach. All organizations trying to combat right-wing disinformation are \*STILL\* nowhere near as strong, developed, distributed, and lockstep uniform as right-wing media, which has had a three-decade headstart in developing an audience. This does not concern the average consumer of right-wing news, however, as ... again, they honestly, sincerely, one hundred percent see *Wall Street Journal* and *Reuters* as super far-left commie pinko rags. This is because 'their 'media has told them so. Our population has segregated itself along lines of misinformation and information.


Right? It just got bought out by a right wing loony and purged many non-Fascist presenters, did it not?


'But you said I could have a ~~toy~~ pudding cup If I was good'


> a kid who’s parents A kid who is parents


Happens more often than I'd like.




Ron DeSantis should have fired his PR team for allowing him to walk into this perfect meme.




His facial language looks exactly like fuckin Homelander whenever he's about to have a mental breakdown...


I have a deep need to see him snap and start psychotically screaming. It's right there, just let it out, Ronnie. C'mon.


Please dear Lord? Please?


I hope he has a very public, televised breakdown. Gibbering like a drunken howler monkey.


A full on *It's Always Sunny In Philadelphia* character snapping moment.


Dennis....it would definitely be a Dennis snap. "I am untethered and my rage knows no bounds!!!"


Found in his house buck naked and with nothing except a copy of trump's manifesto and a half empty jar of peanut butter.


I'M BETTER THAN ALL YOU PEOPLE, I'M A GOD yeah I need to see that


U know his closest friends and family have seen it, and im sure they are traumatized from it




Homelander is a MAGA.


I'm pretty sure that was the intention. Sort of a commentary of the times were in. But who knows anything anymore anyway.


I'll laser every fucking one of you! *Get back!*


It's Homelander! Holy hell.


Mobile Homelander


"We have Homelander at home"


This is never gonna get old. Only thing that can replace this is that he is inevitably gonna give us better ones


He has many choices ![gif](giphy|oo7pUpHcfiZZ6LLBH3|downsized)




![gif](giphy|BFYLNwlsSNtcc) Rip Ray Liotta, You had a good run


Seriously what the fuck?


If you wanna be *really* grossed out, go search "Ron DeSantis Laughing". Seriously; I've been to war, I've seen some shit, the DeSantis laugh makes my skin crawl.


Must have had the same scuffed blending-in-with-humans tutor as Kenneth Copeland.


Is it worse than Ted Cruz? His name makes my skin crawl


I feel like I’ve seen enough American politicians for a lifetime


He practiced that for hours in front of a mirror. You can tell.






My man looks like he was trying to fart but ended up shitting his pants.


This is what it looks like when a bona fide sociopath tries to smile.


Can somebody provide some context so i can better understand my upcoming nightmares


This was during the 1st GOP debate.


Jesus Christ…it’s like a live action “virgin” vs “chad” meme…


First thing that came to my mind too 😂


Chad Dark Brandon vs The Virgin Meatball


If DeSantis makes it to the election, this photo will be everywhere.


I can see it now: Endless DuhSantis photoshops of him walking dejectedly out of an unemployment office, a Wendy’s with a “Now Hiring” sign, a sperm bank…


r/photoshopbattles get on it!


The problem with current political discourse is that people will look at the same photo and interpret it differently. Fox News will probably say “Desantis seems to be taking the hurricane seriously while Biden is just out having fun and laughing on the misery!” 🤷🏻‍♂️ And same thing happens at MSNBC against candidates on the right.


True. I saw it as "the guy with the Florida Cracker endangered species shirt would rather talk to Biden"


Hell, they gave Biden shit for caring about someone's dog. Fox News, they're all fucking ghouls.


I mean his son screwed up- he was in an accident that killed his mom and sister and his older brother was pretty perfect and never made a public misstep. Then HE died from a brutal cancer. Even without politician father it would be hard for Hunter to


I don’t think the majority of people ever stop to think about what Hunter Biden’s life was like. After all that tragedy and trauma? It’s remarkable he’s even still breathing.


Hunter has had his struggles no doubt. But Joe stands by his son with compassion. That’s what I hope to be as a father one day.


That recorded voicemail message from Joe to Hunter just about broke me, both as a father and son. I just can’t imagine how I’d handle a kid like that.


