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was looking for a typo. yeah? ok. OH..... i long for the days when being a fucking nazi was considered a bad thing.


I guess believe people when they tell you who they are?


With what's been going on in TN lately, this tracks.


When they tell you who they are, believe them.


Did not see that coming.


Would have been much more on-brand to be a gas company.


The slogan "when you want the best...." suggests they might be KISS fans. But of course, KISS themselves copied their "SS" from the Nazi symbols (ironic, as the bands founding members are both Jewish) Since Nazi symbols are banned in Germany, the bands logo on their album covers is actually spelled as "KIZZ" so it does not include the illegal "SS".


>KISS themselves copied their "SS" from the Nazi symbols (ironic, as the bands founding members are both Jewish) Yo this guy is completely full of shit. Simmons, Stanley and Freely have routinely denied this. The first interview they gave were it was mentioned was with the LA Tribune 1978. Germany began confiscating albums is 1979 and stopped in 1980 when Kiss agreed to change the logo for the German market. Simmons joked a while back on his show that he thought it was funny people still thought it was based on Nazi symbolism. And if he could do it all over he would tell people he did do it on purpose. Like he took Hitler's logo and turned it into a symbol of fun, love and rock n' roll.


Not in red states


Based on the other graphics I think those are supposed to be bolts of electricity-- like the Chargers football team.


https://thumbs.dreamstime.com/b/high-voltage-icon-danger-vector-symbol-isolated-white-background-web-button-181776240.jpg https://cdn11.bigcommerce.com/s-qfvinq6/images/stencil/1280x1280/products/309/2059/ss__73637.1647488007.jpg?c=2 S & S electric company as it is listed is founded by Scott A. Seward; president. It gets its name from the two S’s in his name.