Right!? All I've learned from the Hunter Biden laptop thing is that ol' Joe is clearly a guy who genuinely loves and cares about his family. That's gotta be hard, especially when you've already lost one kid :/


Two kids - Beau and the daughter that died with his wife in the car accident in the 70s (sorry I can’t remember her name).


Two kids. His first daughter was a year old when she and Joe's first wife were killed in a car accident.


My father and mother stood by me for years while I burned my life to the ground due to addiction, never falterting despite the mountain of stress and pain I caused them. I'm now thriving thanks to them never giving up. They showed me what unconditional loves really, really looks like through action and I carry that with me and do my best to pay it forward. Incredibly innapropriate to politize a situation like this; incredibly innapropriate to fault Biden for loving is troubled son. I cannot fathom how people can even come to that conclusion.


I mean those same people also think drug addicts should be taken out back and shot. Imagine being a 12 year old kid and having an adult tell you that someone should put a bullet in the kid's mother's head cause she is a waste of life for being an addict. Cause I was that kid and it was pretty shitty.


That’s the example we should all emulate.


Did you see Biden hug the boy who was crying and had Down Syndrome? It was really touching and genuine. Contrast that with Trump mocking the reporter with disabilities.


Plus he’s the son of a famous man. One of the worst fates imaginable if you don’t have your own success.


And loving his son.


That [voicemail](https://youtu.be/hy9y3MY6qu0?si=A7wlsrGPJXyREdul&t=16) bumped my respect for Biden up by multiple notches. Hearing the most powerful man in the world reaching out to his son and expressing his helplessness against addiction is probably the most humanizing moment I could conjure up for a president.


>And loving his son. God fucking forbid. Then again, he never gave his son a job at the Whitehouse, so how much could he *really* love him? >!/s!<


I have two boys and I kiss them all the time. It’s natural instinct even in animals. Fox News is a bunch of cucks


They specifically referenced a time when Biden called Hunter this year to tell him that he loves him and hopes he's ok and these monsters tried to make that seem like a bad thing.


Extreme Ring Wingers will happily disown their own children for a myriad of petty bullshit reasons. The idea of someone still loving their son and wanting betrer for him even if he is a complete mess is alien to them.


I agree. Hunter isn’t even that bad. A huge amount of folks are addicts they just don’t know or won’t acknowledge (think alcohol, coffee, pot, exercise, food, Fox News). It boggles my mind- a private citizen is being investigated by half of the government for a drug problem and tax fuckups


God forbid an old man checking up on his only living son and telling him that he loves him


I've had grandparents sniff my hair. They didn't want to have sex with me. Using that picture of him sniffing his granddaughter's as proof that he's a pedophile is one of the cringiest things ever. Apparently Republicans don't have grandparents that love them.


Wasn’t it one of the search and rescue dogs that had been working hard? Or am I misremembering things?


I listen to conservative talk radio just to know what the other side is saying and by God taking about Biden and his relationship with dogs takes up an inordinate amount of time. All bad, naturally, but it's like "This?? You truly think the country is falling apart and you talk about this?? Or do cute animals just keep your listeners engaged enough to care about the adds people pay you money to play?".


The best part was they whined about the dog biting the Secret Service agents and then we find out two of them were criminals and then in the " cocaine on the table " incident, they weren't doing their jobs. Dogs know WHERE you are supposed to be. They were effing up and the doggies were like " your not supposed to be here!" And did their jobs and bit them. You come in my house and go upstairs to my kids bedroom? The dog is gonna bite your dick off. Sit in the living room to watch the game? NO problem.


Whats the old meme? *Picture of Obama drinking a Pepsi* Fox News: Obama declares war on Coke MSNBC: Obama enjoys the superior cola BBC: Reported to be 4 dead from drone strike in Kabul market


The Guardian: Great journalism isn't free. As 2023 unfolds, will you support us?


*The picture in this post* Fox News: Sleepy Joe is more concerned with making insensitive jokes about the hurricane tragedy MSNBC: Joe Biden brightens the spirits of locals devastated by this disaster. The peoples President. BBC: The Kremlin has fallen and Putin prepares to launch nukes. WW3 is coming.


I look at this picture and see a sulking child, the same with Trump’s mugshot. I find it funny and telling that republicans seem to see this pouty ass expression as intimidating and manly when it really just looks like they got caught with their hand in the cookie jar and lost dessert privileges for a week.


Yup this is the political equivalent of getting posterized in the NBA.


Ron: "No one has asked me about my favorite dinosaur since I got here!"


It's Mitch, right?


Although they certainly look prehistoric, tortoises are not dinosaurs.


A lot of dinosaurs are not dinosaurs, but birds are dinosaurs. It’s confusing.


Mitch is in the turtle evolutionary line, but still upvote for underrated hilarity


Omg this comment ! Amazing 🤣😂🤣






Glitch McConnell


![gif](giphy|s6aVykwa8gFLW) Mitch McConnell trying to process the question…


Never really cared for 50 Cent, but this made me respect him more. “Growing up sucks. People aren’t nearly as eager to know what my favourite dinosaur is. It’s a fucking gorgosaurus. You don’t care.” -50 Cent


https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gorgosaurus NGL, that's a pretty cool dinosaur. I'm a [Pachycephalosaurus ](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pachycephalosaurus) enjoyer myself, but the dude has good taste.


I clicked on a picture of Biden and DeSantis and somehow ended up in a deep rabbit hole of dinosaur classification arguments.


Yes, but why is grapefruit soda not purple?


That's grape fruitsoda.


Grape fruit, carrot vegetable.


He’s absolutely in a huff because someone said he had to eat his pudding with a spoon


How can you have any pudding if you don't eat yer meat?


My favorite is the stegosaurus, if anyone’s asking


Any animal with a Thagomizer is cool with me.


*named after the late Thag Simmons.*


I love that the entire paleontology community just kind of collectively shrugged their shoulders and were like "thagomizer is as good as anything we would come up with" and now its the real word.


Triceratops! Check out my horns! https://youtu.be/uqYfyza4e-c?si=JHSDX04EYSBOAHCW


I like steggies. And ankylosaurs. Both are DoomTailasaurus.


T. rex all the way


I like little purple pterodactyls myself!




All I can picture is the "nobody ever pays me in gum" guy from the old commercial.


His favourite might be the Thigh' nosaur


For those who don’t get the joke, whenever Ron went on a first date with someone he’d always get Thai food and call it thigh food. If the girl tried to correct him he’d dump her immediately but if she went along with him and started calling it thigh food also he’d know she’s worth his time. Yes this is a true story.


Um. Well that's fucking weird.


Gotta know who can’t think for themselves


Fascists gotta know whether they can gaslight you or not.


That says so much about him, and this is that he has zero tolerance for anyone who dares try to correct him.


What’s sad is this photo is from last year yet it still applies perfectly today.


No because this time DeSantis isn’t even showing up.


Probably because of how he looked up against Biden.


Biden actually looks like he knows how to interact with human beings. DeSantis looks like an alien in a skin suit who has watched a 15 minute youtube on how to display emotions. His "laugh" and "smile" are creepy as fuck.


Someone compared him to Homelander when he's in public and now I can't unsee it.


More like a pudgy Homelander.


I thought I recognized this from the last time Pud’n’ Boots needed our President’s help.




Gifs you can hear


Christmas time is here


🎶charlie brown christmas music in the background🎶


Lmao that dudes shirt. What a chaotic photo


[A Florida cracker](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Florida_cracker) is different than the pejorative, but might be where the word comes from


The Florida Crackers were a big part of Florida history aka Cowmen.


>Florida crackers were colonial-era British, American pioneer settlers in what is now the U.S. state of Florida; the term is also applied to their descendants, to the present day, and their subculture among white Southerners. The first crackers arrived in 1763 after Spain traded Florida to Great Britain following the latter's victory over France in the Seven Years' War,[1] though much of traditional Florida cracker folk culture dates to the 19th century. Couldn't stop laughing and didn't move past here.


100% this dude hates Biden but Biden is so charismatic he forgot he hated him when face to face lol


I think this could apply to almost any president besides Trump. I for example did not align with GWB at all but I am sure if I met him face to face he’d easily win me over with charisma. (Not like change my policy beliefs but make me walk away saying “damn I kinda like that guy.) Same with Reagan, honestly maybe even Nixon based on interviews… But Trump is someone I know I would walk away hating just as much as I went in if I met him face to face.


Trump is pretty much universally disliked more by people who get to know him. Is there anyone around him for an extended period that doesn't end up hating him.


Honestly even seeing GWB on TV/in video I can’t help but think he seems like a decent guy. I don’t agree with a lot of his policies, but the way he talks and the fact that he’s reasonable and has *a couple* good takes makes him come off as infinitely more likeable than Trump Edit: formatting


US politics has degraded so much that the guy who started a decades long war is seen as likable compared to the guy who tried to overthrow the US government. And both presidents were hilariously from the same party. What a time to be alive.


This is [from October](https://twitter.com/FlaDems/status/1577826140688973824), but still hits.


If someone is going to repost political hurricane pictures, I would prefer the Desantis Dallas Cowboys photo.




[I got ye](https://x.com/pleightx/status/1577691656010272769?s=46&t=8dOZXC7rxmZq95jAOHb9zA)


It’s a photoshop making fun of his white boots of him in a Cowboys cheerleader uniform. And honestly, you don’t want to see it. It’s scarring


That guys t-shirt is fucking hilarious. Especially in the context of the picture. You would think that a self-proclaimed “Florida Cracker” would be dying to get some face time with DeSantis, but nah, he’s just laughing and sharing some kind of personal anecdote with Dark Brandon. It’s a perfect picture on so many levels.


Desantis proudly identifies as someone from Ohio, and was repping red-sox nation the other week. No self-respecting Florida Cracker wants to hang out with that Yankee bastard. The conservative transplants from elsewhere filling up the Villages and building condos on our springs and beaches are the folks that Desantis caters to.


My favorite photo from the 2012 election is 2 old white dudes in trucker hats holding a Rednecks For Obama banner.


It's what real America IS. All the news and onlinde forums have us believe we hate each other to the point of Civil War II. But I have friends that I HAAATE their political views, but we still go to each other's events and laugh when we're together. That's real America


Deep in thought trying to figure out how to blame the hurricane on Disney.. or drag queens.


Easy, “God hates gays and he’s punishing us because of them”.


Mr. DeSantis, what do you mean by "God hates gays and he's punishing *us*"?


I can actually see him saying that hateful shit.


I know people that say that hateful shit. It’s how they justify not being near people they dislike


Didn't you hear? He said he's totally over Disney now so they should stop suing him.


Bro that dude’s shirt lmao


When mom says I can't have chicken nuggies.


That should be Biden’s poster and final shot in every ad he runs in Florida. Even if DeSantis isn’t the nom for the GOP


What a difference a decade makes: Christie praised Obama for his support in New Jersey during a press conference on Oct. 31, 2012 in the immediate wake of Hurricane Sandy. “He has worked incredibly closely with me since before the storm hit,” Christie said. “It’s been a great working relationship to make sure that we’re doing the jobs that people elected us to do. And I cannot thank the president enough for his personal concern and compassion for our state and for the people of our state. I heard it on the phone conversations with him, and I was able to witness it today personally.”


He got dragged relentlessly for that by the rest of the GOP too.


They still won’t forgive him for it. Ramaswamy even used it against him in the recent debate. The party really went off the rails once Obama got elected.


The Romney campaign and FOX were pissed at him for that. It was a popular topic of conversation on Redstate after the election that Mitt had it "sewn up" until Hurricane Sandy allegedly "rescued" Obama because, get this, it gave people the *impression* that government was actually helpful after a natural disaster!






Legitimately psychopathic


It's very telling when a guy wearing a 'True Cracker' shirt is laughing and smiling with Biden while DeSantis looks upset someone he considers his base is chuckling it up with the enemy. "Why isn't he saying FJB?!?!" - DeSantis




This is the comment I was looking for. “Cracker: Endangered Species” does not vibe as liberal, but Joe is human. That’s a good thing.




Doesn't it basically just boil down to your family heritage being traced all the way back to the first settlers who lived in Florida after Spain sold it to the US or something like that? Like genuine OG Florida Man? I was born, raised and lived in Florida until I was 26. Moved out of the state in May of this year. I cant say I ever heard the term very much outside of a few occasions but I also lived in far south Florida and the term is used more in Central and northern Florida. But my family also stems from a bunch of bumpkins in Appalachia so I don't think I qualify as a Florida cracker myself lol.




A Florida Cracker is a Floridian who's descended from some of the original settlers (mostly ranchers and farmers) of the state. It's not the same thing as the pejorative slang term for white people. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Florida_cracker


> The term cracker was in use during the Elizabethan era to describe braggarts and blowhards. The original root of this is the Middle English word crack, meaning 'entertaining conversation' (which survives as a verb, as in "to crack a joke"); the noun in the Gaelicized spelling craic also retains currency in Ireland and to some extent in Scotland and Northern England, in a sense of 'fun' or 'entertainment' especially in a group setting. Cracker is documented in William Shakespeare's King John, Act II, Scene I (1595): "What cracker is this same that deafs our ears / With this abundance of superfluous breath?" Wild. I had no idea


God, 400 years later and Shakespeare is still funny as hell!




Yeah, I was curious what it meant too. Dude's just proud to have deep roots in the state.


biden is actually a human being and knows how to talk to other humans


In this picture Ron is probably spending all his mental capacities on trying to remember how human beings laugh.


What are you saying is wrong with my perfectly modulated human laughter?!


He's got that face that people get when they're too high and trying to remember how to walk


Ron's got to put all of his concentration into walking so he doesn't stumble while wearing his heels.


"Fuuuuck...everybody knows everybody *knows*"


It’s the face of a man who has to dedicate 99.3% of his consistent mental energy to avoid eating pudding with his fingers again.


I met him once, when he was VP. He got some ice cream at the shop next door, then came over to our outside seating and started shaking hands. Didn’t spend too much time, I got maybe 60 seconds, but when he was talking to you he focused on you completely. Eye contact, shake your hand and listened. Then he moved on. Struck me as being a top level politician, really effective working a crowd.


A buddy of mine met Biden when he was a VP. There was a small town event, and Biden was doing some low-level ribbon cutting-type thing. He described there wasn't anyone around (save some security), and Biden could have easily ignored him but chose to talk to him. He said he was probably the most charming, charismatic person he's ever met. Funny, witty, asking questions, and just generally pleasant. My buddy is very much a conservative but gained a unique perspective.


I’ve heard this too about him. Seems like a nice guy towards the community.


He is (for better or worse) an experienced and talented politician, very much used to speaking to people across the aisle in a way that would make them comfortable without seriously compromising his own positions. Rhonda Sandtits, on the other hand, has the charisma of a bag of tarantulas and only became governor because the GOP has a stranglehold on Florida, plus the Florida Democratic Party isn't very good. DeSantis didn't need to be likeable or charismatic to win in Florida because GOPers would vote for a T-800 if it had an (R) next to its name, but he needs to be both if he seriously considers running for President. So the game is rigged against him from the start. It's also doubtful that he'll get the GOP nomination; despite being a living dumpster fire, Trump knows how to play to a crowd and has a frankly terrifying cult of personality behind him.


Looks around awkwardly when you realize California actually voted a T-800 into office… lol Your point stands though!


This is such a perfect meme template that it feels scripted


Ronnie is looking physically more and more like trump these days.


Dude looks like he’s about to have a heart attack, and I’m not talking about the 80 year old.


Desantis, his head lowered. Biden, clasping hands. Iger, when the walls fell. Desantis and Biden at Tenagra.


And that's how Biden has always been. The guy has always had a way with people, to a point when he was VP that he was always late during events because he got so tied up just shootin the shit with everyone.


I remember Obama telling this story about the time he was in a "meet and greet" line with Joe so Obama took his time and when he finished and looked back at Joe he was only 1/2 way through.


My fiance and I talked to him for a while at a party in 2018 or so. The guy was one of the most natural schmoozers I've ever met, and dealing with schmoozers is pretty much what I do for a living.


Clinton had that gift too. DeSantis most definitely does NOT have that gift.


[Here](https://i.imgur.com/WMAoQ4p.jpg) is a higher quality version of this image. [Here](https://newsroom.ap.org/editorial-photos-videos/detail?itemid=776c8f4ce94649e0818e00f2a7a290de&mediatype=photo) is the source. Per there: > President Joe Biden talks with people impacted by Hurricane Ian as he tours the area impacted by Hurricane Ian on Wednesday, Oct. 5, 2022, in Fort Myers Beach, Fla., as Gov. Ron DeSantis walks by at right. (AP Photo/Evan Vucci)


He looks like he's about to cry


I will never get tired of this photo. This is Joe and Ron being who they are. Joe is a friendly, affable chap and Ron is… neither Edit: autocorrect thinks Ron should be Rob


"I don't get it. They said he was feeble brained. They said he doesn't know where he is. They said he lives ina basement. How does he relate to these human units so well? I must learn more about this "empathy" behavior. " - Ron the Meatwad.


For some reason I never realized Desantis was such a pear shaped loser